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Minions' Revenge - A new minion comes, and an old friend returns.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2009
Sweden, Umeå (Currently in Seattle)
seen some want to start on iggy.
I have already start on him, for months ago. with working model and all animations working
Pikazz if you wanna make a mini machinima for him that would be awsome.
It would be funny to make an little mini machinima with him
BUT it seems almost impossible right now D:
premiere doesn't not working so good.
the display mode there you can see the clips dont want to response ;_;
feels like I am stuck until the school start with that D:


Smash Apprentice
Jan 19, 2010
Why dont you and cam work together on lemmy its pointless for 2 people to make the 2 copies of the same character. and I call Iggy
I sent him the files hoping he would help me since he wanted to work on it and I think somebody took Iggy already because I helped them with his model a few days ago. I'm not going to say who though.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010
I sent him the files hoping he would help me since he wanted to work on it and I think somebody took Iggy already because I helped them with his model a few days ago. I'm not going to say who though.
Well untake iggy D: *says childishly in toads voice* I WANEM I WANEM I WANEM!!!!! no lol just kidding but whoever is working on iggy maybe we can work together also pikazz could you send me that im tyrna figure out who he is gunna replace im thinking bowser

EDIT: Camonster PM me I need to ask a favor


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2010
Johto Region
Ok, lemme see... kangaroogreen, is it possible to shrink Pikachu's neck? And delete some of it's fingers? (Shadow has a skinny neck more like a human's and only 3 fingers) Also, it's antennae bend forward much more. And, make it bend over more, as well as for it's wait animations, it twitches it's head looking around while shuffling sideways. Not to be pushy or anything D:
Here's a ref pic:

Beren Zaiga

Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2009
I call dibs on The Master if I ever get my animations for my project done.

Has anyone looked into the NSMBWii model of Toad and seen if it has finger bones?

Beren Zaiga

Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2009
The head isn't even attatched to the body so that won't work.
Then we will never have a toad with pose-able thumbs and fingers unless we find one that does.

What about the model from M&S:OWG or M&S:OG (The two olympics games, do they have models with pose-able fingers?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2009
Ok it's Canada. That's it no more details.
Ok, lemme see... kangaroogreen, is it possible to shrink Pikachu's neck? And delete some of it's fingers? (Shadow has a skinny neck more like a human's and only 3 fingers) Also, it's antennae bend forward much more. And, make it bend over more, as well as for it's wait animations, it twitches it's head looking around while shuffling sideways. Not to be pushy or anything D:
Here's a ref pic:
Heartless?! Yeah go heart-...I mean is it being worked on, or not?


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2009
Somewhere in twoson.
Why is OTH here?

Heck, he HAS a minion. It'd make more sense to do his exploding dog.
I wish OTH was a minion :(

And for the record, OTH created life, the universe and everything....and then destroyed it and started over again, 7 times.

Well untake iggy D: *says childishly in toads voice* I WANEM I WANEM I WANEM!!!!! no lol just kidding but whoever is working on iggy maybe we can work together also pikazz could you send me that im tyrna figure out who he is gunna replace im thinking bowser
Whoops, I think that was me. i'm not actually working on him.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010
The head isn't even attatched to the body so that won't work.
Cam wat I was gunna ask if You could make a banner that had Toad in the Middle Iggy on the left and Koopa on the Right and then it said GeminiCrossFade in some tight lettering with a awsome background. You dont have to do it I just wanted to know if you could


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010
Nice!:) Now why is that I'm still not downloading hacked characters to my wii? All these characters made for us. I should accept their generosity. I'm downloading when school ends!
Oh yea all the characters rule and the moment a legit heartless becomes avalible(whenever serrix and KG release it) Im totally wiping the floor with him or usuing him to wipe the floor with someone else


Smash Apprentice
Jan 19, 2010
Ludwig and Lemmy cant be on the same person they all need to be seperate for the turnament pue Lemmy somewhere else... just sayin..
Thing is lemmy can only go on olimar yoshi and rob. But he crashes on rob because you can't add that many bones and yoshi is toad. So I don't lnow how its going to work out. I just really want Lemmy over someone where he doesn't have to lose a leg or something.

By the way, for the banner who do you mean by koopa?

Heres a link to the stage that kangaroogreen made for Lemmy



Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010
Thing is lemmy can only go on olimar yoshi and rob. But he crashes on rob because you can't add that many bones and yoshi is toad. So I don't lnow how its going to work out. I just really want Lemmy over someone where he doesn't have to lose a leg or something.

By the way, for the banner who do you mean by koopa?

Heres a link to the stage that kangaroogreen made for Lemmy

Green Koopa or Red Paratroppa doesn't matter

I see what your saying about lemmy then lets see if we cant port ludwig over one of the heavy characters like DK or Ganon and if Iggy cant go over bowser then do him 2. Btw that reminds me can somone tell whom Iggy can go over I dont really know who at the moment and Ill be continuing work on Toad today as soon as possible.

Yea I saw the Stage pretty kick *** man I liked it


Smash Apprentice
Jan 19, 2010
Green Koopa or Red Paratroppa doesn't matter

I see what your saying about lemmy then lets see if we cant port ludwig over one of the heavy characters like DK or Ganon and if Iggy cant go over bowser then do him 2. Btw that reminds me can somone tell whom Iggy can go over I dont really know who at the moment and Ill be continuing work on Toad today as soon as possible.

Yea I saw the Stage pretty kick *** man I liked it
Ok I'll get started. I checked Iggy by the way and he has the same thing as lemmy, so does ludwig. Their 3rd bone is the transn which is the first leg bone. Unless someone is able to use hex and stuff to change the bone index of it to some other bone then I don't know if they will work.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010
Ok I'll get started. I checked Iggy by the way and he has the same thing as lemmy, so does ludwig. Their 3rd bone is the transn which is the first leg bone. Unless someone is able to use hex and stuff to change the bone index of it to some other bone then I don't know if they will work.
Thx about the banner and At the moment im gunna finish toad but if I like iggy more I might just put him over yoshi lol maybe Ill make people choose ^^. We should ask for snoppy's help on this subject. *calls snoppy* Oh great wise snoopy may you give us your insight on this situation. That does create a problem for the tourny maybe will have to have it in diffrent sections like.

1st Tourny yoshi will be toad(I participate in the first one)
2nd Tounry yoshi will be Lemmy (Camonsters leads this one)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2010
someone called? so the situation as i understand it is this: Lemmy, Ludwid, and Iggy all have the same (or very similar) bone structures, and there aren't enough TransN 1 fighters to replace them all with? i have Lemmy's file, but send me the others and i'll see what i can do. and from a quick look, they could probably go over characters that have a TransN of 4, therefore sacrificing only their ankles. the problem there is that only 3 fighters have TransN's of 4, Lucas, Bowser and Peach, but Peach has 105 bones, so i'm almost certain that we can't add enough bones to replace her (the Lemmy model has 23 bones total).

but i was thinking about this as well, we need to organize and say which minion is over which fighter. i claim Pikachu for Waddle Doo. Wheelie has Lucas, Toad has Yoshi, and thats as far as i know.

so whoever has Lemmy/Ludwig/Iggy and was asking for model help, try this, rename ankle_l1 to TransN, and ankle_r1 to HipN, and then import the model and textures onto Bowser/Ness (after adding in the proper ammount of bones (Bowser has 76, Ness has 66)) and see if it works. i'd do it, but brawlbox is still being picky on what it wants to save for me.

and since banners are being shown off, i got a bit bored and made one for Waddle Doo.

and speaking of Waddle Doo, would someone with photoshop skills like to do a few re-colors for me? i want/need a few CSP's recolored to match the costume colors i have.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 28, 2010
someone called? so the situation as i understand it is this: Lemmy, Ludwid, and Iggy all have the same (or very similar) bone structures, and there aren't enough TransN 1 fighters to replace them all with? i have Lemmy's file, but send me the others and i'll see what i can do. and from a quick look, they could probably go over characters that have a TransN of 4, therefore sacrificing only their ankles. the problem there is that only 3 fighters have TransN's of 4, Lucas, Bowser and Peach, but Peach has 105 bones, so i'm almost certain that we can't add enough bones to replace her (the Lemmy model has 23 bones total).

but i was thinking about this as well, we need to organize and say which minion is over which fighter. i claim Pikachu for Waddle Doo. Wheelie has Lucas, Toad has Yoshi, and thats as far as i know.

so whoever has Lemmy/Ludwig/Iggy and was asking for model help, try this, rename ankle_l1 to TransN, and ankle_r1 to HipN, and then import the model and textures onto Bowser/Ness (after adding in the proper ammount of bones (Bowser has 76, Ness has 66)) and see if it works. i'd do it, but brawlbox is still being picky on what it wants to save for me.

and since banners are being shown off, i got a bit bored and made one for Waddle Doo.

and speaking of Waddle Doo, would someone with photoshop skills like to do a few re-colors for me? i want/need a few CSP's recolored to match the costume colors i have.
here is the ludwig von koopa model:


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010
someone called? so the situation as i understand it is this: Lemmy, Ludwid, and Iggy all have the same (or very similar) bone structures, and there aren't enough TransN 1 fighters to replace them all with? i have Lemmy's file, but send me the others and i'll see what i can do. and from a quick look, they could probably go over characters that have a TransN of 4, therefore sacrificing only their ankles. the problem there is that only 3 fighters have TransN's of 4, Lucas, Bowser and Peach, but Peach has 105 bones, so i'm almost certain that we can't add enough bones to replace her (the Lemmy model has 23 bones total).

but i was thinking about this as well, we need to organize and say which minion is over which fighter. i claim Pikachu for Waddle Doo. Wheelie has Lucas, Toad has Yoshi, and thats as far as i know.

so whoever has Lemmy/Ludwig/Iggy and was asking for model help, try this, rename ankle_l1 to TransN, and ankle_r1 to HipN, and then import the model and textures onto Bowser/Ness (after adding in the proper ammount of bones (Bowser has 76, Ness has 66)) and see if it works. i'd do it, but brawlbox is still being picky on what it wants to save for me.

and since banners are being shown off, i got a bit bored and made one for Waddle Doo.

and speaking of Waddle Doo, would someone with photoshop skills like to do a few re-colors for me? i want/need a few CSP's recolored to match the costume colors i have.
Someone please get me the Iggy NSMBWii Model I really wanna try to put him on bowser >.< Faster I get Iggy on bowser and stop worring Faster I continue toad >.< Not a thread just saying


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2009
Somewhere in twoson.

Notice to anyone who dosen't like the shiny-ness of the NSMBW models!

The models all have a texture that looks like this.
Then take this texture that I made:
And replace it.

And i you still think it looks to cartoony, take the saturation of the textures down in Paint.net or Photoshop.

and speaking of Waddle Doo, would someone with photoshop skills like to do a few re-colors for me? i want/need a few CSP's recolored to match the costume colors i have.
I would most gladly, do them for you. Just need the original CSP. :)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 28, 2010
Someone please get me the Iggy NSMBWii Model I really wanna try to put him on bowser >.< Faster I get Iggy on bowser and stop worring Faster I continue toad >.< Not a thread just saying
i think ludwig will go over olimar
and to geminicross fade you can put iggy over ness because it could be excellent a fight of
iggy,lemmy,and ludwig vs their father :bowser
just saying =)
and kangaroogreen can you make me too csp's for ludwig thanks


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2010

Notice to anyone who dosen't like the shiny-ness of the NSMBW models!

The models all have a texture that looks like this.
Then take this texture that I made:
And replace it.

And i you still think it looks to cartoony, take the saturation of the textures down in Paint.net or Photoshop.

I would most gladly, do them for you. Just need the original CSP. :)
OK !
you replace with kangaroogreen texture and you also need to change the materials


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2010
Johto Region
D: But Shadow is over Pikachu... now what... could someone do the character copy of Pikachu to someone else?

EDIT: Which bone controls Pikachu's base part of it's ears?
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