Are you ****ing kidding me Orbo? I seriously go all out on Dietz and you're still holding a possible scum read on me because of some arbitrary activity leash that you put me on. Besides it was obvious that Dietz was trying to counter push me because my unexplained aggression towards him is something that's easy for scum to push. There's no way that we're mates.
Anyways, last scum is def between Skor/Vinyl/Kantrip. Really not sure who to shoot yet. Both Vinyl and Skor not getting the gun is immediately suspicious because those are like, obvious picks for scum to give the gun to. However out of those three Kantrip is DEFINITELY the most likely to think about WIFOMing the gun to Zen and furthermore Kantrip tried to add momentum to the Sword push over the dietz push which is again super ****ing easy for scum and was their most likely avenue of escape from a Dietz shot. Like just look at how Zen said that he was town reading me but also stated that "he always town read Swords." Not only are my actions easy to push but scum also saw a slight bit of doubt within the gunbearer that they thought they could go after.
Actually, I'm no longer indecisive. Kantrip > Vinyl. < Skor. Shoot in that order and we win.