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Mini Game | Werewolves win


Dec 27, 2014
Also, if anyone wants to accuse me, please tag me and make specific, pin down able accusations that I can deal with ASAP.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
Well, yeah, I paraphrased. But I can't recall a single defense of yours that wasn't you just claiming to make a mistake. If there is one, quote it please. This thread's getting a bit long for me to search through for everything, forgive my laziness.
You can use the seach box in top right. Just type in keywords/ phrases/ user, then tick the "only in this thread" box.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
AHEM have already been refuted properly.

This editing rule is there for good reason, I know, but DAMN these typos are embarassing.
Just fyi, it isn't necessary to actually correct all typos. We get they're typos and we're not going to say you're scum if you don't correct a typo. If anything, too many of these sort of posts just fill the thread and waste space.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
@ everyone, but especially @ Kaladin Kaladin Probably don't vote smasher right now. I don't want to end the Day prematurely, and I get the feeling he may be getting close.
I have no idea who my vote is on right now, but just to be safe:


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
you seem awfully confident on Smasher. Like, 90%'s almost mod-confirmed. Care to expand how you're so confident? Do you have anything other than Smasher's 'your loss' posts?
@ R RadicalRat Also directed to you.
Yeah, I posted it a while back. On page 3, he says something to the extent of "I was voting for (forgot who it was) but since everyone's voting for Generic, I'll help out and vote for him". Then when someone called him out of it, he responded really poorly (in my opinion) and now he's voting for RadicalRat. I just find his whole playstyle irratic and untrustworthy.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
I don't agree with your guys' logic. I've always played that we lynch someone when we're pretty confidant that they're scum. I don't know how letting them live will help us in any way. He's probably Mafia as opposed to WW, but you never know. Also, the WW probably isn't going to kill him, which increases the chance of a townie being killed tonight. So we'll have one less townie, and then the WW will probably not help us lynch him next day, keeping him alive. You will have to convince me that it's a bad idea to lynch someone I'm confidant about.

@ RosalinaSGS RosalinaSGS Do you need more? I feel like I've made a really good case against him, and he has several damning posts of his own.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 17, 2015
I haven't fully caught up yet, but I'm not liking RR posts. They seem kinda fillerish, and his last post which quoted me was essentially a +1. However, for some reason, I feel he's still town. Not too
sure why? Gut? I'll try to pin it down later.
Sorry, I do tend to ramble. I try to cut down on that as I proofread.

you seem awfully confident on Smasher. Like, 90%'s almost mod-confirmed. Care to expand how you're so confident? Do you have anything other than Smasher's 'your loss' posts?
@ R RadicalRat Also directed to you.
I believe I already summarized this when prompted by @ Zalak Zalak ?

I think i actually probably agree with this. Most of you guys are pretty confident Smasher's scum, and lynching him won't give us a starting point to discussing things D2. i.e. by lynching him we kill a mafia but have nothing to go off of D2. By killing someone else, we have more information.
I know that's my own post, but new developments lead me to disagree. Smasher's flip will determine @ Kaladin Kaladin 's role for me, as I've already explained. That's what we can go on for D2.

I also find it suspicious that as soon as we got called out for stalling Smasher's lynch, Generic immediately turned around to vote for him. It's true that I did the same, but I gave a reason. Generic only followed after it looked like the Town thing to do.

It COULD just be a coincidence with the times we checked up on the thread or something... But nothing can be ignored here.


Dec 27, 2014
Sorry, I do tend to ramble. I try to cut down on that as I proofread.

I believe I already summarized this when prompted by @ Zalak Zalak ?

I know that's my own post, but new developments lead me to disagree. Smasher's flip will determine @ Kaladin Kaladin 's role for me, as I've already explained. That's what we can go on for D2.

I also find it suspicious that as soon as we got called out for stalling Smasher's lynch, Generic immediately turned around to vote for him. It's true that I did the same, but I gave a reason. Generic only followed after it looked like the Town thing to do.

It COULD just be a coincidence with the times we checked up on the thread or something... But nothing can be ignored here.
Why does TSYK decide my lean? I don't really understand that.

Anyways, I went to bed last night right after my last post yesterday. When I woke up, the new developments made me more sure of TSYK than Koops. Besides, TSYK is at 5/7 votes. If I were in cahoots with him, I'd be trying to dovert suspicion away from him ratehr than add to it.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 17, 2015
Why does TSYK decide my lean? I don't really understand that.
Because if he's a Werewolf, you'd have a reason to keep him alive through the night so he could get a kill in.

If he comes up as anything else, you were most likely sincere in just wanting to observe him more.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Because if he's a Werewolf, you'd have a reason to keep him alive through the night so he could get a kill in.

If he comes up as anything else, you were most likely sincere in just wanting to observe him more.
I dunno about that. Neither of you wanted to vote for him, but both changed your mind. So in my mind you guys are both in the same boat.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
Because if he's a Werewolf, you'd have a reason to keep him alive through the night so he could get a kill in.

If he comes up as anything else, you were most likely sincere in just wanting to observe him more.
Actually, as long as there is at least one werewolf alive, the werewolf faction gets their nightkill.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
Handle* likes this."

That doesn't mean neither of you are trying to simply preserve his life indefinitely. STILL....
He set a "trap" that did nothing but de-rail conversation for a bit.

His "your loss" post just OOZES scum. That kind of reverse psychology is more scummy than town-like.

Combined with the bandwagoning and minimal meaningful game input... Just doesn't look good for the guy.

Frankly, I find it a touch odd you'd be defending him. If there were more people who saw good in him, that'd be one thing, but so far you're the ONLY PERSON defending him.
we ARE rushing into a ThatSmasher lynch. RR, how many times in Salem has someone on the town's side used "your loss" instead of a more legitimate defense? It happens all the time. I agree, it's suspicious, but you can't have already decided that he's bad. Definitely suspicious, but not confirmed. Remember, most players here are new. You can't already have a standard for what ThatSmasher will act like as scum, so you need to look more at the intent behind his actions. It seems like you see clear mafia intent only behind his "your loss" post, but it's not just the scum who want to stay alive.

I agree he's suspicious. I agree he needs to be observed carefully. I believe he's a fair candidate for a POTENTIAL lynch today, but
I'm not disagreeing with you. ThatSmasher is definitely no good. I just don't think that now is the time. This Day One lynch is an opportunity to eliminate someone who could cause problems later on. A Werewolf would be EXCELLENT to get here, but even just a slightly better Mafia player. I just feel like ThatSmasher has been TOO EASY to read... and I like an easy read. We'll lynch him eventually, I just don't think that now is the time, y'know?
DEFINITELY no good? We'll lynch him eventually? You've decided this guy's fate far too quickly.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Handle* likes this."

That doesn't mean neither of you are trying to simply preserve his life indefinitely. STILL....

we ARE rushing into a ThatSmasher lynch. RR, how many times in Salem has someone on the town's side used "your loss" instead of a more legitimate defense? It happens all the time. I agree, it's suspicious, but you can't have already decided that he's bad. Definitely suspicious, but not confirmed. Remember, most players here are new. You can't already have a standard for what ThatSmasher will act like as scum, so you need to look more at the intent behind his actions. It seems like you see clear mafia intent only behind his "your loss" post, but it's not just the scum who want to stay alive.

I agree he's suspicious. I agree he needs to be observed carefully. I believe he's a fair candidate for a POTENTIAL lynch today, but

DEFINITELY no good? We'll lynch him eventually? You've decided this guy's fate far too quickly.
I don't get this philosophy at all. "Just give it more time" just gives more time for the Mafia to confuse things. I've already stated multiple times why I'm so sure that he's guilty, based not ONLY on his bad defense, but also just on his whole posting style.

1. Bandwagoning, switching votes really easily. If someone is Mafia, they want to get someone voted off quickly. By itself, this is only a little suspicious.
2. Once called out, has no intelligible defense. Only slightly suspicious by itself.
3. Claiming to have a "Trap" card, and selecting another person who he finds suspicious out of the blue (in my opinion out of the blue). It seemed to me like someone told him to say that. His previous posts seemed very different.

Feel free to show me where my points against him don't clearly highlight the fact that he's the prime suspect. I will listen to reason.

I feel like people keep ask "Why do you think he's guilty" and then I answer it, then someone else asks the same question.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
I don't get this philosophy at all. "Just give it more time" just gives more time for the Mafia to confuse things. I've already stated multiple times why I'm so sure that he's guilty, based not ONLY on his bad defense, but also just on his whole posting style.

1. Bandwagoning, switching votes really easily. If someone is Mafia, they want to get someone voted off quickly. By itself, this is only a little suspicious.
2. Once called out, has no intelligible defense. Only slightly suspicious by itself.
3. Claiming to have a "Trap" card, and selecting another person who he finds suspicious out of the blue (in my opinion out of the blue). It seemed to me like someone told him to say that. His previous posts seemed very different.

Feel free to show me where my points against him don't clearly highlight the fact that he's the prime suspect. I will listen to reason.

I feel like people keep ask "Why do you think he's guilty" and then I answer it, then someone else asks the same question.
Waiting gives us more time to find incriminating evidence. Like I said before, I get why he's a prime suspect, but I feel like it's too early on the first day to be deciding whether or not he's scum.

1. I agree, but I can also see why a newbie would think it's a good idea to go with the majority vote.

2. It can be tough to have a good defense if the evidence against you isn't all that decisive, especially when you're new to the game.

3. Now THIS is interesting. Can you show me the two posts, or tell me where I can find them?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Honestly just a gut feeling+general manerisms. If you were scum, you would be using a very good strategy. I made a point not to even FoS, and I donmt plan to make any accusations or attacks against either of you until there's solid evidence. Right now, it's just intuition.
town lean on this post. the reasoning feels like it is genuine to me

Part of what makes me think both you and rat are scum is that you seem to not want to kill ThatSmasher. And because I feel positive about him, I'm frustrated that you two keep disagreeing with me.
But you could be wrong about TSYK

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
You're much less active than you were in my last game with you. Does this have to do with your role as an IC, or is it something else (being busy, game is just starting, etc)?
I am busier IRL and so have less time to post. That and no two games are the same- I barely know anyone in this game, for instance.

I could also say the same thing about you, I imagined that you would be posting more than you are.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
town lean on this post. the reasoning feels like it is genuine to me

But you could be wrong about TSYK
That IS a good point. However, I really believe that I'm right. I mean, at some point you have to stick to your guns and do what you believe. So at this point, he is guilty in my mind. And at the time they were starting to seem guilty by association. So if he is lynched, and turns out to be innocent, of course my opinion will change. But if he does turn out to be innocent... I don't think it matters what I think, I'm as good as lynched next round...

Okay. So I'm understanding a little better why you'd want to wait, because if he does turn out to be innocent, then we're both going to die (I'll be lynched next round probably) and I'll have really screwed the town up.

But what's the alternative? Just don't lynch anyone, and hope the WW kill one of the Mafia tonight? I fail to see how waiting will make things better for us.

@ Zalak Zalak , on page 7 he said this:
"Well, like I said, I was mostly analyzing, seeing how the whole game works, I tried to bandwagon a bit to see if it would arise any suspicion, which it did. So, I decided to lay my trap. I can't really convince you I'm town, but I hope this'll work. I am trying to stay alive, so hopefully that's good enough? Hopefully."

He laid a trap by looking suspicious to see who would accuse him??

I've been accusing him the most. But instead of targeting me with his trap, he targeted Radical Rat and Generic, who already had people suspecting them. Just seemed like a desperate attempt to get the attention off himself. Doesn't that seem pretty bad?


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
@ SlickWylde SlickWylde

You're right, the trap is nonsense. There's no way he was actually planning to "trap" anyone.

By waiting, I didn't mean don't lynch until tomorrow, I mean wait until the end of the day to see who turns out to be the best target. If ThatSmasher is still the most suspicious by the end of the day, then yeah, I'd lynch him. Personally though, I'm still more concerned about RR, and I'd really like to see more content from the less active players.

I am busier IRL and so have less time to post. That and no two games are the same- I barely know anyone in this game, for instance.

I could also say the same thing about you, I imagined that you would be posting more than you are.
alrighty, cool.

right now i'm just waiting for more players to start posting. I don't want to get into another situation where everyone just sits around while I argue with someone for 10 pages. I think all the new players deserve a chance to play. This time around, I wanna be more concise, and I wanna pay attention to more of the players.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
but I ALSO plan on trusting my instincts more than last round, and right now my instincts tell me RR is up to no good.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
I don't get this philosophy at all. "Just give it more time" just gives more time for the Mafia to confuse things.
Ok. I think you are exaggerating when you say it gives mafia time to confuse things. They cannot change what has happened, how are they going to confuse you about it?

Of course, maybe you don't want to overthink things, or get distracted... but you also have to weigh this against the possibility that you are wrong at the moment. In some cases, you have to do everything you can to make sure you make the right decision.

Now, on balance, the problem with the TSYK lynch is (right this second), that if he turns up to be town, we don't really learn anything from his lynch. We just shrug our shoulders and are back at square one. That is why I think it is important not to rush into things, especially on Day 1.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 17, 2015
Actually, as long as there is at least one werewolf alive, the werewolf faction gets their nightkill.
Ah, that's my bad then. I assumed it was one kill per wolf. That definitely makes Generic look a bit better to me. I still find it odd he attached no reason, but alright.

Handle* likes this."

That doesn't mean neither of you are trying to simply preserve his life indefinitely. STILL....

we ARE rushing into a ThatSmasher lynch. RR, how many times in Salem has someone on the town's side used "your loss" instead of a more legitimate defense? It happens all the time. I agree, it's suspicious, but you can't have already decided that he's bad. Definitely suspicious, but not confirmed. Remember, most players here are new. You can't already have a standard for what ThatSmasher will act like as scum, so you need to look more at the intent behind his actions. It seems like you see clear mafia intent only behind his "your loss" post, but it's not just the scum who want to stay alive.

I agree he's suspicious. I agree he needs to be observed carefully. I believe he's a fair candidate for a POTENTIAL lynch today, but

DEFINITELY no good? We'll lynch him eventually? You've decided this guy's fate far too quickly.
If he can come up with a plausible defense, I'll let him off. Right now, I'm pretty confident.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
I know that's my own post, but new developments lead me to disagree. Smasher's flip will determine @ Kaladin Kaladin 's role for me, as I've already explained. That's what we can go on for D2.

I also find it suspicious that as soon as we got called out for stalling Smasher's lynch, Generic immediately turned around to vote for him. It's true that I did the same, but I gave a reason. Generic only followed after it looked like the Town thing to do.

It COULD just be a coincidence with the times we checked up on the thread or something... But nothing can be ignored here.
It sounds like you're already planning to lynch ThatSmasher, then use his lack of lycanthropy to lynch Generic. Like, you're basically just using Generic as your shield so you can get away with ThatSmasher turning out to be human. That's what this looks like to me.
Because if he's a Werewolf, you'd have a reason to keep him alive through the night so he could get a kill in.

If he comes up as anything else, you were most likely sincere in just wanting to observe him more.
Also what's THIS? You said it's suspicious that Generic voted for ThatSmasher, but now you're saying Generic is trying to protect him? So basically what you're saying is if ThatSmasher turns out to be town, Generic is scum, and if he turns out to be WW, Generic is scum?

is generic trying to get smasher killed, or is he trying to protect him?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
You're right, the trap is nonsense. There's no way he was actually planning to "trap" anyone.
The 'trap' is not just nonsense. I feel like people saying that aren't really thinking about it.

My problem is that I have a hard time believing it was his intention to set a trap from his initial posts, and he hasn't explained very well why he wanted to or decided to lay a trap. It seems more like just scrambling to make up some defense.

@ThatSmasherYouKnow if you do want to live, I think you're going to need to convince us a little more.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
On that topic, I just want to say that, if you can say the same thing in half as many words, you're saving 11 other player's time.

It is a good thing to post often and be active, but if you're just repeating yourself, for instance, it doesn't really do anyone any favors.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
I may be MIA for a while. My school's on lockdown and a police officer with an assult rifle just told us to get inside the gym.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Ok. I think you are exaggerating when you say it gives mafia time to confuse things. They cannot change what has happened, how are they going to confuse you about it?

Of course, maybe you don't want to overthink things, or get distracted... but you also have to weigh this against the possibility that you are wrong at the moment. In some cases, you have to do everything you can to make sure you make the right decision.

Now, on balance, the problem with the TSYK lynch is (right this second), that if he turns up to be town, we don't really learn anything from his lynch. We just shrug our shoulders and are back at square one. That is why I think it is important not to rush into things, especially on Day 1.
I'm not sure what you mean. I'm saying if one of the mafia doesn't die tonight, they have more time to confuse people with bad logic. I'm not talking about them changing anything. I think we're misunderstanding each other.
I thought you and Zalak were saying not to lynch anyone today, which I think was misunderstood?


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
I may be MIA for a while. My school's on lockdown and a police officer with an assult rifle just told us to get inside the gym.
oh jeez, be safe.
I feel that. What do you think of GH?
Generic is shifty. I don't like how he's been liking almost everyone's posts. I feel like he's just trying to get on everyone's good side. I also didn't like his actions early game, as he seemed more focused on appearing town than actually finding scum. Lastly, I think he's been a little too chummy with RadicalRat up until recently.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2015
New York
Lastly, I think he's been a little too chummy with RadicalRat up until recently.
Wow. After reading all that (I just woke up) TSYK has a stronger scum lean than Koops. I think that's enough additionak observation.
I'd like to add that along side your accusation. He decided to vote for TSYK after RR had changed his mind. What makes it more odd is that he stated it was because there was more additional observation on TSYK, when the conversation was just restating what he did, and whether we should keep him alive or not.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Wait, it says Deadline is Sunday? So we have until Sunday to lynch someone??


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2015
New York

Pretty much along with everyone else, I agree that he's still scummy, but we still have 5 whole days to conclude about someone else. I don't think we can get much else out of TSYK, but out of others, maybe.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
I'm in a weird spot. I'm still confident that he's scum, but like Kary said I do need to account for the fact that I could be wrong. And we've got plenty of time.
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