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Miiverse Daily Smash 4 Photos (Closed for its successor)

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Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
But the point still stands that they have done significantly less in the past and people weren't actively cutting their wrists over it.
Yeah, but giving us a music update wouldn't kill anybody, and neither would revealing tiny little tidbits of information.
As mentioned, even with eye rollingingly corny updates, this is still better than Brawl's initial reveal schedule.
Brawl's lack of updates (early) ultimately goes back to its' biggest flaw: it's huge focus on the Subspace Unnecessary, aka Sakurai's worst decision ever. That and Sakurai dumped all the information from the 1st Dojo. He could have spent that time covering more Pokéball Pokémon, Assist Trophy characters, stickers, trophies, and miscellaneous items (or that ROB Final Smash update we never got.:laugh:

Out of all those things I just mentioned, we could literally have nearly 2,000 pictures of quality updates for Smash Wii U and 3DS.
Super Mario 3D World is iffy even if it is a Mario game. Hype for it has been mild and a lot of people are still skeptical. Will it sell? Of course but even as a launch title New Super Mario Bros Wii U didn't pull near the numbers they thought it would.
Well considering both Mario Galaxy games outsold Brawl by a big margin and the DKC Returns sold very well despite the Wii being de facto dead tells me that they are big franchises, and console movers. The ultimately limitation to how much those games will sell will be if people are unwilling to buy a Wii U to play those games.
Wii Fit will probably be a case of lightening not striking in the same place twice. The original sold a lot but, then again
The last 2 games sold over 20 million copies (that's right, there were 2 of them). That means that each game sold about as many copies as the ENTIRE SMASH BROS FRANCHISE!!!! Or, in your words, "lightning not striking in the same place twice." I expect the next one to sell several million if the Wii U starts seriously moving consoles.
SSB4 is currently at 4 1/2. Again, I understand it being hard to wait for new stuff but the situation isn't nearly as dire as people are implying.
Really, the problem herein I think ultimately lies in that I think Sakurai wanted to start updating later (because the Dojo is his baby, despite him not being the all-encompassing God many people think he is), but Nintendo is trying to hype it up.

The other big issue is that hype for this game is way low compared to Melee and Brawl at the point of their reveal trailers; like not even close. Even if you discount the newcomers, it still doesn't compare. I bet the web traffic for this Dojo is about 1/10th of that of the 2nd Brawl Dojo.

I know my friends don't equal the world, but several of my friends and I used to talk about the Dojo updates. Now, nobody in that same group of friends ever brings them up, because I'm the only one who is even hyped for them (and yes, we did have a lot to talk about before characters were confirmed on the Dojo). Maybe that's a post-reaction to Brawl being Brawlsy, or the lack of promotion of the Wii U, but man, this isn't a good start.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
First of all: I read fine. English is my first language and in all honesty I probably speak it better than you do. My apologies if it wasn't your intention to complain heartily about not getting good enough updates, but that's what it looked like to me, and being tired of the entitled, snobby nature of gamers in the recent memory, I may have overreacted. I'm gonna set aside my outrage at your baseless assumptions though, to make the following points, none of which are an attack on you.

We got our first Brawl trailer at E3 2006. Following that, we got a second trailer was released at the Nintendo World Convention in December of 2006. Then it was silent until E3 2007, when it was announced that the Dojo would open and the game would come out that December.

So, Sakurai, under the impression that the game would release in six months and he had only that long to get so much information out, gave us characters every couple weeks, stages, music, items, and game modes. We got another trailer when Sonic was revealed, and one for the SsE in December 2007.

Now my memory's a little hazy here, but I seem to recall updates slowing a bit once the delay was announced and Sakurai had to make the information last longer or make more minor things into usable information.

This time around, Sakurai knows the game won't be coming out for many more months, and while he may have lots more stuff to announce, he realizes that doing so closer to the game's announcement will be better. We honestly should count ourselves lucky that we have so many character confirmations and stages revealed, even if the daily updates aren't that great.

In short, the fact that we're getting daily pictures at all, not to mention character confirmations and stage glimpses, when the game probably won't be out until next summer at the earliest, is out of the ordinary compared to past games. Yes, we could be getting things faster, but we're not. When the game isn't coming out for at least another six months, and probably longer, this is not a problem. Say the game comes out in July. Starting in January or February, we should probably start getting better updates, with characters more regularly, new modes revealed, new stages...essentially, something that's actually meant to be the Dojo 2.0 (plus something great at that E3). These pictures were never meant to be that, and they're just a convenient way for him to reveal characters and such so he has less to do in the crunch time of revealing.

There really is no reason to be promoting the game a year before it comes out. Heavy promotion in the few months leading up to release will be as effective or more so, because then they'll have enough content and reveals that there will be plenty to cover, and thus ways to keep the game on everyone's mind. Updates will improve as we get closer to the launch, just like they did with Brawl. We'll just have to deal with slow updates for a while.

(Oh and by the way, your KHIII example isn't the best, because even the director of the game said it was revealed too early.)

I didn't come across as a douche, and the fact that you accused me of that is rather disappointing.

I came across as someone who is trying to figure out the problem with why he can't seem to get that I'm talking in a matter-of-fact tone with no real emotion.

I want to put any dispute he has with me aside so I can fix the problem.
You don't get to say how you came across, because you're not me.

You came across as a douche, even if that wasn't your intention.

Deleted member

I don't get it.
People complained that the DOJO spoiled the experience of Brawl itself once it was released, and now we get people complaining that we aren't getting enough?

I mean, I too am getting tired of getting "nothing", but it honestly feels like people just complain to complain these days.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
Such is the way of any gaming community. It's not always the same people complaining though, but there are times when it is.

To me, showing a screenshot a day is probably the best way to go since it only shows enough to keep you interested, but not enough to make someone notice a certain feature that might get removed/changed in the release. Unless of course, legal stuff happens and we have to take megaman out of SSB4 since they showed his character already. That would be a big slap in the face from the real world.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I don't get it.
People complained that the DOJO spoiled the experience of Brawl itself once it was released, and now we get people complaining that we aren't getting enough?

I mean, I too am getting tired of getting "nothing", but it honestly feels like people just complain to complain these days.
I know, right!

I love the Brawl Dojo and what it did, and I love a lot of things about this new Dojo.

If you guys don't want even pre-release spoilers, don't read the Dojo. If you do, read it.

On top of that, we haven't even seen a single trophy or sticker or Pokéball or Assist Trophy-related item or character. That just irks me.

I just want updates that show me something to get me hyped about. I'm not asking for a character or stage every week (maybe every few weeks), but man, we should get some more items, AT's, Pokéball Pokémon, different moves (I wanna see if Luigi, Pit, or Toon Link got any more new moves), and a few stickers, trophies, and miscellaneous stuff way more often. You could make thousands of updates for that.

Again, I'm not asking for Sakurai to make big reveals every day; just make ones that make us care. Stickers will do it for me, man! I'm not hard to please! :laugh:

Deleted member

I'd like to see at least some Final Smash pics.
The fact all we know is Samus' (though unknown if ZSS is coming back) and Wii Fit Trainer's is kind of bothersome.


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2013
the land of Make-Believe
I don't get it.
People complained that the DOJO spoiled the experience of Brawl itself once it was released, and now we get people complaining that we aren't getting enough?

I mean, I too am getting tired of getting "nothing", but it honestly feels like people just complain to complain these days.
Well honestly if you update with "too much stuff" then people can just choose not to look at it on their own, that way both sides are appeased. And the way its set up, you could just go straight to the character page if thats all youre interested in. In all reality its peoples own choice how much or how little they spoil for themselves.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
First of all: I read fine. English is my first language and in all honesty I probably speak it better than you do. My apologies if it wasn't your intention to complain heartily about not getting good enough updates, but that's what it looked like to me, and being tired of the entitled, snobby nature of gamers in the recent memory, I may have overreacted. I'm gonna set aside my outrage at your baseless assumptions though, to make the following points, none of which are an attack on you.
Very well then.
Now my memory's a little hazy here, but I seem to recall updates slowing a bit once the delay was announced and Sakurai had to make the information last longer or make more minor things into usable information.
Yeah, but they were never this slow. We had maybe 2 dozen bad updates. So far, I'd say we've had far more this time around then last.
This time around, Sakurai knows the game won't be coming out for many more months, and while he may have lots more stuff to announce, he realizes that doing so closer to the game's announcement will be better. We honestly should count ourselves lucky that we have so many character confirmations and stages revealed, even if the daily updates aren't that great.
True that we're lucky we have the opportunity to get great updates, and we have gotten some, but we aren't getting the right ones IMO. Like I've said earlier, stickers, trophies, and items should be shown (more), as well as Pokéball Pokémon and Assist Trophy characters. All those alone could provide thousands of updates.

Really though, if Nintendo started this, they need to finish it. It was THEIR DECISION to start the Dojo so early and update it every weekday, not ours.
There really is no reason to be promoting the game a year before it comes out.
Yes there is. The whole point of promotion a game is to increase awareness for it, to make it seem like everyone who is anyone will have it, and then, to make it to where you just have to have it. All the best promoted games are the ones promoted over a year out, and each time they seek out to accomplish all of this.

While you are right heavy promotion begins much closer to a release date, if we just got solid updates from now until these games' launch (things I've listed earlier), hype would be way bigger among smash fans, instead of barely a thing.
(Oh and by the way, your KHIII example isn't the best, because even the director of the game said it was revealed too early.)
Yeah, but he's a director (one of over half a dozen if my memory serves me correctly), not a promoter or marketer. Square Enix has some pretty good promoters and marketers, so I think I trust them to do their job well instead of a director do their job for them with no experience or history at doing it.
You came across as a douche, even if that wasn't your intention.
I posted the exact same way pre-Brawl, and no one ever said that about me, sans the trolls and the extreme idiots that nobody liked. I think y'all just read emotion when there isn't any. And if you guys think there is, you can just ask me for greater detail. I don't mind further elaborating.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I don't get it.
People complained that the DOJO spoiled the experience of Brawl itself once it was released, and now we get people complaining that we aren't getting enough?

I mean, I too am getting tired of getting "nothing", but it honestly feels like people just complain to complain these days.
I don't believe I have fallen into that category, but I will say that, when consecutive pics offer nothing to discuss, complaining to complain becomes an easy way to fill the void otherwise reserved for Fire Emblem character debates. Also, was anyone actually complaining about the DOJO while Sakurai was updating it? It seems to me that those complainers use the DOJO as a scapegoat for Brawl's content disappointing them, then use their disappointment as a justification why Sakurai shouldn't update about much of anything, ever.

Anyways, I don't really agree with John's point about quality updates being needed for the game's promotion. Both Smashes will sell like hotcakes because of the series' fanbase, many of whom will make it a day one purchase, regardless of its quality or content. My view is that the pics are needlessly disappointing because, from almost every DOJO update, Sakurai could extract anywhere from two to a dozen informative pics to showcase, without treading on the sensitive toes of the "the DOJO ruined everything" crowd; a great handful of the pics thus far have fit the bill perfectly. More recently, however, not only has he chosen to do the opposite on an increasingly frequent basis, he has done so with a smile on his face and a mocking caption at his fingertips. I find Sakurai to be smug in general (comments about how Smash would fail without his personal criteria come to mind), and the delight he takes in continually trolling the fanbase with crap after baiting them with the occasional gem, aware that he'll face zero repercussions from it, is a tad grating.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 27, 2013
Here, maybe?
So with tomorrow being Halloween, I wouldn't mind seeing a pic of Kirby with a Copied Ability.
kinda like a costume lol


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I'd like to see at least some Final Smash pics.
The fact all we know is Samus' (though unknown if ZSS is coming back) and Wii Fit Trainer's is kind of bothersome.
Exactly. I mean, I don't mind not seeing Toon Link's (be different, even though I've never used Final Smashes in 5 1/2 years), but man, it would be nice.
Anyways, I don't really agree with John's point about quality updates being needed for the game's promotion. Both Smashes will sell like hotcakes because of the series' fanbase, many of whom will make it a day one purchase, regardless of its quality or content.
While I'm certain both games will sell a lot, I think Smash Wii U's sales may be low. Like way below Melee's sales low, given that barely anyone one owns a Wii U, and Smash Wii U isn't generating a lot of hype for the Wii U.

Smash 3DS will sell at least 5 million copies, though. Probably somewhere between 10-15 million copies.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Smash most definitely doesn't need advertising now. We're not even in the year of its release, so there's not even a reason to show us any information at this point. Once we get into 2014, and SSB4 will be one of the major sellers of the Wii U, then there's reason to whip up tons of hype for it, but until then Nintendo would rather have people's eyes peeled towards to WWHD, Pokémon X & Y, SM3DW, ALBW, and so on. Not that Smash can steal the spotlight of X & Y, but it's still important from a business point of view to have it on low profile right now. The worst possible thing they could do is reveal a newcomer in a Direct that's supposed to be about games coming out this year, especially if it's a big one like K. Rool or Ridley, because then that'll be the hot talk, not the games that need to sell right now. Once we go into 2014, I'll begin raising my expectations of what they present to us, but until then I think we're lucky Sonic even got a gameplay trailer.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
Yeah, but they were never this slow. We had maybe 2 dozen bad updates. So far, I'd say we've had far more this time around then last.
Because it was an extra three months he had to stretch out, not however long until we get the game. Also because it was a different format. The Dojo was meant to reveal things about the game. That was its express purpose--to confirm and show new stuff. The pictures were always just for fun, and we're getting characters because Sakurai feels like it.

True that we're lucky we have the opportunity to get great updates, and we have gotten some, but we aren't getting the right ones IMO. Like I've said earlier, stickers, trophies, and items should be shown (more), as well as Pokéball Pokémon and Assist Trophy characters. All those alone could provide thousands of updates.
We'll get all that over time. I don't know why everyone expected so very much from these updates when Sakurai even said he wanted to reveal less this time around.

Really though, if Nintendo started this, they need to finish it. It was THEIR DECISION to start the Dojo so early and update it every weekday, not ours.
Notice how it's not called the Dojo? That's because it's not the Dojo. You're acting like it is, like we were promised it'd be the same thing.

Yes there is. The whole point of promotion a game is to increase awareness for it, to make it seem like everyone who is anyone will have it, and then, to make it to where you just have to have it. All the best promoted games are the ones promoted over a year out, and each time they seek out to accomplish all of this.
Most games get a trailer a year before release and a few more as the game draws near, if we're very lucky. I can't think of a single other game where the plan was to show pictures every single day until release. Smash Bros. is handled differently from most games. The first year we knew about Brawl being in development, we got two trailers six months apart, and that's it, which is pretty normal for the industry. It wasn't until the last nine (intended to be six) months that we got consistent news, which is more than we get with most games.

While you are right heavy promotion begins much closer to a release date, if we just got solid updates from now until these games' launch (things I've listed earlier), hype would be way bigger among smash fans, instead of barely a thing.
Hype only needs to be high close to the game's release, when the vast majority of people are making decisions about buying it.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
While I'm certain both games will sell a lot, I think Smash Wii U's sales may be low. Like way below Melee's sales low, given that barely anyone one owns a Wii U, and Smash Wii U isn't generating a lot of hype for the Wii U.
The Gamecube was also in a pretty ****ty financial situation, the only reason any casual Nintendo fan owned one was because of Melee and Double Dash. Once Mario Kart and Smash Bros hits the Wii U, it'll be in a very comfortable position. Not Wii good, but it'll probably manage to make Smash 4 surpass Melee in sales, since Smash Bros has become a bigger name since.


Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
I don't believe I have fallen into that category, but I will say that, when consecutive pics offer nothing to discuss, complaining to complain becomes an easy way to fill the void otherwise reserved for Fire Emblem character debates. Also, was anyone actually complaining about the DOJO while Sakurai was updating it? It seems to me that those complainers use the DOJO as a scapegoat for Brawl's content disappointing them, then use their disappointment as a justification why Sakurai shouldn't update about much of anything, ever.

Anyways, I don't really agree with John's point about quality updates being needed for the game's promotion. Both Smashes will sell like hotcakes because of the series' fanbase, many of whom will make it a day one purchase, regardless of its quality or content. My view is that the pics are needlessly disappointing because, from almost every DOJO update, Sakurai could extract anywhere from two to a dozen informative pics to showcase, without treading on the sensitive toes of the "the DOJO ruined everything" crowd; a great handful of the pics thus far have fit the bill perfectly. More recently, however, not only has he chosen to do the opposite on an increasingly frequent basis, he has done so with a smile on his face and a mocking caption at his fingertips. I find Sakurai to be smug in general (comments about how Smash would fail without his personal criteria come to mind), and the delight he takes in continually trolling the fanbase with crap after baiting them with the occasional gem, aware that he'll face zero repercussions from it, is a tad grating.
You couldn't have said it better...people are angry because Sakurai is literally making fun of us every single time he updates with something foreboding and then does nothing. What kind of gamer-developer relationship is that? Smash is all about fanservice and Sakurai doesn't have the right to screw with the fans' expectations. He should understand that Smash is a huge responsibility and he must do what the fans want, not what he wants.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
The pictures were always just for fun, and we're getting characters because Sakurai feels like it.
I think they're a Nintendo mandate, given how they're all promotional (yes, even Peach was, being on the 28th anniversary of SMB, her 1st game).

On top of that, sans the original 12 characters revealed for Smash Wii U/3DS, we'd have 30-something characters left to reveal most likely. I doubt Nintendo would like to reveal them in a batch of dozens over time.
We'll get all that over time. I don't know why everyone expected so very much from these updates when Sakurai even said he wanted to reveal less this time around.
So showing one trophy, item-related thing, new move, Final Smash, sticker, or song in an update is too much for one update=???
Notice how it's not called the Dojo? That's because it's not the Dojo. You're acting like it is, like we were promised it'd be the same thing.
With the Brawl 2nd Dojo, we expected 1 update every weekday with about 5 pictures. Now, we expect just 1 picture. I realize it's different.

Also, it's not called the Dojo because we've now had 2 (or 3) Dojos before. It's just better to call it the official site.
The first year we knew about Brawl being in development, we got two trailers six months apart, and that's it, which is pretty normal for the industry. It wasn't until the last nine (intended to be six) months that we got consistent news, which is more than we get with most games.
It's a different day and age now. You get forgotten if you do that now. You gotta have stuff in between, otherwise, you are lost in the thick of things with all these other games you are competing with people's attention with.
Hype only needs to be high close to the game's release, when the vast majority of people are making decisions about buying it.
Last I checked, all the best games were hyped well before release. GTA V had hype years ago just because Rockstar knew how to get people hyped up. Portal 2 was hyped for a long time because Valve knew how to do that, too. The same is true with every Pokémon game.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
"Is it just me or do I smell something beastly...?" - Daily Picture
A beast... a beast...? What if it's... the Beast?
The Beast... is also referred to as the Anti-Christ.
The Anti-Christ is the Beast. The Mark of the Beast is 666.
666 sounds like Sakurai.

Sakurai confirmed to work for Satan.
Fun is infinite with Nintendo Enterprises Signed, Majin :troll:


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Hyping up Smash Wii U isn't just to hype up said game and market it, but to hype up and market other Wii U games, as well as the Wii U itself. The Wii U reallllly needs it right now if Nintendo wants to dominate this generation, or, at the very least, survive with minimal losses despite having an amazing console.
The Gamecube was also in a pretty ****ty financial situation, the only reason any casual Nintendo fan owned one was because of Melee and Double Dash. Once Mario Kart and Smash Bros hits the Wii U, it'll be in a very comfortable position. Not Wii good, but it'll probably manage to make Smash 4 surpass Melee in sales, since Smash Bros has become a bigger name since.
The difference was Melee had way more hype about it. GTA III aside, it was among the most hyped up game back then. After Smash 64 everyone knew a sequel was coming, and people were just expecting bigger, better, and bolder, and that's exactly what we got.

Nintendo had closed out the N64 strong, and Melee was primed to be the console's premiere game, and that it was. Oh, and while the GameCube was in a hole because the PS2 was owning the universe, it wasn't in a terrible spot, despite terrible promos. Still, terrible promos couldn't cover up how amazing Melee looked, felt, and played.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
And Smash 4 will get its due hype too, but just not right now. It'll get it when it needs it, but right now it doesn't really need any major hype, what it has been getting is fine considering how long it is until release.

I wasn't present in the Melee days, but I can figure it didn't have as much hype, simply because it was the game that dragged in the majority of the people who are now fans of the game. Smash 64 wouldn't have been able to give it such hype to begin with, because a few people might have been super hyped for Melee, but it's nothing considering how many people are hyped for Smash 4 right now, just because of the bigger audience.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
I think they're a Nintendo mandate, given how they're all promotional (yes, even Peach was, being on the 28th anniversary of SMB, her 1st game).
Okay then, Sakurai doesn't even want to be doing it. So yes, let's force him to reveal more things he doesn't want to. Yay.

On top of that, sans the original 12 characters revealed for Smash Wii U/3DS, we'd have 30-something characters left to reveal most likely. I doubt Nintendo would like to reveal them in a batch of dozens over time.
Why would they be revealed in batches of dozens over time? And not in exactly the same way they were in Brawl?

So showing one trophy, item-related thing, new move, Final Smash, sticker, or song in an update is too much for one update=???
-Trophies and stickers aren't important to the gameplay, which is what's being shown; plus they're probably not even close to done yet
-Items likely aren't all done yet (though we got the X Bomb or whatever)
-Likewise with Final Smashes
-We get new moves all the time
-Songs aren't pictures unless you have synesthesia

What do you think is mostly being worked on right now? Characters. Everything is secondary to the characters.

With the Brawl 2nd Dojo, we expected 1 update every weekday with about 5 pictures. Now, we expect just 1 picture. I realize it's different.

Also, it's not called the Dojo because we've now had 2 (or 3) Dojos before. It's just better to call it the official site.
Okay, if you say so.

It's a different day and age now. You get forgotten if you do that now. You gotta have stuff in between, otherwise, you are lost in the thick of things with all these other games you are competing with people's attention with.

Last I checked, all the best games were hyped well before release. GTA V had hype years ago just because Rockstar knew how to get people hyped up. Portal 2 was hyped for a long time because Valve knew how to do that, too. The same is true with every Pokémon game.

GTA was announced a long time ago and we got occasional trailers. (Maybe there's more; I didn't follow GTA because I hate those games.)
Portal 2 was announced and we got occasional trailers. Plus in the month before the game came out they had those promotional Cave Johnson videos. In the month before the game came out.
Pokémon X and Y were announced and we got occasional trailers and occasional updates. Far less frequent than even the characters we've been getting for Smash 4.

Smash Bros. remains the only game that gives us daily updates, even if they're silly or not great. You cannot compare its update, hype, and development cycle to that of other games.

Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
Okay then, Sakurai doesn't even want to be doing it. So yes, let's force him to reveal more things he doesn't want to. Yay.
Personally, I'd be perfectly fine with that. Rough him up a little bit while we're at it. ¦D

Throw him on the ground and stomp on his face~! =D

I don't get it.
People complained that the DOJO spoiled the experience of Brawl itself once it was released, and now we get people complaining that we aren't getting enough?

I mean, I too am getting tired of getting "nothing", but it honestly feels like people just complain to complain these days.
Personally, I loved the Dojo for doing that. If it wasn't for the Dojo, I wouldn't have known Sonic was in Brawl.

If Sonic wasn't in Brawl or if I hadn't known that I wouldn't have ever bought it in the first place. Considering how it turned out, I wouldn't have missed out on much. XD Then again, I would've never became a somewhat known hacker for the game, either.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
And Smash 4 will get its due hype too, but just not right now. It'll get it when it needs it, but right now it doesn't really need any major hype, what it has been getting is fine considering how long it is until release.
The hype still is near an all-time low. Let's just be frank and say Smash Wii U could be the lowest-selling smash game ever.
I wasn't present in the Melee days, but I can figure it didn't have as much hype, simply because it was the game that dragged in the majority of the people who are now fans of the game. Smash 64 wouldn't have been able to give it such hype to begin with, because a few people might have been super hyped for Melee, but it's nothing considering how many people are hyped for Smash 4 right now, just because of the bigger audience.
Melee was hyped because it was the game that was the epicenter game of not just the multiplayer of the GameCube but the GameCube itself, and everyone knew it. It was the first GameCube game that made a previous Nintendo franchise bigger and better in almost every way, and possibly the only such game.

People who had never played Smash Bros. before were hyped for that game. It was amazing. There were lines and lines and lines to play the demos. Everyone who was into gaming talked about that game. It was nuts. It was bananas. It was awesome. And it wasn't just the characters or new content that people were hyped for, but the freaking gameplay, which was in most people's opinions the best in the franchise, and one of the most revolutionary fighting games ever.
Smash Bros. remains the only game that gives us daily updates, even if they're silly or not great. You cannot compare its update, hype, and development cycle to that of other games.
1 picture a day isn't much promotion, unless they reveal something.

Also, again, Nintendo, Sakurai, or whomever chose to do this, not us.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
The hype still is near an all-time low. Let's just be frank and say Smash Wii U could be the lowest-selling smash game ever.
It. Doesn't. Matter. The game isn't even close to release. When it is, the hype will increase. That's how it works.

1 picture a day isn't much promotion, unless they reveal something.

Also, again, Nintendo, Sakurai, or whomever chose to do this, not us.
It's more than other games get, so what's your point?


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
The hype still is near an all-time low. Let's just be frank and say Smash Wii U could be the lowest-selling smash game ever.
I'll only call that once we're close to release date, which we aren't. Just wait until the newcomers get announced and the game will be hot talk everywhere, it's a long way, but it just requires some patience. Once we see some of the hyped faces, the game will be hyped, and there will probably be no questioning that Smash Wii U will at least outsell Melee, unless they pull an ass move and don't include any newcomers anyone want from here on out, or the 3DS audience won't bother with the console version, in which case it's still a win/win situation for Nintendo since it'll still pull in sales.


Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2013
We should have a separate "bi*ch about today's pic" thread.

Because, you know... some of us just want to have fun with the daily updates and chat about Smash.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
The fact that no one is "having fun" chatting about today's pic despite being perfectly capable of doing so alongside these other discussions is rather telling.

Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
We should have a separate "bi*ch about today's pic" thread.

Because, you know... some of us just want to have fun with the daily updates and chat about Smash.
Oh go cry a river and suck it up. Positivity and negativity will always exist right beside each other. Trying to run and hide from it or push it away so you can't see it isn't going to change that fact. ¦D


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Yeah, but giving us a music update wouldn't kill anybody, and neither would revealing tiny little tidbits of information.
But he does. It's not even 5 months in and we almost have the same number of characters (17 individual character slots) as Brawl's starting roster (21 individual character slots), which was revealed over the course of 7 months. We also have 10 stages for the Wii U and 8 stages for the 3DS. For Brawl in this same time span, we had 10 characters and 3 stages and at the 6 month mark this increased to 11 characters and 9 stages. In this sense, SSB4 is already way ahead.

Brawl's lack of updates (early) ultimately goes back to its' biggest flaw: it's huge focus on the Subspace Unnecessary, aka Sakurai's worst decision ever. That and Sakurai dumped all the information from the 1st Dojo. He could have spent that time covering more Pokéball Pokémon, Assist Trophy characters, stickers, trophies, and miscellaneous items (or that ROB Final Smash update we never got.:laugh:

Out of all those things I just mentioned, we could literally have nearly 2,000 pictures of quality updates for Smash Wii U and 3DS.
We could have but given how the man said it was a monstrous hassle to have as much content as the Brawl Dojo did, I'm not at all surprised he's decided to slim down for the time being.

Well considering both Mario Galaxy games outsold Brawl by a big margin and the DKC Returns sold very well despite the Wii being de facto dead tells me that they are big franchises, and console movers. The ultimately limitation to how much those games will sell will be if people are unwilling to buy a Wii U to play those games.
Actually, Super Mario Galaxy sold about 11 million while Brawl sold about 12. Galaxy 2 sold about 7 million and DKCR sold about 6 million. Brawl> SMG>SMG2>DKCR

The last 2 games sold over 20 million copies (that's right, there were 2 of them). That means that each game sold about as many copies as the ENTIRE SMASH BROS FRANCHISE!!!! Or, in your words, "lightning not striking in the same place twice." I expect the next one to sell several million if the Wii U starts seriously moving consoles.
Except a lot has changed since 2009. The Wii U doesn't have near the amount of casual appeal that the Wii did and a lot of the health claims Nintendo made about the Wii Fit games turned out to be grossly exaggerated.

Really, the problem herein I think ultimately lies in that I think Sakurai wanted to start updating later (because the Dojo is his baby, despite him not being the all-encompassing God many people think he is), but Nintendo is trying to hype it up.

The other big issue is that hype for this game is way low compared to Melee and Brawl at the point of their reveal trailers; like not even close. Even if you discount the newcomers, it still doesn't compare. I bet the web traffic for this Dojo is about 1/10th of that of the 2nd Brawl Dojo.

I know my friends don't equal the world, but several of my friends and I used to talk about the Dojo updates. Now, nobody in that same group of friends ever brings them up, because I'm the only one who is even hyped for them (and yes, we did have a lot to talk about before characters were confirmed on the Dojo). Maybe that's a post-reaction to Brawl being Brawlsy, or the lack of promotion of the Wii U, but man, this isn't a good start.
As I've mentioned plenty of times, there's lots of time to promote this game. Will it ever get back to the level of Brawl updates? Probably not but even if information seems to be coming out at an eye droppers' pace its really not all that bad of thing especially when the release of the game could still be (god forbid) another year away. A little less than a month ago we got 3 characters in the span of 4 weeks so it has been shown that the droughts will probably get made up for and we'll continue to get at least one significant thing a month unless Nintendo's ready to let the dam break (probably between December and March).


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
I think sakurai should reveal a bit more, like a sticker or something, beccause the game needs hype every game i've seen gets hyped a year or so before release... why the hell do we even have e3 in my hometown? To hype up games. And I really want the Wii U to do well I really do, but they need to advertise and promote, and even though the hardcore smashers like us will buy it no matter what, sakurai needs to show a bit more or else I fear that the casuals will be irked and the sales could get hurt.

@John, Loved RC, But i'd rather pay for a Fountain of dreams stage, i'm a beast on that stage, haven't lost on it yet, I need that awesome stage back D:

josh bones

Smash Lord
Mar 10, 2013
A city

To all the people saying we need updates for a game not coming for a long time.
Get real. You don't play all your cards at once. Wait for 2014. If he's still lazy, then rage about it.
Bones Out.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Telling people how they should behave on a message board doesn't sound like having fun with daily updates and talking about Smash to me.

Last night, I brought up the possibility of the Japanese caption not referring to anything beastly? Turns out, it does. According to a Japanese Redditor, it reads, "Huh. For some reason I smell a beast........!?" Not that this diminishes the likelihood of it being yet another dick trolling move in the vein of "An enemy from Samus' past could appear at any second" or "We have absolutely nothing to announce today about Pokemon X/Y!" but it bears mentioning.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
I have to agree with people saying to wait for the hype. They're right, it ain't even 2014 yet. Once we get 2014 rolling, then we'll get bigger and better stuff.

I like today's picture, but even as a main of him, I'm getting a bit tired of seeing pics of Toon Link. Maybe a picture of Samus or Peach?


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Last night, I brought up the possibility of the Japanese caption not referring to anything beastly? Turns out, it does. According to a Japanese Redditor, it reads, "Huh. For some reason I smell a beast........!?" Not that this diminishes the likelihood of it being yet another dick trolling move in the vein of "An enemy from Samus' past could appear at any second" or "We have absolutely nothing to announce today about Pokemon X/Y!" but it bears mentioning.
I still think the beast part is simply referring to Fox, and it's just us who read too much into it. It's just Sakurai having fun, it's not like the Pyrosphere quote where he obviously teased us.

Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
You can do so by being less juvenile.
And stop having fun messing with bums like you? Nah, pass. ¦D

Please feel free to waste your time moralwanking further on at me on how you apparently feel other people have to behave to be considered "grown". Surely, you have nothing else better you could be doing on the internet, right? =D

OR~ you could quit being so uptight and just walk away with some dignity left. :3
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