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Miiverse Daily Smash 4 Photos (Closed for its successor)

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Smash Ace
Oct 15, 2007
Los Angeles, California
I get 100% that he's trying to give away less this time around so I've made my peace with the fact that the daily updates are going to be less exciting than with the Brawl Dojo. The only gripe I have is that I wish the official site had a sub page for all the stages. I just want to know what they're all called.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
I'm sure Sakurai is a pretty good developer (smash and his kirby games are my favorite game series), but I'm pretty sure he can't predict the future for when he'll find out when some things just won't work together, or there's some legal/programming issues involved.

Generally it's better to not show something, than show someone someone a present, and then take that present away from them.
It's a reason why a lot of developers never say anything at all about the development process. Play in enough betas and I'm sure you'll find some features that you wish stayed, and it ruins the game for you in the future. However, People who are new to the game that like the same things won't mind, and it can actually make the whole game better for them. A simple+common example of this is having a really awesome gun that everyone loved to use, but it was overpowered compared to everything else. While it can be fun for everyone to use the same gun, removing/nerfing that gun to make it so everyone makes a choice to decide which weapon to use makes the game less repetitive. It also allows the players to enjoy the different styles of the game.

Showing screenshots doesn't show very much in terms of gameplay, but it does show you something that brought you to the game in the first place, the characters themselves. Because of all this, I won't complain if Sakurai never shows gameplay before the game is released. Besides, people have a tendency to overreact to certain things seemingly being OP or UP just because of what they saw.

Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
Besides, people have a tendency to overreact to certain things seemingly being OP or UP just because of what they saw.
"Luigi's kick taunt doesn't launch people anymore!? AND it only trips them!?

This **** SUCKS! Worst Smash ever. 1 outta 10. Would not bang."

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
I find today's pic rather cute. Miss Fit taking Villager to an obstacle course?

Also coincides well with me buying SM3D Land for under 20 euros two days ago, guhahah~!


Smash Cadet
Aug 11, 2013
Would like to put my two cents in on the whole "Sakurai sucks should show better stuff" from last page.

For starters, people are saying that we're not entitled to anything and he's doing this because he wants to. I think you all know as well as I do that the concept of him NOT promoting the next smash game would be completely alien, and there was going to be some form of constant update - to build the excitement. Right now, Nintendo still needs WiiU sales, and anyone looking at one in the shop should think "Oh, but Smash is coming out soon, so i'll get one". It's basic marketing 101, and regardless of what Sakurai wants or doesn't want, there will have been pressure higher up to do this promotion (Nintendo Directs, Brawl Dojo...there are endless ways to promote this game without the daily photo).

What I will say, is that this is scratching the barrel in terms of marketing and hype building. It's doing a passable job, and from there it's entirely up in the air if we're entitled to anything more or anything less than bare-bones promotion. Since no promotion would never be an option in this game, are we entitled to promotion that's slightly better? Should we be seeing this game appear in the Nintendo Directs? That's up to the individual, but there's not a right or wrong answer when it comes to being entitled to pre-release information - ESPECIALLY when it concerns a big Nintendo game.

Me? I expect we'll get some form of Christmas present to wrap up this year with a sole newcomer in the November/December Nintendo Directs. It's a very clever strategy to get the veterans revealed and done before the newcomers in terms of marketing and promotion. However, it also starts to get a little boring to follow daily/weekly.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Well, the Pic of the day... Nothing we haven't seen, just a nice 3ds pic.

No Control

Smash Apprentice
Sep 28, 2013
United Kingdom
Would like to put my two cents in on the whole "Sakurai sucks should show better stuff" from last page.

For starters, people are saying that we're not entitled to anything and he's doing this because he wants to. I think you all know as well as I do that the concept of him NOT promoting the next smash game would be completely alien, and there was going to be some form of constant update - to build the excitement. Right now, Nintendo still needs WiiU sales, and anyone looking at one in the shop should think "Oh, but Smash is coming out soon, so i'll get one". It's basic marketing 101, and regardless of what Sakurai wants or doesn't want, there will have been pressure higher up to do this promotion (Nintendo Directs, Brawl Dojo...there are endless ways to promote this game without the daily photo).

What I will say, is that this is scratching the barrel in terms of marketing and hype building. It's doing a passable job, and from there it's entirely up in the air if we're entitled to anything more or anything less than bare-bones promotion. Since no promotion would never be an option in this game, are we entitled to promotion that's slightly better? Should we be seeing this game appear in the Nintendo Directs? That's up to the individual, but there's not a right or wrong answer when it comes to being entitled to pre-release information - ESPECIALLY when it concerns a big Nintendo game.

Me? I expect we'll get some form of Christmas present to wrap up this year with a sole newcomer in the November/December Nintendo Directs. It's a very clever strategy to get the veterans revealed and done before the newcomers in terms of marketing and promotion. However, it also starts to get a little boring to follow daily/weekly.

Yeah I'm in two minds about it myself.

On the one hand, I'm grateful we're getting anything.

On the other hand, we're getting so little info AFTER getting a fair chunk of info in like a 3 week period, and that is understandably killing our hype. Sakurai knows this, so I can only guess/hope he's got something up his sleeve for the near future...

In terms of working days (update days), the time between character reveals has been:

Wii Fit Trainer -> Olimar 23 days.
Olimar -> Luigi 18 days.
Luigi -> Peach 26 days (longest drought yet).
Peach -> Toon Link 10 days.
Toon Link -> Sonic 3 days.
Sonic -> ???? 20 days and counting...


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
And Nintendo's not entitled to our money, and we are not entitled to give our time to this.

Give us good updates or I'm leaving this hype train and I won't pay attention until E3 2014/a new Dojo, just like what I did with Brawl.

Seriously, we've probably got a few dozen game modes to show, loads of gameplay mechanics (which we have gotten, but we can still get more), loads of online content to show, a final smashes to show per each of the 17 confirmed characters (we've only seen 2 thus far in either game [Samus and Sonic]), several moves not shown for confirmed characters (specifically the newcomers or any move changes), 30-something playable characters to show, 40-50 or so stages left to show, 70-ish combined Pokéball Pokémon and Assist Trophy characters combined to show, over 400 songs to show, over 600 trophies to show, and over 800 stickers to show.

Oh, and video of gameplay (since Sakurai claims to play many matches a day during his lunch break).

Giving us some of that isn't going to kill anybody, so please, get off Sakurai's d**k and just say that he could do a better job and show more.

Honestly, you guys overrated Sakurai to high hell. If he was such a great game designer... Br-I'm not going there with that game.
The game probably won't be out for another 8 months and there's probably close to 200 more updates left to go; there's plenty of time to reveal more stuff. People seem to forget how bare bones the Melee prelaunch site was and how the only thing that was really talked about was characters. Has October been boring? Yes but Nintendo's clearly more concerned with showing off games that are just around the corner and they've made it abundantly clear that this holiday season could potentially make or break the Wii U. Nintendo knows that Smash Bros is big but they also know it's a bit of a hype vacuum. Aside from Mario Kart, nothing comes close as a definite system seller so there isn't much of a point to hype it a lot right now. I've mentioned this in other posts but it's clear that Nintendo is trying to be extra careful with what exactly they reveal with SSB4 and has only made major announcements if they tie into upcoming games, games that have significantly less appeal in comparison to SSB4. Things are slow, yes, but as I've mentioned we've already gotten a lot more in comparison to what we got for Brawl in the exact same time span. In short, SSB4 doesn't really need all that much attention right now and its just best to ride out the rest of this year with low expectations.


Feb 18, 2009
So, I mentioned earlier that I thought nothing special was going to happen for the rest of this month but then I remembered something... something happens this Thursday that could potentially trigger the first stage of the Butthurt Apocalypse... Brace yourselves and hold your children close... Thursday might break the forums... *imagines Sakurai's face blocking out the sun to this piece* Sakurai... the Bringer of Flame Wars... we may soon know his wrath...

I'm quoting this and replacing it with a higher quality version because I want you all to appreciate Gustav Holst's amazing music and his impact on movie soundtracks for years to come.
Also, what's going on Thursday?!


Banned via Warnings
Jan 31, 2013
at temple
What other game developer releases daily content to their fans? Absolutely no one.
People are crying that they are losing hype because the pictures aren't interesting...my god..
It's a god damn Smash Bros game... the hype will be there even if there weren't picture updates.
Anyone trying to justify the fact that we deserve new material with each picture are greedy and spoiled.

You're acting like ****ing children.
Be happy with the luxury you are getting.
Patience is a virtue so few of you have learned.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
We still have months at the very least before the game comes out. There's no reason whatsoever to promote the game for its entire dev cycle. The reason we got so much stuff on the Dojo in so little time is because the game was supposed to come out that year. Smash 4 is coming out sometime next year, assuming no delays. The Wii U may need sales, but this holiday season and Mario Kart will help with that even more than Smash Bros., and Sakurai's not going to compromise on time if he's not forced to.

Expect the promotion to get better closer to the game's launch, and the flow of information to increase. Until then, this is something he's doing for fun, and everyone needs to quit whining about it not being good. At least we're getting it. I can think of no other game that's had this treatment.

We are entitled to nothing.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I won't deny that the pics have been lame for a while.

I just think complaining about it is a waste of time and energy.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
A friend of mine worries me.

When I did tell her I wanted to trade one of my Caught-Pokerus-Pokémon, she had answered after some researchs that Pokémon which caught it won't be able to be transferred to the Pokémon Bank.

Does somebody has some official informations about that ?
'Cause it would be REALLY dumb if my Pokémon won't be tranferable because of a virus which is not a glitch conceived by Pokémon Company themselves. :c

(@Admiral Pit : Before you ask, I've added your FC. Now I'm waiting your confirmation for mine's. ;))
Also, that was completely irrelevant to the thread, put it in a more appropriate one next time.


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
Tomorrow already shaping up to be a pretty lame day for me. I have a feeling that Sakurai's gonna start my day off with a smile though. Even if it's a lame pun, or a "I'm not making a Ridley Hole reference" reference.

Here's to Hump Day!

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
In terms of hype, it's really a lot more efficient to go in streaks. You sometimes reveal a lot quickly, and then you have droughts. Sakurai is showing this technique well, and he's optimising further with the total unpredictability of the whole thing. As has been said, it's a very long reveal cycle.

When you consider the overall Wii U strategy from Nintendo, emphasizing smash now doesn't make a lot of sense with the next big game being Super Mario 3d World (a strong system seller coming soon). If I were in charge of Nintendo marketing, I'd put out a new and good smash trailer sometime between 3d World's launch and the end of the year (along with similar trailers for tropical freeze, MK8, and X). The smartest plan is to push next year's games after you have a launch for all of this year's games so you both get the full launch power for this year's games and make one last argument to buy a Wii U for the holidays. They may do things somewhat differently of course, but I can't be upset over their strategy given that it's more or less exactly what I would do in their shoes.

You also do have to remember to ask what is done and what's not. This is a game in development, and if everything in the game were ready to show, I have no doubt it would come out within the month. When you consider that, it could very well be that most of the content in the game is just not ready enough to show, and what is ready may not be good for them to show for other reasons (like specific characters being held back for reveals at specific times).

All of it together basically means be patient. I will say though that I'm not super bothered by any reveal patterns because at least the pictures give me something to look forward to each day. I'm up at 2 AM every day anyway, and it's a few minutes of entertainment to check the picture. If it's a cool reveal, that's a bonus, but I'm enjoying following the thing regardless of what I get on any given day (even if it's really stupid picture like Pikachu being a growth on Mega Man's back, so far the only picture that didn't show anything new, look cool, or provide humor). In that way, it's really hard for me to relate to people who are super info hungry and get really bothered when they don't see something new fast enough; are you really not enjoying the spectacle of this at all?


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
What other game developer releases daily content to their fans? Absolutely no one.
People are crying that they are losing hype because the pictures aren't interesting...my god..
It's a god damn Smash Bros game... the hype will be there even if there weren't picture updates.
Anyone trying to justify the fact that we deserve new material with each picture are greedy and spoiled.

You're acting like ****ing children.
Be happy with the luxury you are getting.
Patience is a virtue so few of you have learned.
Well, this greedy and spoiled ****ing child is perfectly content not being holier-than-thou and a judgmental shrew in his attempt to provide insight as to why pics of Mega Man's back growths are just the slightest bit disappointing to him and a score of others.

Also, to those earlier in the thread with your condescending generalizations about how each and every user who doesn't adore each and every pic of the day "has nothing better to do with their life" or "should stop caring about a game," boil your heads, seriously. People like video games, and like writing about what they like on a forum that exists for exactly that purpose. If you don't like it, you can git out.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
The game probably won't be out for another 8 months and there's probably close to 200 more updates left to go; there's plenty of time to reveal more stuff.
And there's probably over 400 songs; why not just reveal like one every week with a 30 second demo like in the 2nd Brawl Dojo=??? Seriously, we don't even know what the main theme for these games really sounds like. In the 1st Brawl Dojo, we had the main theme on the front page.
People seem to forget how bare bones the Melee prelaunch site was and how the only thing that was really talked about was characters.
That was back when no one used the internet. "War has changed."
Has October been boring? Yes but Nintendo's clearly more concerned with showing off games that are just around the corner
Nintendo has next to no involvement with the updates. The only thing they do with Smash Bros anymore is fund it. After these 2 games, over half of the smash games will have been developed primarily by 3rd party companies.
Nintendo knows that Smash Bros is big but they also know it's a bit of a hype vacuum. Aside from Mario Kart, nothing comes close as a definite system seller so there isn't much of a point to hype it a lot right now.
I guess 3D canon Mario, DKC (hint: DKC is probably a more reliable seller than Zelda thesedays), and Wii Fit don't exist anymore.
Things are slow, yes, but as I've mentioned we've already gotten a lot more in comparison to what we got for Brawl in the exact same time span.
"Things are slow" is the motto of the 8th generation of gaming. Sony and Microsoft have it worst, but at least they have the wherewithal to hype up their games and products.
In short, SSB4 doesn't really need all that much attention right now and its just best to ride out the rest of this year with low expectations.
I guess Sony is stupid for having Square Enix show off Kingdom Hearts III guys. Let's only hype stuff that comes out next month, folks!!! It's not like GTA V's epic trailer released almost a year before the game's launch helped it sell over 29 million copies in just under 6 weeks, or more non-packaged copies of any Nintendo produced game.

Nope. Clearly Nintendo hyping up the next Pokémon a year in advance was stupid. Yep. No one bought Mario Galaxy after years of hype. Yep.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I guess Sony is stupid for having Square Enix show off Kingdom Hearts III guys. Let's only hype stuff that comes out next month, folks!!! It's not like GTA V's epic trailer released almost a year before the game's launch helped it sell over 29 million copies in just under 6 weeks, or more non-packaged copies of any Nintendo produced game.

Nope. Clearly Nintendo hyping up the next Pokémon a year in advance was stupid. Yep. No one bought Mario Galaxy after years of hype. Yep.

SSB4 did have a trailer though.... Three originally at E3 and one recently for Sonic.

Not your best comparison.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
The whole Smash community is made up of *******es who were spoiled on the last game's dev cycle and now think they're entitled to getting everything they want. Maybe these pictures could be better. But there was never any agreement or indication that they'd be used to reveal new things on a regular basis, nor does Sakurai have any obligation to do so. He's doing this because he wants to. Don't like it? Stop paying attention. Then there's no reason for you to ***** about nonexistent issues.
Way to call me a b*tch. Your high and mighty "I'm taking the corporate stance" butt just got reported for pulling this kind of crap.

If you don't like my opinions, fine, but you don't have any right to insult me for my opinions with personal attacks.

Does me saying the marketing approach of Nintendo is bad really offend some of you freaks this much=???

Get out and walk in the real world man, because if this offends you enough to insult me, then you need to go and discover life.

Oh and Swamp and KingOfPhantoms, I lost respect for you two for liking this guys' post after he insulted me.


Smash Lord
Nov 21, 2008
And there's probably over 400 songs; why not just reveal like one every week with a 30 second demo like in the 2nd Brawl Dojo=??? Seriously, we don't even know what the main theme for these games really sounds like. In the 1st Brawl Dojo, we had the main theme on the front page.
Perhaps you should listen to the trailer again. Because I heard what sounds like the main theme for these games in it.

Way to call me a b*tch. Your high and mighty "I'm taking the corporate stance" butt just got reported for pulling this kind of crap.

If you don't like my opinions, fine, but you don't have any right to insult me for my opinions with personal attacks.

Does me saying the marketing approach of Nintendo is bad really offend some of you freaks this much=???

Get out and walk in the real world man, because if this offends you enough to insult me, then you need to go and discover life.

Oh and Swamp and KingOfPhantoms, I lost respect for you two for liking this guys' post after he insulted me.
Except he wasn't even talking to you. He never said, "Johnknight, you're a b*tch." He never even said anything about you, he was making a general statement. So you just bragged about falsely reporting someone, which I should report you for. But I'm not going to, because it solves nothing.

You talk about being in the real world. Well, in the real world, people will insult you, often for no reason at all. There's no reporting (who would you report them to?), you just have to deal with it. You need the self-esteem to not let the bad eggs in life get to you. Else, you're going to sink to their level. And that is never good.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!

SSB4 did have a trailer though.... Three originally at E3 and one recently for Sonic.

Not your best comparison.
Yeah, but the trailer was rather short, whereas GTA V had a much more longer and detailed trailer with a lot more hidden stuff in it (which takes me off topic, but it's gotta be said that this is an indicator that GTA V in November of 2012 was more complete than Smash Wii U and 3DS in June of 2013; do with that what you may)

Also, again, the whole point is to hype up a product. You gotta hype it up years in advance. If the NFL stopped having ads and promos for their brand in the off-season, less people would watch in the regular season.
Perhaps you should listen to the trailer again. Because I heard what sounds like the main theme for these games in it.
It's there, but we hear maybe 30 seconds of it, and it's muddled in with the sound effects. I've tried looking for better audio of it, and it simply does not exist.

I dunno, I think it sounds pretty epic. I'd love to have a 30 or so clearly version of it as a Dojo update. The music updates on the Brawl Dojo were amongst my favorites.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
It's there, but we hear maybe 30 seconds of it, and it's muddled in with the sound effects. I've tried looking for better audio of it, and it simply does not exist.

I dunno, I think it sounds pretty epic. I'd love to have a 30 or so clearly version of it as a Dojo update. The music updates on the Brawl Dojo were amongst my favorites.

Give this a shot.

But yeah.... If I miss anything, it's the music updates...


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
@ Swamp
I've heard that re-arrangement, but I think it's more off than one might think. I think the main theme loops something like after 2 1/2 or 3 minutes. I have a feeling it will be fairly long for a main theme.

Also, c'mon! Music updates would be so rad! Just give us all the songs we already know twice a week! Boom! Two updates a week automatically are good :)
No one claimed they were. Neither the consumer or the producer are entitled to anything.
I just want to get the message straight to stop the fanboy brigade (apparently I failed to do so).
There's a difference between saying that he could do better and acting like we're entitled to groundbreaking things every day. That's what we're getting at. Everyone agrees that these updates are kinda lame. But whining and moaning about it isn't gonna solve anything.
I just listed over 2,000 things Sakurai could show us that would get me hyped, from songs, to trophies, to stickers, to stages, to new parts of stages, to characters (playable or not), to moves, to online content, to game modes.

How is that asking for something ground-breaking every day=???
Please go there. My curiosity is piqued.

Brawl happened, and it summed up what the Wii general was in one word: Bland.

Bring in the ph1r3. I will beat it with Roy.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I just listed over 2,000 things Sakurai could show us that would get me hyped, from songs, to trophies, to stickers, to stages, to new parts of stages, to characters (playable or not), to moves, to online content, to game modes.

How is that asking for something ground-breaking every day=???
Oh well.

This other guy was acting like we should have gotten a newcomer by now. Not bad, but then he asked people who thought we were fine to please die...

That caused this whole thing to escalate into what happened. That comment was more about him and less about you.

I will beat it with Roy.

Here ya go!


Smash Lord
Dec 2, 2012
JohnKnight1 is right.

Since SSB4 will have more content than Brawl and will be on two platforms, it practically will have more than 2X the amount of content than Brawl that Sakurai could show off. But no, we get these petty updates like Luigi fixing his nose and Donkey Kong/Pikachu staring at a flower. With characters, I'd say Sakurai is keeping a good pace, but what about other aspects of the game? Where are the items, stages, gameplaymodes, assist trophies, pokeballs, exclusive platform content, the cross compatibility content, and the new gameplay styles and features? Also, we have only gotten footage of SSB4 on two days, E3 and the Sonic Reveal(which had so much less hype than Brawl's sonic reveal BTW and was only a measly 16 secs). My question is, if the game launches at the latest December 2014 (it probably will launch before the Q4 to take advantage of the holiday season), then when will he start revealing more of the game's content? I know he wants to keep quieter then he did with Brawl, but come on....


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
^^^ Not only that, but the SSE won't be sucking up approximately half the resources, funding, and time of the developers anymore, so literally, we could have 4 times as much content.

On top of that, I don't even think Namco Bandai is able to push the Wii U to its' limits, given how powerful that awesome white machine of awesomeness is, and the 3DS is basically the equivalent hardware-wise as a Wii (except its' internet actually works for games!!!).
Oh well.

This other guy was acting like we should have gotten a newcomer by now. Not bad, but then he asked people who thought we were fine to please die...

That caused this whole thing to escalate into what happened. That comment was more about him and less about you.
I figured as such.

Literally, asking for a sticker, Pokéball Pokémon, AT character, NPC character on a stage, etc. is barely asking for anything.

We gotta have about 2,000 of all those things combined. Think about it. Now look at Brawl's amount of all that. Now realize we'll get more. Now agree with me. :shades:

Here ya go!
Project M's ph1r3: 1
Brawl's ph1r3: None

BRAWL'S 2 SLOW!!!!! :sonic:


Smash Lord
Dec 2, 2012
And might I add that although the core Smash community will always back Smash, what about the rest of the Smash crowd? Unlike us, they are a fickle group and can easily lose the hype and excitement over these games if at least somewhat interesting updates are not shown off. Sakurai needs to develop more hype if he wants Brawl esque sales


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I think you forgot to carry a 1.
Yeah, I got Smash Wii U and 3DS in December 2011.

Sorry guys, Solid Snack isn't playable. :troll:

Oh, and neither is Ike Eisenhower. :troll:
And might I add that although the core Smash community will always back Smash, what about the rest of the Smash crowd? Unlike us, they are a fickle group and can easily lose the hype and excitement over these games if at least somewhat interesting updates are not shown off. Sakurai needs to develop more hype if he wants Brawl esque sales
That goes back to my NFL point; if fans aren't promoted when the NFL seasons starts or to be hyped about it and watch this game and that game and this game and that game, how would they otherwise know=???

Unless they are "hardcore" and seek out, they've got to figure it out on their own. The same is true with (new) TV shows and TV show episodes, and the same is true with Smash fans.

Really, the hype for this smash game is much lower than with Melee or Brawl, and quite frankly, if I'm Nintendo, I'm disturbed. They got a wide open console market that's like the wild west, and any time is the perfect time to PROMOTE, PROMOTE, PROMOTE!!! Throw tens of millions of dollars to PROMOTE!!!


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2012

...So, uhm... I'm really digging the new 3D Land stage, especially with all the new screenshots it's been getting...

...Just trying to stay a bit positive...


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!

...So, uhm... I'm really digging the new 3D Land stage, especially with all the new screenshots it's been getting...

...Just trying to stay a bit positive...
Oh no, it's a decent update, and yeah, this stage is quite interesting.

I'm not sure if people know this, but I'm a huge fan of moving stages. My 3 favorite stages are moving stages (Rainbow Cruise, Delfino Plaza, and Mute City). I'm hoping this stage and Skyloft can join that ranks.

That's a bigggggggggg reason why I want to see how this stages transitions from one area to the next. I do not, I repeat, I do NOT want another stage that moves weirdly like Mushroomy Kingdom, or moves as fast as say Mushroomy Kingdom or Rumble Falls.

Man guys, you have no idea how much I love Rainbow Cruise. I love it, I love it, I love it. It's a great counter stage, too. I haven't lost a tournament match yet on that stage, sans to like top 10 all world talents. I have literally memorized everything about that stage, and all the timings. That's how much I love that stage! :)

I would literally pay $30 for that stage alone as DLC. I'm not kidding. That's how much I love that stage!!!
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