Banned via Warnings
Miyamoto's pretty much done everything and has had a hand in the creation of just about every character whose ever made it into Smash. The only major franchises I don't think he's ever played a major role in are Fire Emblem and Mother. He personally created Mario, DK, Zelda, F-Zero, Star Fox, Nintendogs, Mole Mania, Pikmin, and Miis, and played a significant role in getting Kirby, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Pilotwings, Yoshi, Wario, and Smash Bros off the ground.Miyamoto did that?
Color me impressed.
Also, first PoD of the month that doesn't have new info (although the Miyamoto tidbit was cool) but, given it's a Monday and we got 9 new things in a row, I'm not that bothered, in fact, I'd rather start the week off with throwaways/filler and then build up from there.