unofficial Juggle-opinion-rankings that may or may not change depending on how many people drop out due to inactivity before our next update
1. Moose
2. Duck
<-- insert Shaeden here if he ever enters another tourney and does amazing
3. Shady
4. Velynn
<-- insert Shaeden here if he ever enters another tourney and does decently
5. Kzhu
6. Slayer
<-- insert Shaeden here if he ever enters another tourney and does mediocre
7. Struggleguy
8. Lain
9. HIfree+
10. Tremor
HM would probably be Kail, Dre, Rye, Chad, Dope/Anther (if either of them starts entering tourneys again, like they said they would)
Inactive n00bs: Mikey Lenetia, Toadster, Brainjack
P.S. step it up so I can move you higher on this list, Josh