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Micaiah for Brawl *Radiant Dawn Spoilers*


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Nintendo Power gave it a 9.5. Before anyone says "IT'S A NINTENDO GAME!", they give honest reviews. They have given their own games scores like 6 before. IGN and Gamespot have never been my favourite review sources.


Smash Master
May 17, 2002
This is one of the few reviews of IGN that I can't possibly believe.

There were a few other cases also, but this is atrocious.
What's wrong with 8.0? That's a rating for a game worth buying.

8 is above average. And of course an FE fan will rate it higher.

Maybe you should look at Gamespot. They're gonna give it a lower rating.

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
IGN would ruin the fun and give it a bad score on presentation. Oh well, at least it's going to be the one of the top 5 hardest game on the Wii.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2007
Nintendo Power gave it a 9.5. Before anyone says "IT'S A NINTENDO GAME!", they give honest reviews. They have given their own games scores like 6 before. IGN and Gamespot have never been my favourite review sources.
IGN is fair sometimes, however Gamespot is just terrible.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Meh, if you ask me, theres no reason to listen to the so-called "professional" reviewers at all. All such things are purely subjective, based on opinion and personal preferences - what matters is your opinion, not anyone else's.



Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
New Jersey, USA
They do mention the game is very fun. The reason they gave a lower score is that the presentation is exactly like the Gamecube one, Path of Radiance, and lack of any new features (Point-and-click and vs. mode to name a few).

I think the 8 is fair enough, because I agree they should at least done a few more FMVs.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
The 8 is reasonable when you consider while the 3d battles are improved, they could be a lot better. What annoys me is how they still need to wait for the animation to finish to die, even when they've run out of HP. It's just silly to watch and detracts from the experience. I wish they'd make Fire Emblem with 2d maps and battle sequences, but 3d FMVs. Until they can do it right, Fire Emblem should stay 2d.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
Isn't it possible that people are only supporting Micaiah because they want a magic-using female? She really isn't all that deserving in her own right.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
Neither is Pokemon Trainer but look what happened.
Yeah - the first three starters of one of the world's most famous franchises - some of the most iconic characters in game history - yeah, they don't deserve a spot at all.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2007
Meaning that Lucas didn't earn his spot, he's only from a recent game in the series without any other merits to his name but being the most recent in the series.

Hey, look who got confirmed about a month back!

Micaiah makes as much sense as any other female magic using Fire Emblem character in the series.


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
New Jersey, USA
Yeah - the first three starters of one of the world's most famous franchises - some of the most iconic characters in game history - yeah, they don't deserve a spot at all.
I meant the trainer himself, not the Pokemon. The 3 could have been their own characters, but instead they fall under him.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
Micaiah makes as much sense as any other female magic using Fire Emblem character in the series.
Next to none? Being a female doesn't make her more deserving. Using magic doesn't make her more deserving.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2007
Next to none? Being a female doesn't make her more deserving. Using magic doesn't make her more deserving.
Being a Fire Emblem main character without:

Blue Hair
External and dangling reproductive organs

makes her more deserving. While you can make each swordfighter unique, its easier to have more variety in the cast. Micaiah is on both sides of the ocean, recent, unique, and pretty.

You have yet to give any evidence as to why she SHOULDN'T be in the game.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
I need evidence why she shouldn't be in? She doesn't deserve it - simple as that. What has she done to deserve it besides be a girl? And how ridiculous is that? The only reason people support this character is ****.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Why hate her? Hell her game comes out soon, we sohuld try it before we go on saying, we wants Marth back


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
I need evidence why she shouldn't be in? She doesn't deserve it - simple as that. What has she done to deserve it besides be a girl? And how ridiculous is that? The only reason people support this character is ****.
I don't. I support her because she has potential, sure magic is nothing new but it would be nice to get a long range attacker, similiar to Mewtwo.


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
New Jersey, USA
I need evidence why she shouldn't be in? She doesn't deserve it - simple as that. What has she done to deserve it besides be a girl? And how ridiculous is that? The only reason people support this character is ****.
I'm overwhelemed by your great evidence and logic!!!! I admit defeat.... /sarcasm


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2007
I need evidence why she shouldn't be in? She doesn't deserve it - simple as that. What has she done to deserve it besides be a girl? And how ridiculous is that? The only reason people support this character is ****.
Proving you didn't read ANY of my post, as I gave 4 arguements, none were ****.

Now, try that counter arguement again WITH a counter arguement.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
So she doesn't have:

Sword - So? Not using a sword isn't a reason. That would mean EVERY character without a sword deserves to be playable.

Blue Hair - So? Not having blue hair isn't a reason. That would mean EVERY character without blue hair deserves to be playable.

External and dangling reproductive organs - Thus, ****. So? Being a girl isn't a reason. That would mean EVERY character who's a girl deserves to be playable.

Crappy arguments.


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
New Jersey, USA
So she doesn't have:

Sword - So? Not using a sword isn't a reason. That would mean EVERY character without a sword deserves to be playable.

Blue Hair - So? Not having blue hair isn't a reason. That would mean EVERY character without blue hair deserves to be playable.

External and dangling reproductive organs - Thus, ****. So? Being a girl isn't a reason. That would mean EVERY character who's a girl deserves to be playable.

Crappy arguments.
Considering that she's from FE, they are good arguments.

....Tell me... How many Fire Emblem games have you ever played?


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
All of them. Bow before me. I'm guessing all you play are the US versions, like everyone else?

And no, her being from FE doesn't make those arguments any different. Ike is in, and Marth is guaranteed. So what now, because Sigurd, arguably the most popular FE lord of all, is a male with blue hair and a sword, he can't be in? That's a pitiful argument.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2007
So she doesn't have:

Sword - So? Not using a sword isn't a reason. That would mean EVERY character without a sword deserves to be playable.

Blue Hair - So? Not having blue hair isn't a reason. That would mean EVERY character without blue hair deserves to be playable.

External and dangling reproductive organs - Thus, ****. So? Being a girl isn't a reason. That would mean EVERY character who's a girl deserves to be playable.

Crappy arguments.
The "Male, Blue Hair, Sword" thing is due to the majority of Fire Emblem Main characters having 3 out of three, a few with 2 out of three, and only two I believe with none of those things.

The four arguements I was referring to out of my last post which AGAIN you missed are. Micaiah is:

on both sides of the ocean
and pretty.

Now, excluding the last one which is a very minor aspect, the first three you have yet to apply onto. Fire Emblems 1-6 were never released in the states or anywhere out of Japan. Limiting their appearances (Marth and Roy both being the characters to show up stateside but not in their own games). 10 comes out Monday, and will be fresh in everyone's minds much like Ike is. Very few FE main characters are magic users, and even when we have a main player that is they are not a lord that you need to use like Micaiah.

Now, how much do you know about FE characters and FE games?

P.S.: Sigurd is a Mounted unit. While he can make it into the game, he'd have to be augmented. And while he is one of the most popular lords, she's still a mounted unit and was outvoted at all turns by Ike for the game. I'm fairly sure the axe twins or Sheeda would get in before him (unless he's cutting Marth out and taking his spot).


Smash Champion
Jul 25, 2001
I'm not telling you psychos
All of them. Bow before me. I'm guessing all you play are the US versions, like everyone else?

And no, her being from FE doesn't make those arguments any different. Ike is in, and Marth is guaranteed. So what now, because Sigurd, arguably the most popular FE lord of all, is a male with blue hair and a sword, he can't be in? That's a pitiful argument.
most popular FE lords
You just lost the game. Sigurd's popularity = bull****.

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
All of them. Bow before me. I'm guessing all you play are the US versions, like everyone else?

And no, her being from FE doesn't make those arguments any different. Ike is in, and Marth is guaranteed. So what now, because Sigurd, arguably the most popular FE lord of all, is a male with blue hair and a sword, he can't be in? That's a pitiful argument.
Popularity should never be the only deciding factor when it comes to a Fire Emblem character addition. Sigurd would be entirely to similar to Marth and Ike imo. (Unless of course he was mounted, but that would seem very hard to incorporate).

Overall I don't feel like Sigurd adds much when we know that the like's of Marth returning.

Please don't say (oh well he could use a lance) he could very well, but that would not be his main choice of weaponry that would be his Tyrfling(sp).

I don't have a problem with a Sigurd addition as long as he can be almost entirely unique from Ike and Marth.



Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
I need evidence why she shouldn't be in? She doesn't deserve it - simple as that. What has she done to deserve it besides be a girl? And how ridiculous is that? The only reason people support this character is ****.
Ignoring the fact that her game and she herself are allready huge hits in Japan with much anticipation overseas and the fact that she has the potential to be one of if not the most unique FE lord. Yeah you are absoloutly correct, I mean I was astounded by your logic in the other thread but here I can just see that my first impression of you was 100% correct.

All of them. Bow before me. I'm guessing all you play are the US versions, like everyone else?
I've played them all but 10

And no, her being from FE doesn't make those arguments any different. Ike is in, and Marth is guaranteed. So what now, because Sigurd, arguably the most popular FE lord of all, is a male with blue hair and a sword, he can't be in? That's a pitiful argument.
Nobody is saying that. But Sigurd's time has passed and Ike does have a costume of him, plus Sigurd as much as I hate to say it could became a clone much more easily than she could. He also won't be getting a remake anytime soon like Marth, so yeah he's kinda dead now (in more way than one ha!) Not to mention the fact that he isn't even the main character in his game like Micaiah is (co-starring with Ike, I think probably more than Ike though.)

Ferro De Lupe

Smash Lord
May 12, 2006
Shawnee, OK
All of them. Bow before me. I'm guessing all you play are the US versions, like everyone else?

And no, her being from FE doesn't make those arguments any different. Ike is in, and Marth is guaranteed. So what now, because Sigurd, arguably the most popular FE lord of all, is a male with blue hair and a sword, he can't be in? That's a pitiful argument.
If you're such an expert of the games then tell us why she doesn't deserve it?

Oh, by the way, they have to be FACTUAL reasons. None of those "Well, I don't like her." or "She's ugly." arguments. Give us FACTS, not opinions.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
IGN would ruin the fun and give it a bad score on presentation. Oh well, at least it's going to be the one of the top 5 hardest game on the Wii.
Well god dammit. Guess I'm gonna have to get some practice in Fire Emblem...
I need evidence why she shouldn't be in? She doesn't deserve it - simple as that. What has she done to deserve it besides be a girl? And how ridiculous is that? The only reason people support this character is ****.
****? Those A-cups? No way, Johnny.
Now look at this: She's a lord.
Which places her on the same level as other lords except for those who starred in two games, as she never had the chance to appear in two games so that point is irrelevant. So she's on the same level as the other lords, as I said.
What did Marth done to deserve being in the game? He was in the first game. Okay.
What has Ike done? Kick ***. In a good game. And stuff. That makes him deserving.
What has Roy done? Look pretty and advertise his game. Uh. Sure.

Now look, talking about "deserving" is really an extremely... useless argument. It's not like the characters themselves actually work hard for their promotion or something. The only ones who really "deserve" to be in the game are the main icons of all franchises. No Ike, no Metaknight, no Luigi, no Peach... and so on.
I don't know what you see as making a character "deserving", but being the central figure in a great game and bringing something new to the game, besides swordplay forced to look unique, seems good enough for me. The female factor is just a bonus to that.

EDIT: Whoops, looks like a missed a whole page of arguments.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2006
So she doesn't have:

Sword - So? Not using a sword isn't a reason. That would mean EVERY character without a sword deserves to be playable. Crappy argument

Blue Hair - So? Not having blue hair isn't a reason. That would mean EVERY character without blue hair deserves to be playable. Crappy argument

External and dangling reproductive organs - Thus, ****. So? Being a girl isn't a reason. That would mean EVERY character who's a girl deserves to be playable. Crappy argument
Sorry, but sarcastic hyperboles are not a strong counter argument.


Smash Lord
Feb 12, 2006

Please don't say (oh well he could use a lance) he could very well, but that would not be his main choice of weaponry that would be his Tyrfling(sp).
What does that have to do with anything? Why can he use the Tyrfling and a lance at the same time? Since when does a character in Smash have to work exactly the same as he does in their original game. As a matter a fact most characters fight differently from their games in order to be different. A good example of this is Marth, in his games in order for him to use the Falchion he HAS to wield the Fire Emblem shield too. And do you see Marth using the shield in Melee? No. Thats because they didn't want him to be too similar to Link. The developers obviously don't care too much about continuity from the original games. Sure there is a little bit of continuity, but not so much that they cant take a few liberties in designing a moveset.

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
What does that have to do with anything? Why can he use the Tyrfling and a lance at the same time? Since when does a character in Smash have to work exactly the same as he does in their original game. As a matter a fact most characters fight differently from their games in order to be different. A good example of this is Marth, in his games in order for him to use the Falchion he HAS to wield the Fire Emblem shield too. And do you see Marth using the shield in Melee? No. Thats because they didn't want him to be too similar to Link. The developers obviously don't care too much about continuity from the original games. Sure there is a little bit of continuity, but not so much that they cant take a few liberties in designing a moveset.
I was making note of the fact that every single Fire Emblem character in the Super Smash Brothers series always uses his most powerful weapon (Some would say legendary). A character doesn't have to be the same as he was in the game in Smash, but some things related to the game have to stay intact. I would honestly be a little disgusted with the character that would be Sigurd if he used his lance more than he used his Tyrfling(or the lance was his main weapon, also when you noted both the Tyrfling and lance at the same time, do you have any idea of how akward that would be to design and incorporate? They're not like Pit's swords they're larger weapons). I'm sorry but that is one thing that Sakurai could not ignore the importance of. It's like Link using his little tools and such and forgetting out his Master Sword entirely.

You don't know the real reason as to why Marth isn't using his shield in SSBM, and you don't know (or will not know until Marth is revealed). If the developers will incorporate it into his moveset in Brawl. Though if you have proof to your claim that says by Sakurai himself that he did not use Marth's shield because it'd be too similar to Link's I'd be glad to here. Just because they have a similar looking shield does not mean they cannot use it in different ways.

They can take a few liberties but Sigurd's Tyrfling is one of the most important parts of his legacy, you cannot forgo something like that for a "lance" just to make his moveset more unique, imo it would be a disrespect for the character that is Sigurd.



Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
The way I imagine Sigurd is that he uses both the Tyrfing as well as a lance. He could, for example, use the sword for quick strikes as well as primarily in aerial moves, and use the lance for long-range smash attacks... or some variation of that. Symmetrically designed movesets like that are awesome. They should have more of them.
Sigurd would be pretty awesome. Never played his game, but it might really be the best in the series in terms of plot. Too bad plot can't really affect Smash much. And the white costume for Ike might well be a hint at Sigurd.
I keep hearing that the guy is so popular and "Sakurai's favourite lord", but I also keep hearing how false that is, so... uh... stuff.
I'd definitely prefer him over Marth. And if steering a futuristic race car gives Falcon the honor of being the fastest runner in Melee, then riding a horse would be enough of a justification to make Sigurd a fast foil to Ike.

... how did we start talking about Sigurd again?

Anyway, I think I'd like Micaiah and Sigurd equally. They both seem pleasant to have around.

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
The way I imagine Sigurd is that he uses both the Tyrfing as well as a lance. He could, for example, use the sword for quick strikes as well as primarily in aerial moves, and use the lance for long-range smash attacks... or some variation of that. Symmetrically designed movesets like that are awesome. They should have more of them.
I could perhaps see a moveset like the implemented by if his lance takes priority of Sigurd's legendary weapon then it detracts from the character himself.

I'd definitely prefer him over Marth. And if steering a futuristic race car gives Falcon the honor of being the fastest runner in Melee, then riding a horse would be enough of a justification to make Sigurd a fast foil to Ike.
Not really considering Sigurd's size, let alone being in a game where the Holy Weapons are absolutely broken. I could See Sigurd around Roy's speed (Attack Speed as well though). Though Sigurd having a Wario Chopper esk horse move would be pretty amusing.

Anyway, I think I'd like Micaiah and Sigurd equally. They both seem pleasant to have around.
I don't have a problem with a Sigurd addition as long as they can remain true to Sigurd and still give him a very unique moveset.



Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
I could perhaps see a moveset like the implemented by if his lance takes priority of Sigurd's legendary weapon then it detracts from the character himself.

Not really considering Sigurd's size, let alone being in a game where the Holy Weapons are absolutely broken. I could See Sigurd around Roy's speed (Attack Speed as well though). Though Sigurd having a Wario Chopper esk horse move would be pretty amusing.

... dude, to be honest, I have no idea what you meant with those paragraphs.

And, horses can't really be implemented... well, they can theoretically, but it would be extremely awkward and extremely complicated.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
... dude, to be honest, I have no idea what you meant with those paragraphs.

And, horses can't really be implemented... well, they can theoretically, but it would be extremely awkward and extremely complicated.
Yeah how do horses jump twice? Pegasus yes, but normal horses? no.

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
... dude, to be honest, I have no idea what you meant with those paragraphs.

And, horses can't really be implemented... well, they can theoretically, but it would be extremely awkward and extremely complicated.
My apologies, I forgot that you haven't played FE4 for a second. It's completely understandable you don't understand some things if you haven't played the game.

Yes, indeed horses could be hard to implement, but I was just stating an idea in order for Sigurd to remain a bit more canon to his game.

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