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Melee Tournament Mafia! Game Over, Town Wins!


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I see what you're getting at. I also see why I had to re-read to get 3 other reads lolol.

He doesn't have any besides you based on all of his serious posts so far.

Is that what you were looking for? O:

Apr 17, 2011
Red Ruy said:
Man wtf, Cosmo can get to grand finals with Zelda and they make him a Princess role in mafia? Poor IL, lol.
Flavor analysis, suggests he believes claim but doesn't say anything specific.

Red Ruy said:
He said **** RVS so I though we're skipping it if he is being serious.
Okay, so he's actually willing to contribute and comment on things instead of wasting time doing nothing, ri-

Red Ruy said:
Vote: Adumbrodeus

Stop being good with reading people.
RVS. Don't even try passing it off as a legitimate vote. I mean, he gave a reason:

Red Ruy said:
Cause I wanna call out Ambrodeus for being amazing at reads when I saw him play RE4, he nailed everyone but me as scum in his reads.

And meh felt like it.
But it's bull****.

Red Ruy said:
I don't think Soup is scum because of this, but it feels like a null tell rather than a town one.
At this point in the game, Bean****, Soup, Swordy and I had made a lot of posts. And this is his only stance. The epitome of fence-sitting.

Red Ruy said:
1. Gordito
2. Adumbrodeus
6. frozenflame751
8. Terywj
9. Roxy
11. Joey
13. J

We shouldn't get too twisted about this and see what these guys say when they get back.

@Everyone on this list, what do you think of the Vult and Soup situations?
Not adding content himself but he'd still rather wait until the rest of the people say something. Derp.


His first post in the game that's longer than three lines of his own written content, also the first post he tries to justify as actual content. But all it is is a bunch of "I don't know". It's all a bunch of "I'm not sure" and "I can't say". He's not actually adding stances despite the fact that he's saying he's adding stances here. "I can't decide on Vult", "I'm skeptical about the claim but I don't outright disbelieve it", "You feel...I notice that Soup has an easier time talking to x than y."

NONE OF THIS IS A STANCE, none of it is scumhunting, none of it is actually helping town. It's scummy to try to pass this **** off as town because it's usually the scum who care about passing off fluff or misinformation as information. It makes him look like he's doing something when he's really not.

(I linked it rather than quoting it because I felt it necessary to show exactly to what he's responding)

Red Ruy said:
Goridito, NK still results in a skipped day.
And then it's right back to the one-liners.


Has anyone noticed that the only person who's gotten more than three lines out of him at once is Joey?

And I can't comment on this post, it's exactly the same as his #161

Red Ruy said:
Joey, why is there a Pichu after your posts?
I mean, what the hell is the point of asking this?

Oh, wait, apparently:
Red Ruy said:
So it's not a posting restriction yes?

While I haven't seen a game like this, has anyone else been in a game in which princesses don't trigger on certain deaths?
Asking information about the princess role. We haven't outright said what it does but I'm pretty sure by our reactions you can pick up that it triggers on our death, no matter when it happens.

So then I finally comment on Red Ruy, saying:
AM said:
Sits on sidelines, doesn't say a lot about anything, doesn't comment on the princess claim, tries to direct town subtly without really getting involved in what's going on, and instead of adding his own opinion, he suggests we wait for others to post.
Which is exactly what he's done. Most of his posts are just a few lines that either ask about the princess role or point out little things. He refused to take part in the discussion between Soup, Bean****, and Swordy, choosing to throw out an arbitrary vote for Adumb because he "felt like it".

The only thing that was kinda wrong is the not commenting on the princess claim but more often than not he was commenting just on the mechanics of the claim. It took Joey specifically asking him to say that he's skeptical of it, which is still not much of a stance anyway.

So, Joey, where was I wrong?
Apr 17, 2011
I see what you're getting at. I also see why I had to re-read to get 3 other reads lolol.

He doesn't have any besides you based on all of his serious posts so far.

Is that what you were looking for? O:

What's this? Give the man a prize. He's tunneling a META BASED ARGUMENT and doesn't give reads on anyone else nor does he make a case based on this game.

He's buddied you with that BS line about interesting posting style.

He stalled forever on voting us until he thought he could get away with it.

He tries to discredit us simply based on the fact that I like to gambit.

You see no problem with this? Meanwhile, you can trace 4 or so reads back to us including the Gord read which we've since revised.

Can you explain what makes him townie again and how it stacks up with the scummy things Vult has done?


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
**** Ryker too much at once. I'll get back to everything though~

By that I mean I'm gonna start responding now :p
Apr 17, 2011
I like this two front war ****. It's ****ing entertaining to watch me pressure someone even when I'm pressuring them for something else.

FF, where's the grand master mafia star at?
Apr 17, 2011
Let it be known that I think Roxy and Tery need to be vigged if at all possible because they're never going to catch up.

Roxy will admit to this. Idk about Tery.
Apr 17, 2011
look at the bold

Although the point that someone isn't really doing something (disregarding whether or not you believe this point to be true about RR), one may say that you're using meta right here. I thought you hated meta tells? Yet you're using it here. What's up with that?
Yeh, it kinda looks like Meta. I said it reminds me of RE4 Red Ruy but I'm not basing how he played that game on how he's playing this game and using that as a sole point of analysis. There is a similarity but I'm not basing my case on Red Ruy around that similarity. My case is based on everything after that claim.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
.....**** ****...

I get what you're trying to say... and you're right -_-'

Yeah, he didn't do anything until I started talking to him. I get it. Okay. Yeah. You weren't wrong except a weak princess statement. I'm sorry.


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Then why do you think he's not scum?
I could see it as a legit point, but he went off tangent at a lot of people.

Wasn't a town or a scum tell.

No? I've never seen a ****ing princess aside from hearing about it in the role list for RE4 which I (Ryker) didn't play in. When I said Princess, I thought it was universally understood to mean, "You die, no day phase." You say, "Yeah, in my day, Princesses carry this specific side effect," yet you provide NO proof. Then you try and discredit our claim for some malformed reason.

So, no, you son of a *****, it isn't ****ing curious.
Seems reasonable, still avoid the insults at the end please and thank you.

Why the hell would you say this? If you think there's a possibility that I'm lying town, then WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU INTERRUPT ME?!

The ONLY reason you should be on my back about a claim is if you 100% believe I'm scum or if you are scum. You should either be pressing for my lynch or not casting doubt on it. Explain the town motivation, if you please.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not saying I'm lying town, I'm saying the opposite. I'm simply pointing out that he's ****ing ******** if he thinks jumping in if I might be lying town is a good thing.

Gord and J, do you agree with that disclaimer?
Well one thing I could think of is town bomb for a role that would want to draw scum, maybe a VT trying to keep the town PRs alive.

Still I have trouble believing this after what I'll read on later.

Son of a *****.

How many times have I ****ing preached that the correct miller play is to claim in your first post? This is a goddamn hyper miller and you can kiss my *** if you think that meta is correct.

Not denying that I love bull**** and that I've played with this guy long before I started playing on DGames. Tbqh, we had a bull**** plan that I'll keep to myself until a later date, but this happened and we didn't want to run it.

@Joey, Adum, and Sworddancer - How do you feel that he's trying to discredit me yet hasn't placed a vote?
This is false.

See a miller has a reason to claim outright since they can literally screw up a town cop or other roles, a Princess on the other land lets scum know they have the option to screw town out of a Lylo in some situations. Letting scum know right away isn't always a good method to help town when your letting scum know you exist as that role.

Now this also raises questions of, can town do something to make sure scum can't use you to screw us out of a lylo.

Also you have a plan? Well asking don;t do any good since you most likely won't say it.

EBWOP: The Princess role is a NERF on the town. It's put in to BALANCE the game in set-ups where LOSING A DAY PHASE, doesn't cost town the game.

@Roxy - Gord read, now. Null is not an option.
Actually it can.

Let's say there was a 3 man scum team, we are at 9 people, we mislynch, go to 8 and have no protection role. We're at 8, they shoot you go to 7, skips the day, they night kill again go to 6 and we lose.

Also, that's a nice bonus.

Soup lead there may be a bit early. I dunno, I'll talk to you about it.
I'll assume this is part of this master plan you had.


Yet you have the gall to tell others to scum hunt. Do you get off on being hypocritical?
I'll agree on this, I haven't been like Gordito myself since it's clear he's calling out people on something he himself is doing.

Are you ****ing ********? He hadn't voted me yet at that point. The point still stands and you're a goddamn moron.

Why is he town? Back your **** up.
He didn't, but it doesn't mean you were favored at that point.

He may agree, what's your point?

Man, Alex, you seem set on Soup. I'll get you to explain it to me later.
Cool let's see if you do.

Cmon, honey. You're gonna have to do more than that.
Pot shots are fun.

why the **** is this important

players' alignments shouldn't be judged on their experience.
That's called Meta, and how funny you say this when you tried pulling this on me a while ago with RE4.

There you go, baby. So you think I'm trying to get you lynched based on the fact that I think it's easy. You know I love you, sweetie, but you gotta give me more credit. You and I both know I'm not dumb enough to ever consider you an easy wagon. I can't get you mad and I know you have enough common sense to not make it easy to bull**** a wagon.

However, the problem here is, that's not the reason we want you dead. You are COMPLETELY playing based around the fact that you think I'm ballsy enough to claim Princess as scum. Town isn't supposed to ignore those claims, but Town is supposed to decide how to act on them BASED ON HOW THE PLAYER ACTS. You're not even trying to push us based on how we're acting this game which is why I'm thinking you're trying to use meta to, even if you don't lynch us, cast enough suspicion on us that we can be night killed at any time.


You're saying with certainty the motivations behind our vote on you even though it makes no sense. Get the **** out of here.
More insults, cool.

I don't ignore claims because it also makes sure town can plan ahead, which outing yourself as a princess does. The thing is, he is doing this based on how you are playing, so don't try and say otherwise. It's got meta in it, but it seems like your getting really annoyed with this.

Your play however looks scummy to me and people calling out meta on you which I could understand is why I'm lining up with them.

So you're trying to lynch us on the fact that we play Princess differently than you/how it's played in the past?


I'll get to these myself.
Yes, because how a princess claims is different from a miller. Which you have cited miller in every instance of princess instead.

Oh, so you think me being a **** is a scum tell? Explain the point behind this section of your post as I see no protown motivation.
Dunno if I would agree with being a **** is a scum tell, I also don't agree with you about no town motivation. I think Joey has that. If he wasn't he wouldn't be focusing on the clear flaws in your claim.

Skimming is not a ****ing scum tell.
It is when your trying to misquote me to get a wagon going.



Red Ruy is the ONLY one who's posted anything aside from meta and it's just dumb.
How has me not? He's quoted examples and things you've said.

Here's a secret. I don't really care about Red Ruy right now.
Wait wait wait.

You vote me and say I need to die, then you say I'm not worth looking at despite the posts and people asking you to show why I'm not doing anything.

Boy does this look scummy.

I am not going to the trouble of doing this if I **** up and I don't have anything more to post, I am not switching accounts or hunting for the post later.
Responding to mod so no comment.

I will stab you. I've already explained this many times. This is the one role where scum need to spread WIFOM about it. They cannot have town accept a princess as a princess when they need to keep that option open.

And Red Ruy thinks I'm skimming? What the **** is this ****.

Again: prove to us that we're actually lying. Just because half of this hydra has a history of bull****ting claims doesn't guarantee that he's lying now.

this is not a gogdamn town tell


See: Broto *****ing at you to back your **** up.
Did you just threaten to stab someone? Wow I got a present for you when this is over.

You did skim bro, you said I had no content yet I posted content more to Joey that you skipped.

Btw claiming princess that be a very very bad thing for town.

Yeah, still don't care about RR much.
Still makes no sense when you consider he was pushing for me to die a lot earlier.

Tbqh, I don't care about skimming RR. He's unimportant right now. He's a stepping stone.
Is this a scum slip? I'm a stepping stone, could this mean I'm a mislynch for him to set up?

You act like two ****ing posts with some minor content in terms of stances that don't really hunt for scum at all are going to cancel out your ten posts of fluff and noncontent prior to that. You don't suddenly become town after posting one post with a scrap of content.

I'm done commenting on Red Ruy, back to Vult.

Where the **** have I said I'm skimming? I read your bloody posts. I don't care for what I've read, I want you to quote specific posts that influenced your reads, Joey. Don't be a moron.
Still don't get why I'm not worth commenting on but ok.

I've posted content relating to this game, Joey was where I posted the real bulk.

Joey, tell me which players are scumhunting and who they think is scum. All of them, within the next 5 minutes.

I'm going to go to a smashfest now. I'll go back to turbo posting when I'm back.
Why so fast? I guess this helps with seeing where Joey is coming from.

I mean, I read it all, but nothing stuck as important or worth remembering aside from the fact that he's hypersensitive and that he's waiting to post now.

FF, Adum, Roxy, and Tery all have no content. Does anyone else fit that description?
I was waiting for you to stop making spam posting so I could respond to something.

And yeah they can post when they get the chance.

Why the **** would I say I've done something I haven't done?
If your scum you would want to dodge the point.

Joey, don't be a galakazoo.
More insults yeah!

I don't even need to address anything after this point in the post. Either I am lying or I'm not. Don't talk about why I would lie, it's WIFOM. There's no merit into it. Figure out if I'm telling the truth and act on it.

So I'll ask you: am I?
My answer, yes.

To remind everyone:

I don't care about Red Ruy's comments if he's not doing anything but sitting on the sideline and saying things like "I need more information before I can decide on Vult" or "Soup has an easier time talking to Sword than Bean****". That's taking a very minor, very noncommittal stance and not actually scumhunting. I don't see action in his posts. I see inaction passed off as action. That's scummy.
Vult had very few posts when I said the first one, the second was noting how the player he was talking about had flipped stances from him where Soup liked Sword and Beatstick where as this was the reverse for another player.


Another great reason for why Vult is scum.

I'll be waiting for that day. Until then, I'm certainly as hell gonna keep thinking I'm right.

I don't blame you for thinking D1's a toss up but it's not a joke. It's probably the most important phase in the game. But I agree with this.
Well if we think you are lying, which I do, then it's a scum gambit and not a town one.

How are they false? **** it, ISOreading RR.
Didn't you say I wasn't worth reading before?


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
@Ryker about Vult:

He... buddied me...? -_-' ugh.

I'm starting to understand what you're saying now. I'm going to re-read, because I'm lost right now. Really really lost. lol. >_<;

I promise I'll respond fully and accurately when I get my **** together! ^_^


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
@Mod: Request mod punishment on Aggressive Mediation for breaking fundamental rule #1, threatening to stab someone and the constant slue of insults are something I would infract as an Smod on these forums


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky

Yeah, I'm definitely going to have to re-read some stuff.

@Mod: I quick edited one of my posts to add in the pichu (: 172:). If that warrants a mod punishment, then yeah.

=P Now I'll re-read... since I've read that wall now @_@;
Apr 17, 2011
@Mod: Request mod punishment on Aggressive Mediation for breaking fundamental rule #1, threatening to stab someone and the constant slue of insults are something I would infract as an Smod on these forums
@Mod: Request this guy be barred from any and all mod communications as he doesn't seem to understand the benefits of certain reactions within this game. In short, don't listen to him, he's a moron.

Looking at that wall now.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I'm not liking your posts being constant insults, nor did I find that stab comment anywhere appropriate even for a game.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Ryker, you know you just defended yourself from mod punishment due to insults... with an insult, right? -_-' idk if you noticed, but that won't really help you lol.

I don't need to re-read.

Vult's posts have indeed been tunneling on AM. I do see the reason for mainly talking about him, since yeah, he did claim day one, but I don't like that you haven't really talked about anyone else except talking to me.

Red Ryu, before the wall (I read it, and I think that it does indeed have some content, although it is also really tunneling), didn't have a lot of content, and his posts were mostly one liners (Which I don't mind, but hey).

AM's points really got me to re think things and I don't know how I feel about his defenses. I still don't know if he's lying scum or really a princess. At this point I REALLY doubt he's lying town.

So basically, I need to re-read Ryker's defenses to get a more accurate read on him lol. Yeah, you could say that I'm pretty lost haha.



KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I like how we're going hard-core on rules now instead of actually playing >_>;

I'll re-read ryker's defenses once all of this BS is figured out.


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Was talking as an Smod about the stab comment, I had to. I take even joking comments like that seriously, because of past experiences with it.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky

I feel that most of AM's posts within his defense have a townie intent, especially if he really thinks princess is a worse miller... even if I disagree with his points with his defense posts lol.

It's okay! ^_^ Didn't even pay attention to it honestly lol.

Apr 17, 2011
I could see it as a legit point, but he went off tangent at a lot of people.

Wasn't a town or a scum tell.

Seems reasonable, still avoid the insults at the end please and thank you.
This is useless information used to make his post look longer and will be a recurring theme.

This is false.

See a miller has a reason to claim outright since they can literally screw up a town cop or other roles, a Princess on the other land lets scum know they have the option to screw town out of a Lylo in some situations. Letting scum know right away isn't always a good method to help town when your letting scum know you exist as that role.

Now this also raises questions of, can town do something to make sure scum can't use you to screw us out of a lylo.

Also you have a plan? Well asking don;t do any good since you most likely won't say it.
You fail to take into account the fact that I AM A ****ING NIGHT KILL MAGNET! FF and to a lesser extent, Adum, both have enough rep for the doc to possibly want to target them, but I can't afford to let that happen. If scum think the doc is not going to protect me, they NKill me ASAP. Do you disagree?

I also find it humorous that you of all people are trying to explain how to play the game.

That plan was for a completely different idea that AM might run in later games. Unimportant.

Actually it can.

Let's say there was a 3 man scum team, we are at 9 people, we mislynch, go to 8 and have no protection role. We're at 8, they shoot you go to 7, skips the day, they night kill again go to 6 and we lose.
There isn't a princess in a 12 man set-up with no protection role. If that's the case, X1 should be tarred and feathered. I play the hand I'm dealt.

I'll assume this is part of this master plan you had.

I'll agree on this, I haven't been like Gordito myself since it's clear he's calling out people on something he himself is doing.

He didn't, but it doesn't mean you were favored at that point.

He may agree, what's your point?

Cool let's see if you do.

Pot shots are fun.
More filler.

That's called Meta, and how funny you say this when you tried pulling this on me a while ago with RE4.
Difference being I can draw parallels to your play here and Vult's case is based solely on meta and not my play.

More insults, cool.

I don't ignore claims because it also makes sure town can plan ahead, which outing yourself as a princess does. The thing is, he is doing this based on how you are playing, so don't try and say otherwise. It's got meta in it, but it seems like your getting really annoyed with this.

Your play however looks scummy to me and people calling out meta on you which I could understand is why I'm lining up with them.
Words. NO ONE has explained how our play this game is scummy, yet they keep saying it like if they repeat it enough times, their magic red slippers will take them home.

Yes, because how a princess claims is different from a miller. Which you have cited miller in every instance of princess instead.
Deal with it. Neither one wants to get in a corner and have to claim. A princess role, when dealt to me, makes a claim even more imperative.

Dunno if I would agree with being a **** is a scum tell, I also don't agree with you about no town motivation. I think Joey has that. If he wasn't he wouldn't be focusing on the clear flaws in your claim.

It is when your trying to misquote me to get a wagon going.
Quotes to prove your accusations.

How has me not? He's quoted examples and things you've said.
You don't understand at all what I'm saying. Go look at it again, moron.

Wait wait wait.

You vote me and say I need to die, then you say I'm not worth looking at despite the posts and people asking you to show why I'm not doing anything.

Boy does this look scummy.
What part of being a stepping stone don't you get. You are unimportant. Possibly scum, but you aren't winning this game in LyLo. I'm not worried about you.

Responding to mod so no comment.

Did you just threaten to stab someone? Wow I got a present for you when this is over.

You did skim bro, you said I had no content yet I posted content more to Joey that you skipped.
You're dumb and aren't READING WHAT WE'RE SAYING.

Btw claiming princess that be a very very bad thing for town.

Still makes no sense when you consider he was pushing for me to die a lot earlier.

Is this a scum slip? I'm a stepping stone, could this mean I'm a mislynch for him to set up?

If you ever catch me in a scum slip I will end my own life.

Still don't get why I'm not worth commenting on but ok.
Because you're dumb and Vult is actually a threat as scum.

I've posted content relating to this game, Joey was where I posted the real bulk.
We're not talking about then, you moron.

Why so fast? I guess this helps with seeing where Joey is coming from.

I was waiting for you to stop making spam posting so I could respond to something.

And yeah they can post when they get the chance.

If your scum you would want to dodge the point.

More insults yeah!

My answer, yes.

Vult had very few posts when I said the first one, the second was noting how the player he was talking about had flipped stances from him where Soup liked Sword and Beatstick where as this was the reverse for another player.
K, I don't care. Talk to Laundry.

Well if we think you are lying, which I do, then it's a scum gambit and not a town one.

Didn't you say I wasn't worth reading before?
I did, at least. I don't care what WL does with you as long as he doesn't move the vote.
Apr 17, 2011
Was talking as an Smod about the stab comment, I had to. I take even joking comments like that seriously, because of past experiences with it.
I really don't care, tbh. The guy I'm talking to knows better than to think I'm going to show up at his door with a knife. Don't make threats to me in thread. If you truly were worried, you'd probably PM the involved parties instead of trying to paint me as a murderous villain. Don't post in mafia games if you don't want your intentions questioned.
Apr 17, 2011
I'm not liking your posts being constant insults, nor did I find that stab comment anywhere appropriate even for a game.
How about after this game is over, if it still bothers you, you talk to me about it (Ryker). And for the record, the stab comment wasn't me.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
> AM claiming princess right away and clearly having no ****ing clue on how to play that role

> AM compares princess to miller in terms of the strategy of how they should be played

> AM thinks RVS is worthless

> people buy this

> thread devolves into an 8 page **** fest of people literally kicking and screaming over AM's moronic claim


> AM thinks skimming isn't a scum tell

> people not posting on their hydras like they're ****ing supposed to


> ad hominem and AtE everywhere and people thinking they AREN'T ****ting up the thread


Seriously I take a short break from mafia and THIS is what SWF devolves into?

I like this two front war ****. It's ****ing entertaining to watch me pressure someone even when I'm pressuring them for something else.

FF, where's the grand master mafia star at?
I was reading through the ****fest that you started, FYI. Takes time and energy to drag my way through 8 pages of ****.

Ok so people, here's the deal.

Town princesses can take a variety of forms, and are designed at the mods discretion according to what he thinks is most appropriate for his game's balance. Stop ****ing assuming that the specific form of a role you saw before in some other game MUST BE CARBON COPIED IN ALL OTHER GAMES. It doesn't work that way.

Thus, AM's claim as princess fits. He's the ****tiest version of a princess, which explains why he's so angry and thus playing like a complete ****ing idiot. Unfortunately though, he's probably town but just has no concept of how to play a princess role properly and let his frustration get the better of him and say dumb ****.

Town princess is NOTHING like a miller. The major difference is anti-town NK incentive. Mafia/killing indies have NO incentive, just based on the role, to NK a miller. They have TONS of incentive to NK a princess in the form Ryker is claiming. Unfortunately, he fundamentally doesn't understand this difference I guess and thinks that outing yourself as a major NK target is good strategy nowadays. Whatever. Crazy folk gonna be crazy.

Anyway, point is he probably isn't scum. If he was that's a ******** claim because he draws all sorts of attention to himself (as we're seeing here, 8 pages of **** filled attention) and increases his chances of getting Nk'd by potential indies, and just in general makes him have to work harder to look legit. Furthermore, if he's staying alive all game and there is no evidence of attempts on his life via night info, we have reason to suspect he is pulling a "my role is too dangerous to lynch" gambit and can think about that option later in the game. Just overall, it puts him in a position of extreme scrutiny and focus, overall a terrible scum position.

It's very rare that I can discern straight up dumb town play from scum play this easily. Kudos AM.

Now, people who aren't ******** should realize that AM will likely be a focused night action target. Proper use of PRs (if we have the right ones) will net us beneficial information if scum fall into the WIFOM trap. No reason to discuss specifics atm, if you have a relevant role you know who you are and you should be able to figure out what you should do based on what the scum are likely to do if you just sit down and think about it for a minute. We don't need to give any anti town players and more info about what town can and cant do just because one moron decided to play his role poorly.

Unfortunately, that poor play has dragged a whole chunk of you down with it.

@ AM: Who of you attackers, one specifically, is the most scummy and specifically about what they said is the most scummy thing?

@ Anyone who didn't or still doesn't believe AM's claim: I want a detailed explanation of WHY not, and I will not accept only meta reasons for an answer.
Apr 17, 2011
Vult Redux - What he's not said is the most scummy thing. He is tunneling me on a completely meta case. He has nothing indicative of my alignment and even says that he knows I like to pull stunts as town as well as scum seeing as he doesn't believe me. That's the only real scum read I have. I feel like Joey is not on Vult's team because Vult wouldn't let him sheep him that bad. I think Red Ruy is just flat wrong. He's the only other person I would say might be scum that's voted me, but I really don't think he's worth the notice now.

@FF - What do we do about inactives who will never catch up and won't provide us with solid reads?


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
"I feel like Joey is not on Vult's team because Vult wouldn't let him sheep him that bad"

o.O'. Care to explain, since I like to improve my play! :O

It wasn't a serious post if you were looking at my soupa post, by the way. :p

@Mod: Is Seikend aware that the game started, or did you just PM the hydra account?

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