I agree with you calling out this bias against Melee here, but please stop trying to equate dislike of Melee with "well they don't like it because they are bad players, obviously. Just git gud and you'll then see how this game is obviously superior in every way. Everyone who doesn't like Melee is obviously mad cause bad, no other reason makes sense".
It makes you look more and more like the worst of the Melee community when I know you aren't actually like that. It also answers why he equates you as a "Melee" player rather than a "Smash Bros" player, because what you are doing right now in this comment is exuding the worst traits of an elitist gamer.
Just stop. Please.
No no no, don’t do that. I’m merely suggesting something reasonable, to play the game. How is that bad? Is there something inherently wrong with attempting to gain perspective through trial and error? Or would you rather people just hold on to their opinions and potentially dismiss themselves from something they can truly enjoy?
When I first played Brawl and competed, I enjoyed it for a brief period, then realized the direction the game was going towards, adhered to the opinions of the vocal majority and bandwaggoned with the people who talked smack about it. I kept playing Melee, but some time later I gave the game another shot, truly tried to understand the fundamentals of the game and began to enjoy it a lot more than I did before. That’s because I decided to formulate my own opinion, make friends in the community, shared tech, and genuinely had a great time, and I regret none of it.
I’m not perfect, and I openly admit to being a kind of a **** back in the day towards the game, but sooner then later realized that I enjoyed the game because it was smash, it was different, and the community is great. Don’t make it seem like trying to enjoy it is a bad thing lol.
And yes, I firmly stick by my opinion that if you blatantly tarnish players in a series because they decide to play a different one from you, and you have all of these negative opinions and beliefs about a player simply because you have a preference, then you’re trash. Because the skills acquired in fighting games and smash is transitive. I hardly find players acknowledging what made Melee great, and automatically attatch “Melee is great” with “tech” or “wave dash”. No, it’s what cumulatively occurs in the game that makes it what it is. Many players will disregard the opinion of someone who prefers the game and just assume we want “glitches” back, that players rely on having the tech barrier, but no one is talking about the external factors behind competing with players. Adapting to play styles, reading the opponent, player style counter picks , temperament, these are critical components to playing. I was just watching Daigo play with Sagat in street fighter 5, and one game he beat the opponent by using crazy combos and reads, and the next he just through out standing fierce kick and crouching heavy and took 90% of his health in neutral. It’s because the mental game and other external factors are important, no matter what game you are playing.
It’s ridiculous that people can get a pass spreading ill-thought ideas and negativity, and even more ridiculous that people are defending it. And as for you, perhaps instead of breaking down my temperament and my methods of arguing, try to understand what I’m saying, or genuinely try to find a flaw in what I’m saying, or back up what you are saying with experiences or data. I would appreciate that more than you would know.
When people say "Melee fans", they generally mean people only enjoy Melee (and Project M). Other games don't really have this kind of big fan groups, most people just switch to the new games.
Then to avoid confusion, don’t do it.
It’s the same when someone is saying “you people”. What exactly does that mean? It’s still grounds for offense. At the end of the day we’re all playing video games, so targeting others not only looks ridiculous, but it’s pointless, because it’s all smash. This is smash boards lol.
Yeah most people do move on, but most people don’t compete for that long either. Not that it’s the most important thing, but players have the choice to play whatever they want as long as they enjoy it. I shouldn’t forfeit playing Super Mario 64 just because Super Mario Odyssey is out, not should I enjoy it less. But I definitely will play the new installments of games because I love the franchise.
I’ve played Ultimate and know I’m going to love it because it smash. I’m personally interested in competitive longevity, but I’m going to enjoy it for everything it has to offer when I first get it.
So far it’s developers have been pretty good about accepting criticism of the game. I could honestly care less about it having a bunch of Melee tech and having things that will make it stand out as great on its own and giving players more freedom of control. That’s my main issue.