Metal Reeper
Smash Champion
Discuss hype
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class EWRtorneo_Model_TioPro extends XenForo_Model
public function uploadXmlFromFile($fileName)
if (!file_exists($fileName) || !is_readable($fileName))
throw new XenForo_Exception(new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_valid_file_name_requested_file_not_read'), true);
$document = new SimpleXMLElement($fileName, 0, true);
catch (Exception $e)
throw new XenForo_Exception(new XenForo_Phrase('provided_file_was_not_valid_xml_file'), true);
if ($document->getName() != 'AppData')
throw new XenForo_Exception(new XenForo_Phrase('provided_file_was_not_valid_xml_file'), true);
$fileLoc = XenForo_Helper_File::getTempDir().'/tio'.XenForo_Visitor::getUserId().'.xml';
copy($fileName, $fileLoc);
$events = array(
'name' => (string)$document->EventList->Event->Name,
'host' => (string)$document->EventList->Event->Organizer,
'venue' => (string)$document->EventList->Event->Location,
'games' => array(),
foreach ($document->EventList->Event->Games->Game AS $game)
$events['games'][] = array(
'ID' => (string) $game->ID,
'name' => (string) $game->Name,
'game' => (string) $game->GameName,
'type' => (string) $game->BracketType,
'entry' => (string) $game->EntryFee,
'entries' => count($game->Entrants->children()),
'final' => $game->InProgress == "True" ? false : true,
return $events;
public function getEventDetails($gameID)
$fileLoc = XenForo_Helper_File::getTempDir().'/tio'.XenForo_Visitor::getUserId().'.xml';
if (file_exists($fileLoc))
$xml = simplexml_load_file($fileLoc);
throw new XenForo_Exception(new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_valid_file_name_requested_file_not_read'), true);
$event = $this->getEventInfo($xml, $gameID);
$results = $this->getEventResults($xml, $gameID);
return array($event, $results);
public function getEventInfo($xml, $gameID)
foreach ($xml->EventList->Event->Games->Game AS $game)
if ((string) $game->ID != $gameID) { continue; }
$event = array(
'event_name' => (string) $game->Name,
'event_host' => (string) $xml->EventList->Event->Organizer,
'event_venue' => (string) $xml->EventList->Event->Location,
'event_date' => strtotime((string) $game->Date),
'event_entry' => (int) $game->EntryFee,
'event_service' => 'tiopro',
'event_sval1' => (string) $xml->EventList->Event->ID,
'event_sval2' => (string) $game->ID,
'image_url' => false,
'game' => (string) $game->GameName,
switch ((string) $game->BracketType)
case "SingleElim": $event['event_type'] = "single"; break;
case "DoubleElim": $event['event_type'] = "double"; break;
case "RoundRobin": $event['event_type'] = "robin"; break;
if (empty($event))
throw new XenForo_Exception(new XenForo_Phrase('tiopro_bracket_could_not_be_found'), true);
return $event;
public function getEventResults($xml, $gameID)
$players = array();
foreach ($xml->PlayerList->Players->Player AS $player)
$players[(string)$player->ID] = array(
'result_player' => (string)$player->Nickname,
'result_user' => (int) $player->Name ? $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_User')->getUserById((int) $player->Name) : array(),
foreach ($xml->EventList->Event->Games->Game AS $game)
if ((string)$game->ID != $gameID) { continue; }
$matches = array();
$bracket = (string) $game->BracketType;
if ($bracket == 'RoundRobin')
foreach ($game->Bracket->Pools->Pool->Matches->Match AS $match)
$matches[] = $match;
foreach ($game->Bracket->Matches->Match AS $match)
if ($match->IsWinners == 'True' && $match->IsChampionship == 'False' && $match->IsSecondChampionship == 'False') { continue; }
if ((string)$match->IsSecondChampionship == 'True') { $number = 999; }
elseif ((string)$match->IsChampionship == 'True') { $number = 998; }
else { $number = (string)$match->Number; }
$matches[$number] = $match;
if (empty($matches))
throw new XenForo_Exception(new XenForo_Phrase('tiopro_bracket_still_in_progress'), true);
switch ($bracket)
case "SingleElim":
case "DoubleElim": $results = $this->calculateElim($matches, $players); break;
case "RoundRobin": $results = $this->calculateRobin($matches, $players); break;
foreach ($results AS &$result)
$result['result_ordinal'] = $this->getModelFromCache('EWRtorneo_Model_Results')->addOrdinal($result['result_rank']);
return $results;
public function calculateRobin($matches, $players)
$results = array();
foreach ($matches AS $match)
if (empty($players[(string)$match->Winner]))
throw new XenForo_Exception(new XenForo_Phrase('tiopro_bracket_still_in_progress'), true);
if ((string)$match->Winner == (string)$match->Player1)
$winner = (string)$match->Player1;
$loser = (string)$match->Player2;
$winner = (string)$match->Player2;
$loser = (string)$match->Player1;
if (empty($results[$winner]))
$results[$winner] = $players[$winner] + array('wins' => 0, 'loss' => 0, 'winsR' => 0, 'lossR' => 0);
if (empty($results[$loser]))
$results[$loser] = $players[$loser] + array('wins' => 0, 'loss' => 0, 'winsR' => 0, 'lossR' => 0);
if ((string)$match->SetType == 'TotalOf')
$loss = (int)$match->Losses;
$wins = (int)$match->Games - $loss;
$loss = (int)$match->Losses;
$wins = ceil((int)$match->Games / 2);
$results[$winner]['winsR'] += $wins;
$results[$winner]['lossR'] += $loss;
$results[$loser]['winsR'] += $loss;
$results[$loser]['lossR'] += $wins;
uasort($results, create_function('$a, $b', '
if ($a["wins"] > $b["wins"]) { return -1; }
else if ($a["wins"] < $b["wins"]) { return 1; }
if ($a["loss"] > $b["loss"]) { return 1; }
else if ($a["loss"] < $b["loss"]) { return -1; }
if ($a["winsR"] > $b["winsR"]) { return -1; }
else if ($a["winsR"] < $b["winsR"]) { return 1; }
if ($a["lossR"] > $b["lossR"]) { return 1; }
else if ($a["lossR"] < $b["lossR"]) { return -1; }
$rank = 0;
$step = 1;
$wins = 0;
$loss = 0;
$winsR = 0;
$lossR = 0;
foreach ($results AS &$result)
if ($wins == $result['wins'] && $loss == $result['loss'] && $winsR == $result['winsR'] && $lossR == $result['lossR'])
$wins = $result['wins'];
$loss = $result['loss'];
$winsR = $result['winsR'];
$lossR = $result['lossR'];
$rank = $rank + $step;
$step = 1;
$result['result_rank'] = $rank;
return $results;
public function calculateElim($matches, $players)
$results = array();
$champ = false;
$rank = 1;
$step = 1;
if (empty($players[(string)$matches[998]->Winner]))
throw new XenForo_Exception(new XenForo_Phrase('tiopro_bracket_still_in_progress'), true);
foreach ($matches AS $match)
if (!empty($players[(string)$match->Player1]) && !empty($players[(string)$match->Player2]))
if ((string)$match->Winner == (string)$match->Player1)
$winner = (string)$match->Player1;
$loser = (string)$match->Player2;
$winner = (string)$match->Player2;
$loser = (string)$match->Player1;
if (!$champ)
$results[] = $players[$winner] + array('result_rank' => $rank);
$champ = true;
elseif ($match->IsChampionship == 'True')
$results[] = $players[$loser] + array('result_rank' => $rank);
if ((int)$match->PrevSiblingMatch >= 0)
$rank = $rank + $step;
$step = 1;
return $results;
I bought him a webcam for the holidays but he's not coming to our New Year's Shindig so I can't give it to him - FOILED AGAIN!Anyhoo, great job with the podcast Bobby. Let's get Sheridan's sexy mug on the video too.
Just lol'd for 21 minutesyo, have me on as a main panelist next time...
i can be serious too, but the podcast needs more hype IMO
also, i did a pretty good job on the afterparty
oh lordyya ether you would tune in bc scar whooped you at rom 5 LOOOOOOOOOOOL
sorry i refuse to sully pocky d's good name
it's scar
I vote for Scar vs Bob$ as the first match they show and discuss.
That or the S2J vs Kage MM @ Apex 2012
well those are easily the two best ideas in the history of the worldor just provide a placeholder mp3 download link elsewhere eh
I literally watched that MM after you mentioned in last episode, and it's probably my favorite match ever.well those are easily the two best ideas in the history of the world