Gonna make this quick before class:
The other fighting games got the ****ty ghetto stream Saturday, too. There was no reason, however, to shove Melee to the forefront on the main stream because the other games have to get their time on the main stage as well. If the other games were pushed aside for Melee, that would be
a lot of lost respect and also really, really unfair to those games/communities.
Why Melee was on Bifuteki instead of ClashTournaments? Because Brawl also needed its own, quality stream. Sucks that Bifuteki had his hard drive crash on him during Melee on Sunday during important and hype matches, but streaming really
isn't as easy as most entitled Smashers/viewers seem to think it is.
Edit: Also, HYPED for Wed.! Skisonic's gonna be there? That's a really, really awesome collab. I hope Ski shouts it out on WakeUp SRK.