Loki - thanks for the venue and beating up Sam at MB
(he's too cocky even though he sucks at best :D)
Caotique! - Thanks for another cool tourney! We all appreciate the effort you've put in for us and it very very likely will no longer be a scene without your constant efforts. You're a champ! Peach is cheap lol.
Jon - Manly is the word that comes to mind. I insist you make an effort to enlarge the thrusticles of all bois via ooOOOoooOohage. Good to see you can still fairly trade blows with everyone working so hard these days. Only problem was you used Gdorf so you couldn't blame you're deaths on "thought I was ganondorf" :D
Cats - Baaaastard! It was good to have you around before and after the tourney - though during it I wish you landed more cheaps on KOs Peach. Good stuff using Pika as often as you did. Don't use Peach against my Fox please it's boring to vs cheap rather than baaastardry.
Syrick - Ta for making the effort this time around and ditching WoW for the manly event of snaking in the manly car. I didn't get to see you play much, nor play with you either....sorry about that, but I hope you enjoyed yourself anyway.
Adam - Good to see you made it despite the lack of sleep. Glad you made it, and thanks for the bakery spoils!
Mark - You're a tool lol. It's fun to watch you try be funny and usually succeed....then you sometimes dig a little too deep, realise it, and start ticking away to find the right words to get out of it haha....you're a champ bud - With the aid of your invisibility cloak and 'gorilla' jungle warfare you almost became the only one to blemish my path to Ken
I hope you learned a little more about pressure and performance, and also hope you had fun too!
Freddo - I have no hard feelings at all. You planned to team with Sloth to being with so it only makes sense you team with him
.....only thing you were wrong with was assuming we wanted differently from teams
Winning teams is actually awesome.
Mikul - You manly beast! I enjoyed hearing about you getting game-over in 17 seconds against Kirby! I think you still need to work on your focusing your emotions.....taunting whenever you feel and aggressively leaping back into a disaster situation won't get you anywhere. BOIS!
LMX and Plasia - you both know I respect you very very much my Roy fanatic friends
Sloth - I hope all is cool now, and that my explanation was enough to enlighten you. Don't think for a second you lack manliness - and shaven is good
Well done rearing a cuute Fox to fight along side you pokemaster!
King King - Ta for the approach for training bud. Really starting to feel rather superfluous in terms of smash lately. I hope you enjoyed yourself a lot. So you know, despite your ranking I think you're an awesome player - and in terms of actually having a good complete game and not a tech-***** game you're very darned high in my books. Playing DK only adds to the appeal of your sexy curls and open-minded ways. Great to see ya again!
Accelerate - Nice to meet the guy I was told at Comrades 1 would beat me :D Sorry you didn't though - and that I was the jerk who ripped off your perfect record :O. It was great fun to meet, greet and play ya!
Jaz - My Roy is manly to the max! So you know though - he's like Goku. It was good to see you again, and good to get a small sampler of both your Falcon and Kirby - playing Falcon gives you sexy man points - and playing a non-wh0red character gives you further sexy man points. Being Jaz further improves your sexy man rating to it's potential.
Berimbau - I'm happy to see so many Aussies don't spam cheapo characters. Your Pikachu was pretty sharp and polished, and made me happy to see you galloping away with that giant mouse of doom rather than a cheap ninja or pwnage-princess. By the way - you wouldn't have beaten me in Pika ditto
DZ - I'm assuming I have you two NZers correctly labelled here. If not I'm terribly sorry. Good work with your placing! It's always good to meet a new person, and especially if they're different from the norm. Good to see you use a different character from most people. Really good you made the effort to come over here - though I'm sorry I didn't get more time to play and chat. All the best with smash in the future.
PMD - I'll get the poopy-part out of the way first. We had a misunderstanding at the tournament. Honestly I'm put off by your handling of the whole thing. As a martial artist I think the fact you were unaware of your surroundings and situation, attacked without being in any danger, and targeting a region that is not cool in anyones books should be more than enough for you to deal with. When it came to the apology though, you left it to me to make the first move, kept your defenses ready at all times and failed to offer any kind of peaceful resolution. A simple shaking of hands would have been more than sufficient.-----Anyway, you can't get along with everyone, and I think no less of you. That said and done, thanks for making the effort and taking the time to come over and join in on the fun. I hope you had a good stay and met lots of interesting sorts. All the best!
Niven - you manchild I'm sure you've seen me enough to know I think you're a champ. You finished me off at monopoly after I finished you in poker - looks like its a draw
Sam - Ta for all your work over the past couple of weeks. Haha you were ruined totally by that roundabout tactic!
Everyone not mentioned above - sorry I can't comment on everyone but honestly I was too busy to get enough time with all of you. Hope you all had fun though, and it was great to have you all about bright eyed and bushy tailed!
TM - How can you expect us to be manly without something to contrast?
Last but not least - Sephiroth Ken - Really good to see you again bud. It was a real shame I'm so busy at the moment because I would have loved to ahve been able to show you around more and expose you to some of the lesser seen parts of Australia. Regardless I hope you had a good enough time to not regret coming, and that people despite the busy study period made you feel as at home as you have KO and I in the past.
As for smash, I've really enjoyed playing you again
. So you know the session at my place with Niven the pie-stop day I gave you my absolute all. I hope it was at least somewhat different from the usual maches you play
Thanks for being such a gracious guest in our country! Know you're always welcome back whenever you feel. Pass on my regards to your family.