i'll do some shoutouts i've kinda been putting it off, just to the people i spent time with or stood out~
Citrussed - dude hi, are you actually insane or do you just talk a mile a minute. lol, nice to meet and play you. (you fit into the stand out category).
Cao - mad props for organising the whole thing, and always being a happy guy, though i was reluctant to go watch the footy with standing room only, it was actually a really good game and a good experiance, you always seem to be in high spirits, its uncanny. hope to see you again sometime in the future. ps. nice peach -.-~ (cheap).
Jaz - haha, thanks for doing the whle hostel thing for everyone, and quite impressive skills, you were awesome to hang with too, quick wit, many laughs, should do it again sometime!
Sam - dude, you are one cool cat, thanks for the lift to the uni, but seriously, HOW CAN SOMEONE BE SO BAD WITH DIRECTIONS, hahaha. crazy. i didnt get to actually play smash with you but it was fun enough trecking around melb trying to work out what to do/ where to go. i got to see more that way
Simon / Kulla - pro luigi skills, i think i just got lucky in the tourney game i won, because afterwards you disposed of me pretty easy, was good to spend time with you at the hostel too, play more wow, its good for you.
Pat - i hate irish people, and i hate pikachu, hi.
but seriously man great to meet you, and pro sheik, :o anyone who plays wow is cool in my books.
and was fun times at the hostel and trams
Nivsy Wivsy - hahaha, west coast, 1 point, oh the lols. impressive fox too nice tech skills.
Ken - sorry you got sick, harden up!
also the blademaster is fine, have to play war3 at/solo sometime and test out my rusty skills! us.east isnt that different to west really. nice drawings from what i saw too. your smash skills are pretty impressive in person, better than i expected.
Dedu - nice marth really, you have some nice tech coming along, good to play a marth similar styled to mine and not fsmash happy.!
Xeno - DUDE SHUT UP. hahaha, you are quite a chareceter indeed. was good to meet you, and at least it wasnt a quiet tram ride i guess
Ryan/ accelerate - nice samus skills there, didnt play any of your other chars, but i dont mind vsing samus with marth usually, but you make it hard -.- rogues for the win.
pretty cool guy, hope to meet you again next tourney!
Josh / kk - wow, dk, just wow, i didnt think dk could beat marth, but hey, i guess its not all matchup based and unless you play peach this game may actually take some skill, who would have thought? haha. you were a nice guy, good to meet you, hope to see you next time too
ZTV - sorry you were not well man, and i thought you knew they were tourney games, my bad! always good to see a familiar face too, so glad you came! :D gg's as usual. see you again sometime with any luck
well thats about it. i dont think i spent much time with anyone else really, i did enjoy marks commentary, and shaz was quite the hyperactive child, forblaze, i will beat you next time we meet ;p. and yeah. gg's!
edit : ****
almost for got that SLOTH guy, what a tard seriously. how can you guys put up with or like him. idiots.
but yeah, thanks for encouraging me to play smash from time to time, and go to a tourney, if you didnt make it always sound like fun then i guess i would not have gone, or ever played smash, cheers~
p.s play more warsow.