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Sep 3, 2010
Morrisville, NC
I'll do a reread of FF to see if I can support that lynch.

@AB: How do you explain Rajam's downright refusal to answer Raz and I's questions?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
That's really crappy reasoning, OS. Just because someone is confirmed-town doesn't mean that they are confirmed-right.
Player A is confirmed town
Player B is not

Player A suggets a lynch
Player B suggests a lynch

Player A could be wrong or right
Player B could be wrong or right

Player A cannot be scum
Player B can be scum

There's one difference and one difference only unless someone's got some special information they aren't sharing with us, and I'd rather trust the blind choice of a confirmed townie on D1 than a non-confirmed townie on D1.

AB said:
Disagreeing with Gheb on OS' obvtownness but it pays to watch just in case. He's just dumb.
Gheb thinks in straight lines.

Vote Frozen Flame

My vote follows Adumb, at least for today. I strongly suggest others do the same.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
My vote isn't even on you. Do you want it on Frozen or what?

Would be fine with Rajam too, to be honest.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
vote: Frozenflame

Hope AB doesn't get mod killed, though I am pretty sure he will at this point.

Still am OK with lynching Frozenflame.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I'll do a reread of FF to see if I can support that lynch.

@AB: How do you explain Rajam's downright refusal to answer Raz and I's questions?
I have a better question. Why are you diverting away from FF, willing to jump on the adumb wagon but withold your vote, and pushing for a Rajam lynch simultaneously? I understand the concept of an independent thinker, but there IS a line.

Honestly didn't expect the color stuff to matter, figured he randomized it or something, but just in case.
Given there's a message from someone that made him want to make a change to the rules (which he did not do :B), I'd imagine the colors are important. :p


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007

Vote: Frozenflame

Also, Tery's jump to rule breaking after being silent and useless for the past several days is duly ****ing noted. Seriously, best vig choice. No other option.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
I would not be opposed to a Frozen lynch. He really hasn't contributed much and honestly I wasn't going to vote you because I saw much of OS's push as him and you clashing egos. Personally I'd rather have Rajam lynched because I think he's scummy but I don't see it happening today.

@Circus - I'd rather have Ryker vig'd personally.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I'd rather have Boat's slot replaced.

Tery is outright scummy to me at this point.


Sep 3, 2010
Morrisville, NC
@OS: I don't vote just because someone tells me to. And I'm pushing the Rajam thing because MetaKirby did the same thing to me in FF6 and ended up Indy. I want to make sure people are aware of what's happening before I die again like in FF6. :-/

(In the middle of rereading FF)

Analytical Buttheads

Sep 8, 2011
"no u" ... "no u" ... "no
Ryu, didn't I just fucking tell you to not be a tool? And just a little later you're just dumping your vote on Frozen just because everybody else does? Why are you even playing this game ffs

I really hate how people player in this game, just switching to whatever wagon they like. I actually feel like Xatres is acting more thoughtful here than the other people.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Ryu, didn't I just fucking tell you to not be a tool? And just a little later you're just dumping your vote on Frozen just because everybody else does? Why are you even playing this game ffs

I really hate how players in this game, just switching to whatever wagon they like. I actually feel like Xatres is acting pretty more thoughtful here than the other people.
He's one of my scum picks. :/

Analytical Buttheads

Sep 8, 2011
"no u" ... "no u" ... "no
I'd personally like to see a Rajam lynch. Like I said, I think his ignoring direct questions from TWO players is worse than the deflecting we were getting from AB.

Thoughts, AB/OS/anyone else who is on?
The questions were dumb, the reasoning on the case is dumb. I'll post more detail later or gheb can feel free to, but I think rajam is town.

My vote isn't even on you. Do you want it on Frozen or what?

Would be fine with Rajam too, to be honest.
It was for people in general, we have very little time atm.

Analytical Buttheads

Sep 8, 2011
"no u" ... "no u" ... "no
@OS: I don't vote just because someone tells me to. And I'm pushing the Rajam thing because MetaKirby did the same thing to me in FF6 and ended up Indy. I want to make sure people are aware of what's happening before I die again like in FF6. :-/

(In the middle of rereading FF)
That's like ... a pretty dumb connection. MetaKirby and Rajam are both players that have to improve the very fundamentals of how they play this game. There's absolutely no way that you can make a comparison here, no matter what the actual issue is.

Admittedly, I personally can see where you're coming from with your read and it makes me feel a little less sure about you being scum. I just think you're very, very wrong.

Analytical Buttheads

Sep 8, 2011
"no u" ... "no u" ... "no
Maybe if everyone stops talking about it the mod won't see! :D
Don't care if he sees, it was his obligation to put it in the rules, and the post that he gave was confusing. Regardless of what the post was supposed to read it is not our obligation to reread every post in the thread to see if a mod dropped a rule somewhere.

If it's not in the rules it doesn't count, and if he does modkill based on it, I encourage everyone to blacklist soup as a mod, checking the rules should not be a scavenger hunt.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Raziek and FF were my first picks.

FF isn't doing anything, talking about how he skims is not helpful to scumhunting, he sometimes has a few nice tidbits just not overall good.

Raziek is tunneling Rajam who isn't here, doesn't seem to list much info except how Tery is a perfect lynch candidate, now I see it, before still wtf I don't get how he had enough to push it. Smells like a bus.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
AB, you might be getting modkilled, it is not My fault you cannot read the rules, rule 11 states that talking about colors in your PM is prohibited, it was right in the rules and I even added it.

the game is now frozen until further notice.

Analytical Buttheads

Sep 8, 2011
"no u" ... "no u" ... "no
Soup, get on aim or skype, im on invisible.

Your post in the thread didn't clarify because they conflicted, it only made sense when OS contextualized it, and you never actually added a rule that clarified what you meant.

Furthermore, it was in a totally different section as opposed to editing the existing rule about mod communications which made you think that that's all there was to it. Heck, you couldn't even search for it cause you couldn't even be bothered to copy it into the ****ing rules.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
AB, please email me
@ellojello42@hotmail.com to appeal your modkill, I have other options layed out and I'm willing to be leinient depending how good your appeal is.

there will be strict instructions and punishment the next time this is implemented or mentioned, please refer to the special mod scene which will be up momentairly.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
all colors in your role PMs are now void, and colors for death flips are now randomized, any more mention of colors from here on out is now prohibited, and will no longer bear your alignment, just your role.

AB still needs to PM me so I may negotiate with them.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
different alternatives are being discussed, the game should resume shortly.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
your mod would like to apologize for being vauge about some rules, and not doing votecounts.

AB has received a two day vote-block, the game shall now continue.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
1. Inferno3044 ()
2. JTB ()
3. Overswarm (2) Rajam, Boat
4. Red Ryu ()
5. Circus ()
6. Analytical Buttheads (3) Nich, Raziek, FF
7. Rajam (1) Xatres
8. Nicholas1024
9. Xatres ()
10. Terywj ()
11. Raziek ()
12. Boatchouli (1) Inferno
13. Frozenflame751 (3) OS, RR, Circus

Not voting - JTB, AB, Tery

With 13 playing, it takes 7 to lynch!

Deadline is September 20th at 11:59 PM EST (GMT-5).

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM

Soup u so bad at modding y? At least you didn't **** us by modkilling over your shortcomings though.

We're not claiming.

Frozen, I thought you were supposed to be good at this game.

Circus, I thought you have been played badly enough sufficient time to see through this nonsense by now
Ryu is the same tool as ever.
Raziek is scum scum scum

Lovely wagon.

But we're not claiming to a town that is so godawful and doesn't even understand how this game is played at all.
ALright, you can cut the ****ing attitude. Seriously.

You call me bad at mafia and I'll be on you like flies on ****.

**** YOU.

How is it my fault for thinking you're scummy when you're playing incredibly evasively and obstinate? The bolded in this ****ing post is ****ING PROOF of that piss poor attitude. How in the world am I supposed to read you as town when you refuse to cooperate with any line of questioning just because OS is heading it, won't claim when you're about to be lynched, and just call people attacking you bad at mafia without any sort of concrete rebuttal.

Yeah you can seriously get off yoru ****ing high horse. I hate people who have this ****ing attitude and I've already sworn never to play another game with a certain person on this site because they have the same ****ing attitude and it pisses me off.

Seriously if you weren't ****ing modconfirmed town right now there's not a chance in hell my vote would leave you.

Plus, are you guys gonna decide whether I'm just bad at mafia or scum or what? You accuse me of lying about your meta to justify "jumping" on your wagon, despite the fact that I had already voiced that I thought you were a fine lynch candidate much earlier on. Somehow the fact that I just happened to be the 5th voter constitutes "jumping" on now to you, when we have other ****ers literally not being consistent with their reads and ACTUALLY jumping on wagons, namely mine now.

But regardless, if I WAS scum, how would allegedly lying about your meta make me a bad player? As OS aptly pointed out, only YOU were calling me a liar. Sounds like a pretty good deal as scum to me, considering at the time no one else seemed to be calling it into question. You can call me SCUM for that if you actually think I'm lying, but not BAD. That makes no ****ing sense. The way you're calling me bad, you make it seem like you think I'm town and just ****ing up, which makes me wonder why you have your ****ing vote on me because that's just fullblown ******.

Oh yeah that's right, you guys are just being spiteful *******s and have your head so far up your *** in your self-righteousness of being able to prove you are town you ****ING FORGOT WHAT LOGIC IS.


You've been my scumbuddy, you KNOW how I play as scum, and it's obvious to anyone reading Majora's mask or LOTR that deflection is not my playstyle. You're claiming that it is, and unlike OS and nich you aren't just being bad because I know you're a truly strong player.

Seriously, people take a quick look at Majora's mask. Or Lord of the rings mafia. I even neatly encapsulated this here as well, everything prior to the swiss quote, and I had no reason to lie in the post-game.

FF is lying out his a** about my scum meta, it's an excuse to jump on my wagon. Thanks for making yourself obvious-scum FF.

unvote, vote: FrozenFlame
I've been your scumbuddy. That absolutely DOES NOT mean I KNOW how you play as scum. It means I've had the opportunity to work with you as scum and observe how you played as scum in one ****ing instance. It DOES NOT mean that I'm now and expert on all things adumscum. In fact, most experienced players should know that I ****ing hate meta and am terrible at using it.

I saw aspects of your early game play that reminded me of the attitude you had in MM. I don't give a **** if you disagree, you are OBVIOUSLY going to have a very different take on what your scum play is like as opposed to my take on it. You being obstinate, deflecting attention, having upfront and IMO unwarranted disdain for OS putting himself in the spotlight, and just generally not wanting to cooperate with him DESPITE THE FACT THAT IF ANYTHING YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY OS IS PUTTING HIMSELF ON A PEDASTAL BECAUSE IT MAKES IT EASIER TO CALL HIM OUT FOR BULL****, sent off alarms in my mind and reminded me of how you interacted with him in ways in MM.

It's not an exact match and I never said it was. I'm just seeing shades of that plastyle here and that was plenty good enough for me to want to put pressure on you and lynch you if things didn't change. So ****ing sue me for being consistent with me reasoning.

You can call me wrong all you want about your meta. You're probably right, I'm bad at using meta. Doesn't mean that I can't use what little I do know and what little I can correlate to try and make some early game conclusions and see where they take me.

Maybe I'd be better able to understand why you want me dead if you would actually ****ing pick whether or not you think I'm bad and town or lying and scum. Like seriously you can't contend both.

Just wanted you to respond to this so I'd get confirmation from you when you read it.

Different list. Not scum picks, but the two people you'd lynch if you could choose to lynch two people.
My post prompting people to share picks outside of Tery had that very same thrust though. I've been very clear about who my lynch picks have been all day.

So you think we should lynch FF because you think he's lying about your scum meta? That's it?

On another note, I found this hilarious when I re-read his post:

The sentence and vote?

Your entire case on FF for this whole game has been "he's acting defensive" and "he's lying to jump on my wagon". You voted in one of your opening posts, and what looks like what will be one of your last. Don't you think you might need a little bit more than that?
Yeah the whole me almost not reading bit I found to be deliciously ironic as well.

But seriously, how do you go from this obvious skepticism of AB's reasoning against me to ****ing this:

I'd be willing to leave Adumb alive if he wasn't modkilled based on the color thing alone, assuming he isn't modkilled.

You said you wanted a FF lynch, adumb? Since you're basically confirmed town by the color shenanigans and we don't have a strong lead on anyone in the game right now, I'm not opposed to you choosing.
Damn, wish you had left that description out after you cleared yourself.

Where are we moving TO, adumb?
I don't think we should put our thoughts in, Xatres. Since Adumb has proven himself town, he can choose a lynch without any sort of influence on D1, right? Even if he picks a townie, we know he's not picking a townie because he's scum.
Seriously wtfamireading.jpg. This is almost as bad as when people were seriously contending that someone act as my "proxy vote" in the sadly unfinished doctor who mafia when I was the town ghost (forced tree stump).

So you think AB has bad reasoning for voting me, but now all of a sudden its ok to support lynches lead by misguided townies, SIMPLY because we know they're town? Like I really wanna hope you're trolling.

You're LITERALLY advocating that we just follow AB like sheep for D1 simply because he's confirmed town and "can't be tricking us because he isn't scum".

Ok so he can't be tricking us. What in the **** does that do for us? Like literally, I'd love to hear you further some positive matter that explains the actual practical benefit unique to THIS VERY SCENARIO that simply playing follow the leader offers us D1.

Because guess what, I can think of a lot of reasons why that's a BAD idea.

1.) It gives scum the perfect cover for literally not contributing anything new.
2.) It gives the scum an excuse to not ever initiate anything for the rest of the day.
3.) It relieves scum of any culpability for the lynch since they can cop out like you and and just claim "I was just following the confirmed townie like OS did, because for some abstract reason OS never explained, apparently following confirmed townies guarantees success and all sorts of good implied things that it really doesn't!"
4.) I significantly hampers the generation of future discussion because we don't have anyone to question as to why they started a particular wagon. If everyone is just following AB, we have no one to grill as to why they started a wagon on anyone else. We can't hunt for people being ingenuine in terms of wagon starting because ONLY AB IS STARTING THE WAGONS AND WE KNOW HE'S BEING GENUINE.

Like seriously you all of a sudden just throwing responsibility off your shoulders and passing the limelight to AB just because they're confirmed town now gives me all sorts of bad vibes. If you really are town, why would you not just want them to contribute like normal and bounce ideas off them KNOWING they are legit and able to give you genuine feedback? Why the **** would you just wanna play follow the leader who has no more ability to be right than any other townie?

Exactly what I was just thinking. Even before this stupid color thing popped up, Adum was doing a good job of making me think we should switch to someone else. Frankly, the point on Frozen is totally legit, in my opinion.
What point? Piggybacking much?


Vote: Frozenflame

Also, Tery's jump to rule breaking after being silent and useless for the past several days is duly ****ing noted. Seriously, best vig choice. No other option.
Wow. If it wasn't piggybacking before it is now. Where was all this latent suspicion of me voiced beforehand? Oh wait, it wasn't. Cool beans just being an opportunist though.

I'd rather have Boat's slot replaced.

Tery is outright scummy to me at this point.
Ok so let me get this straight.

You think Boat is useless and should be replaced. You think TERY IS OUTRIGHT SCUMMY, but just think he should be vig'd, assuming we even have one.

And then you ****ING VOTE ME because you "like a point" on me and don't even elaborate as to why and have never even voiced suspicion of me before in any significant way this whole game?

How does this make sense from a town perspective? Yeah, it doesn't. Like any townie who ACTUALLY had these views of yours wouldn't be voting for me right now. You're just doing it because I'm the easier target than Tery and the more likely to be able to get lynched before deadline because everyone else is doing it. I don't think I've ever seen a more opportunist, shoehorning sequence of posts in a long time. You can ****ing die, scum.

Vote: Circus

I would not be opposed to a Frozen lynch. He really hasn't contributed much and honestly I wasn't going to vote you because I saw much of OS's push as him and you clashing egos. Personally I'd rather have Rajam lynched because I think he's scummy but I don't see it happening today.

@Circus - I'd rather have Ryker vig'd personally.
As I said I think a Frozen lynch sounds like a solid plan. I'm out of class so:

Unvote Vote: Frozen
You want to LYNCH me for "not contributing", but then say you'd rather have Bout vig'd.


Are you ACTUALLY contending I've contributed less than Bout? Sweet, more opportunist bull****. I'd also love to see you bring some substance to that argument that I'm "not contributing" instead of just spouting baseless generalization.

You must just be either ****ing dumb or scum. Like you fit that category to the t.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
My ****ing face when this wagon.

Seriously like, the only person who has a legit reason to be following AB here is RR, and I bet he's happier than flies on **** atm.

I don't really care though because atleast he's being consistent and not just blatantly bandwagoning.

Like if there isn't scum in Circus, Raziek and Infero my mind will be blown. ****, wouldn't even be surprised to learn two or all of you are scum.

Analytical Buttheads

Sep 8, 2011
"no u" ... "no u" ... "no
Flailing scum.

Gheb thinks you're bad, I don't. Frankly I think that's 90% bluster and taking digs. But I did call you a liar.

I know you're good, but seriously even a cursory read of the game without confirmation bias and you should KNOW that I never shrugged off the limelight, pushed cases, and pushed against cases. I didn't even deflect.

If you KNOW you're bad at meta, why did you say it mirrored your reasoning? If I was just inherently scummy, WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST SAY THAT? Why did you feel that need to toss in meta?

I don't buy it FF, if you have reasons to believe a player is scum, you have a reason to believe a player is scum. Taking it back suggests that you were just jumping on cause it was easy.
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