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Megaman Unlimited Mafia - Day 6 begins! No one killed!

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I'm still not sure I follow, you're saying it's bad because I reacted to very little pressure? That's because his case for being on me was bull****, and I was trying to set him straight. I'm sorry that my diplomacy was not to your liking, but I really thought he was being ********. Calling a terrible case terrible, is not scummy. Just because you think I was a meanie pants for calling Kantrip bad, does not make me scum.

There's a gross misconception here. Calling a player bad, in of itself, is not scummy. There is NOTHING scummy about it. If all I had shot back with was "lol, kantrip ur bad", and had nothing to back it up with, then you'd have a case. Calling him bad for the sole purpose of trying to degrade his credibility would be scummy, but that's not what I did at all. I called him bad, because he was being bad. I pointed out why he was being bad, and everyone agrees, it was bad. There's nothing scummy about that. Please stop making it out to be.
The thing is, I feel like you did the bolded here.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Except that if you read the rest of the exchange, you'd see that I didn't. In fact, after an agonizing back and forth with him, I finally figured out where he went wrong. I didn't just call him bad and leave the thread. I argued with him for like, an hour trying to figure out why he was being so unreasonable. After I finally spotted his error, I corrected him. That didn't just happen by magic, I had to beat my head against a brick wall to make that happen. It's not like I called him bad and left it at that, hoping it would sort itself out.


Sep 3, 2010
Morrisville, NC
/request replacement

I was really excited to play this game, but on top of work kicking my butt this week, I'm also getting sick. I COULD catch up, but I think it would be fairer for everyone if I replaced out now while the Day is early. Sorry guys. :(

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
So I've actually been reading the whole time, but i'm also still watching AGDQ bonus stream, and you guys are posting NON STOP. Also, I was waiting for kantrip to fully catch up before refuting him, because I was sure he would realize he was completely wrong about me. Then he caught up, and still thinks I'm scum, and I remembered that he's bad at this game.

Kantrip, why is that post even gross? Nobody but you sees it, fill me in.
@ #HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu just take a second look at this post. See that bolded line right there? That's me trying to get to the bottom of Kantrip's case. If he had just answered me straight, instead of spending an hour making "LOL U MAD BRO?" posts at me over and over again, there wouldn't have even been this big exchange. But instead of cooperating, he antagonized me for over an hour. The result is that there's now pages of back and forth, which you view as me being defensive, because Kantrip painted it that way.

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
I'll tell you,

Gee maybe because when he did look at what PJB did he reacted really groddy,

This post is really groddy, his first response is to call him bad at the game make this absolutely antagonistic approach to a vote on him. This is the **** Ryker always calls me on every time I get mad at the game. Maybe he was confused about it, but the bolded is still him reacting really poorly under pressure. He is getting jumpy and defensive about it by starting off calling Kantrip **** at the game, really? Does no one else see this?

Also how the hell does PJB scum = Kantrip scum, fill in how this is a bus/they are connected.
yes because if i called someone bad as an offhand remark that's totally a sign that i'm scum, right?

he didn't react badly. i gave him ONE bad post--just one. would you like me to count the number of kantrip's that i thought were bad because believe me it's far and away higher.

No, I want you to fill me in on that possibility. You keep referencing his EnA play but you don't for a second consider the fact that his play there was nigh entirely him reacting to a bus from Ryker and I that he didn't agree with.

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
so you think it's SvS and we came out of the gates bussnig each other?

That's cool, lynch one of us then
Look at where my vote is numpnuts.

I never said it's a probability, I'm moreso convinced that you're scum and that PJB could be scum regardless of what you flip.

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
A few? and you think he could be groddy too? So he isn't a town read but that he is connected to Kantrip and even if he flips scum Kantrip can be totally connected?

I'm sorry but what?
Look at their interaction on page 15/16 or whatever it was where it turned into a pissing contest. I don't normally see that type of conversation occurring from two people of different alignments. It's possible it might be, but I don't normally see a game turn into two people just ******** at each other about how the other is scummier. Have you?

That said, I'm not completely sold PJB is scum.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
holy **** the alerts

I might need to turn off tags.

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
Like, here's the thing, because both you and Gorf are completely misunderstanding me when I'm talking about this:

I think Potato is scum. I think that his case has been bad and that the more he's reacted to people disagreeing with him, the worse he's gotten. He started this game out trying to be nice and has since turned into a bitter sarcastic asshole. His reads are ****, he continues to tunnel on PJB for reasons I don't understand, even after multiple have walked in the game, laid out why his case was bad, and called not only him out but the people supporting it as well. I don't like that. I think it's very possible it could be a bus for this reason--he continues to say PJB is scum when evidence and reason are completely against him at this point. He's reaching so hard, to the point where I cannot consider it normal nor good, just to try to get PJB lynched. There's something very off about it and I'm considering the possibility that it might be a bus but I have no idea why.

But I don't see a townie literally calling someone scum just for saying that he's scummier than the person he's voting. I don't see a townie reach this hard for this long against this many people telling him it's **** without good reason--reason that I assume is role-related. I don't like him, not one bit.

That said, PJB isn't completely innocent to me. He has made a few bad posts through-out it but I keep mentioning EnA because you brought it up to me. I have very little exposure to scum PJB because my exposure to it has been little, so I only have fragments of Wal-Mart and EnA to compare to here. The point of why I keep bringing up a bus scenario is both because of how hard Kantrip's reachiing for this and because you keep mentioning EnA--where PJB was mercilessly bussed against his own wishes. At this point, I've made my statement known. I want you to stop and think about this aspect because I think you're being incredibly blind to a very real possibility here.

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
ima be pissed as **** if pb+j gets lynched over potato and i hav to waste my ****ing time d2 righting what shouldve been done. potatos push against him was dumb and pb+j said as much. why is that problematic? ifi hav a loud vocal playing comin at me for reasons i believe are ******** no **** am i gonna get mad and prolly start talkin ****. i dont get why *****s callin other *****s trash is seen as scummy
i mean really how many times a game does marshy get to get away with calling someone "bad" in response to basically anything yet someone with a rather ornery style of play like pjb gets to get hanged for saying potato's bad as an offhand remark for not understanding his reason for voting him.


really ruy


Apr 3, 2008
My guess is he thinks he can exploit the fact I voted PJB for a minute and has nothing to live for anymore, but that's assuming he's scum already (which is likely)


Apr 3, 2008
Like it's easy to skim the Kantrip vs PJB and think Kantrip is in the right if you're only reading his inflated reactions and not the situation, but I'm kind of expecting Gorf and Ryu to come around on this one or I'm going to have to assume the worst on a scum flip from Kant

I feel like even if you give him a pass on the first interaction you still can't explain this part without strongly considering KantripScum reaching hard:

Yea, I'm actually not all that cool with just killing people cuz of their role, at least not yet. I see where Circus is coming from, but that's not something we need to concern ourselves with until we're much closer to lylo. To be fair, I don't think circus was necessarily advocating that you guys get vigged tonight, at least I hope not.
Can't you see how scummy this guy is? Look at the qualifiers in this post alone! No one talks like this.

But yeah YOLO I don't need time to rethink anything, I'm just going to sit back in this game for a bit because being active doesn't seem to work out for me. Every time I try to get reactions for stuff or start something I become the primary wagon.

If anyone can see why the first quote here is something Kantrip felt the need to immediately bash and call scum on, you can fill me in. People talk like this in mafia literally at all times. Come on


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
@ Circus Circus

you are seriously suggesting me and rake the lawndry be vigged...cuz of our roles and **** else? are you ****ting me right now? for someone whos so adamant about not taking the easy way out and thinking things through as town you sure are doing the exact opposite here. also blaming me for the sokr lynch is pretty whack but ima stop cuz i hate talkin bout that ****tyass game more than necessary
WashRake is the only one I want vigged mostly because of their role (looks like he's actually been posting some good stuff today, but I can't tell if he's buddying me out of stockholm syndrome or what). You, on the other hand, are just a huge liability for town in general and a do-nothing in this game specifically. What have you done this game aside from crack jokes and respond to heat? You've got two heads and neither one of them can show up and offer a substantive post unless someone like me is lighting a fire under your foot. Other people will let you walk to endgame like this and I've seen how it turns out—always badly.

That said, you don't have to be the vig's first shot. WashRake can go before you, maybe Badwolf. Maybe Rajam. Nah, not Rajam.

@ Circus Circus I dropped the picture crap and you can talk to me straight, why are you so worried about the claimed PRs and Marshy in particular before much has unfolded? You seemed to have placed preexisting concerns before much has happened and it seems more centered on the roles claimed. why?
If you don't understand why I've said what I've said to/about the claims so far, then you aren't thinking or aren't reading or both. If you don't understand why I've said what I've said to/about Marshy specifically, then I invite you to read literally any game he and I have played together.

Honestly, after watching all this bickering and reading people's thought on the matter....

I'm kinda starting to feel like this might be TvT.

I still don't want to lynch Kantrip, though.

I'm in the process of packing, so I'll probably only have time for a quick post series tomorrow morning, and then it's off to the airport.
Your fence-sitting has really started to rub me the wrong way. If you think it's TvT, then you think it's TvT (though how you could possibly think that after Kanty just put Jdietz above PJB in terms of scumminess for going against him, and then dropping the classic "go ahead and lynch me then" scumtell, I don't know). But if that IS how you feel, then offer a different path or at least some new insights. This hands-off, "I kind of feel this way and don't want to lynch anybody" **** is grimy.

Very tempted to vote Kantrip right now but I know he's close to hammer and we don't need that happening just yet. Want more from Kanty supporters regarding how his recent spat with PJB ended. If I was hesitant before, I'm pretty much ready to roll on it now.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Also, I got to this game really late today but if either of the guests viewing right now are people I'd be willing to stay up a little while.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Like, here's the thing, because both you and Gorf are completely misunderstanding me when I'm talking about this:

I think Potato is scum. I think that his case has been bad and that the more he's reacted to people disagreeing with him, the worse he's gotten. He started this game out trying to be nice and has since turned into a bitter sarcastic *******. His reads are ****, he continues to tunnel on PJB for reasons I don't understand, even after multiple have walked in the game, laid out why his case was bad, and called not only him out but the people supporting it as well. I don't like that. I think it's very possible it could be a bus for this reason--he continues to say PJB is scum when evidence and reason are completely against him at this point. He's reaching so hard, to the point where I cannot consider it normal nor good, just to try to get PJB lynched. There's something very off about it and I'm considering the possibility that it might be a bus but I have no idea why.

But I don't see a townie literally calling someone scum just for saying that he's scummier than the person he's voting. I don't see a townie reach this hard for this long against this many people telling him it's **** without good reason--reason that I assume is role-related. I don't like him, not one bit.

That said, PJB isn't completely innocent to me. He has made a few bad posts through-out it but I keep mentioning EnA because you brought it up to me. I have very little exposure to scum PJB because my exposure to it has been little, so I only have fragments of Wal-Mart and EnA to compare to here. The point of why I keep bringing up a bus scenario is both because of how hard Kantrip's reachiing for this and because you keep mentioning EnA--where PJB was mercilessly bussed against his own wishes. At this point, I've made my statement known. I want you to stop and think about this aspect because I think you're being incredibly blind to a very real possibility here.

I think I'm wrong here.


Jun 6, 2013
@ Circus Circus

lets be real jerkus. you love me. youre like that girl who pushes away their crush in high school but turns around immediately heart fluttering and eyes glistening after i walk by

no but forreal. i was just busy in real life and most of my energy was dedicated to an ongoing game in a further stage (thus requiring more dedication than this early game) when i COULD access. that said im pushin this wagon and am the first (i could be wrong. i tend to make up ****) to openly suspect you and jd so you can **** outta hear acting like everything i do in this game is cuz youre gettin at me

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
As a matter of fact I do. I DO think PJB is scummy but I'm willing to consider that him and Kantrip were caught in the rake effect (the rake effect - the act of one (often rake) or more players being so eager to find somebody scummy early on that they tweak their brain to find somebody scummy who is just in the thread early), so I'm gonna go ahead and do this.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

Potassium (5) - Rajam, PJB, YOLOSWAG, YOLOSWAG, RakeTheLawndry
PJB (1) - Potassium,
RakeTheLawndry (1) - JDietz43,

Not voting: Raziek, Xatres, Nicholas1024, Circus, BadWolf, Red Ryu, Gorf,

Votes required to lynch: 7/13


Apr 3, 2008
@ Circus Circus

lets be real jerkus. you love me. youre like that girl who pushes away their crush in high school but turns around immediately heart fluttering and eyes glistening after i walk by

no but forreal. i was just busy in real life and most of my energy was dedicated to an ongoing game in a further stage (thus requiring more dedication than this early game) when i COULD access. that said im pushin this wagon and am the first (i could be wrong. i tend to make up ****) to openly suspect you and jd so you can **** outta hear acting like everything i do in this game is cuz youre gettin at me
You going to give a reason for those last two reads btw? I'm assuming you just don't like that I let myself get pushed around and leave my vote on PJB while I went to bed.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
WashRake is the only one I want vigged mostly because of their role (looks like he's actually been posting some good stuff today, but I can't tell if he's buddying me out of stockholm syndrome or what). You, on the other hand, are just a huge liability for town in general and a do-nothing in this game specifically. What have you done this game aside from crack jokes and respond to heat? You've got two heads and neither one of them can show up and offer a substantive post unless someone like me is lighting a fire under your foot. Other people will let you walk to endgame like this and I've seen how it turns out—always badly.

That said, you don't have to be the vig's first shot. WashRake can go before you, maybe Badwolf. Maybe Rajam. Nah, not Rajam.

If you don't understand why I've said what I've said to/about the claims so far, then you aren't thinking or aren't reading or both. If you don't understand why I've said what I've said to/about Marshy specifically, then I invite you to read literally any game he and I have played together.

Your fence-sitting has really started to rub me the wrong way. If you think it's TvT, then you think it's TvT (though how you could possibly think that after Kanty just put Jdietz above PJB in terms of scumminess for going against him, and then dropping the classic "go ahead and lynch me then" scumtell, I don't know). But if that IS how you feel, then offer a different path or at least some new insights. This hands-off, "I kind of feel this way and don't want to lynch anybody" **** is grimy.

Very tempted to vote Kantrip right now but I know he's close to hammer and we don't need that happening just yet. Want more from Kanty supporters regarding how his recent spat with PJB ended. If I was hesitant before, I'm pretty much ready to roll on it now.
This post kind of rubs me the wrong way. Part of it is that Circus is accusing YOLO of not contributing enough to the game, when I feel like YOLO has done at least as much as he has, if not much more.

I think the big part of it is that this just feels like Circus is checking in, making his presence known, and ducking out without doing anything. He doesn't really weigh in on me or kantrip, but he challenges RTL and YOLO, without leaving any votes. He's coasting.


Apr 3, 2008
(^If that's what Yolo sees in Circus I could consider it, we'll see what he says. I've been pretty wrapped up in Kant vs You so far to read into much else)


Apr 3, 2008
He definitely weighed in on You vs Kantrip though iirc he was the first to come in and echo my sentiments after Ryu Gorf and Kantrip made me feel like I was making a bad judgement call coming upon first coming into thread


Apr 3, 2008
Though looking back now he didn't vote Kantrip despite strong agreement at the time...

I want to hear what Yolo's reasons are or if he's just suspicious of the guff the slot has been giving him lately.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
He definitely weighed in on You vs Kantrip though iirc he was the first to come in and echo my sentiments after Ryu Gorf and Kantrip made me feel like I was making a bad judgement call coming upon first coming into thread
I guess that's true, but he gets in Raz's grill for fence sitting, when he's kind of doing that himself. He never put down a vote, he's just hanging back. It seems like he's playing safe, like he could change his mind at any moment. I'm getting vibes of his play in Persona, where he was scum with me and OS.


Apr 3, 2008
True. I kind of feel myself agreeing with his Raz hate though. If Kantrip flips scum his defense of him and that whole interaction they had in the early game is mad suspicious

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
I can see the Raz hate, but I don't really see Circus having room to talk. It feels like he's trying to turn our attention on Raz, so we won't notice him doing the same.

Maybe I'm wrong, and he has nothing but the best intentions, but it doesn't look that way to me, and I wanted to throw it out there. Maybe Circus can come back and shed some light to where his loyalties lie.
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