Some of the wording may have changed from the below to when I sent the role PMs, I'm not sure what as I make final changes in the PM phase. But this should give you the gist. Stuff in purple is commentary.
Role PMS:
1. Jet Man MAFIA Circus
a. Bus(Jet?) driver - Each Night, you may choose two players. These two players will be switched in that any target for player A will now hit player B and vice versa. For watcher/tracker purposes, you are listed as visiting both players.
Example: You choose “Overswarm” and “Evil Eye”. Overswarm is targeted with a mafia NKill, Evil Eye is targeted with a town protect, Evil Eye is watched by a watcher. Because of your bus driver ability, Evil would be targeted with the mafia NKill while Overswarm would be watched and protected.
b. Target Lock – Each Night you may choose a player. If that player is lynched the following day you can then choose any other player in the game and learn their Role Name.
Target lock was specifically to hurt Yoku Man and Nail Man if they used their safe claims. Kind of a double whammy there. It also served as a safe claim for scum.
Win condition: You win when your faction has an undeniable majority over all other factions and nothing other than suicidal play could prevent your faction’s victory.
a. Odd day Double voting Even Day Stump- Each odd numbered day (D1, D3, D5), you are a double voter. Each vote will count as 2. Each even numbered day you are a Stump and cannot vote but still count towards the vote total.
b. Even Night Vote Blocker – Each even numbered Night (N2, N4, N6) you can choose one target. This player will not be able to vote the following day.
Win condition: You win when your faction has an undeniable majority over all other factions and nothing other than suicidal play could prevent your faction’s victory.
3. Tank Man MAFIA GORF
a. Charge – One use only. Choose a player. You and that player will be listed as “in repair” the following day and will be unable to vote as well as being unable to use any Night Actions the following Night Phase (if used on N2, no NA on N3) including the mafia Night Kill; this status, but not who used the ability, will be public knowledge by the moderator saying “Two players have been damaged and are in repair!” and then a description of their inability to vote / night action blocking.
b. Sandstorm - One use only. On the Night this is used, any and all tracking, watching, and any other observational or protecting abilities will fail. There will be no public indication this ability was used by any particular player other than a moderator notice on Day start that a sandstorm had moved in during the Night and disrupted some of the robots. Those roleblocked by this ability will be notified privately. Any abilities already used on previous nights (setting up a spy camera, giving someone a bullet proof vest, or whatever hypothetical) will still be in effect. Passive abilities will still be in effect.
Win condition: You win when your faction has an undeniable majority over all other factions and nothing other than suicidal play could prevent your faction’s victory.
4. Zero [protoman safe claim] Independent Infectious Robot JDIETZ
a. Bulletproof – Your armor is more advanced than the others. You cannot be killed during the Night phase.
b. Bloodlust – You’re programmed to kill, but your weapons aren’t online yet. You must have a vote on someone at the end of every Day phase or you will self-destruct and immediately be removed from the game. Be punctual.
c. Infectious – Each Night, you may pick a player. If you successfully visit that player, they will be infected. (The infection doesn’t do anything to the player, but is necessary for your win condition.) You start the game off by picking a player to be infected .Infected players will be listed as infected when they flip.
Win condition: Survive without being lynched until the majority of players are infected at the start of the Day phase and then the Night phase is reached with the the number that is required to lynch is infected. The game does not end if you win, but you will leave.
This will require some strong prediction skills on your part if you’re not helping control the day phase, so good luck!
Example: If on D7 there are 5 people remaining and 3 are infected, you win if neither you NOR the infected are killed. (3/5 to lynch, 3/5 infected to win)
If on D7 there are 5 people remaining and all are infected save for you, you’d win as long as you aren’t lynched.
If on D7 there were 6 people remaining (4 to lynch) and you had 3 people infected and a non-infected was lynched (4/6 to lynch, one lynched, 5 remaining = 3/5 to lynch with 3 infected) you would NOT win because you didn’t have the correct number infected at day start.
[Bulletproof safe claim]Protoman – Bulletproof Townie
Be warned, your safeclaim is generic and typical of indies!
5. Megaman RAZIEK
a. Power absorb- If you are the hammer vote on a lynch, you will obtain that player’s power for the following Night only. Should a player have multiple abilities, you will get whatever is listed first in their role PM.
Abilities that could be gotten from this are pretty good. Half of Bass' observation, bus driver, bulletproof from zero, nail shield, mason (!), roleblock, lightning rod... good stuff. MM was mostly for the situations in which someone does something like act scummy and claim doc, giving megaman one more shot at protection.
b. Hero Shot – If you are lynched, you may choose to make whoever hammered you take one vote less to lynch the following Day phase by PMing the moderator after you have been lynched.
Win condition: You win when your faction (TOWN) is the only remaining faction.
a. Observe – Each Night you may choose a player. You will be notified if they successfully used an active ability.
b. Treble – You can be two places at once! Each Night you may observe any other player to see if they successfully used an active ability that Night by sending Treble as well! Using Treble still counts as a “Bass” action for all game purposes.
Win condition: You win when your faction (TOWN) is the only remaining faction.
7. Nail man [beat safe claim] BADWOLF
a. Protect – Each Night, you may choose one player other than yourself to protect with your nail shield as long as no one is currently protected by a nail shield. You may attempt each Night and this will count as a visit, but will have no effect if a player still retains the nail shields.
While your nail shield is active, that player is bulletproof (invulnerable against Night Kills) and gains the ability “Kill”. They are protected from Night Kills until they choose to shoot their nails at someone during the Night phase, killing them (they lose the nail shield even if the attempt fails). The protected player can not shoot the night they are protected. The nails remain even if you die. Please note they can shoot you with the nails!
Win condition: You win when your faction (TOWN) is the only remaining faction.
8. Comet Woman RAJAM
a. Mason – As the only woman, you have an easy way of getting attention amongst the group. Choose any player by PMing me at any point in the game and you may enter in a private masonry with them. I will send out the PMs for the masonry link. Please note this is limited by when I am online, so plan accordingly. The masonry will not be role confirmed or player confirmed in any way.
An interesting mason role if I ever saw one.
Win condition: You win when your faction (TOWN) is the only remaining faction.
9. Glue Man RED RYU
a. Roleblock – Each Night, you may choose one player to roleblock. This player cannot use any of their active abilities that Night. They will be notified.
I had some other ideas for this slot, but decided on roleblocker. It could have been a passive "sticky" ability that allowed you to see whoever visited you or a targeted ability that allowed whoever you used it on to see who visited... but I thought that'd be too much info and too easy to think through.
Win condition: You win when your faction (TOWN) is the only remaining faction.
10. Rainbow Man POTASSIUM
a. Loud – Each Night, you may choose one player. That player will target you instead of their intended target if they use an active ability. If their ability would normally affect multiple players, all targets will become you.
Rainbow Man's loud ability is actually really powerful in this game. He can absorb the NKill and die that way, but other than that nothing really hurts him. He can really mess up scum's plans and is town's indie counter.
Win condition: You win when your faction (TOWN) is the only remaining faction.
11. Trinitro Man RAKE THE LAWNDRY
a. Self destruct- If you are lynched, you will kill whoever hammers you. Careful now.
Win condition: You win when your faction (TOWN) is the only remaining faction.
12. Yoku Man [safe claim: Rush] JOKER-BROWN
a. Town Crier – Each Night, you may choose a message to be displayed to the rest of the town at the next day phase, maximum of 40 words. Standard forum and game rules apply to these messages (no posting role PMs, etc.). If you are killed, no message will be posted. If your message is above 40 words it will not be posted.
Win condition: You win when your faction (TOWN) is the only remaining faction.
13. Hammer Man NICHOLAS
a. Hammer – If your vote was the hammer vote (lynching a player) you will gain +1 to your voting power (double voter, triple voter, etc.) to a maximum power of “3” (your single vote will count as three votes). If you miss a hammer vote, you will lose your voting power buffs.
Example: D1 hammer votes Overswarm, get +1 to voting power (2 total). D2 votes for Marshy (or doesn’t vote) but it isn’t a hammer, loses +1 to voting power for D3. D3 successfully hammer votes Marshy, gets +1 to voting power (2 total).
b. Dedicated – You can only vote once per Day phase and cannot change your vote under any circumstances.
c. Big target – Any protective ability on you will fail.
I was really sad not to see this role go through. :|
Win condition: You win when your faction (TOWN) is the only remaining faction.