Junebug#1- If your actually gonna take time to help Md/Va I'll come back to this game and actually practice. I'm kinda gettin the feeling you hate losing as much as I do.. And i have a lot of respect for you now, for the fact ur #1 and your willing to help your region get better. Most top players don't do that.
Omni- Please come back to brawl for good..
Logic- I agree wit Omni, that is a **tch move man. your suppose to be #3 on our PRs and your just gonna forfeit because the skill level is harder when you advance in tournament? #No johns #3.
Lie- You should be doing the same thing as june, helping people get better around our area...
- I'm gonna start having smash fest at my house again.. If anyone is interested hit me up. practice practice practice.. It's funny because in my carpool home I said im never going to another tournament again but june inspired me like shet. cuz i saw the look of disgust of how our region went out..