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Mayling Family Mafia (Mayfia) - Who successfully escaped the Shadow Realm?


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
EBWOP: Well I guess technically he did respond to Mayling post by the time I just put that up, but ya know. Ninjas.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Well if he is telling the truth, then Roxy is definitely worth looking into toMorrow for hammering this early. Also will definitely be looking into Eric, who is now the only one of the three people who jumped on Clown's wagon suspiciously (imo) on D1 who is left alive. If hida is town, it's possible the two of them were working together to force the lynch early.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
Why am I the one being persecuted. Have I missed an entire day's worth of material? The case on Hida is nothing because Hida has done nothing. Really not worth a lynch. Pressure on him, yes. Questions to him, yes. But there was no incriminating evidence, so not a lynch. Pressure needed to be applied before you even L-1'd him (btw Mister Eric is scum, Roxy is just ridiculous). This lynch accomplished nothing other than eliminating a no/low-read player. If he flips scum, you may as well have guessed what number I'm thinking of.

Delvro, why am I scummy. Because I didn't support the quicklynch and massacre of a player who we are unsure their alignment? Because I questioned you?

absolute garbage
It has absolutely nothing to do with how you acted toward Hida. However, if you think that Hida has done nothing then you have not paid any attention at all to the posts that he has made.


Smash Rookie
Mar 31, 2010
Lexington, KY
Hida, who was your character and what was your role?
Seto Kaiba, CEO of KaibaCorp, town Miller. Being Miller is why I didn't role claim to try and save myself, since claiming Miller is totally meaningless. "Oh yeah, I'm really town, but if you have any detection powers I'll show up as scum. But it's just a misread. I'm really on your side. I swear." :(


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
For future reference, claiming miller is actually a very good idea, especially early on. Information is always better than no information. Trackers can tell when you are lying if you are a scum PR, anyway. And town can always lynch you at LyLo, if necessary.

I'll reread this game at work. Nah, I won't. I'll reread it when Night is over.


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Night 2 Begins & Twilight 2 Ends!

[collapse=Day 2 End]"Alright, I'll take care of this!" Seto Kaiba said as he stepped forward, and challenged one of the opponents to a duel.

Kaiba began by summoning Lord of D. in attack mode! "I'll now play The Flute of Summoning Dragon and summon 2 Blue Eyes White Dragon monsters to the field. Now I'll set down two spell/trap cards face-down and end my turn!"

"What's Kaiba doing? Now he has no cards in his hand and it's only the first turn! If he opponent does anything to wipe the field, then he's done for!"

"Hah, quit your babbling. He'll never get past me while I have 2 Blue Eyes White Dragon monsters out. Not to mention once he draws his card, you'll see the brilliance of my plan."

His opponent drew a card, and sure enough Kaiba responded with his trap cards. "First I'll activate the trap Final Attack Orders. As long as this card remains on the field all monsters must remain in Attack position and cannot be moved to defense mode!"

His opponent responded by playing Final Destiny.

"Oh no! That card sends all cards on the field to the graveyard! Now Kaiba will have nothing."

"Yes, but his opponent needs to discard his entire hand to pay for it, so they'll be even!"

"Ha, I'd hardly call it even. I'll activate my Interdimensional Matter Transporter in response! This trap targets one monster on the field and removes it from play until the end of the turn. Sadly I cannot target one of my Blue Eyes White Dragons with the effect due to Lord of D.; but I can choose him!" Kaiba laughed.

And thus, Final Destiny wiped the field while Lord of D. remained safe. The opponent ended his turn and Lord of D. came back to the field. Kaiba drew, however it was another The Flute of Summoning Dragon. This is no good to me now. "I'll attack with Lord of D.!" Kaiba exclaimed, dropping his opponent's life points to 800 and ending his turn.

"This is almost too easy. Hah."

"Don't get too cocky Seto!"

The opponent drew, and then played Pot of Greed, allowing him to draw two more cards. His then played Graceful Charity, allowing him to draw three cards and discard two. Then he played Pot of Avarice, sending 5 monsters from his now populated graveyard back to his deck and then drawing another two cards.

"You can't win with a deck that's only good for drawing!"

His opponent laughed as he played Dark Room of Nightmare.

"Oh no, I think I know where this is going!"

The opponent then played Ookazi, dropping Kaiba's Life Points to 1200. Dark Room of Nightmare's effect kicked in, dropping Kaiba's Life Points down to 900. The opponent then laughed as he revealed the final card in his hand: another Ookazi card and everyone knew it was offer.

"What!? No! This can't be!"



And soon Seto Kaiba was a prisoner of the Shadow Realm.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/bRmCtfiz9FE&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0xe1600f&co lor2=0xfebd01"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/bRmCtfiz9FE&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0xe1600f&co lor2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/collapse]

hidajiremi, Seto Kaiba, Town Miller has been lynched!

The deadline for Night 2 is 06.06.10 11:59PM EST.


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Day 3 Begins & Night 2 Ends!

[collapse=Night 2 End]With the defeat of Seto Kaiba, Joey stepped forward to take the challenge.

"I'll defeat you hands down!"

"Be careful Joey, they've already proven to be powerful!"

"Hah, watch this, I'll summon the Baby Dragon in attack mode and end my turn!"

"Joey! This isn't the time for amateur moves like that!"

"Hah, what are you worried about?"

Joey's opponent then special summoned Cyber Dragon in attack mode.

"Oh no, I have the feeling Joey may be done for in one turn."

"What are you talking about, I've got this in the bag!"

"Joey. No. You don't. Look."

Just then, Joey's opponent tributed Cyber Dragon in order to normal summon Zaborg, The Thunder Monarch onto the field.

"Yeah, he's lost. That's just pathetic."

"What? How come?"

Joey's opponent then activated Zaborg, The Thunder Monach's special effect, destroying Baby Dragon and then declared an attack.

"Oh, that's why."

And with that, Zaborg, The Thunder Monarch attacked Joey's life points directly with an attack of 2400. Joey fell down near-instantly, gasping for air.



"Man that was a waste of time."

And with that, Joey was lost to the Shadow Realm.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Rfaa1mhVkM4&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Rfaa1mhVkM4&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/collapse]

Cello_Marl, Joey Wheeler, Vanilla Townie has been murdered!

Deadline has been set for June 16, 2010 11:59PM EST.

It's takes 5/8 to lynch!

Day 3 Vote Count 0:
Clownbot: (0)
Delvro: (0)
Mayling: (0)
McFox: (0)
Mister Eric: (0)
Roxy: (0)
Sold2: (0)
vanderzant.: (0)
Not Voting: Clownbot, Delvro, Mayling, McFox, Mister Eric, Roxy, Sold2, vanderzant (


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Sorry for my short V/LA (I didn't expect the day to end that early though!). I came back during the Night (so I obviously couldn't post).

I wish Roxy hadn't hammered as soon as she did like that. Vote: Roxy. Either way, I definitely think scum was on the wagon.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
Don't like. Things for everyone.
Jeremy is really town? Ugu. I fail.
Explain to me why at this point you really thought Jeremy was town, and not lying about his role even though he could be lynched.
It has absolutely nothing to do with how you acted toward Hida. However, if you think that Hida has done nothing then you have not paid any attention at all to the posts that he has made.
So you jumped around my question completely here, nice. I'll ask again, why am I suspicious to you? And also, go ahead and tell me what the most significant thing Hida had done before my post, and why it mattered.
Well if he is telling the truth, then Roxy is definitely worth looking into toMorrow for hammering this early. Also will definitely be looking into Eric, who is now the only one of the three people who jumped on Clown's wagon suspiciously (imo) on D1 who is left alive. If hida is town, it's possible the two of them were working together to force the lynch early.
Could you explain your reasoning a bit here? The other two people who jumped on Clown's wagon suspiciously to you flipped town, how does this make Eric worth looking into. Why would Hida be working to force a lynch early if he was town?
I wish Roxy hadn't hammered as soon as she did like that. Vote: Roxy. Either way, I definitely think scum was on the wagon.
Stating the obvious twice here. If you think scum was on the wagon, who, other than Roxy? I don't like asking this question here, but I've forgotten my thoughts on you and need to re-access.

Also, yeah. Roxy, wtf with the hammer? Like really what were you thinking.

Vote: Mister Eric
What is it that made you decide you were sure Hida was scum (enough to bring him to L-1).

Clownbot. I don't have a legitimate question to ask you, but I can't ignore you, so what'd you do last night?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Stating the obvious twice here. If you think scum was on the wagon, who, other than Roxy? I don't like asking this question here, but I've forgotten my thoughts on you and need to re-access.
Well yeah, I wasn't around to say it earlier, so I'm saying it now. Apart from Roxy; Eric and Delvro jumped on the wagon WAY too lightly for my liking. Especially because they were the ones who took the wagon from from L-3 to 'lynched.'


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
So you jumped around my question completely here, nice. I'll ask again, why am I suspicious to you? And also, go ahead and tell me what the most significant thing Hida had done before my post, and why it mattered.
I'm suspicious of you because you're really scummy, Sold2. You've played an oddball game since day 1 and it throws me off balance.

Also, I like how you demand an explanation for Hida from me only after he flipped town (or made it quite obvious after the lynch that he was in fact town). It's very easy to attack someone's argument when EVERYONE KNOWS that the person you're attacking was wrong, isn't it hmmm?


Nov 7, 2008
Explain to me why at this point you really thought Jeremy was town, and not lying about his role even though he could be lynched.
What? Because he as ALREADY lynched. There was no reason for him to keep lying, imo. especially with "I was the miller btw." if he flipped scum at that point, he would have just looked foolish. Imo, once lynched, there's no real reason to keep lying, even as scum. Yes, scum may be like "Hahaha I was town, fools!" but Jeremy's post clearly did not come across as that. It came across as the truth, and unlike SRB he was trying to give us information and his suspicions.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
Anyway, I'm more interested in seeing Clownbot's response to s2's question than all this "why did you kill Hida" baloney right now.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
It's my birthday today, I won't be in this thread much because I don't feel like beasting out a wall. Answering questions later.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
What? Because he as ALREADY lynched. There was no reason for him to keep lying, imo. especially with "I was the miller btw." if he flipped scum at that point, he would have just looked foolish. Imo, once lynched, there's no real reason to keep lying, even as scum. Yes, scum may be like "Hahaha I was town, fools!" but Jeremy's post clearly did not come across as that. It came across as the truth, and unlike SRB he was trying to give us information and his suspicions.
Imo, scum should always continue lying to the very end of twilight. It's a good way to distract town from planning anything with night actions/what they'll do tomorrow, etc. Scum should try to look convincing with it too, but w/e I guess I see what you thought.

Delvro... you jumped my (second) question again. And also, yes it is very easy for me to do this accusation now that I know Hida was town. I don't see how that should give you the right to simply not answer my question, and for you to defend the statement you made yesterday.

Vand, I guess I'm sorry but it was what caught my attention at the time.

Clownboat, I'll agree that Delvro seems a bit too interested in what you did last night, but just go ahead and tell us. Really, as far as we know, he only jailed someone so the information we can get from that is minimal.

Happy birthday Roxy.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
Happy birthday Roxy! =]

Why are you interested, Delvro?
Because information helps town and you're the only person alive who has claimed (right?)

Delvro... you jumped my (second) question again. And also, yes it is very easy for me to do this accusation now that I know Hida was town. I don't see how that should give you the right to simply not answer my question, and for you to defend the statement you made yesterday.
It's because I already said why I voted on Day 2 and really don't feel like explaining it again post mortem. Secondly, I'm not inclined to pursue the same things that I wanted to on Day 2, as my opinions have changed since then.

Sold2 said:
Clownboat, I'll agree that Delvro seems a bit too interested in what you did last night, but just go ahead and tell us. Really, as far as we know, he only jailed someone so the information we can get from that is minimal.
The kitchen boiler hath brought accusation, denouncing the color of darkness that is the kettle.


Nov 7, 2008
How exactly is that information helpful to Town?
Why are you so hesitant to tell us who you jailed? The only reason you wouldn't tell us is because you're afraid to be caught in a lie.

There's a lot of ways the information is helpful to town. Of course, telling you beforehand and if you were scum it would help shape your answer. So you should go ahead and tell us who you jailed.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
I believe I was speaking to Delvro, but whatever.

I targeted Mayling. I'd still like to hear (from Delvro) how the info is beneficial to Town.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
S2 said:
Could you explain your reasoning a bit here? The other two people who jumped on Clown's wagon suspiciously to you flipped town, how does this make Eric worth looking into. Why would Hida be working to force a lynch early if he was town?
1) Because I didn't like the way the three of them joined (or nudged, in Eric's case) Clown's wagon. If the other two were town, that leaves me one suspect left. Process of elimination.

2) I can see why you thought this is what I was saying. I meant that Eric and Roxy could've been working together to jump hida's lynch early.

vand said:
Apart from Roxy; Eric and Delvro jumped on the wagon WAY too lightly for my liking
This is also why I didn't like Eric from before, because he nudged Clown's case, except there he didn't even commit to a vote.

And since we're on the subject...

(Note that I have, instead of providing my own commentary on some of these posts, simply paraphrased the information that I got out of them. Some of it speaks for itself.)

Eric said:
It also doesn't help that since it is D1, fingers are being pointed everywhere and it's hard for me to really see a flaw in anyone's play this early.


what I do feel confident in as of now is my vote for SRB. he has had quite a bit of heat from different players but just seems to flake out responses and doesn't really answer people's questions.

It was a joke vote at first, but now I'm sure I'm leaving it be for the time being
"It's tough for me to find a flaw in anyone's play so far.


here's a flaw in SRB's play."

Getting in town's good graces early? "Everyone is doing pretty awesome, except for SRB, whom other people have questioned."

Eric said:
p.s., I liked Delvro's original dialect or w/e the right word is. it reminds me of home :p

Eric said:
I already told you that it's difficult for me to draw conclusions so early into the game. It's just a jumpy jump-fest that I haven't caught on to yet. I would say "please remember my playstyle from my last mafia game" but then you'd prob point out that I was scum and leave it at that. I wish there was some way to convince you that I'm still not 100% comfortable with making first steps yet but I will leave you with your suspicions.

[and then later in the same post, responding to an OMGUS from SRB]

Aww, uMad?

Bring it.
So it's difficult for you to draw conclusions, and you don't know anything D1, but you're ready to take on SRB wholeheartedly? Which one is it?

Eric said:
Good ****. My vote might be shimmying Clownbot's way mighty soon.
"Hey everyone, Mayling made a good case, Clownbot's looking like a good lynch. Now allow me to sit back so my vote doesn't get recorded on a mislynch."

Eric said:
Well first of all the wagon is doing fine without me on it. I think with me on it it would be L-1, and that could lead to a premature lynch. Because as you can see, Mayling's cold, hard facts aren't 100% in stone and I'd rather more is gotten out of Clownbot than a quick lynch. consider it a FoS without announcing it. doesnt mean I have to throw my vote around.
Note that, if Eric had voted when he originally posted about Clownbot, that would've put Clown at L-4, not L-1. It's only later on when having to respond to the accusation that he's nudging that he claims Clown would've been at L-1 if he voted.

Eric said:
if you want to play your evil scum card on me, go right ahead.

but you wont get much information out of me this early, especially since im a slow player. granted some Newbie 3 players might expect me to slither right by again with all my "scumminess." but that's a typical human for ya, always fear what don't understand.
"Even though we're 225 posts into the game, I still don't know anything. Except for SRB and Clown, who are totally both scum. I won't admit this about Clown, of course, since I'm being scrutinized for it, so I'll leave open the possibility that he could be town. And SRB is totally scum. But other than that, I don't know anything."

Eric said:
Oh yeah SRB, I'm pushin REAL HARD for your lynch. Just bc im the conductor of this little choo choo train doesnt mean anyone is going to hop on board. and they arent. im still not 100% on what to do.

I almost want to be lynched D1 just to watch you feel dumb. Unless you're a scum bag, then I suppose the joke's on me.

Bring it.
Nope, you aren't pushing for SRB at all. I do feel the need to re-post your original reasoning for voting him:

Eric said:
what I do feel confident in as of now is my vote for SRB. he has had quite a bit of heat from different players but just seems to flake out responses and doesn't really answer people's questions.

It was a joke vote at first, but now I'm sure I'm leaving it be for the time being
"For the time being" includes the entire day, I guess?

Here's SRB (flipped town)'s response to that copied for posterity:

SRB said:
that's EXACTLY my point.

like you, scum try to nudge suspicion on someone and don't commit to their accusations. That way when the townie gets mislynched they get the joy of having started the wagon, but the luxury of saying they had no part in it. it's a big anti-town move and you are a repeat offender.
Eric said:
We'll see how plain and simple it is when I flip. Overanalyzing my waiting to see if Mayling's offense holds true or not could just be your downfall. And beep yeah she was on the ball. Prob the most hard evidence a player has found thus far in the game.

So why didn't I change my vote?

I've told you, I didn't want to be a part of a quick lynch gone wrong. He ended up at L-1 and he just might have died if I had hopped on board early.
Seeing that there are a few holes in how legit this evidence is, I'm glad I was in no hurry. You're going to learn that I'm a no hurry kind of guy. Or maybe you won't give me time to. Your call.
"Go ahead and lynch me, then you'll be sorry!"

Red 1 - "'Beep' yeah Mayling was on the ball! That's the most hard evidence anyone's had about anything this entire game!"

Red 2 - "There are a few holes in Mayling's case, I'm glad I didn't go along with it."

"See? If I had voted, Clown would've gotten lynched! I am the only person who didn't want to quicklynch him immediately, and I know this because of reasons. It's lucky I didn't vote, otherwise he'd be dead right now. Of course, that would've been a good thing, since Mayling had the most hard evidence in this whole game. But it's a good thing he didn't get lynched, because there are holes in Mayling's case."

Could you pick a side, please?

Eric on D2 said:
When Mayling was bringing down the evidence on Clownbot, for once it seemed like we were productively getting somewhere. Ands I gots excited. It's D1 and May^2 is already bringin the pain! Of course this should call for a vote switch. But I said I "might" change my vote and I only said this because Clownbot didn't really have a shot to defend himself. And once he did, the train soon fell apart as I thought it could have.
Ah I see. You both saw the upswing in votes on Clownbot, AND the deterioration of his wagon in advance. Wow. What are the winning Lotto numbers this week? I'd definitely like to be a part of that.

Eric said:
Yeah..they were but I wasn't. Granted, I was excited. I won't hesitate to show my emotions. I don't mind if it brings questions, as long as it doesn't get out of hand and gets overanalyzed. I couldn't tell you the last time, or first haha, that I've questioned someone. It's very seldom, and I actually need to change this and plan to. I think I'll start it off at the end of this post.
"I don't mind if people ask me questions, as long as they don't think about them, or the answers to those questions."

Remember this point, I shall be returning to it.

Eric said:
From hard facts (Clownbot) to quirky playstyle (SRB) to Fluff'n'stuff (Roxy) I'm not sure which has been the best wagon to be on thus far.
So now it is hard facts with no holes in it then, huh? I guess when everyone else kind of fell off Clown's wagon, you were disappointed that he wasn't still a candidate? Because I see no mention of the holes in Mayling's case here. Now he's just a potential candidate with "hard facts" to support it.

Eric said:
I think that even though he flipped town that we should not be totally down about that because with his displayed play style he exhibited D1, that it would have just held us back with people randomly getting bad vibes from him, and scum just feeding off it. My opinion about the wagon in general, welp, I just feel that if he had dodged a lynch, as just said, he would just keep attracting random surges of attention because of his quirky choice of play. Especially quirky to the like of Mayling. Overall, I think it was a case of bad town play, he didnt even help during twilight when asked to. Which should win: Anger & Scum? or Understanding and Townies?
"See, it's SRB's own fault he got lynched. Even though I had my vote on him the entire day which was for an RVS reason in the first place."

Eric said:
I'm taking my laptop to MLG, but no guarantee on how much (if any) I'll be using it.

For now, I'd like to sheep my vote on Hida, but I'm unsure what the vote count is...he's at 4 right? so my vote would L-1 him? I'd hate to be the hammer...er without meaning too.
w/e tho, hope you've got something good to cover your rear, hida
Eric said:
ah,,,, i cant resists!

vote: hidajiremi

wish me luck at mlg! ^_^
(purdy plz)
"See, I'm just sheeping? If hida gets lynched and it's wrong, it's someone else's fault. I'll be at a tournament and am just following town."

I would now like to return to this:

Eric said:
I couldn't tell you the last time, or first haha, that I've questioned someone. It's very seldom, and I actually need to change this and plan to. I think I'll start it off at the end of this post.

[later on in the post...]

From hard facts (Clownbot) to quirky playstyle (SRB) to Fluff'n'stuff (Roxy) I'm not sure which has been the best wagon to be on thus far. But I would like to provoke one of them:

@Roxy: Even though you despise D1, who has been your biggest suspect so far and why?
As you're the only one with a vote in your hand.
1) And who, gasp, does Eric choose to provoke? Is it the guy with the cold, hard facts against him? Is it the guy whom his Vote has been on all day? Nope. He chooses fluff'n'stuff.

2) This is the only question Eric chooses to ask anyone since he made his "plan" in that post to start asking people questions, effectively making it appeasement for bad play in the hopes that it would be forgotten.

tl;dr - Vote: Eric

Mister Eric

Twitch.tv/MisterbeepEric Twitter: @MisterbeepEric
Nov 24, 2008
Louisville, KY
Got back from Columbus at 2 am, worked all day today and now I'm back to check out mafia. 0-2...looks like mcfox wants to go 0-3.

You see, the thing is, haven't we seen a nice little trend involving good cases leading to bad lynches?

But good **** mcfox! you're on the ball. I might be shimmying my vote mighty soon.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Ah, I understand. We should instead follow bad cases. Care to make one? You haven't made any kind of case on anyone so far.


Nov 7, 2008
Got back from Columbus at 2 am, worked all day today and now I'm back to check out mafia. 0-2...looks like mcfox wants to go 0-3.

You see, the thing is, haven't we seen a nice little trend involving good cases leading to bad lynches?

But good **** mcfox! you're on the ball. I might be shimmying my vote mighty soon.


DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
It's because I already said why I voted on Day 2 and really don't feel like explaining it again post mortem. Secondly, I'm not inclined to pursue the same things that I wanted to on Day 2, as my opinions have changed since then.
The question that I said you jumped was "What was the most significant thing Hida had done, and why did it matter?" because you stated that he had done something, and I fail to see what. If it's in your actual vote reasoning, excuse me because your vote reasoning is strewn across too many posts.

The kitchen boiler hath brought accusation, denouncing the color of darkness that is the kettle.
I'm unsure what you're getting at here other than kettle and pot, and I'm going to assume you're talking about interest in Clownbot's results. I agreed that Clownbot should just go on and tell us, but why did you feel it was more important than asking people questions about the quicklynch of a townie (esp. given that I feel said lynch was unjustified.) How much new info could be brought up by a jailer anyways? The only thing I could see happening is the jailer claiming a target, and the target confirming that they got jailed by some means.

Also, future notice. If you are a cop/power role or anything like that, and you get jailed, don't claim to confirm the Jailer's ability. It should go without saying, but so should not hammering someone before they defend themself.

I just needed to get this out of the way.

Mister Eric

Twitch.tv/MisterbeepEric Twitter: @MisterbeepEric
Nov 24, 2008
Louisville, KY
First of all, I'm bad at this game, McFox. So get used to it. I'm bad town, and I'm bad scum; take that as you wish.

Originally Posted by Eric
p.s., I liked Delvro's original dialect or w/e the right word is. it reminds me of home :p
that or I'm just from hickville, USA, much diff from Louisiana. You should visit. Eastern KY makes me smile and embarrassed at times so I'm going to comment on that.

p.s. all you said was "buddying." do you approve or disapprove of it ;)

Originally Posted by Eric
I already told you that it's difficult for me to draw conclusions so early into the game. It's just a jumpy jump-fest that I haven't caught on to yet. I would say "please remember my playstyle from my last mafia game" but then you'd prob point out that I was scum and leave it at that. I wish there was some way to convince you that I'm still not 100% comfortable with making first steps yet but I will leave you with your suspicions.

[and then later in the same post, responding to an OMGUS from SRB]

Aww, uMad?

Bring it.
So it's difficult for you to draw conclusions, and you don't know anything D1, but you're ready to take on SRB wholeheartedly? Which one is it?
yea, I like to get my feet wet with the game, regardless if im hesitant or not. some times i randomly try it, most of the time it fails. I even said towards his lynch that I was having second thoughts about his scummyness.

Expected reaction:
"Oh but of course you had second thoughts because you're scum!"

Sorry, that's all I have to say.

Originally Posted by Eric
Good ****. My vote might be shimmying Clownbot's way mighty soon.
"Hey everyone, Mayling made a good case, Clownbot's looking like a good lynch. Now allow me to sit back so my vote doesn't get recorded on a mislynch."
Can't argue with that.
(I've explained myself so much about this that I'm tired of it)

Ah I see. You both saw the upswing in votes on Clownbot, AND the deterioration of his wagon in advance. Wow. What are the winning Lotto numbers this week? I'd definitely like to be a part of that.
you're mean, I almost want to OMGUS vote you for that, but I be a nice townie.

"I don't mind if people ask me questions, as long as they don't think about them, or the answers to those questions."
hmm? that would just be analyzing then. im okie dokie with that =]

1) And who, gasp, does Eric choose to provoke? Is it the guy with the cold, hard facts against him? Is it the guy whom his Vote has been on all day? Nope. He chooses fluff'n'stuff.

2) This is the only question Eric chooses to ask anyone since he made his "plan" in that post to start asking people questions, effectively making it appeasement for bad play in the hopes that it would be forgotten.
1) I chose fluff'n'stuff simply because I wanted to see more than just fluff, and that's what I received...a good case. I thought that was obvious.

2.) With work and training hard for MLG, I took a breather from mafia. me scuzi. I thought this was a laid back game and I had time to do that

tl;dr - Vote: Eric
that's Mister Eric to you.

sorry if I seem like a jerk, but I chose this playstyle for a reason that I'm not going to reveal right now. I can't say that you should just accept it, cause that would be bad mafia play, but I'm not going to alter this style. It's laid back, there's no poker face to it. You get what you see and thats a lousy old me =]

Vote: scum

more when i have the time and aren't tuckered out.

and I understand that my responses to McFox's case will lead to questions. I'm okie with that and won't ignore them. so, hit me if you got'em


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Deadline has been set for June 16, 2010 11:59PM EST.

It's takes 5/8 to lynch!

Day 3 Vote Count 1:
Clownbot: (0)
Delvro: (0)
Mayling: (0)
McFox: (0)
Mister Eric: Sold2, McFox (
Roxy: vanderzant (
Sold2: (0)
vanderzant.: (0)
Not Voting: Clownbot, Delvro, Mayling, Mister Eric, Roxy (


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Happy B'day Roxy!

I'm suspicious of you because you're really scummy, Sold2. You've played an oddball game since day 1 and it throws me off balance.
Delvro, can you point out where you've said you think Sold2 is scummy on Day 1. I can't seem to find anything. Otherwise, I'm just going to assume that this is a new stance of yours.

You see, the thing is, haven't we seen a nice little trend involving good cases leading to bad lynches?
This doesn't make the case on you any less valid. It's nice to note that you were on those "good cases" as well.

And your defence against said case is boils down to you basically saying "sorry guys, it's a playstyle choice!" Hmm...


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
Also, future notice. If you are a cop/power role or anything like that, and you get jailed, don't claim to confirm the Jailer's ability. It should go without saying, but so should not hammering someone before they defend themself.
Of course, and it has nothing to do with that. The quick hammer was truly a shame.

Delvro, can you point out where you've said you think Sold2 is scummy on Day 1. I can't seem to find anything. Otherwise, I'm just going to assume that this is a new stance of yours.
I never did say anything about Soldier2 on day 1.

I believe I was speaking to Delvro, but whatever.

I targeted Mayling. I'd still like to hear (from Delvro) how the info is beneficial to Town.
So you didn't get roleblocked or anything? Nobody has done anything at all to you since Day 1?

First you choose McFox, then Mayling? Why mayling? She's led two lynches on two townies, why on earth would the mafia want to kill her? Your choices of protects are suspicious.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Nice question dodge. Vote Delvro

I already said why I targeted Mayling and I really don't have to explain further. It's as simple as "if she's town I thought she might be targeted." If she's scum then I would have lucked out had she been the one who sent the kill PM, but Town or Scum, she didn't.

So far the information has been less than beneficial to Town seeing as how it allowed you to misconstrue (or pretend to do so if you're Scum) it to make me look suspicious.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
Nice question dodge. Vote Delvro

I already said why I targeted Mayling and I really don't have to explain further. It's as simple as "if she's town I thought she might be targeted." If she's scum then I would have lucked out had she been the one who sent the kill PM, but Town or Scum, she didn't.

So far the information has been less than beneficial to Town seeing as how it allowed you to misconstrue (or pretend to do so if you're Scum) it to make me look suspicious.
Lol, I love how you place a vote down on me pretty much every time I say something to you.

And I didn't dodge your question at all. I wanted to know who you targeted because I'M SUSPICIOUS OF YOU. You're a freaking DOCTOR/JAILBREAKER. Mafia just don't let doctors run around loose unless they have something very serious to gain from it. Sure, I can understand them letting you run around loose for two nights in a row if they simply roleblock you or something, but they've instead done absolutely nothing. Seriously guys, this is ridiculous. Clownbot should have died on Day 1 to prevent all of these mindgames on day 3, but the mafia managed to sway us all to SRB instead. >__<

It doesn't help that your choices of targets are the strangest I have ever seen. Lol... Mcfox... Mayling? No way. You're scum.

Not to mention that your voting patterns have been incredibly suspicious. You never make a serious effort to explain yourself except when you've voted me (pretty much every day since the game began), and even then you make absolutely no attempt to understand my motives or why I may be doing the things that I do. You're just like "hey, I don't agree with that.... VOTE!"

Requesting town to join me please (don't quicklynch like yesterday though -_-)

Oh, and you already used the scum defense argument of OMGUS once, so you can't use that again... well you can, but it won't mean anything =P


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
So why is it that I'm only vote-worthy when I'm talking to you, and not anybody else, Clownbot? Has nothing that I've done been suspicious with regard to anyone else? I think it's incredibly scummy that you don't have any opinions about my "scumminess" or "townieness" except with regard to my actions toward YOU and you alone.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Mafia managed to sway us to SRB, huh? That's funny because I wasn't on the wagon and you find me scummiest. Who on the wagon is scum, then?

My Jailing choices really shouldn't make me look more or less scummy. I could just be bad at Jailkeeping. People asked me to reveal my ****ing strategy about who I was targeting and I did, which when I look back on it was an idiotic move.

Also, I still don't see an answer to my question.


Nov 7, 2008
Sorry I've been quiet. I've been turning in my head possible situations for this game, debating on whether or not I should claim. But here I am with an offense.

I don't believe in Clownbot's claim of jailkeeper anymore. There are several reasons now.

1) I am a PR. Should I say which one? I will tell you I am not Cop. I will also say that scum won't be able to kill me at night, which is why I feel safe with claiming. However, there is mostly likely a cop in the game with Jeremy's flip of miller. However if you count Vigilite (whatever that did), me, and the cop that makes three PRs. Clownbot's would make four, which under Xiivi's setups I don't think he would have. Xiivi helped me with setups before, and so I feel I know a bit about how he structures games and the like. Mod Edit: Do not discuss ongoing games. So yes, for this point I am metaing how Xiivi structures his games. But I do find FOUR PRs in a game unlikely, and therefore, I do find jailkeeper is probably a safe claim for a roleblocker scum.

2) We have to look at it this way. If scum allowed Clownbot to live it's like Delvro said. They are allowing a Doctor/Roleblocker to live. What would scum do if they got jailed at night and their kill didn't go through? Also by allowing Clownbot to live, they risk the chance that town will confirm him as town and that's one lynch candidate that goes away.

It's possible that Clownbot is an Indy and scum has a roleblocker. It would make sense that scum is roleblocking Clownbot's kill ability and that's why there's only one kill showing up during the night. That would make this setup 8v3v1 which seems likely imo. Either way, Clownbot is scum.

I agree with Delvro that Clownbot's choices don't seem to make sense. First of all, I've been leading the lynches for scum; why would they want to get rid of me? I'm honestly surprised no one has mentioned ME as possible scum because I was the leading force behind the two lynches. Of course this is undoubtably what the scum are relying on.

3) He was SO hesitant to tell us who he used his ability on. WHY? Why would any townie be scared and withhold information from us in a possible MYLO situation? He was probably scared because a) his claim may not make sense [and they don't] or b) maybe he was scared of lying and there being a tracker in this game? Also, there is no bearable PROOF that any of his protects/roleblocks went through.

Also remember how skittish and weird Clownbot reacted to Delvro in d2 by mere questioning?

Given that this is a possible MYLO situation, I feel cop should claim. He can potentially clear TWO people, which would give town a GREAT boost. Also at this point, the chances that he'll be nightkilled are greatly risen (given that I have let it known scum can't kill me at night and that there are only 4-5 townies left.) I wouldn't want Cop to die at night and that information be lost. So if cop is going to claim, I feel now is the time to do it.
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