I'm not gonna bother reading the whole thread on this, but I've tried this out in some friendlies today after being gone for like two weeks, and it's a viable tactic to mix up your ledge game. Luigi's limited ledge options welcome any wiggle room in getting from the ledge back on stage.
Zhao has done a community justice !
But seriously, this works best for the passive leads when Luigi is hanging on the ledge. I'm referring to the type that wait and bait, rather than run off stage or try to out predict you. In my case, this worked on a Marth who was spacing a tipper on BF. I tried this out, and I managed to avoid the Fair, and come in with a Bair of my own the first time. Subsequently, I got punished for this. On the other times I managed to do it, I mixed up that fireball for a rising cyclone, but I didn't do this on Marth because it would put me in a bad position.
Doing stuff like this is milking the metagame for everything it's worth. Again, any wiggle room for new maneuvers (because I wouldn't call this an AT, per say) are instruments for mindgamez.
ALiAs implemented !
If other people already said what I've said, consider that a compliment that I repeated you.