Your a ****ing ******. Shut up an stop posting please. Personally i hate looking at you, hearing you, an playing you. I honestly would challenge you to a 100$ MM in melee, but your too much of a woman to agree to that an if you agree that money would come from your mom who you dont respect or give 2 ****s about. Stop going through life like a pathetic hurt child an grow up. Just your family loss doesnt make it right to be a little arrogant stupid ****. People get ***** when there little...did I cry? Naw, I did. But I dont really tell everyone an dont get what I want just cuz I make people sad due to me telling my "long miserable life story".
**** you Ian do not approach me in public an dont expect me to ever look or acknowledge you.
An if you respond I wont read it so go ahead but I wont bother, your not worth my time. Get a Life.
Your sister is really hot bro, just to let you know. An the ways will be taught to you.
stop camping you ******* xD.