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Mario Mains Interview Thread! Interview: Lil Gerald!


Smash Champion
Oct 4, 2006
Dunedin, FL(MWFL)
Edit: Will have Vato Breakers interview up soon, hopefully. Been busy with homework :(.

Last day to ask questions people! Plus, I need someone to step up to the plate so we can decide who's being interview next.

Monk: Oldest gaming system you own?
My oldest system I own is a PS2

also in reference to the Metagame mini discussion....Whatever it may be that you're participating in...the Metagame is ALWAYS changing


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2008
Wishing Apex 2012 happened again.
monk hotline is the best, do you agree?

any secondaries? or still keeping snake?

did you know your state, FL, has one of the gayest popular characters right now and would you know who might they be? (excluding mk)


Smash Champion
Oct 4, 2006
Dunedin, FL(MWFL)
monk hotline is the best, do you agree?

any secondaries? or still keeping snake?

did you know your state, FL, has one of the gayest popular characters right now and would you know who might they be? (excluding mk)
I like to think my hotline is pretty good

Snake is my home boy...he sits around and throws nades....and Ftilts

Probably DDD....


Smash Champion
Oct 4, 2006
Dunedin, FL(MWFL)
Favourite manga?
Don't read that trash....
Ever considered traveling?
Well other than a trip to study abroad to Ireland...no not really
ever considered traveling to NY to visit hippy and do cape **** in tourneys? =D
I guess...you wanna pay for my airfare/tourny participation [Winky Face]

Monk,what strategie do you use with Mario against Upper Tier matchups like Snake or MK?
Snake: Just try and jump him/switch to Snake
MK: Switch to Snake


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
yo keep slamming me with questions
Hammer Time!

Will you teach me melee Samus?

Has your hair always been like that?

Can you give me your number again?

Should I get TF2?

Where should I stay at Florida if I ever have vacation there? (Besides disney world)

Why Monk/Honkey/Banana?

And with a completely unlrelated note, Kanzaki, I'm no longer going to california. :(


Smash Champion
Oct 4, 2006
Dunedin, FL(MWFL)
Will you teach me melee Samus?

Has your hair always been like that?

Can you give me your number again?

Should I get TF2?

Where should I stay at Florida if I ever have vacation there? (Besides disney world)

Why Monk/Honkey/Banana?
Nah man that ain't me

I used to be bald

Sure mac

Can you run it on your computer? if so yes

Clearwater...they got pretty cool beaches...plus I live there...seems good am I right? Tampa has Bush Gardens which is a Zoo and a Rollercoaster Fun Time Park all in one

Finally someone asked this question. Monk= My wisdom, Honkey="Honky, Honkey or Honkie is a predominantly American derogatory racial slur for white people.", and Banana is just a cool word


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
I'm gonna have your guy's interviews up soon, sorry for making you guys wait so long.

And since no one is stepping it up and wanting to be asked, I'm just gonna pick someone, you'll know who it is this weekend for sure ;).


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
If you're going to interview me, first ask me. I don't know if I will have internet access this upcoming week.


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Vato Break

Q. how did you get into competitive smash?
A. my friend got me to go to a melee tourney once.long story short got ***** =[.... i quit competitive melee because i was really big headed and thought i was the **** lol few months later i got brawl on release and played casually for a bit then i kinda got **** with mario and i wanted to prove to myself that i could get far with him agianst top players... so i went to quizno tournaments and didn't do too well till like the 4th one i went to...the last quiznos i got 7th/64 in low tiers though and i got like 40/100 in regualr singles =)

Q. Why main Mario?
A. What's your favorite matchup with Mario?

Q. What Mario texture is the most overpowered?
A. i saw eegz upair blind video and i always thought upairs looked sexy as ****.My favorite matchup has to be diddy kong or snake since those characters are like combo food and pretty beatable! I like the famous/shadow mario texture...i feel like im so fast with that texture! haha

Q. vato : why did you make yourself a aggro mario ?
A. i wasn't always agressive. i started playing defensively but around late 08 i went to a tourney in san deigo and i met tc1...my mario was pretty good(imo) at that point i had beaten dory and fiction in mario dittos. So i play tc1, the dude destroys me 3 stockes me like a milllion times i was mad! i asked him what i was doing wrong he said your too slow but, your the best mario i have played so far. So i decided to train to get my mario fast ...at that time though my wii broke and i had no way to train my mario so i waited about a month. once i got my wii back i practiced everything i could especially fastfalling my aerials and reaction time also.. i practiced situations(for example ledge options and mixups).

So my mario just started to naturally get faster and be more agressive....when im mad opr angry i seem to play better for some reason...late 09 i ***** tc1 we played about 15 games and i won like 11 of them ^_- haha but agressive mario doesn't always work so i also have a defensive mario in my back pocket. i think an agressive mario is the most fun way to play mario you whip out crazy combos and hes pretty fun to watch too and its just cool defensive mario is alright too but eh..

Q. Your first pro you beat in tourney legitly?
A. boa

Q. You ever gonna come to a tournament not on the other side of the country?
A. Apex

Q. What's the key to being a successful Mario main?
A. playing smart and learn from your mistakes

Q. How high do you think I'll place at my next tourney?
How much higher do you think Calebyte will place than me?
A. how high? i think you mean low...haha nah jk your gunna get first and calebate will get 1st too

Q. Should we start an "Aggro Marios Unite!" coalition?
A. yes

Q. Your favourite low tier match-up?
A. ike!!!!

Q. Who is your favorite smasher?
A. Your Favorite Mario main?
favorite smash has to be jebus(crew member)

favorite mario might be supatony or box7

Q. Out of Metaknight, Diddy, Luigi, and Mario, who do you think is your best character..?
A. mario ...i ahve no machup knowledge/expeirence/konowledge in general with other characters lol

Q. Whats your favorite move in each catagory?

A. Ground:ftilt
Smashes: fsmash
Taunts: backflips
Victory poses:?
Sound effect:mario wavedashing

Q. Where you get the nam Vato break.
A. when i was making a Counter strike source account i couldn't think of anything and i was overhearing my dad on the phone he was like "ese vato no pethe ased nada!!!" so i just took the word vato and put it in front of break lol

Q. Vato would you say that since the latest tier revision Ness is finally >>>>>>>FLUDD?
A. Or will that always be a 100:0 matchup in favor of FLUDD
fludd only beast ness offstage imo

Q. Vato

do you think Vicegrip should go back home?
A. yes

Q. Vato

A. do you think BoTastic should escort me home so that I don't get gang *****? (just a little child after all...)
nah you got this!!!

Q. Vato
Are we random enough for you?
A. no

Q. What all game systems do you have?
A. just a wii and brawl =[

Q. Why the **** do you have a big ego?
A. And your opinion on Mario scrubs?

Wifi: Good or Bad? (or just plain ****ty)
haha people shouldnt let me win so much! my ego wouldnt be so big...mario scrubs gotta step it up and activate vato mode! wifi is good if you want to learn how to camp and learn matchups...you'll have bad reaction time though..offline that is

Q. Favourite Mario game?
A. PAPER MARIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Q. Your definition of playing smart?
A. the smarter the mario the higher the placing ^_^

Q. your thoughts on top 7 mario? (in terms of tourney activity, in placings only)
A. top 7 marios...welll im not sure if there are evn 7 tourney active marios...in terms of placing kirin might be the best and im right under him

Q. how do you become a unique mario any thoughts? (ex: vato is known for most aggro etc)
A. being unique is overrated lol just place good and beat good people if you wanna get knowned ;]

Q. how do you feel about hippy beating his first time pro but not getting out of pools? (LMAO)
A. playing smart is playing safe and making good reads/punishes

Q. Not really a question, just a demand:
A. Get a car/license so you can start driving to me! *** >:o

Q. How many tournament have you won 1st place in so far? or at least 2nd
A. ive won tournaments in my city but thats really it my region is quite dificult =[

Q. Vato, what would you say if I said "I'm better than you"?
A. i would say my tourney results prove other wise and i beat people you don't ^_-

Q. Vato, why are u soo "Emo", because u're like that since i know you x9...?(that's not bad at all, at least) lul...-
A. i dont know what your talking about, when i say im bad im usually joking around lol im cocky as **** =)


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada

Q. Where have you been all this time!?
A. I've been around...mainly playing TF2 and GunZ...No one visits me any more so I just haven't played Brawl in like 100 years...

Q. Lol Who's Monk? (serious question)
You know all the cute ledge tricks Mario has? Yeah I came up with most of those....

Q. Why Mario?
A. I played Falco in Melee and I picked up Mario as a secondary but then I turned out to be really good with Mario so it just stuck. So naturally I just figured why not play him in Brawl

Q. How did you get into competitive Smash?
A. Well one day at school my friend asked me if I played Melee and I said yeah...and he challenged me to a MM he did all these pro techs like wavedashing...but I just outplayed him and shot a bunch of lasers with Falco...and then I started going to tournaments...that's about it

Q. why u not go to more tourneys? i miss u monk, i miss calling u about my tourney performances in my early days, how's life been treating u?
A. as previously stated no one visits me any more...so I just don't go to tournaments...Probably gunna go to MLG Orlando though...Also Hippie you still got my number right? give me a call some time...I'm behind on the metagame but I still know how the human brain works...

Q. Monk, when are you gonna teach me stuff, Master?
A. Hero, talk to me on AIM get my number from either Ed, Lade, Mike or just ask me...come visit me if you want...

Q. MONK!!! Monk is the coolest guy ever, he taught me when I was a tiny little Mario main (I was way shorter than I am now.)
A. I'm not even sure I have any questions, but this guy still rocks.

Q: How do you feel about Mario's position on the new tier list?
A. Is he still at the bottom? I mean I haven't seen it in a while but if he's still at the bottom...Seems about right.

Q. I still have your number Monk, and your aim, hopefully you still have mine (hippiedudeCM or xxpinoyboy1992xx) monk, still gonna play wifi?
A. Man you know wifi is trash why even play it if I have to predict my own moves more than the other guy's...

Q. Monk, we're below Yoshi now.
A.....seems about right

Q. Whats your favorite move of Mario's in each catagory?
A. Ground: Dsmash
Aerial: Bair
Special: Fireball
Grab: Back Throw
Taunt: The cool one where he takes of his hat and just sits there saying "GET AT ME!!!!"
Victory Pose: The one where he shoots fire all over the place like a boss
Costume Color: Gotta say the O-Ridge-Un-Al....Original....EYE LIEK TEH R3D WON!

Q. Are you happy?
A. Define happiness. Are any of us really "happy"

Q. You hyped for Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid Other M?!
A. The only game I'm pumped for is No More Heroes 2...which is already out...I just haven't purchased it yet

Q. What do you think your best 'attribute' or 'skill' with Mario is (Camping, Aggresive, Good DI, Spacing, Zoning, etc)?
A. Mario's speed is very underrated it helps him be both aggressive and campy...I mean I usually exploit the camping aspect...like if you watch Polmex and I in teams I'm usually the stock tank

Q. What are your thoughts on the Metaknight ban?
A. That guy is entirely too good........that needs to not exist

Q. How about this, do you think that despite all the depressing things that make life **** and hell to put up with that your life is worth living? And what makes life worth living for that matter?
A. Man...getting into some deep philosophical ****...Do I think life is worth living? For the time being yes

Q. Will you start going back to tournaments and win them so I can quit Mario?
A. I guess...I mean if you wanna quit Mario don't let me not winning tournaments stop you

Q. Out of the corner of my eye, your avatar always looks like some guy in a hat making one of those gangster type hand gestures. Do you notice anything similar?
A. Nope...can't say I do...

Q. Has muched changed since you came back to the Mario boards?
A. Well the first that changed is I don't have any rage right now...I stopped coming here mainly because how upset I would get.

Q. Favourite genre of music?
A. I love all music equally

Q. You missed me? </3?
A. You know I missed you man...calm down

Q. return of polmex + monk team for best amazing mario bro team combo ****?!!?!??
A. not making any promises but we'll see what the future holds

Q. what stuffies did u invent with mario?
A. I didn't really discover anything with Mario...I just helped Mario edge game a little bit...some might say I did more...but that's their opinion

Q. Do you love Polmex? I do.
A. I would go gay for Polmex...I just love women too much though

Q. Come to at least one smashfest that I will be at? Love you long time.
A. You going to Gabe's on the 13th?

Q. Why don't you reciprocate my love??
A. Lets do it man....

Q. top 10 Marios?
A. 1-6 Bo x7
7-10 Who cares?

Q. What's your hardest match-up for you? Easiest match-up?
A. Hardest = MK
Easiest = I dunno...I haven't played this game in a while

Q. I'm thinking about making ICs my staple secondary. Good decision?
A. Yeah they're pretty alright...just don't play against me...cause I'll beat you up

Q. monk i can still ask you for your godly yoda advice right? =D
A. If you want...I mean feel free too bro...

Q. What all game systems do you own??
A. Wii/ PC...that's bout it

Q. monk you were still my mentor up to this day since you always gave me yoda advice since my first starting tourney days back in feb 09 last year... and up to this day, i'm in close range to being pro status (maybe not, but being on the move compared to like last year, i was just a lost soul in tourneys) how do you feel knowing your yoda advice help me stand after a year later in tourneys ? =D
A. Makes me feel good. I mean when I started up the Monk Advice Hotline Thread you were the only person to call so I'm glad 1/1 cases worked

Q. whats ur favorite soda?
A. Favorite soda= Water

Q. how'd u get in competitive smash?
A. Got into competitive smash after beating my friend in a MM when he was doing a dunch of silly wavedash **** and I wasn't

Q. are you ever gonna cut your hair?

Q. wtf is your avatar?
A. My avatar is the scout hitting the heavy.... from tf2..

Q. my cape is bigger than yours
A. .....What even is the point of you?

Q. Are you pro in tf2?
A. A little bit

Q. Do you still run the Monk Advice Hotline?
A. If people still want advice from an old man way behind on the meta game then by

Q. Oldest gaming system you own?
A. My oldest system I own is a PS2

Q. Whats your favorite Paper Mario game?
A. This first one...all about that Goombario

Q. monk hotline is the best, do you agree?
A. I like to think my hotline is pretty good

Q. any secondaries? or still keeping snake?
A. Snake is my home boy...he sits around and throws nades....and Ftilts

Q. did you know your state, FL, has one of the gayest popular characters right now and would you know who might they be? (excluding mk)
A. Probably DDD....

Q. Favourite manga?
A. Don't read that trash....

Q. Ever considered traveling?
A. Well other than a trip to study abroad to Ireland...no not really

Q. ever considered traveling to NY to visit hippy and do cape **** in tourneys? =D
A. I guess...you wanna pay for my airfare/tourny participation [Winky Face]

Q. Monk,what strategie do you use with Mario against Upper Tier matchups like Snake or MK?
A. Snake: Just try and jump him/switch to Snake
MK: Switch to Snake

Q. ill you teach me melee Samus?
A. Nah man that ain't me

Q. Has your hair always been like that?
A. I used to be bald

Q. Can you give me your number again?
A. Sure mac

Q. Should I get TF2?
A. Can you run it on your computer? if so yes

Q. Where should I stay at Florida if I ever have vacation there? (Besides disney world)
A. Clearwater...they got pretty cool beaches...plus I live there...seems good am I right? Tampa has Bush Gardens which is a Zoo and a Rollercoaster Fun Time Park all in one

Q. Why Monk/Honkey/Banana?
A. Finally someone asked this question. Monk= My wisdom, Honkey="Honky, Honkey or Honkie is a predominantly American derogatory racial slur for white people.", and Banana is just a cool word

Q. Whats your favorite level on Sonic the headghog 2 SEGA cartrige
A. The factory level...cause I'm all about that song

Q. soulsilver or heart gold pokemon??
A. Silver dawg....

Q. i have a question monk are u a jedi?
A. nah man


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Triple post, get at this! Seriously though, completely updated!

Flameon is next!

Flameon when do you plan to start playing offline?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2008
Monterrey, México
Triple post, get at this! Seriously though, completely updated!

Flameon is next!

Flameon when do you plan to start playing offline?
o.0 So, i'm gonna be interviewed...and, it's "Flameleon", haha, sigh, well, i guess Matt likes to call me like that coz it's shorter...and to begin answering, i actually play offline since brawl came out x9, and i started to play competitively like 3-4 months after that and actually, i play offline around 2 hours daily and like 3+ hours on wifi : )


Smash Champion
Oct 4, 2006
Dunedin, FL(MWFL)
yo matt....you should check your spacing on mine....

cause you screwed up quite a few things...

Just sayin'

and not to be rude to Flameleon

Q. If you were a lion...would you choose to be part of a pride....or be by yourself roaming free


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
Flameleon I just think that was a typo xD and By offline I think he means when do you plan to go to tournaments.

Anyway, Can you give everyone a brief synopsis of how to fight metaknight? You seem to be very proficient in the match up.

How'd you get into competitive smash?

what race are you? hispanic, asian, Jewish, black, white, etc.

Who do you think are the top marios in your opinion?

Who's your favorite Mario main?

what do you like more? AIB or SWF?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2008
Monterrey, México
That's quite a regimen O_O

You play any other characters?
Nop, i only use Mario, so i can be ready for any kind of MU or situation...

yo matt....you should check your spacing on mine....

cause you screwed up quite a few things...

Just sayin'

and not to be rude to Flameleon

Q. If you were a lion...would you choose to be part of a pride....or be by yourself roaming free
Being an animal born to roam free is kinda cool and all, but i think that being surrounded by more lions would be the one that i choose, because, it's better to have someone who can give you support, instead of being alone...
Flameleon I just think that was a typo xD and By offline I think he means when do you plan to go to tournaments.

Anyway, Can you give everyone a brief synopsis of how to fight metaknight? You seem to be very proficient in the match up.

How'd you get into competitive smash?

what race are you? hispanic, asian, Jewish, black, white, etc.

Who do you think are the top marios in your opinion?

Who's your favorite Mario main?

what do you like more? AIB or SWF?
I have been in several tourneys in my brawl career, and i've won like 2-3, winning cash and a xbox360...back to answering:

1.-Mk MU: it's a match where we have to keep distance from him and to space right in order to win, staying grounded, trying to get rid of his jumps and then, when he lands, we can punish him, we have the tools to control him, like using Fludd to move him towards the edge, fireballz to force his approach, cape to take a stock from him...we can actually edgeguard Mk if we're clever, most Mk's use gayloop to recover, if that happen, we can use cape jump to turn him back to his doom, if he uses tornado, what i use is, if it's a grounded one, i shoot a fireball and it will cancel it, causing mk to use drill rush and there's the chance to punish, if it's an aerial one, i can cape it or use Dair over him, there are chances to use Fsmash and punish severely, to kill him, is better to use Usmash for a safe kill, Fsmash to outrange his Dsmash, racking damage is done via Dair>Dsmash, Fireballz, Bair'ing his Dair camp, SHAD>jab combos, Dash attack to punish some mistakes...also, his shield is kinda bad, when recovering, we have to avoid his Dair, it will kill us, this is done either using Fludd to move him towards the stage or using reversal fireball to use a Bair on him...and, that's all, it's either a win for us or a 3 stock against us.

2.-Since i've played melee, i was competitive, and i was one of the best Marios too, if not the best x9, but then, in brawl, the change was somewhat hard for me but i adapted eventually, after that, i started to get used to Mario in brawl, actually, i preffer Brawl Mario, and since i reached a decent lvl after brawl came out, i thought that i should traing to be one of the best Marios again, and that's what i'm doing...at least in my country, i'm like the best one, haha.

3.-I'm hispanic, just like Vato...

4.-The top Marios are...umm, i think that there're a lot out there, actually, each one doing a good job in his area and because i don't usually read your tourney placing, i'm kinda not aware of whos placing better...but, i can tell u guyz something...the first step to take is to beat pros with Mario, so we can have recognition, that will boost confidence and eventually, placing high at tourneys will be easier to do...

5.-I think my favorite Mario was ??????(remember him.?), he was like me, a very wise one, so i kinda liked him x9, and for now, well, i don't have a favorite one, so, i'm open to anyone who wants to be my pal xD

6.-I like more AIB just because it's where i'm usually around, playing wifi and reading random things, but Sboards is actually very good to read a lot of brawl things, like MU, AT's, etc : )


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2009
Santa Cruz, CA
Flameleon, what would you say is the key to success as a Mario main?

What is your favorite match-up?

Do you plan on coming to any big tournaments in the US?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2008
Monterrey, México
Flameleon, what would you say is the key to success as a Mario main?

What is your favorite match-up?

Do you plan on coming to any big tournaments in the US?
1.- Perseverance, patience, courage and everything that Ally, Adhd, M2k have...skillz x9

2.- I like to play against...Low tier: Link, M tier: Luigi, H tier: Snake

3.- Whobo was on my mind but i don't think so, i guess, maybe, one day, i'll go to a Tx tourney but i don't know when...:<
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