DtJ XeroXen
The biggest fraud
Cool stuff man! I saw some pics on FB that said you were in China and I was like "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?"Hey guys long time no see!!! Sorry I haven't been on the boards in a while! Haven't been playing much brawl lately because of trumpet… Ha Ha I actually just got back from touring China with a Jazz band yesterday. It was a great experience. Played 8 concerts in Beijing, Xi'an, and Cheng Du, with the last concert having 4,000 people in attendance. And I kicked off the last concert with a kick-a$$ trumpet solo, if I do say so myself. Got mobbed by about 60 Chinese girls afterwards who all wanted my picture.It was a fun time. So what's been going on?
We need to play sometime man! We're getting super active in Huntington, and I get out of school TOMORROW! No more high school forever.