I've never once got to face a good/decent mario main, not saying they dont' exist...i've just literally never ran into one.
Even though i'm not in the competitive scene anymore, so i'm probably REALLY bad now compared to how i was in 09, would anyone here be willing to face me? ya its lolwifi but anyway, i'd just like to see how a good/decent mario player plays since i hardly run into ANYONE that uses him, both when i went to offline tournaments, and even wifi.
send me a PM for a time when ya'll can(but not right at this moment cuz i'm going back to sleep @_@ fell asleep at around 5am, i'm tired, idk why i woke up and couldn't sleep about 2 hours ago, but im tired enough to sleep again now.)
preferably sometime after 5pm central time would be good for me.