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Make Your Move 4

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Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
I commented on the page of your blog with the reviews, Kitsuneko, a good while ago. The comment is "awaiting moderation" though, probably from you. Go check.

You'd be best off posting your reviews in a blog, HR. For MYM 3 I did both my SSE and my reviews in the blog, so yeah. Now my blog contains my MYM 3 reviews, my MYM 3 SSE, AND my MYM 4 SSE. . .

There's no limit to how much you can have in the wonderful world of blogs.

Blogs will rule the world!

*Goes to write out second SSE chapter which will be even more ridiculously large then the first*

Btw, Gryphon, or "Cruxis", make Kos-Mos first. Why? Because I've actually. . .Heard her name mentioned outside your MYM 4.0 plans. And she's hot.


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island


Movie of Origin: Star Wars Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith (Though technically he first appeared in the “Clone Wars” cartoon.)

Grievous was once a powerful Kaleesh warrior, until his ship was shot down by separatist fighters. Count Dooku revived him as a cyborg and taught him in the ways of the lightsaber. Grievous went on to kill many jedi single-handedly, collecting their sabers, allowing him to effectively wield four sabers at once due to his robotic arms. He was later defeated by Obi-Wan Kenobi in a fierce battle, partially due to Grievous’ overly aggressive fighting style.


Grievous’ primary advantage comes from his four arms. He is able to stick his lightsabers in all sorts of ways and formations that help protect him from several sides at once, or simply provide good protection to a single side. He also has balanced strength and speed as well as good range with his saber. On the downside, his fellow sword user, Marth, has better speed, range, and in some cases power, so Grievous doesn’t exactly have awesome raw stats


Movement Speed: 5/10
Traction: 9/10 (his talons help hold his feet in the ground)
Attack Speed: 5/10
Attack Strength: 6/10
Range: 7/10 (His light sabers are slightly shorter than Marth’s sword)
Priority: 7/10 (lot’s of disjointed moves due to his sabers, but the ones that don’t tend to have worse than average priority)
Weight: Slightly lighter than Samus
Jump Strength: 5/10 (both jumps have the same strength)
Fall Speed: 6/10
Size: Around Samus’s size


Wall Jump
Wall Cling

Lots of multi-directional attacks
Lots of disjointed moves
Decent speed and strength

Not particularly strong or fast
Strongest KO move is slow, with his other main one having poor range
Throws aren’t that good


Standard Attacks

A: “Upper left jab”: Grievous strikes his opponent with his upper left fist. 2%

AA: “Lower left jab”: Now his lower left arm punches you! 2%

AAA: “Upper Right Hook”: What the name says. 2%

AAAA: “Lower Right Uppercut”: Grievous finishes his combo by knocking you away with the last of his hands. 2% average knockback. Note that the light saber of the arm that is currently attacking will temporarily disappear for this combo. All parts of the combo have below average priority.

>A: “Double Double Slash”: Grievous first slashes sideways with his left sabers. He then slashes the same way but with his right sabers. The move hits a total of four times, with all hits doing 2% with the last one doing below average knockback. An average amount of startup and end lag.

VA: “Blind-side Strike”: Grievous thrusts his bottom sabers forwards across the ground. While he’s doing this, he twirls his top sabers around for a moment and then thrusts those behind him. Both sides do 6% with below average knockback. There is slightly higher than average lag on both ends of the move.

^A: “Wave swing”: Grievous swing all four of his sabers upwards in quick succession. Each hit does 2% with the final one doing average knockback upwards. Not much startup lag, but higher than average end lag.

Dash Attack: “Tri Slash”: Grievous sticks one saber in front of himself, one saber to the back, and one straight upwards. Any saber does 5% with below average knockback. Grievous stops moving when the attack is initiated. The move has virtually no startup lag, but for some reason has above average end lag.

Smash Attacks

FSmash: “Quadruple Impale”: Grievous pulls back all of his arms, and then thrusts all four sabers forwards simultaneously towards a central point. This move has great range, and does 18% damage (24% charged) with high knockback. Unfortunately, this move has a lot of startup lag, and a fair amount of end lag.

DSmash: “Saber Spin”: Grievous turns 90 degrees to his right and holds his sabers close to his body. He then rotates his hands rapidly in order to spin the sabers beside him. It looks like Grievous is doing two blue-green Angle Rings to both sides. The move hits up to 6 times (9 times charged), with each hit doing 2% and the last one having above average knockback. Unfortunately, the move has short horizontal range, but this move does have below average lag on both ends.

USmash: “Juggling Act”: Grievous turns 90 degrees to his right and throws his lightsabers straight up into the air as they point directly upwards. The sabers cross each other in an X fashion so that the green sabers switch hands and the blue sabers switch hands. The move has no horizontal range to the sides of Grievous due to the way he’s throwing the sabers, but it does have great vertical range. The sabers go high enough to almost hit an enemy standing on the top platform of battlefield and do 12% (16% charged) with above average knockback. While there isn’t much lag on either end, it does take .5 seconds for the sabers to fall back into Grievous’ hands, and he is vulnerable for the entire duration of this move.

Aerial Attacks

Nair: “Saber Kick”: Grievous holds out his foot like a sex kick. It does 6% with below average knockback with below average priority. While doing this, he crosses his left arms over to his right side so all four sabers are being held out just behind him. Hitting the sabers does 1% with low knockback since he isn’t actually attacking with them. The move has virtually no startup lag, but has an average amount of end lag.

Fair: “Spinning Slashes”: Grievous straightens his body and leans forwards while spinning horizontally. While doing this he is holding out his sabers to the sides. He spins twice, but since both sets of sabers are going to each side, the move technically hits 4 times. Each hit has the potential to do 6% with average knockback, but the enemy is knocked away before any additional hits can occur. Very little startup lag, but has above average end lag. As you’d expect, the move has good range both above and below Grievous, though sadly he is vulnerable to attack from behind.

Bair: “Spider Legs”: Grievous sticks all four of his sabers out behind him. He holds them all at different angles, so this attack has good coverage behind Grievous. Hitting his sabers results in 6% with average knockback. Not much startup lag, but above average end lag.

Uair: “Crucifix”: Grievous faces the camera while his feet are sticking straight down and together. He sticks his two top sabers straight up and holds them very close together. He also sticks his bottom sabers straight out sideways from his body. In case you couldn’t tell yet from this and the title, Grievous basically looks like he’s being crucified. He holds this position for ¾ seconds, and if you touch any of his sabers during this time, you take 6% with average knockback. Somehow Grievous assumes this position almost instantaneously, but leaves it somewhat slowly. This move can be auto cancelled if Grievous hits the ground just as he’s starting to exit his pose

Dair: “Quad blaster”: Grievous’ sabers are replaced with blaster pistols as Grievous rapidly fires 4 shots to the northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest simultaneously (isn’t having four arms handy?) Each blaster shot does 2% with no knockback. The shots that are fired in the same direction follow each other so closely that you’ll most likely be hit by either all in that direction or none. The shots travel the distance of Luigi’s fireballs, and travel slightly slower than Falco’s blaster shots. There is slightly lower than average end lag as Grievous prepares to fire, but there is above average end lag as Grievous holds out his blasters for a moment after the shots are fired.

Zair: Grievous fires a short range grapple cable out of his lower right wrist. It does 4% with low knockback and can be used as a tether recovery. Below average startup and end lag.

Special Moves

B: “Charge Pistol”: Grievous puts away one of his lightsabers and pulls out a blaster pistol and rapidly fires three small shots from it. Each shot does 2% but no knockback and have average priority.

Alternatively, you can hold the special button instead of tapping it. Grievous will charge for about .7 seconds, and then fire one large shot (almost the size of Wolf’s blaster shot) that will do 8% with above average knockback, has average priority, and cannot be reflected. Both types of shots travel as far as Battlefield’s main platform at a relatively fast speed. There is a small amount of lag for Grievous to take out or put away his blaster.

>B: “Buzzsaw Phalanx”: Remember that scene in “Revenge of the Sith” when Grievous and Kenobi were about to duel, how Grievous walked towards him while spinning his lightsabers across the ground? Well, that’s exactly what Grievous does here!

General Grievous begins to slowly walk forwards while spinning two of his sabers in front of him (just like in the movie). You need to tap the special button in order to keep him moving. If any unfortunate victims happen to get in the way of his sabers, they take 2% with below average knockback forwards, so if they’re at low percents and/or suck at DL, you could potentially hit them multiple times as you stride. The other useful feature of this move is that it reflects projectiles, though obviously only from the front.

If Grievous is in the air while this attack is going on, he falls straight down. This is important to know because this move has as much end lag as Pit’s Angel Ring, so if you walk off the edge you better hope that there’s a low KO floor. On the bright side, Grievous starts this move rather quickly, though not instantly. A useful move, but don’t overly depend on it.

^B: “Helicopter Flight”: Grievous holds a lightsaber above his head and starts to spin it above his head like a propeller. While doing this, two of his other lightsabers disappear, and the last one is dropped to be grabbed by his foot! While Grievous is rising (he goes about as high as Snake’s cipher), you can press the special button to make Grievous swing his foot saber. It does 5% with average knockback but has a fair amount of end lag. If you connect with Grievous’ propeller saber, you take 3% with low knockback upwards, so Grievous will probably hit you multiple times as he rises with you.

VB: “Hyperion Charge”: Grievous kneels down on all fours (sixes?) and starts to radiate blue energy. You hold down the special button to charge up. After .25 seconds, the energy turns green, and after an additional one second, the energy turns red. Release the button in order to do the attack. Grievous must be at least green in order for the attack to do anything, otherwise he just stands back up.

At green level, Grievous will quickly dash forwards. As he nears his opponent, he will do a spinning slash with one of his sabers that does 8% with above average knockback. However, the slash has above average end lag. Grievous will stop running if he reaches the edge of the platform before attacking.

At red level, Grievous will still dash forwards, except now he will stick out one of his feet in order to catch the enemy in his talons. This counts as a grab, and afterwards Grievous will do a back flip, releasing the enemy backwards for 10% with above average knockback. However, the best part of red level is that at any time during the dashing part, you can press the attack button in order for Grievous to immediately cancel into the green level attack, providing a good mind game of attack or grab.

Final Smash

“Orbital Strike”: Grievous yells “Prepare for attack!” A brief cut scene is then displayed in outer space showing his battleship, the Invisible Hand, firing several rockets into the atmosphere. The game then cuts back to the game play. After a second, targeting marks will appear on the ground at numerous locations. After an additional second, the rockets will hit those locations, doing 10% with above average knockback if one runs into you. When a rocket hits the ground, it causes a medium sized explosion doing 20% with high knockback. Grievous is invincible and immobile during the final smash.

As a small Easter egg, if this move is performed on Lylat Cruise, the cut scene will actually show the stage’s ship passing by the Invisible Hand as it fires the rockets


Grab Animation: The lightsaber in Grievous’ lower right hand disappears as he fires a grappling cable from its wrist. It has the same range as Yoshi’s tongue and activates a little faster than Lucas’ grab. If he connects, all of Grievous’ sabers disappear.

Grab Attack: “Simple strike”: Grievous simply head butts his opponent. 4%, but cannot be performed that quickly.

FThrow: “Nevermind”: Grievous once again shoots his grapple cable forwards sending his enemy forwards with it a set distance, the same as the grabbing motion. It’s supposed to look like Grievous changed his mind about grabbing his enemy. 6%, and Grievous’ grab animation is too slow for him to just grab the enemy back again.

BThrow: “Spin Me Around”: Grievous starts tossing his opponent around himself several times, using his four arms to keep his enemy moving. He then tosses his enemy backwards. This throw looks neat and does a nice 8% with average knockback.

Uthrow: “Let the Bodies Hit the Floor”: Grievous tosses his enemy upwards and slashes him or her with one of his sabers. The enemy then drops straight down and bounces away a short distance forwards. 7%

DThrow: “Back Breaker”: Grievous lifts his enemy over his head and performs the move’s namesake on his opponent. He then tosses his foe a short distance forwards. 8%

Other Attacks

Get-up attack (front): “Crawl away”: Grievous’ sabers disappear as he beings to rapidly crawl forwards using his four arms. He goes half of battlefield but will stop if he reaches the edge of a platform. This attack does no damage, but Grievous keeps the standard super armor that comes with get-up attacks, making this a good escape move, especially considering its low end lag. Grievous actually used this move in Episode 3, by the way.

Get-up attack (back): “Pistol Flail”: Grievous swings his pistol over his head a short distance. 5% low knockback.

Ledge attack <100%: “Flip-over”: Grievous flips forwards, propelling himself over the edge and kicking his opponent in the face. Good range, but low priority. 6% below average knockback.

Ledge attack 100%: “Wheeze”: After climbing back up, Grievous hacks a little, worn out from the battle. The attack has a small invisible disjointed hit box in front of Grievous’ face. It does 4% with small knockback (I guess from the germs he lets out).


General Grievous, in some ways, is like a nerfed Marth. His lightsabers are shorter than Marth’s sword (though not by much), and his attacks are both slower and weaker. Seriously, Marth does like 10% with his tilts!

However, Grievous has one distinct advantage that Marth doesn’t, and that is controlling space. Grievous can cover two or more directions at once with disjointed attacks, making it difficult for an enemy to get an opening. This is the core of Grievous.

When fighting from close to mid-range, use either VA or ^A for good damage building. Both attacks hit to the front, as well as the top (^A), or the back (VA). However, remember that neither of these attacks have a low amount of end lag, so don’t think you can just spam VA and never be hit. The dash attack is another good move to try, but it’s better to use this as a fake out than a direct attack.

When fighting an aerial opponent, bring on the pain with Grievous USmash. It’s a great move for countering short-range aerial attacks, especially if the move requires that your foe be right above Grievous for it to work. If that doesn’t work, then you could always try Grievous’ own aerial arsenal. He’s got a sex kick, an aerial projectile, and Bair and Uair make excellent moves for covering the back or above Grievous, respectively.

From long range, use Grievous’ blaster to attack from afar, and be sure to toy around with the non-reflection property of a charged shot. If your opponent insists on camping, then feel free to use Buzzsaw Phalanx in order to approach while keeping those projectiles away. A third option is to try a Hyperion Charge, especially a fully charged version. Now your opponent has to guess whether you will perform an attack or a grab, giving you a good mix-up game.

Recovery with Grievous is fairly straightforward. Use UP-B to recover, and use Grievous’ amazing ability to wield lightsabers with his feet to defend against edge guarders. On the flipside, Grievous strongest move, FSmash, is really slow, but it has good range and is disjointed, so don’t be afraid to try it out. Your best bet for a KO is through DSmash (which has the added benefit of hitting to the sides), or the saber attack of a Hyperion Charge.


Idle: Grievous stand there with his sabers at his sides.
Crouch: Grievous kneels down and holds his sabers up a little
Walk: Grievous walks forwards in an almost casual way. Arrogant little…
Dash: Grievous charges forwards, with his lightsabers held behind him.
Jump: Grievous hops upwards
Midair Jump: Grievous does a side flip
Roll: Grievous does a very quick side-step in the direction he’s rolling.
Sidestep: Grievous puts holds his lightsabers around himself as he leans to the side.
Shield: Grievous assumes a blocking stance as the standard bubble shield forms around him
Air dodge: Grievous leans to the side
Dizzy: Grievous wobbles back and forth while coughing
Sleep: Grievous crosses his arms and sleeps standing up
Wiimote Noise: “Just as Count Dooku predicted!”
Star-KO: “Come On! COME ON!
Kirby hat: Kirby gets Grievous’ face mask
Logo: The rebel alliance symbol (because that would probably be what the Star Wars franchise logo would be in Smash Bros)
Win Music: A short tune from the Star Wars theme.
Credits theme - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lY29b8WD06M

Special Animations

Entrance: Grievous jumps onto the stage and ignites his sabers
Taunt1: Grievous puts a hand to his “mouth” and coughs a little
Taunt2: Grievous spins a lightsaber around and says “Your screams are like music to my audio receptors!”
Taunt3: Grievous does a fake punch while screaming “Grrrrrrwoopa!” (Yes this is something he did in Episode 3)
Win1: Grievous withdraws his sabers and says “I could beat you with two, no, three arms tied behind my back!”
Win2: Grievous is seen sparring with Dooku. Dooku says, “You are holding your lightsaber too tightly. Now…” he grabs one of Grievous’ sabers with the force and continues “you are holding your saber too loosely”
Win3: Grievous falls to his hands and starts coughing violently. He then gets up and says “I really hate this job sometimes.”
Loose: First, the hands that are aligned vertically clap with each other, then the hands that are aligned horizontally clap with each other. This repeats continuously. It looks like Grievous is playing patty-cake with himself.

Alt Colors

1. Default
2. Blue tinted armor (Blue team)
3. Red tinted armor (Red team)
4. Green tinted armor (Green team)
5. All Black armor, the blue sabers become red, the green sabers become purple
6. Gold armor, the blue sabers become black, the green sabers become white (yes there are such things as black lightsabers, see the Force Unleashed)

Snake Codec

Snake: Geeze, this guy could use an inhaler.
Otacon: You mean Grievous? Nah, even with his non-stop coughing, he is still an incredibly skilled swordsman.
Snake: You don’t say. What is his specialty?
Otacon: Oh, nothing much, just quad wielding lightsabers while sometimes holding one with a foot.
Snake: Nope, that’s definitely not a problem at all. By the way, rations will heal wounds caused by beam swords, correct?

Unlock Info

How to unlock: Beat 10 co-op events or beat 20 solo events or play 380 vs matches. If you would normally unlock a character from a specific event upon completing Grievous’ criteria, he will challenge you after your next event match.
Unlock Message: “General Grievous, the four-armed Jedi killer, has joined the brawl!”


A large portal appears in the sky, just above the Halberd hangar. Millions of shadow bugs fall from the sky, and begin to form in to primids. Suddenly, the alarms in the Halberd go off, as the primids start to make their way into the Halberd…

Amidst the chaos, King Dedede appears, striking down primids as his name banner is shown. He looks at the Halberd, and then takes off towards it.

Level: Halberd Hangar

This location is essentially where the vs mode arena of the same name begins, only the roof is open. Kind Dedede must defeat 20 enemies of various types to move on.

As the fighting continues, General Grievous walks into the hangar, as his name banner is shown. He sneaks past Dedede and gets into the battleship…

Suddenly, Meta Knight appears in the hangar with his name banner and assists Dedede in defeating the primids. But all is not well. A large group of black creatures fall from the sky. Mr. Game and Watches. Dedede and Meta Knight must defeat 5 G&Ws (lowered stats of course) to continue.

After defeating the G&Ws, Dedede lets out a chuckle. But then, the G&Ws start to dissolve… and come together… and grow bigger…

Oh crap. It’s Duon! Dedede and Meta Knight must defeat Duon to win the level. He has less HP and power than the one in the real SSE.

Afterwards, the shadow bugs that made up Duon disappear into the Halberd. Meta Knight and Dedede shake hands, but suddenly, the Halberd’s engines ignite! The Halberd takes off as Meta Knight flies after it.

Remember that portal in the sky? Well, Dedede looks up and into it. He can see what looks like a pair of butterfly wings. Dedede looks away for a moment, but as he looks back he has a frightened look on his face as three huge red waves of energy fly towards him, turning him into a trophy.

After the portal closes, Dedede turns back to normal. He looks at a badge on his chest…

The game then goes to the map screen, with a new level unlocked. Midair Coliseum.

Yes. That entire sequence all took place before the original first level of the SSE.

Nothing really changes until you reach where Duon is normally fought. As Solid Snake charges at the G&Ws controlling the Halberd, a lightsaber cuts his path. General Grievous then appears on screen, and makes a threatening gesture towards him. The scene cuts away.

Later, Grievous can be seen being knocked out of the window with the G&Ws. Grievous gets back up and dusts himself off. The G&Ws turn into shadow bugs, and Grievous absorbs them into his body, turning all black like a G&W, and his lightsabers turn black as well. Snake, Lucario, and Meta Knight jump down to the bridge to help Peach, Zelda, and Fox take on this new General Grievous.

General Grievous has pretty much the same move set as normal. However, he’s faster and stronger. He also creates small explosions just by walking that do 4% with low knockback.

After defeating Mr. Grievous and Watch, Fox kicks his trophy off of the Halberd, into the red sky. The rest of the cutscene happens as normal with G&W being recruited into the team.

Surprisingly, Grievous does not show up in the subspace levels, as he was never carried into subspace. In order to get him on your team for the Great Maze, you need to find his trophy in the Jungle. A cutscene will play at the end of the level, in which he glances at the main subspace portal and gives a sickened cough.


Smash Ace
Nov 27, 2008
In a timeless world
I commented on the page of your blog with the reviews, Kitsuneko, a good while ago. The comment is "awaiting moderation" though, probably from you. Go check.

You'd be best off posting your reviews in a blog, HR. For MYM 3 I did both my SSE and my reviews in the blog, so yeah. Now my blog contains my MYM 3 reviews, my MYM 3 SSE, AND my MYM 4 SSE. . .

There's no limit to how much you can have in the wonderful world of blogs.

Blogs will rule the world!

*Goes to write out second SSE chapter which will be even more ridiculously large then the first*

Btw, Gryphon, or "Cruxis", make Kos-Mos first. Why? Because I've actually. . .Heard her name mentioned outside your MYM 4.0 plans. And she's hot.

Think of it as your early Christmas gift...

*reads General Greivous moveset*


Smash Ace
Nov 25, 2008
Holy keys locked in the jet, Batman!
i have made NO extra progress on jeff yet. but i have dropped shy guy(due to having to only look at spinoff/sports games to get anything for the normal guy, no fire guy, stilt guy, etc.) in favor of king from tekken, whom i will start tmw. night!


Smash Ace
Nov 27, 2008
In a timeless world
i have made NO extra progress on jeff yet. but i have dropped shy guy(due to having to only look at spinoff/sports games to get anything for the normal guy, no fire guy, stilt guy, etc.) in favor of king from tekken, whom i will start tmw. night!
Night. Remember what I said, Keep Moving Forward.


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
Oh yeah, just to cover my butt here, I already acknowledge that Grievous isn't up to my own standards. I mainly did him for fun. You know, what this topic is supposed to be about?


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
I've totally missed the start of MYM4! And there were some OriginalCharacters in there too!

...and a Ridley moveset *sigh*

@Cheap Josh: This contest needs your OCs, even if you've stopped the lulz.

@Hyper_Ridley: That moveset really really suits Grievous, and it's probably one of the first sword based movesets to avoid using generic slashes. I especially like the get up "attack", not sure why though..


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
Northern Virginia
General Grevious was excellent... I can't critique the moves' relevance because I don't follow Star Wars and it has been forever since I've last seen it, but great stuff nonetheless.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
Northern Virginia
Looks like I'll post tonight.

I ain't afraid of no ghosts.

Charlotte P. (Birthname Charles, for the first ten years of her life her parents thought she was a boy), or Charley for short, was your average everyday girl. But then she died... and came back as a ghost. She now haunts her small little rowhouse in the outskirts of town.

She swallowed a sponge one day and it got lodged in her throat... that by itself didn't kill her, but she got dehydrated pretty fast.


Being the ghost that she is, Charley is very lightweight and floaty. Not as light as Jigglypuff, but she can "die" quicker than average characters (She'll get auto-KOd if her shield brakes and she's got over 60% damage). Charley makes up for this with her above average speed and jumping. If you hold the second jump, it'll turn into a glide like Pit's. She's about the size of Sonic. She cannot walljump nor crawl and has no tether. If there was a walk-through-walls mechanic, she'd have that... but there is none... so why would I even mention this?

Since she has no legs (all she has is that ghostly tail... ghosts aren't allowed to have legs for some reason), she doesn't walk. She floats just above ground. It's not a special mechanic or anything, seeing her float instead of walk is more cosmetic anyway, she's still "on the ground" like everyone else.
Also, when changing directions she turns her head around first and then the rest of her body.

(legend = Attack - Attack Name: Description)
B - VANISH: Charley goes into a state of invulnerability for a short period. Basically, she can't be affected by any attack for two seconds (both damagewise and knockback). Think of it as an extended dodge. It only has a little bit of starting lag as it shows her becoming more transparent (almost instant). Fortunately, the end of the move has no lag and this move can be used while doing other things such as moving, jumping, attacking. Great move for dealing with spammers and covering distance. She cannot Vanish while in a helpless state.

While in the vanished state you can move around like you normally could, however any attack or recovery(up-b) cancels the Vanish. If you're playing with items, you can pick them up while vanished but throwing or using them also cancels the Vanish. There is a base rest period of seven seconds where you cannot use this attack. However, if you begin abusing this move, seconds add on (up to ten). It also becomes less effective if you have high damage (some attacks can get to you). The point is to play smart, not use this as a lifesavor. You can tell how "good" your Vanish is by how transparent she is. Your full Vanish is returned if you get stocked.

B OVER - BANISH: Charley holds her hand out in front of her and a small spark is emitted... If you aren't in direct contact with anyone this attack is useless. But you can jump around emitting pretty sparks everywhere and then lag if that's your thing.

However, if you get a direct hit on an enemy, you perform a mega-very powerful attack. Charley grabs on to the enemy's head with one hand like Ganon's murder choke and surges of electricity are jolted into them. The victim begins shaking violently (as if they've PKT2'd but in place), their eyes roll back in their skull and their face starts to pale. Your eyes glow a bright red and your shade becomes darker. A breeze picks up, your hair is blowing around wildly. Angry, chanting spirits rise from the ground, circling around the stunned opponent as an ungodly vortex of pure darkness and misery mixed with other ghostly energies engulfs the opponent.

Basically: You grabbed on to the opponent, and a evil looking rift about the size of a mach-whorenado assaults the enemy for about about one second (yes, all that in one second ). The enemy is not knocked back at all, infact they fall down. An incredible amount of damage is inflicted upon them. Enemies, despite having just fallen down are not stunned and have enough time to get away or attack if they so choose. Banish is a very powerful attack (not the powerful-ist, though), it's up there with 'those' attacks like Judgement Hammer, DeDeDe Hammer, Lucas' Up Smash, Ike's Eruption etc... But it has no knockback at all so I wouldn't call it a killing move. This can be used in the air. This attack has mediocre range, okay priority, and you stop moving while attempting this move .Charley is plagued afterwards with lag. It takes a whopping two and a half for everything to go back to normal and to return to normal stance (the lag is one second if you didn't actually hit anything, see above for sparks)

B UP - CHARON: Recovery move. Charley disappears and a small stream of souls resembling small Pacman-looking ghosts appears. You can move this stream around freely for one second like a PK Thunder covering a pretty good \ distance. If you don't move the control stick, the stream will move upwards. After one second, the stream of souls disappear and Charley reappears. There is some ending lag as she fades in/un-disappears herself. This move does has no effect on the enemy unless one walks into the soul stream, which will cause the enemy to flinch/get hitstunned (they say contact with ghosts paralyzes), but no damage or knockback. Charley is left helpless until she reaches the ground. She cannot be interupted while performing this move.

Hoorah for crappy animations. Those green things are the spirits... but the spirits would actually be a stream of moving spirits and they'd look much cooler/creepier than this crap... and that probably isn't her actual size.

B DOWN - SCARIN': If you are very close to an opponent, like right next to them, she'll scare the opponent by making a scary face and blanking out her pupils. When an opponent is scared, it autocancels the attack they were doing (an exception would be attacks like Ike's Up B which is pretty much uninteruptable). This has uses comparable to Mario's Cape. It's similar, but not the same. This move does no damage. The timing on this attack is important as well, using it at the beginning of an attack would be most beneficial. This move is fast enough that you should be able to attack right after canceling somebody's attack (under most circumstances). This can be used in the air and ground. A note on air usage: an enemy can be robbed of their recovery (Scarin treats the case as if they used the attack but didn't get to finish it, so they can't recover again), but using this in the air puts you in a helpless state afterwards so make sure you have DI. Projectiles will not be canceled.

A/AA/AAA - : The first A and AA is a generic punch. It's pretty basic, it does very little damage and knockback. It's fast moving though. In the AAA, Charley shoots her head out, totally disconnecting it from her body (ghosts can do that), bonking an enemy in the head and doing little damage. Her head immediately returns to her neck, It's not a projectile. After the head attack, you start the cycle again.

DASH A: She does a horizontal arcing attack with her fists. When doing this attack her fist is about 3x normal size (ghosts don't follow rules of nature). Medium-low damage, medium-low knockback, medium priority.

A SMASH OVER – Spectre Slam: Charley stretches both of her hands back, two random household objects (clocks, trophys, flowerpot etc) are floating just after her hands, one on each side. She then claps her hands, bringing the household objects with her, crashing into eachother and breaking. There is a hitbox space between her hands and the objects. I know it's confusing, so I made a picture below.

Anyway, when fully charged it does above-average knockback and damage and it does diagonal knockback (like 30 degrees). It's not that laggy and attacks at an average speed. As shown with the red boxes, its got disjointed hitboxes.

A SMASH UP – Deadwake: The holding/charging animation shows her concentrating and waving her hands in a Jimmy-Hendrix-burning-guitar-like motion. When you release, a gruesome-looking skeleton hand with chunks of flesh loosely hanging springs up from the ground under where Charley is floating. It extends up past her head (part of the head/corpse is visible as well) with the hand balled up in a fist, punching anyone above. It's a pretty quick attack, the corpse goes back underground (attack finishes) in about half a second. It does some decent knockback which can pop an enemy in the air, but usually isn't life threatening until higher percentages. Does average damage. It has above average priority but not a lot of range, the skeleton appears right next to (and partly behind) Charley.

A SMASH DOWN – Cold Spot: Charley holds her hand out diagnoally, and a low-range frost blast emits from her palm and explodes on to the ground. Anyone caught in the blast gets hit by average damage and above-average knockback. This move may come in handy for finishing off your foes. It's comes out with below average speed and a tiny bit of starting/ending lag. Enemies caught right in the blast (direct hit*) gets turned into a block of ice as they're sent off. Otherwise, its just 'frost' damage. This attack is sort of like Lucas' USmash in that there's a pretty big hitbox that lingers, except forward instead of upward (and not as powerful).

One sure sign you have a ghost in your presence is if you encounter random spots in your home that are rather chilly. Nevermind the fact that your heater is broken/you left your window open/you're looking in your freezer. YOU HAVE A 100% CHANCE OF GHOST! So you who you gonna call?

*What I mean by "direct hit" (and this goes for most of my moves), it means the opponent is hit with the whole attack/perfectly timed and close to the character. Mr. Game and Watch for example, has that pancake move. Normally it's just a pancake move, but if an enemy is very close to you and you pancake, there's also a burst of fire.

UP TILT – Really Freaky Attack: She extends her neck and lunges upward, during this animation, her head twists around twice, she grows ghostly fangs, her eyes glow red, and her head is straight upwards appearing out of socket. She then bites the enemy. This is a double hitting attack, both hits do barely any damage or knockback. Basic range and average priority. Not an attack worth using in most cases. It has good speed, though.

FORWARD TILT – Slidetackle: Charley strikes the enemy with her tail, using her arms to hold herself up. It's a fast attack, with above average priotity and has no lag. On the downside, it does very little damage or knockback.

DOWN TILT – Sludge From the Great Beyond: For a short period of time (less than a second), Charley's ghostly body collapses into a puddle of gooey ectoplasm that splashes out in both directions causing damage (in both directions). She almost immediately builds herself back up into her ghost form. No lag and is fast. Does a small amount of damage and medium knockback.

NAIR - Ghost Ballet: She straightens up and begings to spin around rapidly like a mini tornado for a short period and her glow intensifies. This attack lasts a little less than a second and attacks on all sides. Ghost Ballet does a terribly low amount of damage and not a lot of knockback, so this attack is mostly used as a buffer or interupting due to its decent priority.

FAIR - Ghastly strike: She thrusts both of her hands out. When in contact with the enemy, her arms "stab" through the opponents midsection and her hands are visible sticking out from the back (her arms stretch longer for those bigger characters). Right after, she retracts them, causing average knockback, average damage and there's almost no lag. Sweetspot grants a small stun.

BAIR - Knife Eyes: This attack strikes twice. Charley turns her head around 360 degrees twice, when her head reaches turns to the back, her pupils glow in the shape of knives sticking out of her sockets.
I repeat, the glow from her eyes becomes a knife shape, not her actual eyes.
Her head spins pretty fast both times, a little faster than Kirby's air mallet.Does below-average knockback and average damage.

DAIR - Ghostly Tail: This is a multihitting attack in which she stabs her straightened-out ghostly tail into the opponent. This move doesn't do a lot of damage even with the multihitting combined, but it usually does some hitstun. If the opponent is stabbed by the very tip of her tail, it causes a semi-spike. Pretty good vertical knockback, but not a death sentence in most cases.

UAIR - Spectral Phlip: She flips in the air like an aerial summersault but extending up her tail, slapping anyone above doing upwards knockback. It's a pretty quick attack, it can be completed even during a short hop. It has no lag, and some superarmor in the beginning (we're talking frames), but this doesn't do very much damage.

F THROW - Possess: This is basically like Donkey Kong's throw where he picks you up and carries/throws you around, although this one is much cooler. Charley enters the host body, possessing it, and while possessing you can walk around and jump. Pressing A is your "throwing" button as she expells herself from the host body sending the enemy in the respective direction. It does a small amount of damage entering the body and a small amount "throwing" the body. The amount of distance thrown depends on how much damage the enemy has. Can be a suicide move. While an enemy is possessed, he or she (or it) starts glowing like they just broke a smashball, only with inverted colors so you can tell the difference. Has some ending lag.

B THROW - Blind Execution: Charley grabs the opponent with both hands, turns them and herself around, and emits a ghastly burst of ghost powa from her mouth aimed diagonally at the ground, blasting the enemy in that direction. It has pretty good damage and unsually high knockback for a throw. However there's some starting lag as she has to turn herself and the enemy around and fire the blast.

U THROW - Time's Up: Charley, having her enemy grabbed, holds them high in the air above her head like winning a prize. Suddenly, a mob of spirits (resembling those pacman ghosts I mentioned earlier) jet out of the ground where she is and carries/pushes the enemy straight upwards from off her hands. After like a second, the spirits dissolve and the enemy is left in the air to fall/recovery/whatever. This is a "multihitting" throw as the actual damage is done by the spirits that hit you. It doesn't damage you that much overall as it is just a throw. And by "mob of spirits" I mean like five or six. It's a laggy throw because she's still in that "hold your hands up" position while doing this, so a third enemy could come and attack her, but the throw continues as it is in the spirits' hands now.

D THROW - Chuck: Charley grabs and holds the opponent by the neck in the air using only one hand. The opponent does a getting-strangled/struggling motion. To add to the coolness, her whole arm is invisible so the character appears to be floating and Charley's eyes are glowing yellow. She then slams the opponent to the ground as if just scoring the winning touchdown in a football game. It doesn't do that much damage or knockback, but it's fast, and good for setting up follow-up attacks or combos.

HIT: A simple ghostly slap, does very little damage.

POLTERGEIST: She disappears off stage, nowhere to be seen. Tables, desks, drawers and other pieces of furniture appear on stage, floating with a spooky tealish aura and the stage darkens. The furniture travles at different speeds (although none are that slow), the faster a furniture piece is moving, the more damage/knockback it causes. Ranges from mild damage/knockback to pretty good damage/knockback. I'm not even going to try and explain her final smash, so I'll show you this hurr diagram:

Basically there are two orbits of moving furniture, about 6 or 7 pieces of furniture per orbit, varying in speed. Orbit #2 actually rotates (that's what the green line is for, in case I just confused you) while Orbit #1 stays like it is.
Holding the A button will make the orbit expand (it does not add more furniture) and releasing the button will contract it down to normal size. Lasts 10 seconds.

ICON: her face

LEDGE ATTACK: She shoots a red laserbeam out of her eyes as she pulls herself back up. She's first aimed at the ground and then her face moves up until she's looking at the sky. Not a projectile, it just looks like one, infact it has the range of a normal ledge attack. Low damage and knockback. Pretty fast, though.

WINNING POSE 1: A hole is shining light is projected from the top, Charley gracefully lifts up with a halo over her head up into the hole. After you can't see her anymore the hole disappears.

WINNING POSE 2: A scary-looking hole emitting heat and flames is torn through the ground. Charley snickers and then jumps in. The hole closing afterwards.

WINNING POSE 3: Holds a newspaper up to the screen and the headline reads "The dead strikes back!"

LOSING POSE: Claps in silence, She makes her head invisible to hide the shame.

TAUNT 1: Takes out a flashlight and shines it in her face as if telling a scary story by a campfire while facing the screen.

TAUNT 2: Along with a thumbs-down motion, she boos. Get it? Get it? Boos!

TAUNT 3: Red writing appears on the stage air/background wherever she is. "Fight me" gets written out by a floating pen with red, dripping ink. Fades out after a second.

STUNNED STANCE: She is arched back with her eyes closed, floating and drifting slowly in place, her arms are hanging and she appears lifeless.

IDLE STANCE: She turns her head around a full 360 degrees. Later she impatiently crosses her arms and taps her foot tail.

SLEEP STANCE: She, still "standing", slouches over and starts snoring.

COLOR CHANGES: default, green, dark blue, red, black, purple.

ENTRANCE: She slowly appears. Starting from invisible, to transparent, all the way to fully visible.

HOW TO UNLOCK: You need my permission, Beat classic mode on any difficulty without shielding on the Master Hand level.

WIIMOTE SOUND: Squeaky floorboard, door opening, haunted-houseish stuff.

KIRBY HAT: It's Kirby but he's transparent with a greyish glow.

If Charley had a video game, these guys would be the goombas.

(I'm going to redo this picture. I hate it.)
In the Melee adventure mode, there's a Zelda level with zombies that latch/grab/molest on to you for like a second, stunning you and dealing a bit of damage. This is basically what this guy does. Unlike those Zelda zombies, they can't be knocked back. The zombie will mindlessly walk around slow and sluggish, turning around when reaching the end of a platform. The zombie stays on screen for about fifteen to twenty seconds because it's easily avoidable and walks slow. The zombie does 10% damage each time it grabs you.


(I'm going to redo this picture. Not really.)
This electro-magnetic ghost detector has been modified to a semi-auto shoot-out-phantoms-as-projetciles cannon. Having this item gives you ten rounds of captured ghosts. Press the A button to fire a spirit out the antennae. They traveling at a fast speed, leaving a trail of ghostly energy. They do minimum damage and knockback.

STAGE - Scene of Investigation:

(I'm going to redo this picture. It's sloppy.)
This stage takes place moments after the big incident occured.It's a pretty standard map, the green line is walkable area. Occasionally, spirits will appear out of the picture frames and slowly drift around the stage. If the spirits touch a player, it explodes and you take 10% damage but knockback equivalent to a fireflower flame.

Stage/Theme music 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ae5XwkSguNI Tales From the Crypt theme! (minus that last 5 seconds)
Stage/Theme music 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gV9flWPsGco It's a techno remix to the GhostBusters theme. Ch-check it out.
Stage/Theme music 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7AVnlMzxD4 Tales From the Crypt remix
That first song usually plays first and then leads into the second. Usually. Occasionally the third one comes on in place of the first (same length as the first though).

Random Predicted Matchups (just for fun):
vs Olimar 60-40:
vs Donkey Kong 40-60

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
But then she died
I don't usually do this, but:


I love it. But not as much as...

STAGE - Scene of Investigation:


And yeah seriously, stick around. You fill a niche that would otherwise be unfilled and cheap josh-less. Do you know how annoying it is to have a cheap josh-less niche just sitting around?

It's really annnoying. :dizzy:

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Has Black Doom (from Shadow the Hedgehog) ever been done before?
Amazingly yes. And by "yes", I mean that there's someone else already working on one.

You can make one yourself too, as there's no rule against multiple characters being made by different people, but just know that you won't be the only one with a Black Doom moveset in here.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.


This was a triumph...

'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS!

I'll update later, but here are some schematics because my cousin is whining about a super combo.

SPEED: 3- Actually, the cube is about as fast as Luigi, even though it only bounces.

POWER: 3- WCC is only as tough as Luigi.

JUMP: 5- This is where WCC shines- it jumps as high as Falco.

WEIGHT: 5- This is a mixed blessing for WCC. It helps balance out its jump, yet it causes it great distress for recovery.

RANGE: 1- Though very strange and unusual, WCC's moveset limits it to close combat.

ATTACK SPEED: 2- Which is problematic, when you consider WCC's moveset to be rather slow to execute.

LAGS: 4- Luckily, WCC has some very lagless moves, though some STILL leave him open...


Normal Attacks

A: Companion Cube Grade C Pummel

Description: Cube tilts to its left as its upper right edge cuts the foe's face, then retracts back on its base.

Effect: Does 3% damage and covers very little range in front of it. However, it is very quick and is a great poke.

A,A: Companion Cube Grade B Pummel

Description: However, if continued from its Grade C pummel, while on its right edge, Cube bounces onto its right side and leans to strike the foe with its left edge.

Effect: This continuation doesn't change much from its former attack. 3% damage, low range, and still great lags. Luckily, the range on this attack improves slightly from Grade C.

A,A,A: Companion Cube Grade A Pummel AKA Companion Cube Combo

Description: Cube ends its ridiculously long named attack with a quick Aperature Science Cube Flip Tech, as it flips around off of its right side and performs a short hop and a flip, scraping the foe's head.

Effect: The attack deals 5% damage and little knockback, but has great vertical range- sadly, better than its horizontal range, which is pathetic. The end of the attack leaves Cube in a very safe position.

A>: Companion Cube Tilting Maneuver

Description: Cube jumps onto its rightmost edge and slaps the foe with its front, knocking the foe silly before retrating back into Cube's original position.

Effect: Deals an average 9% damage as well as covering little range and causng minimal knockback. This attack should be used in moderation.

AV: Companion Cube Accuracy Spin

Description: Cube, while on its side, spins around both in front and behind him. The spin is quick and dizzying, much like Pikachu's.

Effects: The attack knocks foes away a fair distance as well as dealing 6% damage. Average lags and average range make this attack just that- average.

A^: Companion Cube Aerial Flip

Description: Cube simply hops into the air and spins clockwise once, then lands on his base.

Effect: Cube's vertical range is splendid, while again, his horizontal range is lackluster. However, this doesn't stop it from being possibly the best anti-air tilt in the game. It covers a fair amount of vertical range, deals 7% damage, and knocks foes into the air, setting them up for an Aerial Combo. Definitely his best tilt.

Dash A: Aperature Science Basic Portal Utilization

Description: Cube continuously rolls forward at the foe, and after two rolls, a portal appears in front of it as another one spawns behind his original position, as Cube lands on its base.

Effect: The roll itself is low damaging, 4%, but deals good knockback. Now, this move gives Cube super armor throughout his roll, and any foe unfortunate enough to be caught in Cube's second Portal jump takes 12% damage and great knockback. Consider this his sweetspot. The two portals remain open for one second after opening, allowing foes to use these how they please.

Smash Attacks

Fsmash: Aperature Science Combination Beta 096- Portal Installation #1,073

Description: Cube leans slightly backwards as a portal opens up from above him, as an Auto Turret pops out of it and shoots at the ground in front of it for a small distance, as it retreats back into its portal. The Turret is capable of saying one of five things:






(A 1/5 chance it'll say the last one.)

If a Portal Trap is active, the auto turret will spawn out and remain active, moving its laser around in a sluggish manner.

Effect: The Auto Turret fire deals 16% damage and dcent knockback, but the range is poor- about one and one quarter's character distances ahead iof it. The Turret itself can deal 2% damage if any foe comes into contact with it. The Auto Turret fire lasts for two seconds after it goes back to its lab. This move, however, is the only one with a bad ending lag.

Usmash: Aperature Science Combination Sigma 404- Unauthorized Cube Drop

Description: It starts out similar to Cube's Fsmash, except a portal opens up ON THE GROUND in front of Cube as another Weighted Companion Cube hops upwards into the air, then descends back into the cube. If a Portal Trap is active, then the second cube will spawn out of that one, acting as an unflammable Exploding Crate.

Effect: The cube deals immense damage, 14% uncharged and 21% fully charged, and covers, again, good vertical range. However, since its a cube, it covers more horizontal range than the normal Usmash, but it is still awful.

Dsmash: Aperature Science Combination Delta 559- Basic Defense Tactic #39

Aerial Attacks

Nair: Companion Cube Unusual Aerial Maneuver

Fair: Companion Cube Portal-Turret Tactic #2

Bair: Companion Cube Decisive Attack

Uair: Companion Cube Basic Portal Technology

Dair: Companion Cube- W Is For Weighted


Grab: Companion Cube Infinite Portal Cycling

Pummel: Companion Cube Grade S Pummel

Fthrow: Portal Clockwise Toss

Bthrow: Portal Counterclockwise Toss

Uthrow: Portal Anti-Ground Toss

Dthrow: Aperature Science- "Companion Cube Kung Fu" Takedown


B: The Cake Is Not A Lie

Description: A portal appears in front of Cube, spitting out a delicious cake, which lands back on the ground in front of Cube as the Portal closes. The cake remains for as long as it is not thrown or eaten.

Effect: Think of this as a trap move. Any foe who comes close to the cake is driven to sit down and eat it. It is, after all, a delicious cake. The foe, no matter who it may be, sits down to eat the cake for a long four seconds, leaving him open for attack by Cube or another foe. If the foe finishes the cake uninterrupted, then the foe gains 10% health. You can also summon cake in mid-air, and you can even throw the cake at foes to "Force Feed" them.

B^: Aperature Science Portal Gun- Recovery Maneuver

BV: Aperature Science Portal Gun- Enemy Ensnare Attack

B>: Companion Cube Lob

Description: Cube pounces forward whilst spinning rapidly for about four character distances before falling back to Earth. A special little technique you can pull off; you can bounce off of walls by using this move and collide into a wall for an auto jump.

Effect: As long as Cube spins, he traps enemies in his brief attack to deal 13% damage overall as well as reflecting attacks and thrown projectiles. If used while in mid-air, he remains in a helpless state as he descends.

FINAL SMASH: GLaDOS's Minus Theory & Terrain/Opposition Destruction

Description: Cube glows as a portal appears beneath it, sending it who knows where...

When GLaDOS appears in the background, as the stage flashes, turning it into a grounded, walled, and ceilinged lab, as GLaDOS hangs in the background, saying various utterances which can be familiar to those who have played the game. GLaDOS then proceeds to open around seven or eight separate portal pairs around the arena; this will be sure to cause chaos among your three victims. As if it couldn't get any worse, GLaDOS then shoots out Heated Projectiles that bounce around the area, through portals, and generally dealing large amounts of damage in little moments. Foes will have a difficult time avoiding this assault, as the projectiles move fast and knock foes in their paths back a decent distance. After about fifteen seconds of watching your foes suffer, a portal appears above the lab, sucking up any projectiles and players...

As the screen flashes back to its original level, spitting foes out in various positions and varying force, depending on how much damage they incurred. Cube then pops out of a Portal and gets back into the fight.

Effect: The Heated Projectiles deal 10% damage per contact and disintegrate upon contact with any foe. Luckily, to hinder this attack from being too overpowered, GLaDOS's mutterings can help determine where the Heated Projectiles will originte from.



"REMEMBER THAT ONE TIME WHEN (Insert Character Name) KILLED (Insert Character Name)? THAT WAS FUN." (HP shoot out from corners of stage.)

"DON'T WORRY- NO IMPORTANT PERSONS WILL BE HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THIS TEST." (HP shoot out from the left side of the lab.)

"YOU REMIND ME OF MR. FREEMAN. I HATE MR. FREEMAN." (HP shoot out from the right side of the lab.)


This will take time. Feel free to spectate.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Sorry for not commenting on Grevious when it was first posted, but this should more then make up for it. I did a full blown review of it! Without even being asked! I felt that you were dissing your own work far too much. I freaking love this thing. The review que was empty. . .So what else was I suppossed to review? Two of the requests were from us sandbags for crap's sake! Request more reviews already!

General Grevious Review

If you're reading this Spadefox, I've also reviewed your Guntz.

I was so tempted to read your Charley moveset Cheap Josh, but I just fully read Grevious in full detail and thought I could whip up a good review of him. Perhaps Charley can be my next review?

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Lol, I used X's sprite, but I'm talking about the "classic" Mega Man. I laugh in the face of continuity!!
Bringing over 20 years of cumulative experience onto the battlefield--

Mega Man >> The Man. The Robot. The Legend.

In the year 200X, the legendary scientist Dr. Thomas Light began work on a humanoid robot. This robot would be built with an advanced artificial intelligence program that allowed for it to make decisions based on vague commands and directions. He called the robot project "Robot Master", because the resulting robot would be able to supervise the work of other, less intelligent machines.

Before Dr. Light ever constructed what would eventually become Mega Man, he first designed the Robot Master known as "Proto Man", which, similar to his name was designed as a prototype of Dr. Light's future creations. Proto Man was designed with the ability to lead a small squad of other robots in military operations...however, before Proto Man's AI was fully debugged, the robot disappeared and was thought to have been destroyed.

So, mourning his loss, Dr. Light decided to create another robot. Fearing that the disappearance of Proto Man was due to the fact that he was built for such a dangerous purpose as war, he created another robot made for simply helping him as an assistant. This robot's name was "Mega Man". Simply by studying how a tool was used, he could mimic its use using a Variable Tool System, thus making him the ideal lab assistant.

...But not for long. Eventually, Mega Man was called on to battle the mad scientist Dr. Wily and his ever-growing army of robots, and stop them from taking over the planet by using their own special abilities against them. Utilizing his special Mega Buster arm cannon, and his ability to copy a defeated robot's special weapon, Mega Man traveled the world and traversed harsh environments in order to bring Wily's menace to an end. With the help of his creator Dr. Light and his assorted robotic companions, Mega Man's eventual goal is to one day achieve "everlasting peace".

How to Play >> Handling the Blue Bomber.

Playing as Mega Man is playing like nobody else in the game. He's the ultimate ranged fighter, and due to his Neutral B, is perhaps the most versatile character out of the entire roster, but unless he manages to snag one of a select few Mega Buster abilities (like DK's Pound Shot or Link's Gale Grenade) or gets lucky and finds a stray Bob-omb lying around, he'll almost always have problems regularly scoring KOs as fast as other characters.

But that's simply the price you'll (gladly, once you get to know the guy) pay in exchange for a truly astounding array of long-distance options. All but two Aerials, two Smash Attacks, a Dash Attack, even his grab and rising/ledge attacks are ranged. And the few moves that aren't specifically distance attacks have more unique properties than most.

What this all amounts to is a generally well-balanced character as far as the basics go: power, speed, defense, but with a big weakness in the lack of good, or even decent KO moves. To succeed as Mega Man, you must excel at making full use of his hugely-diverse stock of munitions, as well as keeping your foes guessing with his excellent spacing tools.

...But perhaps even more importantly is "picking" your KOs. Just like in the games he hails from, each form Mega Man's Mega Buster can take on is particularly suited for fighting a certain foe.

For example, if you're in a match between yourself, Jigglypuff, and Donkey Kong, you'll find that if you can take out DK first, you'll be able to use Pound Shot to great effect against the lightweight Jigglypuff. In that case, because of it's favorable matchup, Pound Shot deals much more damage and knockback to it's target. See the actual section on the Mega Buster for more details on this trumping mechanic.

And enjoy the entrance of Mega Man onto the Smash Bros. scene! :D

STATS >> Back to basics.

  • Power = 5
  • Weight = 5
  • Speed = 6
  • MEGA = 10
  • Range = 10
  • Jump = 6
  • Recovery = 6
  • Traction = 8

Pros & Cons >> The good and the bad.

  • Truly enormous repetoire of ranged attacks. Nearly every move has great range, if not an actual projectile.
  • Deals damage quick due to rapid hits and good overall priority.
  • Mega Buster is one of (if not the) most versatile attack in the game.
  • Well-rounded stats, solid recovery, and two reflectors!

  • Has only one or two actual KO moves. Most attacks have little to NO knockback.
  • Many moves can either do lots of damage...or very little, depending on accuracy and timing.
  • Lots of projectiles means lots of potentially-reflected attacks.
  • Punishable Final Smash.


B: Mega Buster
Mega Man's trusty blaster. Tapping B quickly will result in a rapid-fire barrage of short-range bullets, while holding in the button will cause the weapon to accumulate energy, then fire a large, fast-moving and far-reaching blast of energy once it reaches it's full charge (no holding in a charge). The rapid fire only travels about 1/4 of Final Destination, and deal (2-4%) per shot (no knockback), while the fully-charged buster shot travels 1/2 of FD, and deals (12-14%), with good knockback.

Whenever Mega Man KOs an opponent, however, the effect of his Mega Buster changes to reflect the strengths of his recently-defeated enemy. Each instance works differently, and disappears once Mega Man himself is KO'd, or if he KOs another foe, in which case the Mega Buster takes on the attributes of his most recent victim.

In addition, each form of the Mega Buster is strong against a specific foe. Each form indicates who it's good against in it's description. If Mega Man uses a Buster Form against the character it's strong against, the damage and knockback are multiplied by 1.5x the original amount.

Note that some forms do no damage, or no knockback. In that case, only the applicable value is increased. Also certain forms will have more than one trump, while three have none.

  • Mario = Fire Buster: Shoots a fireball off the ground ahead of him, bouncing it upward in a straight line (similar to a bounced R.O.B. Laser). Very light knockback, 2-3% damage. + Luigi, Bowser
  • Donkey Kong = Pound Shot: Pressing his cannon to the ground, Mega Man fires a burst of energy into the ground, causing a miniature earthquake around him. Not usable in the air. Medium knockback, 6-7% damage. + Jigglypuff, Kirby
  • Link = Gale Grenade: Lobs a pulsing ball of swirling green wind forward. When it detonates, it releases a burst of wind all around it, pushing everything near away. No damage, high knockback. + Pit, Kirby, Meta Knight, Jigglypuff
  • Samus = Morph Bomb: Fires a round shot forward, on the same trajectory of a thrown item. The bomb explodes on contact with an enemy, or after a few seconds of bouncing forward. Light knockback, 5% damage. + Fox, Falco, Wolf
  • Zero Suit Samus = Plasma Twirler: A thin wire of energy flies a short ways ahead of Mega Man, out of his arm cannon. If any foes are touched by it, they're stunned in place for one second. No knockback, 1% damage. + Fox, Falco, Wolf
  • Kirby = Vacuum: A vortex of wind pulls enemies into Mega Man's arm cannon. It's not elastic enough to hold an enemy, but the force of the vacuum traps the foe against the barrel of the cannon. When you release the button (Mega Man can't move while an enemy is trapped), the enemy is thrown forward--a living projectile. Damage dealt varies by enemy--the heavier, the lower the range but the greater the damage and knockback. Conversely, lighter enemies fly farther, but deal less knockback and damage. + N/A
  • Fox = Reflector Rocket: Fires a blinking hexagonal bullet directly ahead. The projectile has infinite range, travels quickly, and passes through enemies. It deals no knockback, and only 1-2% damage. Until the first bullet leaves the screen or hits a wall. If any energy-based projectiles connect with the bullet, they are reflected back to their origin. + Samus, Zero Suit Samus
  • Pikachu = Jolt Laser: Fires a ball of electricity forward, which travels slowly. If it hits a wall or floor, it will begin to crawl along it, in a jumping motion, until it fizzles out. Light knockback, 2-3% damage.
  • Marth = Burning Slicer: A blue blade of energy stabs out from Mega Man's arm cannon, striking directly ahead of him. The attack is very quick, but also quite weak. Very light knockback, 3% damage. + Jigglypuff, Marth
  • Mr. Game & Watch = Oil Spread: A splurt of LCD oil comes out of the cannon, covering the ground ahead of Mega Man with the slick substance. On this surface, tripping is twice as likely, and traction works like on ice. + N/A
  • Luigi = Green Buster: A large, green balloon, shaped like a human body, flies forward on a jet of hot air, flinching and dealing 1% damage. Distance is medium, and there's much lag. However, there's a 1 in 24 chance that instead of a balloon, an actual missile (still shaped like a human figure) will fire off instead, traveling much farther, causing heavy knockback, and dealing 15% damage. + Mario, Yoshi
  • Diddy Kong = Barrel Blaster: Deploys a medium-sized rocketbarrel that flies around at random angles, eventually exploding after 2 seconds, or after running into something/one. Solid knockback and 10% damage, though this can hit Mega Man as well as his foes. + DK, R.O.B.
  • Zelda = Magic Wire: Sends out a shimmering bar of energy in a straight line that reaches 1/2 FD away. The bar hangs in the air for a while, dealing 2% damage to anyone standing in it every second. No knockback.+ Ganondorf
  • Sheik = Storm Pistol: Fires a short-range barrage of needles ahead of him. Hold in the button for continuous fire. Flinching knockback, 0-1% damage each. + Jigglypuff
  • Pit = Ring Whirl: Sends out a rapidly-spinning beam of light that spins forward a short while then returns to Mega Man. Deals 3-5% damage over a few rapid hits, and flinching knockback. Also, when the shot if fired, a burst of wind from the Mega Buster blows nearby enemies away slightly. + Ganondorf, Toon Link
  • Meta Knight = Mach Arm: An inverted cyclone of energy extends from Mega Man's cannon, and he punches forward, dealing 4-9% damage over 5 hits to foes in his way. The final strike has medium knockback attached to it. + Kirby, R.O.B.
  • Falco = Reflector Rocket: Identical to Fox's. + Samus, Zero Suit Samus
  • Squirtle = Lead Beam: As long as you hold down the button, a continuous stream of bubbles fly out of the cannon. Each bubble only deals 0-1%, but once an enemy is caught in it, it's difficult to escape from. + Charizard, Bowser
  • Ivysaur = Spore Cloud: With a short "poof", a shroud of sparkling orange dust is shot into the air ahead of Mega Man. It hangs there in the air for a while, putting any that walk into it to sleep momentarily, as well as poisoning them for a 1-3% damage. + Squirtle
  • Charizard = Flame Blower: A stream of flames shoots out ahead of Mega Man, dealing 1-3% damage to foes caught in it. Can be held down, as well as angled slightly up and down. + Ivysaur, Ice Climbers
  • Ike = Aether Blade: A rapidly spinning golden longsword rockets out of Mega Man's cannon and flies straight forward, where it'll stop in place for a moment then fly back to Mega Man, spinning all the while. Each hit deals 2-3% damage, and you can catch foes as the blade stops for a second. Bad ending lag at the end as the blade plunges back into the Mega Buster's barrel. + Jigglypuff, Marth
  • Snake = Grenade Drop: A small, heart-shaped packet of C4 explosive falls out of Mega Man's cannon and rests on the ground below him. After three seconds, it explodes, dealing good knockback and 6% damage. Two packets can be in play at once, and they can be deployed very quickly. + Zero Suit Samus, Peach, Zelda, Marth
  • Peach = Turnip Bomber: Fires a large white vegetable in a slight arc. Only 2-3% damage, but if it hits, it bounces really high into the air, where it can be caught and thrown again and again very quickly. + Bowser, Pit, Ice Climbers
  • Yoshi = Egg Shooter: Pressing the button once causes Mega Man to sweep his arm up and down in front of him while aiming, as a blinking cross-hair some distance away follows his aim. Press the button again to fire a dotted egg in a straight line towards the cross-hair. Once it reaches that point, it pops in a small shower of sparkles. Deals 4-6% damage and has decent knockback.+ Mario, Wario
  • Ganondorf = Dark Claw: A writhing length of dark energy emits from the cannon, flying forward and latching onto any foe in it's medium-sized range. Once it's grabbed a victim, a sparking, purple charge of evil climbs down the length of it from the cannon, eventually hitting the caught foe and dealing 15% damage to them. Be careful, since Mega Man is vulnerable during the entire move, and a second foe can hit him to stop the move before it finishes (which takes quite a while). + Link, Zelda, Sheik, Toon Link
  • Ice Climbers = Blizzard Spray: Identical to the Ice Climber's Down Special. Mega Man spins around in a circle while executing this, so the attack can hit to both sides of him. + Ivysaur, Mr. Game & Watch
  • King Dedede = Doo Beam: Mega Man swings his arm from above to below him, using an extended whip of flashing sparks of light to deal 1-5% damage and light knockback, depending on how many times the attack hits a foe. + Kirby, R.O.B., Snake
  • Wolf = Reflector Rocket: Ellipse shaped and red, but otherwise the same as Fox and Falco's. + Samus, Zero Suit Samus
  • Lucario = Aura Sniper: Fires a long, thin beam of blue energy. Flies a very long distance, but only deals 1% and very low knockback, and there's bad lag on the end due to a heavy recoil. However, the more damage Mega Man has, the more damage this will do, topping at 15% per shot and medium knockback at 150% damage. + Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Ness, Lucas
  • Ness = Flash Buster: Press once to release a small ball of flickering green energy that grows larger as it travels in an upward and forward arc. Press it again to make said ball explode, dealing varying knockback and damage, with a mimimum of flinching knockback and 5% damage, and a max of medium/14-16%. + Lucario, Marth, Ike
  • Sonic = Homing Spinner: Fires the top of a Jump Spring (Sonic's Up B) that rapidly spins as it seeks out the nearest foe and slams into them for 5% damage and light knockback. Very fast-moving, though only has average range. + Mario, Captain Falcon
  • Bowser = Fortress Shell: A Bowser-sized, giant spiked red shell comes out of the cannon, attached to it by a thick chain and strikes out in front. Mega Man then swings it over his head in a wide arc, like a flail. Contact at any point deals 8-9%, and the move has great knockback and range. Terrible lag counteracts the benefits. + Mario, Luigi, Peach, Yoshi, Wario, DK, Diddy Kong, Jigglypuff
  • Wario = Gas Blast: Pressing B releases the valve, causing a noxious gas to continually pour from the Mega Buster. Mega Man can move around while doing this, and since the gas slowly falls, jumping over foes can blanket them in it. It has as much "fuel" as R.O.B.'s Robo Booster, and takes 10 seconds of ground time to recharge. Grounded enemies have a 15% chance to randomly taunt, trip, or become dazed for every second in the gas. Airborne ones have a 10% chance to become helpless. Note that characters trumped by this stand a higher chance of falling victim to the various effects. + Mario, Fox, Wolf
  • Toon Link = Fairy Boomerang: Mega Man fires off a spinning angle of twinkling light that quickly homes in on the nearest enemy ahead of him. Once it smacks them for 3-5% damage and light knockback, it returns to Mega Man. Note that he can't move again until the 'rang returns, but due to it's high speed and range, that shouldn't be too much of an issue. + Ganondorf, Pit
  • R.O.B. = Gyro Launcher: Acts like R.O.B.'s Gyro, however instead of firing it forward, Mega Man will toss it (underhand) high above him. + R.O.B., Sonic, Mr. Game & Watch
  • Olimar = Whistle Call: Emits a multicolor soundwave from Mega Man's arm cannon, which calls all Pikmin in play to his side, though he can't actually do anything with them. Olimar can call the Pikmin back with his own Whistle. + N/A
  • Captain Falcon = Falcon Buster: Fires a large round of fiery energy that has a similar shape to a hunting bird of prey. The round only hits right ahead of Mega Man before vanishing, but is three times the size of him (larger than any character in the game) and deals tremendous knockback. ...However, it has zero priority, and only deals 1% damage. + Jigglypuff, Meta Knight, Snake, Ganondorf, Sonic
  • Jigglypuff = Lullaby Roller: Fires a small pink ball that rolls along the ground at high speeds. Deals 2-3% and light knockback, and stops if it hits something. Only one can be in play at a time. Characters this is strong against will be put to sleep if they come within one of Mario's jumps' distance of the ball, even if they're in the air. + All Characters except Jigglypuff
  • Lucas = Love Buster: Emits a swarm of hexagonal-shaped pockets of energy, dealing 1-2% damage each, and no knockback. Once the move's over, they hang in the air for a few seconds, still dealing damage, before fading away. + Ganondorf, Wario

Side B: X Saber
A glowing blue blade of solar energy extends from Mega Man's arm cannon, and, after winding up, he slashes powerfully with it horizontally, straight ahead of him, sending enemies flying from the powerful attack (14-16%).

During the windup, holding Up or Down on the Control Stick will cause Mega Man to thrust straight upward or slice down ahead of him in a vertical arc after the first horizontal chop, respectively. The upward thrust deals less damage (6-7%), but has great vertical knockback, while the vertical chop deals better damage (8-10%), though there's almost no knockback, since the attack sends the foe straight down, into the ground.

Up B: Rush Coil
Rush, Mega Man's robotic canine partner, darts onto the stage and dashes underneath Mega Man, boosting him into the air via the spring concealed in his back. Mega Man flies straight upward, knocking aside any foes in his flight path (1-2%) and traveling the same distance as Luigi's Up+B recovery. Mega Man can still use attacks after he's been bounced upwards.

Now that Rush is present, he'll help out Mega Man for a while. By pressing Up+B again, Rush zooms to wherever Mega is after transforming into his Jet mode. Any enemies caught in Rush's flight path will be knocked aside for solid damage (8-10%) and knockback. Sort of like a "remote boomerang", if you think about it. If Rush takes too much damage though, or once you've used Jet Rush three times, the robot dog is forced to fly off the stage, to recharge his energy tanks at Dr. Light's laboratory, which takes 20 seconds...20 seconds in which Mega Man can't recover...

Down B: Proto Shield
Mega Man's older brother Proto Man apparently lent him his trademark shield for his entrance onto the Smash Bros. stage! Activating this Special causes Mega Man to hold the white shield in front of him as he charges forward a short distance, pushing opponents away with the shield.

The charge covers about the distance of your average Shield Roll, and ramming an enemy with the shield deals light damage (4-5%), with some low vertical knockback. However, the shield's surface, similar to Pit's Mirror Shield, can repel most any physical attack, and reflects any energy-based projectile back to it's source. When used in the air, Mega Man charges forward and down, at a diagonal angle.


A: Slide - A lot of videogames have a sliding ability, but few make such good use of it as Mega Man does. In Smash Bros. terms, picture Snake crawling as quickly as Captain Falcon runs, and you have a good idea of how this looks. So obviously it's a great tool for approaching, as it can dodge a lot of attacks simply by putting Mega Man into such a low position. It doesn't go too far though--only about the length of a Battlefield platform. Nor does it do much damage (2-4%)...but on the other hand, the knockback is decent, and there's a 50% chance to trip a foe you hit with it.

Side A: Super Arm - After tossing a large cube of rock, Mega Man fires off a quick 'buster shot at that same cube, causing it to explode right in front of him sending the fragments flying in a spread. Think of this as a weaker version of Charizard's Rock Smash, only with greater range. Also (though it's not really recommended), a foe can catch the block before it explodes, then throw it back at Mega Man like a normal item. Of course, if they mess up, they'll be hit by the rock, the blaster shot, and the spray of shards. Which, all told, is quite a lot of damage (5% block, 3% shot, 1-2% x5 fragments). Though like the move it's related to, the knockback's (which is great for a tilt, by the way) only apparent if a foe is touching the rock right as it explodes.

Up A: Fire Storm - Pointing his gun at an upward diagonal, Mega Man sweeps it above him from front to back, as in Samus' Up Smash. Here, however, this action creates a wall of fire that retains it's shape and stays in play for a full 2 seconds. Any enemies that come into contact with it get burned for a few points of damage (5-6%), obviously, but this move's real use is in giving the user a few seconds' worth of not having to worry about aerial threats, as the flame wall actively stops almost any sort of attack from getting through it. Note that only one Fire Storm can be deployed at a time.

Down A: Hyper Bomb - Mega Man tosses a giant cherry bomb at his feet, causing a suitably giant explosion that sends nearby foes flying away. Mega Man's a little charred by the experience, and takes a point or tow of damage, but is otherwise unaffected. The actual explosion hits to all sides of Mega Man, and deals good, hearty damage (12%) and solid knockback. Note that you've gotta' wait a while before using this attack again (it takes a guy a bit to work up the nerve to detonate a bomb under himself, y'know...).

Dash A: Rolling Cutter - Skidding to a stop, Mega Man hurls a spinning blade ahead of him a short ways, that then returns to him like a boomerang (though in a more circular arc, and not a straight line). If you can hit your target with the cutter just as Mega Man releases it, it'll drag the enemy along it's flight path, dealing damage all the way (0-1%, maximum of 5 hits), before knocking them away as it finally returns home (4%). The projectile goes about the same distance as Snake's dash attack, but is fairly small, and while it's flying Mega Man is totally defenseless. A high-risk, high-reward dash attack.


Side Smash: Crash Bomber - Mega Man fires a large, red shell out of his cannon at the ground ahead of him, which buries itself in the ground where it landed. The end that's sticking up out of the ground begins to blink more and more rapidly, until after five seconds have passed, the shell detonates, causing a series of small explosions to go off, damaging anyone in the vicinity. The explosions will keep anyone away from the blast radius for a while (they don't affect Mega Man), but the real cool thing here is the damage. Normally, this attack will just create a small area where nobody else will go, since coming in contact with the explosions will knock you away and deal light damage (3-4%), but--BUT...if an opponent is right next to Mega Man when he fires the shell, they'll be buried underneath it, and will take damage from all the explosions (there are six in total)! You do the math!!

Up Smash: Air Shooter - Mega Man points his arm cannon straight up and fires off a trio of miniature tornados! The three whirling gusts fly in a spread pattern: straight up, and slightly to both sides. They deal okay damage (5-7%) and light knockback, but have literally NO priority, so any other move in the game will plow right through them rendering them useless. There's always a catch though! In this case, if an opponent attacks them to avoid the damage, the cyclone will burst apart, resulting in no damage but amazing vertical knockback!

Down Smash: Leaf Shield - Four razor-sharp leaves circle Mega Man three times, slicing up those near him. There's slight knockback at the end, during the final revolution of the leaves, but otherwise you won't be doing too much with this. If all four leaves his a foe during all three spins, you can do some okay damage though (1% per leaf, maximum of 15%), especially if you fully-charge it, which'll cause the leaves to spin 4 times, rather than 3.

However, there's a neat extra here: as long as the leaves are in play, all projectiles shot/thrown at Mega Man will be deflected harmlessly up into the air.


Neutral: Top Spin - Mega Man spins...like a top. Don't write it off as a generic sex kick though, for just like in the game it hails from, Top Spin has tremendous potential. If you hit an enemy with the attack while Mega Man's still going up from the momentum of his jump, and just at the apex of said jump, they'll be trapped in the attack from start to finish, which can deal upwards of 20%!! Now, remember that this requires very specific timing to pull off, and otherwise the move IS your everyday sex kick, but with slightly smaller range and priority. If you don't trap your foe in the spin, it'll simply knock them away slightly, and deal some light damage (4-6%).

Forward: Spark Shock - Aiming his gun downwards at an angle, Mega Man fires off an incredibly-quick series of rapid electrical shocks. The attack deals incredibly low damage all told (0-1% x10 hits), but has a 10% chance to stun an enemy, insane priority, and more-than-expected range. A great move for changing a game's flow.

Back: Hard Knuckle - Mega Man raises his left arm and aims his cannon underneath it and behind him, then fires...his fist!? The super-powered appendage flies backward in a straight line, all the way off the stage. It goes through every foe/item/etc. in it's way, and deals good damage (9-10%) and great knockback (at point blank, it can KO at 90%). Unfortunately, it's a pretty small hitbox, since it's literally only the size of one of Mega Man's hands. Also, once you use it, you can't use it again for 10 seconds. Until then, Mega Man's arm cannon will stay drawn.

Up: Gemini Laser - Mega Man takes careful aim above him, balancing his arm cannon on his crossed arm for stability, then fires a thin, blue and pink beam directly above his position. The attack only deals flinching knockback (so it'll never KO anything), but does deal some respectable damage (7-8%). But what really makes it special is that it totally bypasses EVERYTHING in it's way. Enemies? Right through em'. Platforms? Yup. Items? Actual parts of the stage? Reflectors? Counters? Shields? You betcha'!! (Though note that in the case of those last three, no knockback will be dealt--just the damage)

Down: Search Snake - Firing straight downwards, Mega Man unleashes a robotic snake onto the field from his arm cannon! If it hits a foe in before it touches ground, it deals light damage (4-5%) and light knockback. If, however, it gets to the ground unhindered, it will quickly slither along the surface of the stage, much like Pikachu's Thunder Jolt (though obviously without the bouncing or electricity). A Search Snake will travel twice as far though, and with the rate of fire, Mega Man can pump out at least three before they start to run out of juice and explode. If the snake hits a foe as it's slithering, it'll go through them, dealing damage the same as it would in the air. As a final note: the direction the snake travels in is totally random, so...


Grab: Laser Trident - A lengthy, three-pronged spear made of pure energy shoots out of Mega Man's extended arm cannon and stretches out in front of him. If an enemy is struck by the tips of the trident, they'll be stuck to it as Mega Man retracts the weapon and holds his captive, ready to throw them.
Pummel: Plug Ball - While the tips of the Laser Trident keep his foe in check, Mega Man forms a small orb of electricity in his palm, and repeatedly jabs it into his opponent's midsection, each time dealing three to four rapid hits of very small damage (0-1%).

Forward: Magma Bazooka - Mega Man quickly releases his enemy, only to just as quickly follow-through with a fast rising uppercut with his now-free cannon arm. If you let it play out, it's just that: a fast, rising uppercut. It deals...okay damage (5%) and just as okay knockback. But, at any time during the throw, you can press the attack button to fire off a salvo of three balls of magma! And since they fire from the same arm that's delivering the punch, guess who gets hit by them? Making use of this extra feature will double the damage and knockback dealt, as well as produce a nice fiery effect. It also lets you control the knockback. For instance, if you fire the Bazooka at the tail-end of the throw, the shots will send your foe even farther north. But if you were to fire them as soon as possible, before Mega Man has even connected with the punch, they'll be sent away at a more horizontal angle.

Back: Black Hole Bomb - Mega Man plants a small black orb on his foe's body, then hurriedly jumps away as said orb quickly expands into a miniature black hole!! The trapped enemy takes no damage...unless other nearby objects--which can be anything from items, to other combatants, to actual stage hazards (imagine being beaten up by a passing Arwing on Corneria!), in which case the damage follows a set formula based on how many things are in the black hole (1% per second for every object other than the "thrown" enemy). This goes on for 5 seconds before the black hole fades away and drops it's captives on the floor. Note that trapped things can't be hit by outside forces, so Mega Man can't beat up on his victim(s) as they're taking damage from the black hole.

Up: Tornado Blow - Mega Man tosses his foe lightly above him, then raises his hand to the sky and shouts "Wind!" as a galing force emanates from all sides of him. The range of this throw is GIGANTIC, pushing back any fighter within 1/2 Final Destination of Mega Man in all directions. No damage is dealt, but the circular knockback is a great utility to have. Oh, and the victim of the throw is sent flying straight upward--farther the more damage they have. But...there's still one more trick here: for 2 seconds after the throw is executed, gravity in it's area of effect is halved, meaning Mega Man (and anyone else near!) can jump twice as high for a couple of seconds.

Down: Concrete Shot - The opponent is tossed onto the floor, then Mega Man aims his cannon at the prone foe and fires off a...a massive cinderblock!? Yes! The block drops onto the foe, dealing similar damage as Kirby's Stone (though with half the knockback). Afterwards, the block stays around for a while, acting as a small wall and platform (it's about as big as Kirby).


Rising: Centaur Flash - Mega Man rises to one knee, then pushes to both sides with outstretched palms. From within, a bright, powerful flash of white-hot energy surrounds him, knocking away those close to him, and dazing any within a shield roll's distance. No damage, but the after-effects more than make up for it.

Ledge: Yamato Spear - Mega Man peeks over the edge, and raises only his arm cannon onto the stage, so he can fire a rapid barrage of steel, spear-tip blades toward his presumably waiting foes. The rounds only travel for about one Battlefield platform, but have decent knockback (though the damage (2-3% each) leaves a bit to be desired) and cover a good amount of space. Afterward, Mega Man climbs the rest of the way up and proceeds with the battle.

Ledge 100: Knight Crush - As he ascends back onto the stage, Mega Man sprouts a large, spiked iron ball from his arm cannon, and as he crests the edge, tosses it forward in a bowler's throw. It rolls along the ground, dealing flinching knockback and light damage (4%) for about 1/4 of Final Destination. This attack might actually be better than his lower-damage ledge attack...

Final Smash: Hyper Mega Man
Beat, Rush, and Eddie all simultaneously morph with Mega Man, forming the "Hyper Adapter", transforming Mega Man into Hyper Mega Man! Basically, Mega Man triples in size and pummels the opponents with missiles and an enormous laser beam!

The transformation lasts for a scant 15 seconds, and Mega Man can still be take knockback, though all that armor shields him from taking further damage. And since he's so big, it's fairly easy for an opponent to keep Mega Man from using his form to it's fullest by attacking him constantly.

...But that's only if the Mega Man player has no idea what they're doing. While in this form, Mega Man can fly around at will via a set of powerful jets on his back by simply jumping. To stop flying, jump again. This by itself won't do any damage though. To do that, you'll need to make use of Hyper Mega Man's two special moves:

A: Rocket Barrage - An endless flood of missiles stream from Hyper Mega Man's chest plates, shoulder guards, shin pads, and basically anywhere else a missile could be stored. Once you start, you can hold in the button for as long as you want to keep firing missiles, and the missiles fire in front and above Hyper Mega Man. They're all homing, like Samus', though they all fly as fast and far as her Super Missiles do. They only do the same kind of damage/knockback as the regular ones, but even still--there's just so many of them that it really wouldn't matter even if they only did 1% each. Beware though--there's tons of startup lag as all of the missile compartments prepare to fire, wherein your opponents can stop the move prematurely by attacking you. (3-4% per missile, 3 missiles launched each second)

B: Hyper Wave - Mega Man channels all his Hyper Energy into his core, and suddenly releases it in the form of an enormous beam of blue energy from his chest cannon! The beam only lasts for a split-second, and is only about as tall as one of Mega Man's normal Mega Buster charge shots, but it deals colossal damage, and...well, at least it does SOME knockback. During the short startup time, you can angle the beam slightly up or down. If it hits someone, it'll deal (70-80%), but will only knock them away a tiny, set amount. Nothing near a KO, unless they're already off-screen when they're hit. The force of the blast knocks Mega Man backwards out of his Hyper Armor, which dissolves into thin air in a stream of energy particles. So only use this attack when your time's almost up, got it!?

+ + + + +


Taunts > Huh. He's a pretty polite little robot, isn't he?
  • Up: Arms folded, finger tapping his chin in a pensive pose, Mega Man wonders aloud "So...did I win or lose?"
  • Side: "Hey, good shot!", Mega Man compliments his adversary(ies) as he flashes them the peace sign.
  • Down: Putting his fingers to his lips, Mega Man plays a familiar whistle...

Kirby Hat > You just can't resist fashion sense like that!

Logo > The always out-of-reach helmet. A classic, for sure.

Mega Music > The Mega Man series has spawned some amazing tunes in it's time.

Dr. Wily's Castle: Stage 1 - [Mega Man 2]
Mega Man 3 Theme - [Mega Man 3]
Galaxy Man Stage - [Mega Man 9]
Mega Man 2 Intro - [Mega Man 2]
Flash! Stage Theme - [Mega Man 2]
Submerged Memory - [Mega Man Zero 3]
Zero's Theme - [Mega Man X2]
Wood Man Rock - [Mega Man 2]
The Main Gate - [Mega Man Legends]
Sigma 1st - [Mega Mann X5]
Skull Man Stage - [Mega Man 4]
Dr. Wily's Theme - [Mega Man's Soccer]

+ + + + +


Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
DANG, Mendez. You really pulled out all the stops on this one.
I know, right? That Mega Buster stuff took forever and a day to finish. Ugh. Gag me with a spoon.

Plus now I'm basically all out of stops...:(

SkylerOcon said:

Mendez wins.
You heard the man. Kibble? Wanna' go ask for a lock? Yeah okay not really. Besides, you haven't seen the other things I've got cooking/have already cooked...


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Megaman is the most pathetic moveset I've ever seen. It's inferrior to Dimentio and Cortex and Tiny.

I'll get around to reading it tomorrow. . .But seriously, I'm not letting you take home the trophy this time, Mendez.


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2007
*sending Sundance lots of apple pies on Pi Day, as
To Chief Mendez: I pity the person who will review Megaman. Hopes Mendez doesn't pick me for a second opinion.

Anyway, I'll read the rest of the moveset tomorrow, but here's a preview for a possible review from me... Organization: I really wish the scores can go up to eleven. 10/10
It's somewhere in here. You have to look carefully.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Megaman is the most pathetic moveset I've ever seen. It's inferrior to Dimentio and Cortex and Tiny.
You say that now...but once you get to his Down Taunt, you'll probably just want to give up moveset making.

I wouldn't blame you. :p

kitsuneko345 said:
I pity the person who will review Megaman.
Oh come now, it's not that long. It's actually rather brief when compared to my MYM3.0 'sets. Really it's just the Mega Buster section that's throwing the at-a-glance length askew.



Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Megaman's down taunt is inferrior to Tiny alone's side taunt.

It's a sparta kick. And Tiny's actually a gladiator.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2008
Switch FC
SW 1864 9526 0695
Witches and bears and... birds? Oh my!
enter the Brawl!

Hailing from Spiral Mountain, Banjo the Honey Bear and Kazooie the Breegull are loved by all and fight for what's right! Well... Banjo at least. Kazooie mostly tags along out of boredom as well as the chance to make fun of whatever odd characters they run in to.

Size: 7/10
Power: 6/10
Walk Speed: 4/10
Run Speed: 5/10
Air Speed: 6/10
Fall Speed: 6/10
Weight: 6/10
Floatiness: 7/10
Ground jump height: 6/10
Air jump height: 2/10
Traction: 4/10

Air Jumps: 2
Glide: yes
Crawl: no
Wall Jump: no
Wall Cling: no
Tether: no

~All moves are rated in the following categories~
Start lag
End lag

~According to the following scale~
very low, low, medium, high, very high

Ground Moves

Neutral Combo - (Paw Punch)

Banjo swings with his left paw and steps forward slightly with his left foot. The second hit does the same with the right paw and foot.
Range: very low
Start lag: low
Duration: low
End lag: very low
Damage: 4% each
Knockback: very low

Dash Attack - (Pounce)
Banjo leaps forward to attack with a shout of "ho!". When his paws hit the ground, he somersaults and then rises to a standing position.
Range: medium
Start lag: very low
Duration: medium
End lag: medium
Damage: 7%
Knockback: low (hits at upward angle)

Forward Tilt - (Wing Whack)
Kazooie pops her head and wing out and holds them to the side. Banjo spins in place, causing the wing to swing directly in front of them. If the move misses, it causes a small gust that pushes the enemy back slightly. She returns to the pack while Banjo's back is to the opponent.
Range: low
Start lag: low
Duration: medium
End lag: medium
Damage: 7%
Knockback: medium

Down Tilt - (Wing Poke)
As Banjo crouches with his paws on top of his head, Kazooie quickly emerges and stabs at the ground in front of them with both wings. After a moment, she retreats back into the pack.
Range: low
Start lag: very low
Duration: low
End lag: medium
Damage: 8%
Knockback: very low, can trip opponent

Up Tilt - (Wing Arc)
Banjo turns so that his front/back is facing the screen and looks up. As he does this, Kazooie's wing broadly swipes above Banjo's head. She pulls it back in as he returns to default position.
Range: low
Start lag: low
Duration: medium
End lag: low
Damage: 7%
Knockback: low

Forward Smash - (Breegull Bash)
Banjo leans back slightly, reaches behind him, and grabs Kazooie by the neck, causing her to squawk weakly. He holds this position while charging. When the smash is released, he swings her down roughly like some kind of feathered-flail. When she hits the ground she makes a much more audible "WAWK!" noise. He then lifts her by the neck and "sheathes" her back into the backpack.
Range: medium
Start lag: medium
Duration: low
End lag: high
Damage: 15-22%
Knockback: very high

Down Smash - (Pack Whack)
Banjo grabs the straps of his backpack with each paw and twists slightly to the left (charging position). When released, he swings the pack along the ground (with Kazooie inside!!!) as he spins in a circle twice. He then lifts it over his head and returns it to its normal spot on his back.
Range: medium
Start lag: low
Duration: high
End lag: medium
Damage: 10-18%
Knockback: medium

Up Smash - (Flap Flip)
Kazooie chirps quickly and flaps her wings, causing Banjo to cheer "A-hoo!" as the pair does a back flip in place. The wings hit only to the rear while Banjo's feet hit in front and above them. Kazooie holds her wings up while charging and flaps them down when it is released.
Range: very low (wings), low (feet)
Start lag: very low (wings), low (feet)
Duration: low (wings), medium (feet)
End lag: very low (wings), medium (feet)
Damage: 3-5% (wings), 10-16% (feet)
Knockback: very low (wings), high (feet)

Aerial Moves

Neutral Air - (Whirly Wing)
Banjo raises his arms and spins like a top. Kazooie stretches her wings out like helicopter blades and shouts "Breee!" Hits around them, but not to the top or bottom. Auto-cancels.
Range: low
Start lag: very low
Duration: low
End lag: low
Damage: 7%
Knockback: low

Forward Air - (Rat-a-Tat Rap)
Banjo lowers his head as Kazooie's head reaches over him, grows in size, and gives three solid pecks in mid-air. She squawks on all three pecks, with the third being a slightly higher pitch. The move gives a small horizontal boost. Auto-cancels.
Range: medium
Start lag: low
Duration: medium
End lag: low
Damage: 4% per peck
Knockback: very low (first and second hit), medium (third hit)

Back Air - (Tail Trident)
Banjo reaches forward and touches his toes, allowing Kazooie to attack from the bottom of the backpack using her three-feathered tail. After a moment or so, she pulls the tail back in and Banjo straightens up.
Range: low
Start lag: medium
Duration: medium
End lag: low
Damage: 9% (initial hit), 5% (lasting hit)
Knockback: high (initial hit), low (lasting hit)

Down Air - (Beak Buster)
Banjo curls up so that his back is facing the ground. After he does so, Kazooie fiercely jabs her beak downward with a mighty "HRR!" Her head remains pointed downward for several moments, after which she retracts into the pack and Banjo returns to normal. If they strike the ground while her head is out, they bounce off the ground, Kazooie returns to the pack, and Banjo does a small back flip to land.
Range: medium
Start lag: medium
Duration: high
End lag: high
Damage: 14%
Knockback: very high/spike (initial hit), medium (lasting hit)

Up Air - (Feather Frenzy)
Banjo tips his head forward and covers his eyes with his feet extended outward. Kazooie pops from the top of the backpack and flaps her wings wildly above Banjo's head, delivering a total of 6 hits. Causes a weak upward gust of wind (roughly half the strength of G&W's Up-Air).
Range: low
Start lag: low
Duration: high
End lag: low
Damage: 2% per hit
Knockback: very low

Glide Attack
Banjo rotates his body 90 degrees so he is upright and then attacks quickly with a high kick. Auto-cancels
Range: very low
Start lag: very low
Duration: low
End lag: low
Damage: 6%
Knockback: medium

Situational Moves

Ledge Attack
As Banjo begins to crawl up onto the ledge, Kazooie gives a quick peck parallel to the stage, then returns to the pack as he finishes standing up.
Range: low
Start lag: low
Duration: low
End lag: medium
Damage: 6%
Knockback: low (horizontal)

100% Ledge Attack
Banjo climbs up a little, then gives an uppercut as he stands up.
Range: very low
Start lag: medium
Duration: medium
End lag: low
Damage: 8%
Knockback: low (upwards)
8% damage. Light upwards knockback.

Prone Attack (face up)
Kazooie sticks her legs out of the pack and lifts the pair up, then Banjo kicks with his feet and punches with his fists. Kazooie then sets him down on his feet and pulls her legs back in.
Range: low
Start lag: medium
Duration: medium
End lag: low
Damage: 7% from kick, 6% from punch
Knockback: low

Prone Attack (face down)
Kazooie quickly pops out, twists slightly (counter-clockwise), and then spins her wings clockwise, hitting surrounding enemies. This spin pulls them up like a helicopter and allows Banjo to put down his feet and stand up.
Range: low
Start lag: low
Duration: medium
End lag: medium
Damage: 5%
Knockback: low

Special Moves

Neutral Special - (Egg Selection/Firing)

Holding down the B button and pressing a direction will let you choose between different types of eggs. Releasing B fires the appropriate egg. Tapping B will continue to use that same egg type. Only one type of egg can be used at a time.
If fired from the front, Banjo gets down on all fours and Kazooie sticks her head out above his to shoot. If used in the air, Banjo curls in a ball and she fires over his head. These eggs travel in a straight line from where they were fired.
If fired from the rear, Banjo bends over and covers his ears. Kazooie sticks her butt out of the back of the pack and shoots the eggs with a farting noise. These make a small arc and then land on the ground. Cannot be used in the air.

Standard eggs (Up) - Fired from front. These are the default eggs. Up to 3 can be fired at a time. They cause flinching but have zero knockback. Each egg causes 3% damage.
Ice eggs (Back) - Fired from rear. Opponents with high damage can be frozen by them. If they hit the ground, they cause a small patch to become slippery. Only 2 can be used at a time; frozen enemies and icy ground count as an active egg. They deal 5% damage each.
Grenade eggs (Forward) - Fired from front. Explode on impact, causing 16% damage and high knockback, but can only be fired one at a time and are very slow.
Clockwork eggs (Down) - Fired from rear. Upon hitting the ground, releases a small wind-up Kazooie that lasts for 5 seconds before exploding. If an enemy comes too close (approximately one Bowser body-length), the bird-bot will slowly chase after until it hits them or its time runs out. This explosion also causes 16% damage, but very low knockback. There is a 30 second cool-down before another one can be used.

Forward Special - (Beak Barge)
Kazooie gives a chirp as she sticks her head out over Banjo's shoulder. They then charge forward as she says "Rrrrrrr!". Travels roughly the length of a Battlefield platform. If smashed, travels about half the length of Battlefield. Stops at the end of a ledge. Can only be done on ground.
Range: high to very high
Start lag: low
Duration: medium to high
End lag: medium
Damage: 12%
Knockback: medium

Down Special - (Bill Drill)
Banjo quickly curls up and flips forward so the backpack is facing the ground. Kazooie then sticks her beak straight into the ground and the pair begins spinning in place, causing damage to anything close enough to touch. If used in the air, performs the same animation sequence, but then drops until it hits the ground, where it functions like normal. Spinning motion lasts for about 1.5 seconds. When the move finishes, it has the same ending animation as Beak Buster when it hits the ground.
Range: medium
Start lag: medium
Duration: medium
End lag: high
Damage: 12% (falling), 8% (spinning)
Knockback: high (falling), low (spinning)

Up Special - (Beak Bomb)
Kazooie flaps her wings to prepare the move while Banjo fearfully mutters "Uh-oh..."; the pair then rockets in the pressed direction at high speed (approximately the distance of a PK Thunder 2) while Kazooie screams "Brrrrrrrrr!". It can sweet-spot the ledge, but if they directly collide with a wall or ceiling, they bounce off in helpless state, Banjo voicing his pain with an audible "OWW!"
Range: very high
Start lag: low (in air), high (on ground)
Duration: low
End lag: very low
Damage: 14%
Knockback: high


Grab - (Taxi Pack)

Kazooie drops out of the bottom of the backpack as Banjo swings it in an attempt to grab the enemy. If the swing misses, he scoops Kazooie back up and puts the pack back on. If successful, Kazooie temporarily stands next to Banjo. Banjo holds the enemy (in the pack) in front of him until released or thrown.
Range: low
Duration: medium

Pummel - (Pack Peck)
Kazooie pecks at the backpack from the side with her beak while Banjo holds it in place.
Duration: low
Damage: 2%

Forward Throw - (Stilt Stride)
Kazooie puts on her wading boots as Banjo steps to the side. He holds the pack in front of him so she can kick the opponent out of the backpack.
Duration: medium
Damage: 9%
Knockback: medium

Back Throw - (Claw Clamber)
Kazooie jumps on to the enemy while wearing her suction cup shoes. Banjo grabs her by the neck and snaps her backwards like a whip to get them unstuck and fling them away.
Duration: high
Damage: 8%
Knockback: high

Down Throw - (Turbo Trot)
Banjo throws the opponent on the ground so Kazooie can trample them at high speed while wearing sneakers.
Duration: medium
Damage: 11%
Knockback: low

Up Throw - (Springy Step)
Kazooie puts on her spring shoes and lies on her back on the ground. Banjo then dumps the opponent onto the springs to launch them into the air.
Duration: low
Damage: 6%
Knockback: high


Mumbo Magic

Mumbo Jumbo drops in front of Banjo, surprising the bear. The shaman begins chanting his signature spell: "Eekum-bokum, Eekum-bokum, oom-pa-gam". Using his voodoo magic, he transforms all opponents within range (about the same radius as Negative Zone) into stone idols of themselves. Affected characters gain a stony texture, are dramatically increased in weight, and cannot use any moves besides jump. Banjo-Kazooie can move/attack as normal, making it much easier for them to score KOs on their opponents. The spell wears off after 25 seconds.



Symbol: Jigsaw piece
Character Icon: Banjo's head with Kazooie peering over the shoulder.
Wiimote sound: "Nyu-huh! ~ Breee!"

On-Screen Entrance: Kazooie Talon Trots in with Banjo on her back.
Bored Stance: Banjo scratches his chest and yawns. Kazooie pops out and looks around.
Shield: Kazooie places her wings in front of Banjo (Wonderwing)
Roll Forward: Banjo cartwheels forward and turns around.
Roll Backward: Kazooie Talon Trots a short distance away.
Sidestep: Banjo spins on one foot.
Air Dodge: Kazooie covers Banjo with her wings as they spin in the air.
Ledge Hang: Hangs from both paws
Asleep: Banjo lays on his side and snores loudly.
Dizzy: Banjo sways back and forth with his paws on his head as Kazooie's head droops out of the backpack.
Trip: Banjo falls straight forward and lands on his nose. He then rubs his nose until given a command to stand up.
Topple: Banjo gives a small "Whuh-oh!" while on his tip toes rolling his arms backwards.

Standard color: Yellow shorts and red Kazooie.
Red color
: Banjo's shorts are orange and his fur is reddish; Kazooie is normal.
Blue color: Banjo's shorts and fur are tinged blue; Kazooie turns purple.
Green color: Banjo's shorts and fur are tinged green; Kazooie is forest green.
Extra color 1: Banjo has silver-white fur and Kazooie is gold.
Extra color 2: Banjo is normal; Kazooie is Dragon-Kazooie.

Up Taunt: Banjo pulls out a Jigsaw piece and the tosses it to Kazooie, who catches it in her mouth and swallows it.
Side Taunt: Banjo tunes his banjo while Kazooie plays a short tune on her horn.
Down Taunt: Kazooie pecks at Banjo's head and giggles as Banjo rubs the sore spot.

Victory Screen
Music: The victory music that plays after collecting all the Jiggies in a level.

Pose 1: Kazooie cheers from the backpack as Banjo does a quick dance and then bows twice.
Pose 2: Banjo and Kazooie stand side by side and nod at each other, then Banjo puts his arm around her and gives a thumbs up.
Pose 3: Banjo plays a ditty on his banjo as Kazooie plays along, then they both give a "Ta-da!" pose at the end.

Loser Pose: Banjo claps for the winner while Kazooie shamefully covers her face with one wing.

Kirby Hat
Kirby gets Kazooie's crest as well as a backpack.
He shoots standard and grenade eggs from his mouth. He shoots ice and clockwork eggs from the backpack.
Instead of Clockwork Kazooies, Kirby shoots Clockwork Kirbys, which function the same except they look like miniature versions of himself.

Snake Codec
Snake: Hey, Otacon, what's with the bear and the chicken?
Kazooie: Who you calling a chicken, Slithers?
Snake: ... Slithers?
Otacon: That's Banjo the Honey Bear, Snake. He's the hero of Spiral Mountain who defeated the evil witch Gruntilda. And that's not a chicken with him, that's his friend, Kazooie. She's a rare red-crested Breegull and, well... she kind of has a big mouth sometimes.
Kazooie: Big mouth? That's rich coming from you four-eyes! Always butting in when you aren't wanted. So are you gonna try and teach us some new moves or what?
Otacon: Wh-what? New moves?
Snake: I can think of one move I want to show her. How about some Breegull Barbeque?
Kazooie: Fat chance, chuckles!
Banjo: *sigh*


Gruntilda's Lair

This stage has a feel similar to Wario Ware Inc.
It's a straight flat level that starts off in the lobby of the Lair with a large Jigsaw puzzle of Gruntilda in the background. As the battle transpires, the pieces of the puzzle start changing until a new image is revealed... and the battleground changes to match! It reverts back to the lobby after 20-40 seconds in that area.

The Lair transitions through the following random stages:
- Treasure Trove Cove: In front of the giant sand castle. Relatively safe area.
- Clanker's Cavern: On some floating platforms in front of Clanker himself. He will sometimes open his mouth and try to chomp to the left, right, or center.
- Bubblegloop Swamp: Mr. Vile's alligator island in the middle of the swamp; he occasionally crawls out and attacks. The shallow water on the sides causes acid-like damage.
- Freezeezy Peak: Near the base of the mountain, in front of the giant snowman. The ground is icy and provides less traction. Boggy and sons ride their sleds through the arena.
- Gobi's Valley: In front of the pyramid. Stepping in the sand causes your movement to be slowed.
- Mad Monster Mansion: In the haunted hedge maze. Ghosts float around in the background. The thorns deal minor damage.
- Rusty Bucket Bay: Aboard the Rusty Bucket herself. The water here is NOT shallow, so you can drown or be spiked while in it.

Grunty's Lair (default, slightly adjusts for each random area)
Banjo-Kazooie Main Theme
Treasure Trove Cove
Freezeezy Peak
Gobi's Valley
Rusty Bucket Bay
Click Clock Wood
Grunty's Furnace Fun

Isle O' Hags

Holy Crap! It's Big Blue meets Castle Siege!!!
This level consists of you riding on top of Chuffy the Train throughout the Isle O' Hags, making stops along the way. Each stop lasts approximately 30-60 seconds before moving on, with various stage hazards appropriate to each one.

Stops go in the following order:
1. Glitter Gulch Mine: Old King Coal will sometimes cause a TNT explosion.
2. Terrydactyland: Terry flies by and drops eggs.
3. Witchyworld: Mr. Patch floats around trying to push fighters off the train.
4. Hailfire Peaks: Chilli Billi (fire dragon) and Chilly Willy (ice dragon) occasionally attack from their respective mountain.

In between each stop, the level has the Isle of Hags in the background, with various cameo appearances from Bottles, Jamjars, Jiggywiggy, Humba Wumba, and others. During these segments, landing in front of the train will result in an instant KO (a la Pirate Ship).

Glitter Gulch Mine (default)
Spiral Mountain
Jolly Roger Bay
Hailfire Peaks
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Cauldron Keep

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Kazooie the Breegull

...Anyway. In general I like it. The FS could really use some more...anything, but almost everything else is awesome. I thank you for not including anything from Nuts & Bolts.

Everyone else is going to tell you to lengthen your descriptions for your A attacks though. I'm fine with it, but then, I'm not everybody, so you might want to look into that too. :lick:

MasterWarlord said:
I already did, just by making a moveset for Mega F*CKING Man and not two bosses from an aging platformer. O SNAP :bee:


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
San Diego
Im going to read all of megaman.... so far i like what I see!

but the pic at the top is megaman x!

EDIT: Im going to kill you for this...:p Megaman`s move when he takes out Ness is titled "crash buster".....Ness` move, although sounds like "crash", is really titled "PK FLASH".....just an fyi. as an earthbound nerd im entilted to tell you this. Extremly great moveset so far, it makes me want to give up on movesets! T_T


Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2008
Switch FC
SW 1864 9526 0695
I thank you for not including anything from Nuts & Bolts.
Yeah, I intentionally avoided N&B because it feels like a betrayal of the series. Haven't played it yet, so I'm reserving final judgement, but it did not deserve a place in a B-K moveset.

As far as detail is concerned, I tried to keep the A moves basic so as to avoid unnecessary extra writing. I could probably flesh out the FS a little more, though, so I'll take that into consideration.

*retreats into his cave to continue work on Scizor*

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
but the pic at the top is megaman x!
Oh I'm quite aware of that.
If you look hard enough there's even a blatant admission hidden somewhere in there.

EDIT: Im going to kill you for this...:p Megaman`s move when he takes out Ness is titled "crash buster".....Ness` move, although sounds like "crash", is really titled "PK FLASH".....just an fyi. as an earthbound nerd im entilted to tell you this. Extremly great moveset so far, it makes me want to give up on movesets! T_T
I always figured, since I don't remember Ness ever having a move called "Crash", while I DO remeber the Flash...and a quick check on the Dojo!! revealed this to be the truth.

So yeah: fixed for grate justice.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Wow, another Megaman. =O
Ah man. It has exactly the system I wanted to use... I guess I really have to scrap both Forte and Rock now. >.<"

Also, for anyone who was mentioning Guntz' balance issues - I have lowered the damage of every move now, I hope it's acceptable now. I'll think of changing the Neutral Special to something more original, but right of now the damage was all I changed on him.
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