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Majora's Mask Mafia | Game Over!


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
@Vocal: Activity policing is very easy way for scum to appear as though they are contributing when really they are not, you have said this is our primary concern but is it really? did you think about that before you posted it? if so explain and justify why it is more important than say, lynching scum
Activity policing? All I said is that I want to hear more from them, which any logical person would want to, and I still assert that hearing from them is our primary concern. Let's take the hypothetical situation that one of the two people I am interested in hearing from is mafia. By lynching [one of] his partners before he even has a chance to post any type of reaction preceding the lynch, we rob ourselves of a possible source of information. I do not want a single conclusive event to happen until I have a solid point of reference for everyone, and that simply has not happened yet.

Are you in a rush to lynch someone?

What would you rather focus on than these non-posters?

What do you think of me?

What do you think of Pierre?

Speaking of Pierre

Pierre: Any opinions on Swiss' recent activity?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
You feel that you're an easy target? Why because you're new? J would be a much easier target than you. It sounds like you're using your 'newbieness' to make me look bad. My aggression couldn't even be considered aggression, it was really you not doing much to help town, however giving the perception that you were helping town.

I think you need to think more about your comments and decisions before you bring them out.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK

1.) Are you in a rush to lynch someone?

2.) What would you rather focus on than these non-posters?

3.) What do you think of me?

4.) What do you think of Pierre?
1.) No.

2.) Scummy players and getting information out of those who are posting. Wasting D1 waiting for someone to post does not help. Time is a resource that helps both town and scum so lynching before the deadline is not always bad.

3.) I already said you were a bit over-confident, it stands true still, even more so. Don't let your pride or ego get in the way of the game. I would like to ask you a question: Imagine there are no inactive players in this game, they all suddenly dissapear or something. Who should we persue?

4.) Definitely already answered this. He's clever ergo I'm always keeping an eye on him but I can't get a read on him yet.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
You feel that you're an easy target? Why because you're new? J would be a much easier target than you. It sounds like you're using your 'newbieness' to make me look bad. My aggression couldn't even be considered aggression, it was really you not doing much to help town, however giving the perception that you were helping town.

I think you need to think more about your comments and decisions before you bring them out.
I felt that what I said was easily target-able, more so than what others had said. It has nothing to do with my 'newbieness,' and said 'newbieness' does not factor in my game-play whatsoever. I'm not going to handicap myself in future games by relying on a tactic that won't work past my first few games.
1.) No.

2.) Scummy players and getting information out of those who are posting. Wasting D1 waiting for someone to post does not help. Time is a resource that helps both town and scum so lynching before the deadline is not always bad.

3.) I already said you were a bit over-confident, it stands true still, even more so. Don't let your pride or ego get in the way of the game. I would like to ask you a question: Imagine there are no inactive players in this game, they all suddenly dissapear or something. Who should we persue?

4.) Definitely already answered this. He's clever ergo I'm always keeping an eye on him but I can't get a read on him yet.
2) This isn't quite the level of specificity I was looking for. Can you be more specific?

3) How am I over-confident? Over-confidence would be believing that I know everything about what each player is doing, and I think nothing of the sort. I think you confuse my bold actions with confidence; such is not the case.

4) I was just wondering if your opinion of him had changed lately.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia

I felt that what I said was easily target-able, more so than what others had said. It has nothing to do with my 'newbieness,' and said 'newbieness' does not factor in my game-play whatsoever. I'm not going to handicap myself in future games by relying on a tactic that won't work past my first few games.

Do you purposely want to be a target?


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Do you purposely want to be a target?



At first I was going to say "what kind of question is that," but after thinking for a moment it would truly depend on the situation. Were it to be Mafiosos bringing the case against me, I feel A) they would not have a strong case to incriminate me of any false charges and B) it would just reflect badly on them as a result.

So basically, it may not be such a bad thing to be targeted by mafia members, but I would rather townies focus their attention elsewhere as that would actually lead to something productive. Hmm...I suppose that by focusing on me and then determining me to be town would be productive as well, but I still feel this would not be as productive as actively searching for mafia members. Though...by determining me to be town, I could then be used as a point of reference through which to judge the actions of others and perhaps be the lens through which scummy behavior could be discerned....you know, honestly, I believe that's too deep of a question to answer. It's simply too dependent on the situation.

But these hypotheticals don't have much relevance, as I'm obviously already a target to Swiss :laugh:

Still waiting to hear the why for that btw.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Vocal, it's a yes or no question.

There's not only a logical reason for mafia to want to press attention to them, but an illogical reason for town to not want attention on them.

If a mafia gets targeted, then says "hey guys, i got this read, i'll step it up" and the read's actually solid, town pulls away from thinking the mafia is actually scum (lolololololol scum OS strategy)

On top of that, if everyone's on you, guess where everyone else's attention isn't? On everyone else, i.e. other townies and scum buddies. Leaving us with no information outside of informatino on someone who's already dead.

If you're town, and you're purposely putting attention on yourself, what if you end up dying? We only have information on you, a townie, and we're at a standstill


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Vocal, it's a yes or no question.

There's not only a logical reason for mafia to want to press attention to them, but an illogical reason for town to not want attention on them.

If a mafia gets targeted, then says "hey guys, i got this read, i'll step it up" and the read's actually solid, town pulls away from thinking the mafia is actually scum (lolololololol scum OS strategy)

On top of that, if everyone's on you, guess where everyone else's attention isn't? On everyone else, i.e. other townies and scum buddies. Leaving us with no information outside of informatino on someone who's already dead.

If you're town, and you're purposely putting attention on yourself, what if you end up dying? We only have information on you, a townie, and we're at a standstill

Unless I'm schizophrenic, I am not purposefully drawing attention to myself. In fact, you and Swiss are the ones making me the topic of the minute.

In the situation where I would be the focus of attention, it would only be for a brief period of time, ending in the conclusion that I am town, which would then swiftly move to analysis of those who have interacted with me and possible scum tells. The only reason this would in any case be a desirable situation is that by knowing I am town, a mafia member's alignment becomes clearer. Otherwise, it's a waste of time.

Your reason for why a mafia member would purposefully draw attention to himself doesn't quite hold water with me, especially in my case; I haven't told anyone to focus on me, and I've stated repeatedly that I would like to hear more from those who have not spoken.

In the meantime, I would still like to know why Swiss has such a fascination with me; I believe you've made your reasons clear, those being that you believe I'm in some way, shape, or fashion trying to be a distraction, no?

*sigh* Will those two show up already :/ I'm becoming impatient; I want to move to something of substance.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss

Were it to be Mafiosos bringing the case against me, I feel A) they would not have a strong case to incriminate me of any false charges and B) it would just reflect badly on them as a result.

So basically, it may not be such a bad thing to be targeted by mafia members, but I would rather townies focus their attention elsewhere as that would actually lead to something productive.
Here you imply that the only people left pressuring you will be scum.

*sigh* Will those two show up already :/ I'm becoming impatient; I want to move to something of substance.
At best wifom, at worst AtE.

Also, what's stopping you moving on? Am I holding your keyboard? I apologise. Didn't realise you were so set on proving your innocence before scum hunting.

I'm saving this for when its important btw
In your next post or the offer goes.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Vocal's pretty **** wordy. He normally talk this much?

I'll post more later, but it's the weekend and I have stuff to do.

For now, a little meta on the mod:

Hilt hates "investigative" and "role trick" type abilities. He's said repeatedly he isn't against adding a cop to his game, but if there is a cop, he's probably sane. There probably isn't a n0 cop or anything ridiculous like that, but it's a possibility. There is almost a 0% chance of there being a godfather or some sort of shapeshifting ability that causes the flip to be different. In one of my games where there was a townie that flipped as scum, Hilt lamented to me on how much he hated those kinds of roles.

Just to keep in mind, it confirms and denies nothing.

I'm still waiting for Pierre. Swiss, I'm liking you again.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
X1 and vocal, reviewed them and here's my thoughts.

Vocal seems town, trying to draw out as much information as possible, but using the wrong methods so it's getting distracting (nothing wrong with pressuring inactives though as long as it's not the only thing you do). It could be a scum ploy, but Vocal doesn't seem to have the experience required to pull it off. Noobtown read.

X1: Null read for the moment, but I want him to keep talking.

Swiss, seems to be making some good contributions, so I'm ok with him for now.

@X1: Possibly, not sure whether what vocal was trying to do was really buddying, but regardless, it fits noobtown.

So, lemme ask you this, what do you think of Dastrn at the moment? What about Vocal? Who do you think is currently the most pro-town player?


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Here you imply that the only people left pressuring you will be scum.
You're right. After I already stated that my answer would depend on the situation. And that's the only situation in which I would want that. So we agree :)

At best wifom, at worst AtE.
It's neither. It's me saying that I don't believe this conversation is producing much of worth, if anything. I also don't see substance unless you're purposefully making me a target to elicit reactions, from me or others, yet you still haven't answered me on that note.
Also, what's stopping you moving on? Am I holding your keyboard? I apologise. Didn't realise you were so set on proving your innocence before scum hunting.

I'm truly beginning to question why you have such a strong, negative focus on me. I have stated repeatedly that the thing keeping me from moving forward is that non-posters have not posted yet, and somehow you are trying to imply that I am preoccupied with proving my own innocence. I'm still waiting for them; this defense is just what happens in the meantime until they show up or you stop badgering me.
Vocal's pretty **** wordy. He normally talk this much?
Once I get something to talk about :lick:
Vocal seems town, trying to draw out as much information as possible, but using the wrong methods so it's getting distracting (nothing wrong with pressuring inactives though as long as it's not the only thing you do). It could be a scum ploy, but Vocal doesn't seem to have the experience required to pull it off. Noobtown read.

I still don't understand what's wrong about my methods :/


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
@X1: Possibly, not sure whether what vocal was trying to do was really buddying, but regardless, it fits noobtown.

So, lemme ask you this, what do you think of Dastrn at the moment? What about Vocal? Who do you think is currently the most pro-town player?
I concur with the thought of vocal being noobtown, Dastrn IDK about, but as I mentioned him saying he might claim just for the hell of it (I already asked him why but no answer) is hitting a bad note for me.

If you or Pierre start posting more content then you two are the most pro-town. Atm Vocal is trying but trying too hard, whereas OS doesn't seem to care much


Jul 16, 2005
I'm mostly 3 pages behind in this game, and I'm not feeling as if I'll have a ton of time to catch up in the next 48 hours. Would you guys prefer I replaced out or just played inactive and uninformed until later this week? I'm ok with either, but I don't have the time to be active right now. I apologize.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Day One Vote Count
[2] X1-12: Pierre the Scarecrow, Overswarm
[3] Vocal: X1-12, DanGR, Swiss

[5] Note Voting: Adumbrodeus, Pervatasaurus, Sir Bedevere, J, Dastrn

Day one will end October 8th at 3:00 PM.
With eleven players remaining it takes six votes to lynch.

JoanBud has been replaced by Sir Bedevere.
J has requested replacement.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Great, everyone's here finally!

@BSL and Bevedere: After you get a chance to read through the game so far: who do you find scummy, and for what reason? Who do you feel is difficult to get a read on?


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
confirming as replacement.

just got through reading all 6 pages/220 posts. i ALSO just realized how in over my head i am in. dont expect any good answers to come from me. yet. im going to read into other games and see how stuff works out.

i respectfully decline to answer your question, for right now, as i dont want to say the wrong thing. give me a bit to look at finished mafia games.

if not answering looks too suspicious, say so and ill get an answer for you.

as for my experience level, i have played about a dozen or so games in real life, but none were nearly as in depth as this. and because this is my first forum mafia, i dont know/cant figure out what any of the acronyms are. if someone could explain what they are, i'd greatly appreciate it. im tired and dont have the energy to look them up.

what i noticed so far was, OS seemed to get pretty defensive. he posted a lot for a little while, then stopped. vox has been posting all over the thread, not sure if its cause he posts in greentext or not.

ill answer the second question. its difficult to get a read on everyone. like i said, its my first game. ill read through other threads and try to pick up on stuff and check myself at the end, and then reread this thread. but thatll come later. goodnight.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
wow. i felt like i just typed a crap load, and it isnt even a long post. typing a wall o' text must be exhausting.


Apr 10, 2008
You sure you wanna sub into this game and not begin with a newbie game?


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
confirming as replacement.

just got through reading all 6 pages/220 posts. i ALSO just realized how in over my head i am in. dont expect any good answers to come from me. yet. im going to read into other games and see how stuff works out.

i respectfully decline to answer your question, for right now, as i dont want to say the wrong thing. give me a bit to look at finished mafia games.

if not answering looks too suspicious, say so and ill get an answer for you.

as for my experience level, i have played about a dozen or so games in real life, but none were nearly as in depth as this. and because this is my first forum mafia, i dont know/cant figure out what any of the acronyms are. if someone could explain what they are, i'd greatly appreciate it. im tired and dont have the energy to look them up.

what i noticed so far was, OS seemed to get pretty defensive. he posted a lot for a little while, then stopped. vox has been posting all over the thread, not sure if its cause he posts in greentext or not.

ill answer the second question. its difficult to get a read on everyone. like i said, its my first game. ill read through other threads and try to pick up on stuff and check myself at the end, and then reread this thread. but thatll come later. goodnight.
Here's a website that explains the commonly used abbreviations, read up :)

I got the same vibe from OS, but decided not to pursue it...well, because like I said I've been waiting for players/replacements to show up :laugh:

And I know where you're coming from; I started with irl mafia too and it's SO different @_@

And yes, WoP take a while to make :chuckle:

Do you think there is anyone we should focus on in particular? OS, or someone else?


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
umm.... i'd say focus on you, lol. you had been sitting here idling the whole time "waiting for the inactives."

why werent you putting the waiting on the backburner and pursuing something else? it wouldnt be too hard, as far as i can tell, to stop pursuing something else once they start to post. i mean, what wouldve happened if they never posted? how long were you going to wait?

obviously, im here now, and am new to the thread, so focus is going to shift to me.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Adum, my man. Who ya lookin @?

Good to see town reads, but what I reeeeeally wanna seem is some scummaiiiiis rooted out. Whatcha think of OS? Would you like to be scum buddies with him? Would you rule this game if you were? What about Pierre? He's good, apparently, he gonna be useful this game?

Roxy, Katy, whoever the **** you are. Who ya lookin' @? Still not like Vocal? What does Adum's town read on him say to you? Suspicious of Adum? Think he's dumb? Or you swap switchin' your position?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
@mod you left vocal out of your votecount

Pierre, you see?

Yeah, I'm defensive. Gonna continue to be so, too. The moment someone says "you were defensive" and uses that as a point without actually looking at an argument, I'm gonna hit them up the side of the head with a sledgehammer of reason.

If your thought process is:

Player A says something wrong/stupid/scummy
Player B says WTF MANGZ
Player B is scum

You need to think deeper. Less shallow. Na mean?

Yo swiss mai boi

guez wat?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Then that'd be WIFOMy as ****.

But no, you're not going to get a medal because you're not playing nearly as good this game.

Lez start from the first real content:

Didn't officially get Pikmafia. Someone said I should though. God**** I love dice.

Pro inactivity from some people.
Inactivity. Gotcha.

Well I have activity issues for the next two days anyway.


Nah but Hilt replace those suckers.
Inactivity: 2
Note on your own inactivity (legit)

Glad to see X1 making a nice, scummy intro - gives me an easy D1 lynch.

X1, you missed Dan's question (hard to see right above your post amirite?)

I have found a reason not to trust Pierre.

You gunning for the medal again, OS?

What's the reason not to trust Pierre?

Question for me, questioning X1. Worthwhile post depending on followup.

What is it about Vocal and Dan you find similar? You have no experience with either, so why do you feel so 'comfortable' around vocal?

Why state you answered the question twice? Am I a poor reader, or do you have a guilty conscience? Pray tell.
More questions, worthwhile depending on followup.

/activity issues still, laptop is 'meant' to be back in two days (they said that 2 days ago).

Vote X1

I meta, I know. Lynch him.

Will do a better read 2mo, headed out for some bevvies.
Dun dada daaaaaa!

You've claimed ot have found scum. Impressive.

Why do you think X1-12 is scum?

Inactive: 2
People you think are scum: X1-12

Slow game is slow.
Inactive: 3
People you think are scum: X1-12

Unvote Vote Vocal

Stop telling us how useful you've been already, and start doing something.

OS stop commenting on how Vocal isn't being useful (you're right) and start doing something yourself, you clearly can't multi task. Where's the huntin'?

X1 still not wanting to get into bed with you but as payment for mah vote, tell me who scum is and I'll wagon 'em. Make it convincing and I'll probs get 'em lynched for ya.
You... unvote someone you think is scum? What? Okay, I guess you want to get Vocal on the ball. You did comment on "not wanting to get into bed" with X1. Seems much weaker now than "X1 is scum, I know".

You also agree with my argument against Vocal's play. Neat. Agreed at lack of scum hunting, but I'm on it. Trust me.

I love saying "trust me" in mafia. Gives me goosebumps.

Inactive: 3
People you think are scum: X1-12
People you have agreed with: Overswarm
Uselessness claim: Vocal, Overswarm

Oh yeah Vocal's scum btw.

(n0 cop amirite? :laugh:)

Inactive: 3
People you think are scum: X1-12, ?Vocal?
People you have agreed with: Overswarm
Uselessness claim: Vocal, Overswarm

Pressuring inactives.

Great. Just great.

Nevermind lil' ol' Swiss, you keep applying pressure to people not looking at the thread. That'll work a treat. Keep on focusing the game on a group of people not talking, that's a fantastic entry to D1. I mean some people would say that those who are posting should be as useful as they can to each other, and involve other players as they naturally enter the game.

It's not as if by applying pressure to inactives and saying "everything else takes a back seat" that we effectively waste the next day or so.
Strong commentary on Vocal. Like I did! Except less full of the rage of a thousand white hot suns like I am.

**** it feels good to be aggro OS again. Bioware mafia is wearing me OUT.

Inactive: 3
People you think are scum: X1-12, ?Vocal?
People you have agreed with: Overswarm
Uselessness claim: Vocal, Overswarm

Ooh go on Vocal. What knowledge do you have of me?

Why aren't you pressuring Roxy? Is he now 'active'? How has this helped town?
More Vocal talk. Swiss has armed his lazer eyes and is tracking him!

The question is not of 'slack'. You imply what you're doing is correct. Enough semantics, no point in me proving I'm right. I don't think anyone expects a player such as you to apply pressure perfectly in all directions, the problem was where you did apply pressure was a poor direction.

Has Roxy not been useful because of his activity, or other reasons? What is worse, inactivity or lurking?

I am focused upon you? I am sure I do not intend for you to feel victimised. If you feel I have been unfair, don't hesitate to bring it up with other players, I'm sure they'll be sympathetic.
You talk with Vocal moar. Legitimate complaints.

Inactive: 3
People you think are scum: X1-12, ?Vocal?
People you have agreed with: Overswarm
Uselessness claim: Vocal, Overswarm

Here you imply that the only people left pressuring you will be scum.

At best wifom, at worst AtE.

Also, what's stopping you moving on? Am I holding your keyboard? I apologise. Didn't realise you were so set on proving your innocence before scum hunting.

In your next post or the offer goes.
You've stopped posting useful things and have focused on bickering for a while now. D:

Inactive: 3
People you think are scum: X1-12, ?Vocal?
People you have agreed with: Overswarm
Uselessness claim: Vocal, Overswarm

@ mod request mass prod

Focus ain't gonna go on you, BSL.

Vocal, BSL pursue that OS worry you have. Don't let 'im slip away.

hurr durrrr
I'm slippery. Like a greased pig. Gotta hold on tight.

Inactive: 3
People you think are scum: X1-12, ?Vocal?
People you have agreed with: Overswarm
Uselessness claim: Vocal, Overswarm

Adum, my man. Who ya lookin @?

Good to see town reads, but what I reeeeeally wanna seem is some scummaiiiiis rooted out. Whatcha think of OS? Would you like to be scum buddies with him? Would you rule this game if you were? What about Pierre? He's good, apparently, he gonna be useful this game?

Roxy, Katy, whoever the **** you are. Who ya lookin' @? Still not like Vocal? What does Adum's town read on him say to you? Suspicious of Adum? Think he's dumb? Or you swap switchin' your position?
Now we've got Swiss requesting a mass prod (earlier post) and now he's out to talking about members that aren't posting.

Inactive: 4
People you think are scum: X1-12, ?Vocal?
People you have agreed with: Overswarm
Uselessness claim: Vocal, Overswarm

So, what I'm tryin' to say here, is that you are like






You best be taking some risks, Swiss. You've managed to support both wagons toDay as well as underhandedly agree with me while still "casting suspicion" on me, who is arguably the most active/visible player when you don't count people you've already wagoned.

Try to be less of a team player, Swiss. You've confined yourself to a nutshell. Your last post helps my view of you a lot, but my reread makes me not want to be friends with you.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Day One Vote Count
[2] X1-12: Pierre the Scarecrow, Overswarm
[3] Vocal: X1-12, DanGR, Swiss

[6] Note Voting: Adumbrodeus, Pervatasaurus, Sir Bedevere, J, Dastrn, Vocal

Day one will end October 8th at 3:00 PM.
With eleven players remaining it takes six votes to lynch.

Leaving soon, I will send out prods when I get home.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Also Vote OS

You know what D1 pressure is, ya hop around on your flippy floppies callin' scummies main' funnies. So you make pressure you knwo will fall flatter than a steamrollered pancake or you're making me think you're town by changing what I think if ya.



Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
That makes no sense.

You know what D1 pressure is, ya hop around on your flippy floppies callin' scummies makin' funnies. You make pressure on me when you know it'll fall flatter than a steamrollered pancake you're trying to make me think you're town by changing what I think of ya meta thingy play. You also think that I, as scum and town, are too clever to OMGUS you. Well Ha!

A bit more simples. I was playing Halo at the time.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Ffs you know what I mean. Cannae get used to my old keyboard, quirky ya see.

Lemme spell it out for ya and hope you ain't dyslexic.

X1 is town, Vocal probably. Don't like you, Adum is null but worries me.

K? Jesus.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Ffs you know what I mean. Cannae get used to my old keyboard, quirky ya see.

Lemme spell it out for ya and hope you ain't dyslexic.

X1 is town, Vocal probably. Don't like you, Adum is null but worries me.

K? Jesus.
That's much better.

Be direct, Swiss. You're not going to get by with saying the opposite of what you mean half the time and saying exactly what you mean another time. Be direct, just like in this post.


But don't get too jumpy, now.
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