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Majora's Mask Mafia | Game Over!


Apr 10, 2008
TRIPLE KI--post.

Before I forget, can I get some clarification on this rule?

"12. Do not quote logs of communcation you have had between yourself and another player. You may paraphrase instead."

Does that mean quoting logs of communication outside of this game?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
What on Earth do I call you for short? Let's go with Perv for now :D

Well, Perv, I would say that I'm not experienced enough of a player to know precisely what type of statements are useful (those containing scum tells) in late game. The newbie game I was in lasted 2 days, so you could say that I'm new to asking insightful questions. This said, I know that the more people talk the more likely it is that you will find something to call a person out with, which is why I asked a question.
While you might not be experienced, you, just like every other player, has an objective to reach; just make sure that your questions are in a sense there to meet your objective.

@x1 - So why would you consider it neither? It either pushed my 'pressure' (if any) away, or released pressure (if any) off of Vocal. Which do you consider to be more true?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
While you might not be experienced, you, just like every other player, has an objective to reach; just make sure that your questions are in a sense there to meet your objective.

@x1 - So why would you consider it neither? It either pushed my 'pressure' (if any) away, or released pressure (if any) off of Vocal. Which do you consider to be more true?

There was no intent for either, this isn't a great question I don't think it does either of those things, both of them are equally untrue

What is it about Vocal and Dan you find similar? You have no experience with either, so why do you feel so 'comfortable' around vocal?.
This questions seems a bit loaded, I don't find either of them similar, nor do I feel particularly comfortable around either of them

Why state you answered the question twice? Am I a poor reader, or do you have a guilty conscience? Pray tell.
I was just clarifying since my first post on the matter was not clear at all.

@DanGR: When you vote a player, you should give reasoning why you think they are scum


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
@Adum: Thoughts on OS, thoughts on Pierre then thoughts on (OS and Pierre)

@OS: what do you think of the players who are new to you? just pick out two you like or don't like


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area

vote adumbrodeus

where are your mouth words

You're more quiet than normal.
Since I have to write walls of text, it's where my attention is focused first, also in class atm.

My schedule's a ***** earlier in the week atm.

Probably should put this in the V/LA thread tbh.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Do you think you'll survive by playing this way?
Well of course not, I'll survive by not being guilty :p What I meant is that I'll probably gather more information by

A) waiting for others to present good questions that I can then snowball off of

B) wait until something specific jumps out at me so I can ask a question with more intention.


I learned alot and even some of your best friends can be mafia so I am a little untrusting still =p though I have learned alot. I plan to do better (kindof hoping moreorless). x.x
What happened in this other game that made you so suspicious? And how do you plan to do better in this game - as in what did you do wrong last time and how could others avoid the same mistake?

TRIPLE KI--post.
I loled :D And actually heard the voice in my head lol, but anyways
Before I forget, can I get some clarification on this rule?

"12. Do not quote logs of communcation you have had between yourself and another player. You may paraphrase instead."

Does that mean quoting logs of communication outside of this game?
Why is this important to you?


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
@Dan: on second thought, don't answer that. After thinking about it for a moment, it's as bad as asking you "are you cop" or "are you mafia." I'll just keep note of it for the future.


Apr 10, 2008
@DanGR: When you vote a player, you should give reasoning why you think they are scum

I thought it was vocal who asked that, so I answered it to him, my bad. i still answered the question
This seems awkwardly worded. The clarifying bit at the end was unnecessary, perhaps a bit defensive, for little reason.

@DanGR: When you vote a player, you should give reasoning why you think they are scum
I didn't explain my reasons for thinking you are mafia because I was trying to set Vocal up for something I'll explain later in this post.

That said, why not point out that one should give reasoning for voting when everyone else voted? You waited until I suggested you might be mafia to bring up this point. As a townie I'd expect you to be as concerned for all the other townies as you would be for yourself. You shouldn't want anyone to get voted for without reason- not just yourself.

Perhaps Swiss and I are reading too much into that bit. Regardless, it's more scummy than anything else I've seen thus far.

Why is this important to you?
@Dan: on second thought, don't answer that. After thinking about it for a moment, it's as bad as asking you "are you cop" or "are you mafia." I'll just keep note of it for the future.
The way it's worded makes it seem to me like I'm not allowed to multiquote anyone in here, which would be dumb if it were true. It basically says "don't quote logs of you and another person," which is every post in here.

And I still want clarification if any of y'all know what it really means...


Well of course not, I'll survive by not being guilty :p What I meant is that I'll probably gather more information by

A) waiting for others to present good questions that I can then snowball off of

B) wait until something specific jumps out at me so I can ask a question with more intention.

I'm getting townie vibes from Vocal, considering everything I already know about him from my previous game with him: he's a very careless, carefree, but straightforward player, and plays as he sees things- more reactive than proactive. He also pays good attention to small details, though many times those details don't have much to do with the player's alignment... >_>

If he were mafia, I think he'd have picked up on my particular use of the word "survive" when I said "Do you think you'll survive by playing this way?"- as if to subtly imply he's trying to make it to the end as mafia. I thought he would have at least answered the question by rephrasing what I said, which he didn't. He used the word survive again.

I suspected he wouldn't notice if he was a townie, considering his careless nature and all. I think he'd be paying more attention if not.

"I didn't explain my reasons for thinking you are mafia because I was trying to set Vocal up for something I'll explain later in this post."

The above quote ties in to my experiment to give Vocal something else to think about as he read through my whole post. That and to give him a faint, false sense of security about his own scummy-ness if he is mafia. Had I explained that there isn't actually very much of a reason for me to suspect X1 of being mafia besides a small quote or two, I think the security affect would have been reduced, if that makes any sense.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
That said, why not point out that one should give reasoning for voting when everyone else voted? You waited until I suggested you might be mafia to bring up this point. As a townie I'd expect you to be as concerned for all the other townies as you would be for yourself. You shouldn't want anyone to get voted for without reason- not just yourself.
There weren't any other votes with no explanation, save RVS

The way it's worded makes it seem to me like I'm not allowed to multiquote anyone in here, which would be dumb if it were true. It basically says "don't quote logs of you and another person," which is every post in here.

And I still want clarification if any of y'all know what it really means...
If you are granted the power to talk to another player outside the thread, don't quote logs of it in the thread

I'm getting townie vibes from Vocal, considering everything I already know about him from my previous game with him: he's a very careless, carefree, but straightforward player, and plays as he sees things- more reactive than proactive. He also pays good attention to small details, though many times those details don't have much to do with the player's alignment... >_>

If he were mafia, I think he'd have picked up on my particular use of the word "survive" when I said "Do you think you'll survive by playing this way?"- as if to subtly imply he's trying to make it to the end as mafia. I thought he would have at least answered the question by rephrasing what I said, which he didn't. He used the word survive again.

I suspected he wouldn't notice if he was a townie, considering his careless nature and all. I think he'd be paying more attention if not.
On this point I am forced to agree with you, recklessness is often a town-tell, especially amongst new players. However, are you sure he would have noticed the specific way you used survived in that quote?


Jul 16, 2005
DanGR, you shouldn't really ever care about protecting anyone from individual votes. only from mislynches. but with that said, you should be ok with mislynches if they give town enough information to offset the loss FTW.


Apr 10, 2008

Hey, I resent that :mad: I agree that I keep it light and breezy til I have something specific I want to zone in on, but I don't just go posting balderdash this way and that.
I felt like I caught you on about a million contradictions last game. As it turns out they were just newbie mistakes... Sounds pretty careless to me. ._.

There weren't any other votes with no explanation, save RVS
Was post #112 RVS?

On this point I am forced to agree with you, recklessness is often a town-tell, especially amongst new players. However, are you sure he would have noticed the specific way you used survived in that quote?
I'm pretty sure- not 100%. There's always the chance I'm completely wrong about all of this.

DanGR, you shouldn't really ever care about protecting anyone from individual votes. only from mislynches. but with that said, you should be ok with mislynches if they give town enough information to offset the loss FTW.
That's not what my first game taught me...


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
I really want to hear more from J and Adumb.

If either of you had to declare someone as scum right now, either by believing someone to be scum or believing others to be less scummy, who would it be and why?

I might as well answer the question myself: Perv. Aside from his slight aggression towards me, a somewhat easy target, he's been fairly quiet. I feel like he chose to target me specifically because he predicted that it would be an accusation that would not go very far, which let him seem suspicious of other people while at the same time saying very little of value; the advantage is that he does not draw attention to himself by simply remaining silent.

Unvote: Dan


Jul 16, 2005
I should say, there's a strong possibility that I won't post much in the next 24 hours, and, realistically, the next 4 days. I'm leaving in 45 minutes for a 12 hour drive, and i'm not confident in my skills tethering my laptop to my phone. i'll have wifi when i get to maryland, but i would rather spend time catching up with my family than playing mafia. Hope you guys have fun the next few days. I'll pop in here and there.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

Where ya'll at?

Scarecrow, how are you going to gather information?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Was post #112 RVS?
erm, I can only apologise for missing that

I look a bit of a douche now

Can we just random wagon someone to start people talking?

Vote: Vocal

Someone ride with me here?

@Mod: Request JoanBud's replacement, failing that, Prod

Pierre the Scarecrow

Grasping at Straws
Jun 23, 2009
I think Vocal asked a wonderful question in #134. He challenges two players he obviously has no read on to give their strongest scum-read. He then gives his strongest scum-read.

In #140, X1-12 takes a direct step backwards from the progress Vocal attempts to make in #134 by asking people to hop on a random wagon of his choice, to "get people talking." The random wagon of choice? Vocal. The one player that just immediately preceding tried to get people talking in a better way. Start a new wagon, on Vocal? What is wrong with wagoning Roxy, following Vocal?

unvote vote: X1-12

X1-12, what is your opinion of Vocal? And, also, what do you think of Roxy?

I look forward to J and adumb's answers to Vocal's questions.

Its about time for Swiss to pop back in.

Its already hard to get Dastrn talking and now he is leaving. This sort of answers OS's question.

I would rather have JoanBud replaced with Sir Bevedere than modkilled. But can the replacement happen now?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
/activity issues still, laptop is 'meant' to be back in two days (they said that 2 days ago).

Vote X1

I meta, I know. Lynch him.

Will do a better read 2mo, headed out for some bevvies.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
vote x1-12

I'll just leave that there for now, but am waiting for some responses from X1 before a full decision.

Does this imply you feel Vocal is town, Scarecrow?

As good as "ah-HA!" moments might make you feel, I have long since discarded them as evidence of wrong doing. X1-12 could very much just have been stupid and thought he was being helpful. His response and future play helps determine which, but not one instance.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I think Vocal asked a wonderful question in #134. He challenges two players he obviously has no read on to give their strongest scum-read. He then gives his strongest scum-read.

In #140, X1-12 takes a direct step backwards from the progress Vocal attempts to make in #134 by asking people to hop on a random wagon of his choice, to "get people talking." The random wagon of choice? Vocal. The one player that just immediately preceding tried to get people talking in a better way. Start a new wagon, on Vocal? What is wrong with wagoning Roxy, following Vocal?

unvote vote: X1-12

X1-12, what is your opinion of Vocal? And, also, what do you think of Roxy?

I chose Vocal because newer players are more likely to crack, going for Roxy would have not gained anything same with all the other players. Vocal is most likely town but it never hurts to make sure. Roxy's play is.. interesting however some exchanges like this worry me about him.

X1, would you consider your comment an attack against me, or a defense to vocal; explain why for either case.

Neither, just an effort to get this game going and getting people to contribute
@x1 - So why would you consider it neither? It either pushed my 'pressure' (if any) away, or released pressure (if any) off of Vocal. Which do you consider to be more true?
I clearly stated it was neither and why that was the case, why on earth he felt the need to ask again eludes me


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
It'll be nice to have X1 out of this game earlier rather than later, it seems.


Apr 10, 2008
I'm concerned that so few of us have stated any opinions about the current game thus far. For example, while Overswarm is participating, he's playing a game of null tells- I don't feel there's much value in anything he's said so far.

To a similar degree, I think the same thing applies to Adumbrodeus and Dastrn, though they haven't posted very much. And J posted only once since confirming, and the post didn't have anything important in it.

I don't intend to give any of you guys a free pass. >:[

It'll be nice to have X1 out of this game earlier rather than later, it seems.
Why is that?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I dislike his style of play. If he manages to catch scum, great, but otherwise he's a complete distraction. He's not very good at pulling out useful information either. He has a lot of OMGUS and anger behind many of his posts. Useful for scum to manipulate, hard to for town to use. I dislike his style greatly.

So, DangR, if I'm providing so many null-tells it must be a worthwhile endeavor to ask me some pointed questions. What's holding you back?


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Can we just random wagon someone to start people talking?

Vote: Vocal

Someone ride with me here?
ORLYNAO? I'll address this later.
In #140, X1-12 takes a direct step backwards from the progress Vocal attempts to make in #134 by asking people to hop on a random wagon of his choice, to "get people talking." The random wagon of choice? Vocal. The one player that just immediately preceding tried to get people talking in a better way. Start a new wagon, on Vocal? What is wrong with wagoning Roxy, following Vocal?
I second this notion - why when there are already votes scattered about would you try to start a wagon on a person who has no votes whatsoever, especially when that person was already giving more basis to vote for someone else? If you were trying to start a bandwagon you would have chosen someone else - this is a direct attempt to draw attention away from the direction I was headed and get people to focus on someone else (me).
X1-12, what is your opinion of Vocal? And, also, what do you think of Roxy?
^Answer this plz :)
vote x1-12
As good as "ah-HA!" moments might make you feel, I have long since discarded them as evidence of wrong doing. X1-12 could very much just have been stupid and thought he was being helpful. His response and future play helps determine which, but not one instance.
I'm gettin real suspicious here. What exactly do we see? First, OS points his vote finger towards X1 and says he'll leave it there for now. Then, before the post is even finished with he turns a 180 and starts defending him. This looks to me like a case of a mafia member trying to protect a brethren while at the same time voting for him so that if X1 does get lynched, OS can quote this and say "look, I voted for him too."

I see no other reason whatsoever why OS would feel a need to protect X1 especially since he already knows that X1 is a capable player of his own.

These two are in my eyesights.
I chose Vocal because newer players are more likely to crack, going for Roxy would have not gained anything same with all the other players. Vocal is most likely town but it never hurts to make sure. Roxy's play is.. interesting however some exchanges like this worry me about him.
Excuse me - crack? How exactly would you be causing me to crack? By starting an "entirely random" bandwagon on me? "Oh noes, they're randomly voting for me, let me give them real suspicions!" This I flat out do not believe. If you were trying to apply pressure then you would have done it in a much more aggressive manner, instead of this nearly flippant joke vote "to get people talking."

Unvote Vote: X1

This gives X1 four votes, out of six necessary to lynch. As strongly as I believe he is mafia, I do not want a mislynch; as such, if there is anyone else who plans to vote for X1, state your intention but do not officially vote yet.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I second this notion - why when there are already votes scattered about would you try to start a wagon on a person who has no votes whatsoever, especially when that person was already giving more basis to vote for someone else? If you were trying to start a bandwagon you would have chosen someone else - this is a direct attempt to draw attention away from the direction I was headed and get people to focus on someone else (me).

^Answer this plz :)
Everything in Bold, I've already answered, mostly in the post which you quoted ¬¬, Everything in italics is just you jumping to assumptions.

Excuse me - crack? How exactly would you be causing me to crack? By starting an "entirely random" bandwagon on me? "Oh noes, they're randomly voting for me, let me give them real suspicions!" This I flat out do not believe. If you were trying to apply pressure then you would have done it in a much more aggressive manner, instead of this nearly flippant joke vote "to get people talking."

Unvote Vote: X1
Well actually you would be surprised, It only took I think 2 votes to make Gorditoboy crack at the start Taco Mafia. Players can crack, whether you think you would or not doesn't matter.

GorditoBoy69 said:
I'm NOT scum. I NEVER get freakin scum in ANY mafia game I play. Maybe twice or three times max. And I usually cave as scum. I've only won once as the scum, and when i'm lynched, and you see that I'm a twonie, you'll regret it, and I'll be I told you so-ing.
GorditoBoy69 said:
I messed up bad by jumping to conclusions and making myself vulnerable. I assume I'll be lynched because everybody's against me. I sure hope I won't, and I hope these guys realize I'm a townie. And a scum can say this, which is basically my point. Anything you say can be the wrong thing. I'm just trying to be sincere.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Oh REALLY, Vocal?

Well you know what I see?

I see me joining on the wagon of someone I want to hear more from who happens to be scum and his scummate freaks out because he thinks he'll die so then HE (see: Vocal) says "Overswarm is obviously trying to protect his scummate, but is on the wagon just in case" so this way when X1 flips scum, the next day I'll be an easy lynch! Obviously a scum play.

Stop drinking wine, Vocal.

How about you stop making baseless assumptions? Why not instead of saying "THIS IS OBVIOUSLY PROTECTING X1 FOR NO REASON" you look at my post you quoted?

It specifically said that one instance is not enough for me to make a game-long judgement.

If you haven't seen what I do in Mafia, I suggest you go look at TMNT Mafia and Community Mafia. I describe in detail at the end of all of my scum games what I do and why I did it, because I enjoy the challenge. There is no reason whatsoever for me to "defend" X1 if we were scummates.

So in the course of one post and using only wifom with a complete lack of meta, you managed to set up a chain reaction that would imply
-X1 is scum
-OS is scum
-You are town

Yet never actually addressed anything that any of us have said. You've done nothing but spout off wifom.

Either you're scum, in which case it'd appear that you'd have extra information because you do, or you're town, in which case you're blowing smoke.

Come back with actual questions and evidence, or bring that wine up after a flip. Stop wasting my time.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Just in case you can't interpert sacrcasm over the internet, my initial paragraph was, in fact, dripping with a thick sarcasm sauce.

Pierre the Scarecrow

Grasping at Straws
Jun 23, 2009
vote x1-12

I'll just leave that there for now, but am waiting for some responses from X1 before a full decision.

Does this imply you feel Vocal is town, Scarecrow?

As good as "ah-HA!" moments might make you feel, I have long since discarded them as evidence of wrong doing. X1-12 could very much just have been stupid and thought he was being helpful. His response and future play helps determine which, but not one instance.
"So far, so good." Vocal is a new player, but he is doing exceptionally well in my opinion. He is contributing to and furthering discussion, he is putting his own views on paper, and he is active. If he is town, he is doing us 3 good things out of 3; if he is scum, all three will bite him in the ass later.

I chose Vocal because newer players are more likely to crack, going for Roxy would have not gained anything same with all the other players. Vocal is most likely town but it never hurts to make sure. Roxy's play is.. interesting however some exchanges like this worry me about him.

I clearly stated it was neither and why that was the case, why on earth he felt the need to ask again eludes me
I don't see why you would stunt the growth of the Roxy wagon that Vocal made by voting Vocal if you think Vocal is most likely town but Roxy worries you. Perhaps you were just being short-sighted in your attempt to crack a newbie; perhaps there is a connection between you (X1-12) and Roxy.

I'm concerned that so few of us have stated any opinions about the current game thus far. For example, while Overswarm is participating, he's playing a game of null tells- I don't feel there's much value in anything he's said so far.

To a similar degree, I think the same thing applies to Adumbrodeus and Dastrn, though they haven't posted very much. And J posted only once since confirming, and the post didn't have anything important in it.

I don't intend to give any of you guys a free pass. >:[

Why is that?
So you do not have meaningful tells on OS, Adumbrodeus, Dastrn, or J. Is there someone you currently do have a scum read on?

Oh REALLY, Vocal?

Well you know what I see?

I see me joining on the wagon of someone I want to hear more from who happens to be scum and his scummate freaks out because he thinks he'll die so then HE (see: Vocal) says "Overswarm is obviously trying to protect his scummate, but is on the wagon just in case" so this way when X1 flips scum, the next day I'll be an easy lynch! Obviously a scum play.

Stop drinking wine, Vocal.

How about you stop making baseless assumptions? Why not instead of saying "THIS IS OBVIOUSLY PROTECTING X1 FOR NO REASON" you look at my post you quoted?

It specifically said that one instance is not enough for me to make a game-long judgement.

If you haven't seen what I do in Mafia, I suggest you go look at TMNT Mafia and Community Mafia. I describe in detail at the end of all of my scum games what I do and why I did it, because I enjoy the challenge. There is no reason whatsoever for me to "defend" X1 if we were scummates.

So in the course of one post and using only wifom with a complete lack of meta, you managed to set up a chain reaction that would imply
-X1 is scum
-OS is scum
-You are town

Yet never actually addressed anything that any of us have said. You've done nothing but spout off wifom.

Either you're scum, in which case it'd appear that you'd have extra information because you do, or you're town, in which case you're blowing smoke.

Come back with actual questions and evidence, or bring that wine up after a flip. Stop wasting my time.
I'll go ahead and let you know that I have a severely hard time discerning sarcasm in Mafia games. On the internet in general, but especially when I am trying to determine motivations.

This seemed pretty defensive of you, OS. You can acknowledge that your post had a vote for a player in it, and a statement that you were not sure you would be on that lynch in finality. Vocal recognized this and thought it was scummy. Instead of simply dismissing it, you went for his throat, OMGUS'ed him (sarcastically or not), dismissed his valid suspicions as WIFOM, and chastised him for bringing to the table the only thing he can - circumstantial, situational scenarios. We don't have a flip. We work with what we have. Why so mad?

Pierre the Scarecrow

Grasping at Straws
Jun 23, 2009
This gives X1 four votes, out of six necessary to lynch. As strongly as I believe he is mafia, I do not want a mislynch; as such, if there is anyone else who plans to vote for X1, state your intention but do not officially vote yet.
In my opinion, this Day should not end before Adumbrodeus and Dastrn are back from V/LA and have adequately contributed or before JoanBud shows up and contributes or is replaced by Sir Bevedere and he puts opinions on paper.


Apr 10, 2008
So, DangR, if I'm providing so many null-tells it must be a worthwhile endeavor to ask me some pointed questions. What's holding you back?
There's already a lot of questions out right now because of all the inactive players. I'll wait some of them are answered and we're caught up to ask any more.

So you do not have meaningful tells on OS, Adumbrodeus, Dastrn, or J. Is there someone you currently do have a scum read on?
-X1 is suspicious. I think it may just be his playstyle, though, as Overswarm explained in post #149. Perhaps I should look up some of his previous matches.
-I have little reason to suspect Vocal right now.
-Roxy should be added to the list of players I don't have a good read on.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Everything in Bold, I've already answered, mostly in the post which you quoted ¬¬
No, you did not. I was referring specifically to the Roxy segment; you said that you did not think you'd get anywhere with him, but you then said the same for everyone else. What do you think specifically about Roxy?
Everything in italics is just you jumping to assumptions.
No, it's not - it's a logical conclusion. If there are votes spread around then the most logical and effect thing to do to start a bandwagon is to place a vote on someone who already has one. You chose not to do this, and as I don't give you the benefit of the doubt of not thinking about this logically my suspicion of you has not gone anywhere.
Well actually you would be surprised, It only took I think 2 votes to make Gorditoboy crack at the start Taco Mafia. Players can crack, whether you think you would or not doesn't matter.
Could you please provide links to that game or give an explanation for how exactly those two votes came to rest upon Gordito's head?
I don't see why you would stunt the growth of the Roxy wagon that Vocal made by voting Vocal if you think Vocal is most likely town but Roxy worries you. Perhaps you were just being short-sighted in your attempt to crack a newbie; perhaps there is a connection between you (X1-12) and Roxy.
This is an extension of what I was just saying. You say it only took two votes to get Gordito to crack, which is a valid point; however, a person is much, much more likely to crack if they feel genuine pressure upon themselves (as Roxy would have, had you cast a vote on him and backed my reasoning) as opposed to someone who feels no pressure whatsoever (as I did). I still do not buy your "I wanted to crack him with a random wagon" story.

I've still GMEOY.
This seemed pretty defensive of you, OS. You can acknowledge that your post had a vote for a player in it, and a statement that you were not sure you would be on that lynch in finality. Vocal recognized this and thought it was scummy. Instead of simply dismissing it, you went for his throat, OMGUS'ed him (sarcastically or not), dismissed his valid suspicions as WIFOM, and chastised him for bringing to the table the only thing he can - circumstantial, situational scenarios. We don't have a flip. We work with what we have. Why so mad?

Baseless assumptions? I beg your pardon, but I was under the assumption that we were playing Mafia. Oh what's that, we are? Well in that case:

I see scum tells. I call them. That's how the game is played, and then you watch for reactions.

What was yours? You got extremely defensive and wrote paragraphs about how wrong I am and how I should back off. I want to point out one extremely important detail here: you were only accused by association. Before you posted, the only person I was applying heat to was X1, and I had a specific reason for doing so. Then you said this:
X1-12 could very much just have been stupid and thought he was being helpful. His response and future play helps determine which, but not one instance.
Why, why, why is the question here. Why would you remove heat from
someone I want to hear more from?
If you were trying to get a response, why would you purposefully begin to explain things away for him instead of waiting and seeing what he said on his own?

X1 was the one who I was specifically interested in, and for some reasons you began to remove steam from my attack. This is why I question your motives.

X1, I still want your response about Roxy, and also what you think of OS.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Getting in a post before class, why the heck are thinking about ending the day so soon, guys just chill.

(note that my v/la is consistent, my posting on those days will be very limited, but should be the only time I work a thursday shift before class for a while).

No, I'm sorry. I am trying to keep the personas separate.
*narrows eyes*

OS and pierre I have null tells on so far, though I'm interested in Pierre.

Dangr seems town as of right now.

Vocal needs a second look.

Dunno if it's X1 being X1 or X1 being scum yet, I'll look into it.
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