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Majora's Mask Mafia | Game Over!

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
2 indys does seem really weak.

So we're probably dead toMorrow no matter what lol.

Unless we managed to hit DanGR the indy.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Reads please, anything and everything you can think of, just dump dangr.

I'm guessing this means we weren't in lylo, so cross-voting went out the window.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
2 indys does seem really weak.

So we're probably dead toMorrow no matter what lol.

Unless we managed to hit DanGR the indy.
its not a case of 2 indies is weak, but abductor really doesn't change the balance much in favour of town, because either they win, or they die and nothing really changes


Apr 10, 2008
I can't think of anything. T_T

Sir Bed is 100% town and is probably getting night killed.
Be sure to look at that chart I made a bit back to see what's possible for killing if there's only 1. I can't think of anything in particular.


Apr 10, 2008
X1 is still likely town because of his role- that is, if you don't think SK is a messenger of some sort.

Is the badguy in MM Majora? Well whatever the badguy is, think of what's possible with Sir Bed's notes.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Ok, actually everyone just dump, while we're in twilight.

Sir bed is still my number 1 pick for the remaining scum, after that it's FF, pretty much everything I said before stands, minus connections he created with dangr though I'm confused as to why he did that if they weren't scummates.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Dangr, cross-voting is out the window if there's only one scum cause they wouldn't have just auto-hammered when given the opportunity since it wouldn't win them the game.

Unless that's how you read him.


Apr 10, 2008
Wait, I take back my thing about Sir Bed being 100% town. I wasn't thinking about SK possibility when I came to that conclusion.


Apr 10, 2008
I think it's odd X1 was so adamant about me being mafia because of flavor. Maybe he knew I wasn't doc for some reason? I don't know.


Apr 10, 2008
Town read on Sir Bed.

Adumb looked like he was acting all the way up to my lynch, now that I look at it. Just bad reasons all around for voting me. ._.

And he said to me he'd vote as opposed to a no-lynch (sort of said that passively), but then presented a ton of "evidence" for why I'm apparently scum for some reason even tho X1 wasn't going to change his vote.


Apr 10, 2008
But I don't know. Don't read to much into that. I don't feel strongly about anything.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop

adum is town lol. When I was pushing him, I was getting significant townie vibes from the stuff he was saying and found it WAY too hard to argue against his points, unlike when I was doing so against OS. That was really confusing to me considering I was the one who thought he was confirmed scum. >.> That's why you saw me BS a bit in my posts, because I had to prove you were scum or town would lose by lynching me (or at least, that's what I thought when I thought there was mafia).

X1 COULD be SK, and the note thing could be part of his SK thing, but unlikely. Still have town read.

FF is probably scum for lurking, pushing bad meta cases, and then doing nothing toDay and not even giving us a a solid read. Additionally, he was the one pushing against no lynch (if he's SK, he couldn't control the kill) and when he saw I had a guilty on OS, he could have backed off and attempted to kill him that Night since my role confirmed him as abdcutor since he knew mafia didn't exist, but he got out-prioritized. /small wifom

i can't be friends with you ever if you're faking this adum


Apr 10, 2008
Dangr, no I said that you were mad scummy, and I'd take mad scummy over a no lynch if I couldn't have obvious-scum.
Yeah, and the stuff you said was scummy just looked weak. But that doesn't really fit an SK trying to get through 2 days instead of 1, I suppose.

I don't really know.

Anyways, I'm out for today. gl town.


Apr 10, 2008
-that is, if X1 is just kidding about the invinci-SK.

Talk about burden of knowledge. <.<

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Game Over

DanGR, Gorman, the Vanilla Townie has been lynched!

Final Vote Count
Adumbrodeus: DanGR
DanGR: X1-12, Adumbrodeus, Sir Bed

Not Voting: Frozenflame

"Still wasn't him..."
"How do you even know?!"
"I told you that already! Yellow was killed with some kind of blade! Nobody's left since this all started so the weapon's still in here somewhere. We're going to have to try again tonight, I guess."
"But why do we need to wait? There aren't many left... we can just ambush them all tonight. I mean... it has to be one of the two left, right?"
"Really not sure anymore..."
Blue Bomber's face, which was fixed on the body of Gorman's corpse immediately looked up at his boss. "What do you mean you're not sure?! You said the killer was someone that was in East Clocktown when it happened! We eleven were the only ones there, nobody else could have done it!"
"...Then let's go ahead and take care of the postman and the girl. Guess there's nothing else to do." A poisoned dart was loaded into his blowgun as he looked for the location of Romani. Of all the people left, he didn't want to have to kill someone his own age. He was hoping the real killer would have turned up by now.

Sir Bedevere, Romani, the Vanilla Townie has been endgamed!

He checked her belongings desperately. "Dammit! Not here either."
"Boss! The postman didn't have it...! What about the girl?"
"That was fast.... Are you sure he didn't have it? Maybe we really did miss someone." He got up and left the body of the young girl. And there laid the body of the postman, his belongings scattered around him.

X1-12, the Post Man, the Town Agent has been endgamed!

"Wait... what's this key?" On the ground was a keyring with several keys attached to it.
"They're the keys to the post boxes of course, boss... what else would they be?"
"No! This key!" One of the keys had been completely broken in half. Teeth marks could be seen on the key, as if it was bitten off desperately. "None of the other keys are broken, just this one.. why would he keep a broken key? And to one of the postboxes at that?"
"He probably has spares back at his house. But we've all been forced to stay in here so he couldn't... get them..." The two immediately ran to west clock town, used one of the keys to open the postman's house and before long they found it. A set of spare keys in case he lost his originals. After opening East Clock Town's post box there were no letters inside at all, just one object. Something that would have been too big to fit down the box's flap. A large, bloodstained knife sat alone in the postbox. The postbox was right next to the entrance of the secret hideout. The postman was the only one with the key to put it in, as well as take it out, and there would have been nowhere else to hide the weapon.

Frozenflame, Red Bomber, the Mafia Role Blocker, and Adumbrodeus, Blue Bomber, the Mafia Goon have won!


DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
[Collapse=Anju]Welcome to Majora's Mask Mafia, Nabe! You are Anju, the Town Jail Keeper!

You're the overly nervous and apologetic keeper of the Stock Pot Inn. Your Inn provides a safe haven for those in danger, with the recent attacks that have been going on. However you only have one vacancy to offer to others!

Active Ability:
You have a sole room key that you are able to give to any player you choose, once per night. The player you choose will gain protection from any and all abilities during the night under the protection of your cozy inn. The player will also be prevented leaving the inn, unable to perform any night actions. You may not select yourself.

Win Condition:
You are town aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated.[/Collapse][Collapse=Post Man]Welcome to Majora's Mask Mafia, X1-12! You are the Post Man, the Town Agent!

To you, there is nothing more important than your job. Nothing. Even in the face of death, delivering letters comes before all else. It's a life you've always lived and it's a life you don't plan to abandon, even with the situation things are in now.

Active Ability:
Once per night you are able to send one anonymous letter to any player. This letter can contain anything you would like, even telling the targeted player your identity. However the player will be told that the message "is anonymous". Use this ability however you see fit. After all, you're the postman!

Win Condition
You are town aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated.[/Collapse][Collapse=Kaepora Gaebora]Welcome to Majora's Mask Mafia, Pervatasaurus! You are Kaepora Gaebora, the Self Watcher!

You're the lighthearted Owl that's guided the Hero of Time, time and time again. You're going to need your vast knowledge and keen eyes to lead town out of this situation alive!

Passive Ability:
Your eyes are always open, sleeping isn't important in a time like this. During the night, you will be told of any player that targets you with an ability, but only if the ability succeeds. You will not be told of the ability that they target you with, or their character role.

Win Condition:
You are town aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated.
[/Collapse][Collapse=Gorman]Welcome to Majora's Mask Mafia, DanGR! You are Gorman, the Vanilla Townie!

You left the farm life for show business, only to find out that it wasn't all that it was cut out to be. You've been portrayed as a rude, frightful person, though it's only a blanket over your kindhearted nature.

Active Abilities:
You are Vanilla Townie and have no abilities.

Win Condition:
You are town aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated.
[/Collapse][Collapse=Guru-Guru]Welcome to Majora's Mask Mafia, -Vocal-! You are Guru-Guru, the Music Box!

You're a member of the Gorman Troupe, their personal musician. You're a naturally jealous individual, although you're generally a happy, light hearted person. You carry your phonograph wherever you go, practicing every moment of the day! And this definitely hasn't gone without causing some problems among those that don't prefer to listen to your wonderful waltzes.

Passive Ability:
You take every moment you can to practice playing your Phonograph, even late at night! If you are visited by any player during the night they will hear you playing.

Win Condition:
You are town aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated.
[/Collapse][Collapse=Romani]Welcome to Majora's Mask Mafia, Sir Bedevere! You are Romani, the Vanilla Townie!

You're the cheerful, fun-loving child living on Romani Ranch. Your sister has finally allowed you to go to Clock Town for the first time! But then something like this happens! For a child as young as you are, how will you make it out of this?

Active Abilities
You are Vanilla Townie and have no active abilities.

Win Condition:
You are town aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated.[/Collapse][Collapse=Romani Returned]Welcome back to Majora's Mask Mafia, Sir Bedevere! You are Romani, the Town Tree Stump!

Your cheerful personality seems to have faded away. What happened when you were abducted? What did you see? What did they do to you? If only you could remember. Your mind has become unstable, it's even difficult to merely form sentences normally. Will things ever be the same?

While you are still able to speak, you are unable to vote and do not count towards the vote count. You will also be immediately confirmed to the town as Town Tree Stump.

Win Condition:
You are town aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated.[/Collapse][Collapse=Sakon]Welcome to Majora's Mask Mafia, J! You are Sakon, the Vanilla Townie!

Your life of crime and skills as a cunning thief won't help you here, with things how they are. You're naturally suspicious, so don't let those qualities follow you! You're one of the good guys now!

Active Abilities
You are Vanilla Townie and have no abilities.

Win Condition:
You are town aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated.[/Collapse][Collapse=Link]Welcome to Majora's Mask Mafia, Swiss! You are Link, the Vanilla Townie!

You were suppose to have a reservation at the Stock Pot Inn, but apparently there was a mix up of some sort. So now you're left sleeping outside for the night! But you don't care. The fresh air always suited you better anyways.

Active Abilities:
You are Vanilla Town and have no active abilities.

Win Condition:
You are town aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated.[/Collapse][Collapse=Red Bomber]Welcome to Majora's Mask Mafia, Pierre the Scarecrow! You are Red Bomber, the Mafia Role Blocker!

You are the leader of the Bombers Secret Society of Justice! One of your members, the Yellow Bomber, has been murdered! Three of your other members have fled in fear that they would be next to die, so it's up to you and your partner, the Blue Bomber, to exact revenge for this crime! You don't know who committed this vile act, but you'll kill everyone that stands in your way until you find the criminal! You're the defenders of justice, after all!

Bombers Secret Society of Justice:
You and your partner, Adumbrodeus, may communicate privately at any time. I don't require a transcript of the conversation, but feel free to send one if you'd like.

Night Kill:
Once per night, either you or your partner may send me the name of one player to kill. The person that sends me the PM will be the player to perform the action. If I receive multiple PMs, I will count the last one sent. So feel free to change your mind on who performs the action or who you're targeting.

Active Ability:
Once per night you may select one player. That player will be prevented from performing any Active Abilities during that night, however Passive Abilities will not be canceled.

Win Condition:
You are mafia aligned and win when your faction overpowers all other players, or it is logically impossible for you to lose.[/Collapse][Collapse=Blue Bomber]Welcome to Majora's Mask Mafia, Adumbrodeus! You are the Blue Bomber, the Mafia Goon!

You are a member of the Bombers Secret Society of Justice! One of your members, the Yellow Bomber, has been murdered! Three of your other members have fled in fear that they would be next to die, so it's up to you and your leader, the Red Bomber, to exact revenge for this crime! You don't know who committed this vile act, but you'll kill everyone that stands in your way until you find the criminal! You're the defenders of justice, after all!

Bombers Secret Society of Justice:
You and your partner, Pierre the Scarecrow, may communicate privately at any time. I don't require a transcript of the conversation, but feel free to send one if you'd like.

Night Kill:
Once per night, either you or your partner may send me the name of one player to kill. The person that sends me the PM will be the player to perform the action. If I receive multiple PMs, I will count the last one sent. So feel free to change your mind on who performs the action or who you're targeting.

Win Condition:
You are mafia aligned and win when your faction overpowers all other players, or it is logically impossible for you to lose.[/Collapse][Collapse=Them]Welcome to Majora's Mask Mafia, Overswarm! You are Them, the Independent Abductor!

You are one of the ghosts that were originally sent to abduct Romani Ranch's prized cows. However, almost all of the others were wiped out by a lone boy, in an attempt to do so. And now you're one of the few of your kind left! You've been sent back to capture the one that did this to your people, however you know very little about this person, or if he's even still here. So you're going to have to capture all of them one by one until you find him!

Active Abilities:
Once per night you may select one player to "Abduct". That player will not die, but will not be able to speak or vote, and will not count towards the vote count. If you are to be killed, each player that you abducted will return to the game.

Passive Abilities:
You are immune to night kills.

Win Condition:
You are independently aligned and win when all other players have been killed or abducted.[/Collapse]


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I had fun this game :B

At the end I realized I had it won with Sir Bed wanting to lynch adum and one of them being scum, so I decided to make it harder on myself. After adum outed himself as being scum by not believing my mafia claim (I can't believe none of you caught that?) it was my great pleasure to see if I could get adumb to believe I was a mafia traitor ^_^

Unfortunately I couldn't be at the game the last day, and thus couldn't use my gambit. Talking to him later though, I would have guessed swiss or X1 as his scummate, so it wouldn't have worked anyway. :(

Was fun though. Abductor is a really boring role if you play it safe. -_-;;


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
OS played a very good game imo. I am never doubting my gut on him again (lol twice now). I've changed a lot as a player since this game started.

How did Adum not get lynched again? :/

Lol at OS claiming mafia against the mafia.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Lol at OS claiming mafia against the mafia.
I had talked to Hilt about it for a while, just telling him what I thought at each moment. I couldn't decide on who was scum at first.

When I finally realized it and saw Sir Bed tunneling adumb... I had won. I just didn't have the victory screen.

At that point I decided to do some crazy things to see if I could get them to work. I didn't get to finish my plan, but it wouldn't have worked anyway; I had narrowed it down to two people and both were wrong!

But the most fun of all was everyone I had abducted having to come into play again. That was... entertaining to watch. ^_^

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I freaking knew it.

Good damn read ^_^. I don't think I've seen OS play so well, and I personally say MVP to OS. God, I would've never guessed.

But after he died...

Sir Bed played a good game tbh.

X1, you can't tunnel like that. When you do that, you can make ANYBODY look scummy. You're a good player. Just... can't tunnel haha.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I was really hoping adumbrodeus would want Sir Bed lynched after I outed his fake claim :B


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
I always felt like there was something wrong about Adumb; I mistook it for abductor when it came to crunch time but guess that was off :laugh: Fascinating game to be sure, and a lot more eventful than my first.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
The entire time the game was going Adumb kept complaining to me on AIM about how stacked the game was against mafia XD Especially when Sir Bed fake claimed cop! I had to keep from letting him know how hilarious it was, lol.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
GGs all.

Good **** adumbro *brofist*

Sorry I couldn't be around for LYLO but what can I say I had important **** going on. It was my last few days in Japan and yesterday I was flying all day getting home.

Deadlines in LYLO are complete horse**** and I wasn't saying that as lame cover or johning, I actually legitimately hate the concept and I thought it was completely unfair that I was able to just cruise through endgame like that and net a win because you guys were forced to act before the deadline and were rushed an such.

Ultimately, though I believe the situation was unfair, I still think adumb and I would've netted this win in a more played out endgame considering how convinced X1 was that were town.

But yeah, that's that. Fun game.

Lol yeah I need to listen to my gut more it seems as well. I think I ended up convincing myself too much that OS was town even though in my read of him I distinctly mentioned he could likely be an indy. Started to make sense more as I watched him maneuver in endgame, even before his claim.

I really don't get the purpose of the roles in this game. They just seem so, haphazard I guess. Like I just don't understand how the roles are supposed to jive or how they are balanced off one another. It just seems like you slapped a bunch of roles together and called it a day. *shrug* Don't think it was mega imbalanced or anything though so no problem there, though I do think the Abductor win con should include victory if he is alive with no towns people left alive (i.e. he should win in a 2maf, 1 abductor situation).

This game is also ****in crazy because of TWO TOWN FAKECLAIMS OF DOC AND COP. Like wtf lmao thats so insane that you guys pulled tha toff as VTs. Def. unconventional play but man, I'm surprised that that happened. And then you both went back on your claims too. Like wow, can't say I've ever seen that. I'll reserve judgment on the choice to do that but all I can say is it was REALLY interesting to see.

MVP should go to Adumb IMO. Only consistent active scum player, decided correctly on the abductor, and staved off a very strong assault for Sir Bed by having good consistent play prior that bought him the LYLO misvote he needed to win. Just great play. Sir Bed really did some leg work in endgame and mad props to that, but half of endgame is having credibility built up so that you can convince the people you need to convince. You had a hella good case man, but just wasn't enough, and I didn't even really get to take a crack at it, which I would have done today or tomorrow had time allowed.

OS played well up until his LYLO situation but ultimately just didn't play his cards right. If he was doing it just for fun to see what would happen that's all fine and dandy but it certainly isn't MVP performance. MVPs should be playing to win, end of story. OS did well but I had my suspicions even prior to his scum claim just while reading the game, so it def. wasn't above and beyond anyone else in this game.

Again apologies to everyone for my ****ty luck and bad timing. Great work from everyone, and thanks Hilt for modding! =)


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Wait wtf just happened? I won? But, I'm town...

*checks role pm*

Wait, I did what? I guess I did forget.

I am completely serious btw, I totally forgot that I was mafia in this game, I had a conversation with xivii going where he asked me my role and I said I was VT and after a long pause I was like "I think" and double-check my rolepm. I honestly completely forgot I was mafia.

OS played a very good game imo. I am never doubting my gut on him again (lol twice now). I've changed a lot as a player since this game started.

How did Adum not get lynched again? :/

Lol at OS claiming mafia against the mafia.
Because your case was completely without merit and in the long run probably made me look better? Obvious fact is obvious. You were townie because of recklessness but your cases were complete BS and thus there was no reason anyone would follow em. Even FF's case on me was better.

Anyway, sir bedevere I am incredibly disappointed by you in this game. Every point in your case was complete BS, down to me not intending to kill FF (I considered him too much of a liability during lylo, evidentially town didn't agree). Yes, this includes my letting a scummier target go for a less scummy one, because if town won't go for my lynch, better they take somebody I consider scummy or at least null as opposed to town. And better somebody gets lynched then nobody.

Especially any issues I had with you, your overall scummyness was what made me believe you were the abductor most of the game.

Basically, you were right, but for the wrong reasons, I firmly believe that the only reason you were correct was because I was on you the entire game. Irrationally clearing somebody who fakeclaimed just gave you an easy scummate btw, I can't fathom why you would've clear him so easily.

And why the hell were you so inconsistent with the way you voted/

Basically, being right doesn't count for anything if your case is entirely insane troll logic, because not only will you never convince anyone, you'll convince them you're scum instead. Maybe I would've slipped but between all the horrible cases this game, I never really had a reason to, nobody ever applied any real pressure to me this game, so I ended up being able to just play a pro-town game.

And yes, we did horribly horribly f*** up 4 man lylo. My inactivity had a lot to do that, I was just incredibly busy.

But we did believe your cop claim instantly, and the reason was that your reads were perfect for an insane cop, down to your action failing the night we roleblocked you. You were INSANELY lucky when you claimed.

Sir Bed really did some leg work in endgame and mad props to that, but half of endgame is having credibility built up so that you can convince the people you need to convince. You had a hella good case man, but just wasn't enough, and I didn't even really get to take a crack at it, which I would have done today or tomorrow had time allowed.

His case just cracked under the slightest bit of pressure. It was an insane troll logic case. Seriously. I was laughing my a** off about it the entire time. Even asked J who he thought was mafia out of the two of us. He said "sir bed, either that or you're playing the best mafia game ever".

The entire time the game was going Adumb kept complaining to me on AIM about how stacked the game was against mafia XD Especially when Sir Bed fake claimed cop! I had to keep from letting him know how hilarious it was, lol.
Because he was lucky as f***.

This game was still definitely balanced towards town. mafia didn't get the net advantages to counter-balance the abductor's existence, and therefore like most 2-1-9 games, it was significantly pro-town.

I had fun this game :B

At the end I realized I had it won with Sir Bed wanting to lynch adum and one of them being scum, so I decided to make it harder on myself. After adum outed himself as being scum by not believing my mafia claim (I can't believe none of you caught that?) it was my great pleasure to see if I could get adumb to believe I was a mafia traitor ^_^

Unfortunately I couldn't be at the game the last day, and thus couldn't use my gambit. Talking to him later though, I would have guessed swiss or X1 as his scummate, so it wouldn't have worked anyway. :(

Was fun though. Abductor is a really boring role if you play it safe. -_-;;
Lol, nobody caught it cause I have a proven record of reading you insanely well. I think I would've caught on as town too.

I think you not playing it safe was the reason I didn't pick up you as the abductor before

Don't take it too hard x1 btw, you did well in the endgame, but you couldn't account for your townmates being that scummy.

Oh and dangr, you make mistakes when you're inexperienced, don't let it get to you. Now you know not to fakeclaim as town except in rare situations (sir bed's fakeclaim was one of the few that it was reasonable).


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Because your case was completely without merit and in the long run probably made me look better? Obvious fact is obvious. You were townie because of recklessness but your cases were complete BS and thus there was no reason anyone would follow em. Even FF's case on me was better.
I don't recall my scum picks particularly well, I don't even remember making a case on you. My 'case' on you shouldn't have been the reason you died. I just think you were scummy final day - and that's why I was surprised you survived.

I think you fantastically misunderstood my point. GG anyway.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Confirmation bias I think swiss, I asked for some outside opinions of the situation and they all said I was obvious-town and sir bed was obvious-scum, his case on me and his overall play was just scummy as hell. I on the other hand, had the completely pro-town motivation of trying to secure a lynch from one of my scumreads and defending myself from a completely bs case in lylo.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
@ Adum, when I say strong case I mean his personal analysis and understanding of the interactions between you and I was good. He very clearly had done his homework and did some good, correct analysis on our distancing. That's simply what it was, you can't deny it.

I agree that he was right for the wrong reasons, and I also completely agree his cop claim was just INSANELY lucky, but that doesn't mean that on the individual level, he didn't have a strong case from his perspective.

The issue was just how it was received by the rest of the players, and his lacking play prior that put him in a position where he was difficult to believe. I wasn't contending that his case was bulletproof (I was preparing to attack it, as I said), but he did everything he could considering his circumstances to get the lynch he needed. Problem was, he didn't play well enough the whole game (like you did), to have the credibility to take you down in LYLO, 'nuff said.

I wouldn't go so far as to say he was using troll logic, but he did purport many of his points with a level of credibility and certainty that was just misrepresented or unjustified. Obviously from his perspective it all made sense but yeah, outside analysis would reveal the imperfections and points of weakness. And that's why your case won out in the end Adum.

Also yeah, OS was full time BP. Totally called that. Knowing that you aren't the abductor now Sir B, please bear this fact in mind. It is incredibly common to give solo indies like that (especially abductors, who are weaker than your standard SK) BP status. I wasn't bull****ting when I said that in the 4 man situation.

@ Hilt: Could OS be roleblocked or was he immune to that as well?
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