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Majoras Mask Mafia! DGames' Longest Game Ends - Who Won?!?!?!?


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
In order for both Circus and Werekill to be town (which I really want to believe at this point) there would either

A. Have to be some townie being a motivator and lying about their claim. If this is the case please claim now and stop ****ing around. This is wasting too much time to be a gambit.

B. A mafia or indy motivator. If there really is a mafia motivator then I do find it really strange then they would target Circus if he is town (unless they are compulsive and can't target one of their own which would be ********). This would strongly suggest that, indeed, Circus is scum. But why would Circus have this PR as scum (since he has confirmed that he actually has it)? What good does it do scum to know the amount of numbers of a race which presumably would catch scum in a fake claim. It almost seems to not have a purpose as Raziek's role is the only counter yet a simple claim would clear up any misinformation spread by it. It can't be part of an indy team since Werekill claims that BLOCK is mafia specifically, not indy (he said this, right?).

If there is an indy motivator then it explains how Circus was motivated yet Werekill still got a guilty on block. The only problem with this is, assuming he isn't compulsive, why would the indy choose to motivate anyone at all? Plus, why didn't he just claim it, since that motivation claim would have looked very pro-town.

I unfortunately have a hard time buying this scenario which does make me think that either Circus or Were has a liar between them or

C. There is entire variable we're not accounting for.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Commuter is a protective, and its the strongest one at that (only being nerfed by being an even night). He's basically a BP of the highest order (cant be targeted by a strongman) who invalidates every action used on him.

Imo Nabe had it right that the existence of a Hider directly conflicts with a commuter and I'm still of the opinion that one of them are lying. Since John obviously isn't, Nabe's role just doesn't seem likely.

Btw, Nabe, did you crumb Hider at all?


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
what is going on

Werekill being a cop is not incongruous with me being a hider, and vice versa. This is why I say that people haven't read my analysis. If you say you have, and then go on to say that cop can't exist with hider without countering my own reasoning as to how they can coexist, then that very clearly demonstrates you're full of ****.

Raz, respond to the posts I keep throwing at your face.
Actually, I just think that it's weird to have two cop-like roles in the same game.

Nabe, does your role protect you from night actions while hiding? I can't remember.

Raziek - Acrostic, Inferno, Nabe, Werekill
Circus - Acrostic, Inferno, Dabuz, Werekill
Red Ryu - Acrostic, Inferno, possibly Werekill
Dabuz - Acrostic, Inferno, Nabe
Inferno - Acrostic, Nabe, Werekill
Nabe - Acrostic, Werekill, Raziek
Acrostic - Nabe
Werekill - Circus, Acrostic, Raziek, Dabuz
Kuz - Acrostic, Inferno, Nabe


Acrostic - 8/9
Inferno - 5/9
Nabe - 5/9
Werekill - 5/9
Dabuz - 2/9
Raziek - 2/9
Circus - 1/9

There we go.

Realistically, we're looking at Acrostic, Inferno, Nabe, or Werekill.
I'm not liking this. It doesn't account for any order whatsoever and is pure numbers, and if you look at it like that, Acrostic is the one guy who everyone agrees on, even though I directly said that he was my 2nd pick, which implies that I didn't want him dead first.

If we base a lynch on these numbers, I'll be sad.

Also, why are you pushing this so hard? It isn't close to deadline at all, and it's weird that you're focusing so much on this.

People need to take a stance on the possibility of a mafia poisoner.

People need to take a stance on the possibility of an indy pair.
There can be indy killing pairs? That seems unbalanced unless they have to alternate kill methods.

Thank you raziek. Seeing all the choices of who to lynch, werekills strikes me as the most odd. Yeah he has acrostic but circus, raziek and dabuz are on there. Not only that but he said he investigated dabuz and got an inno. I don't like it.

@nabe-mainly the poisoner bit and acro talking about him claiming indy. Raziek's post on WL makes me more comfortable with hit

And I also said that after Acrostic, there's a large drop off in my willingness to lynch. Don't be lazy and just look at the pure number output.

I also said earlier that Dabuz was in my indy picks, by the way.

Also, if you've missed out on my dislike of Circus, you're not reading.

Also, the more I think about it, the more I hate the fact that Werekill claims that his guilty results only apply to mafia. It means that he can claim an innocent on an indie and say that's just the way his role works, which means he doesn't have to be able to prove his role by finding us an indie. The mafia knows who all the mafia are, which is why it's easy for them to determine who town is. But if there are indies, then that mucks up a mafioso's ability to fake Cop...unless you fake a Cop that can't distinguish between Town and Independent.
I have no way to argue against this other than the fact that I did, in fact, ask the mod, and he did give me that answer. Barring posting a screenshot of the pm, I can't do any more.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
He crumbed an investigative role. I actually believe he claimed cop. Nabe or acro should be the play. Character wise I don't like nabe as ???. He has no significance in the game. Not even a side plot like kaffei and anju.



Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
@WK- I read your points on circus. I just find it odd that all of your lynch choices you put except acro are really out there. Can you remind me why you want raziek lynched?



Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
There can be indy killing pairs? That seems unbalanced unless they have to alternate kill methods.
Who said anything about both potential indies having the ability to kill?

Character wise I don't like nabe as ???. He has no significance in the game. Not even a side plot like kaffei and anju.

We're not lynching Nabe based on this after what happened with John. Though Nabe can certainly do some crazy things with crazy claims.

@WK- I read your points on circus. I just find it odd that all of your lynch choices you put except acro are really out there. Can you remind me why you want raziek lynched?

Along with this, it's weird that Werekill doesn't have Nabe as a top scum priority considering the fact that Nabe would have to be lying about his claim if I were scum, which WK believes I am.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
B. A mafia or indy motivator. If there really is a mafia motivator then I do find it really strange then they would target Circus if he is town (unless they are compulsive and can't target one of their own which would be ********). This would strongly suggest that, indeed, Circus is scum. But why would Circus have this PR as scum (since he has confirmed that he actually has it)? What good does it do scum to know the amount of numbers of a race which presumably would catch scum in a fake claim. It almost seems to not have a purpose as Raziek's role is the only counter yet a simple claim would clear up any misinformation spread by it.
I'd like to go ahead and point out here that Scum also had a hobo role that was not THAT useful other than finding roles, so... yeah. Another mediocre investigator is perfectly believable if (since, really) there's a scum motivator.

It can't be part of an indy team since Werekill claims that BLOCK is mafia specifically, not indy (he said this, right?).

If there is an indy motivator then it explains how Circus was motivated yet Werekill still got a guilty on block. The only problem with this is, assuming he isn't compulsive, why would the indy choose to motivate anyone at all? Plus, why didn't he just claim it, since that motivation claim would have looked very pro-town.

I unfortunately have a hard time buying this scenario which does make me think that either Circus or Were has a liar between them or
What do you mean by block?

And yes, I specifically said that I can only find out if a mafia is guilty, not indy. The mod directly said that I only get a guilty if they're in the mafia.

Also, why did you contradict yourself? It's not scummy, but it's a mistake all the same. You just said that you were operating with the idea that I get a guilty only on mafia, but then you started thinking about my guilty meaning that Block was an indy motivator. XD

Commuter is a protective, and its the strongest one at that (only being nerfed by being an even night). He's basically a BP of the highest order (cant be targeted by a strongman) who invalidates every action used on him.

Imo Nabe had it right that the existence of a Hider directly conflicts with a commuter and I'm still of the opinion that one of them are lying. Since John obviously isn't, Nabe's role just doesn't seem likely.

Btw, Nabe, did you crumb Hider at all?
I totally agree with the above stuff, and I see it as more reason to not believe Nabe.

Who said anything about both potential indies having the ability to kill?


We're operating on the principle that there might be an indy pair, right? You yourself, I think, directly said that BECAUSE there were two different types of kills (/abductions), a pair is likely.

Along with this, it's weird that Werekill doesn't have Nabe as a top scum priority considering the fact that Nabe would have to be lying about his claim if I were scum, which WK believes I am.
I'm actually now fine with a Nabe lynch over you, which is another reason why we shouldn't trust those numbers. Minds change.

I will, however, say this. I am only basing my opinion on you based on role theory, and you have been playing decently town this whole game. If Nabe flips town, then I would no longer have any beef with you whatsoever.

Thanks for reminding me, though, about my not having my vote on Nabe. Well, you didn't, but you made me remind myself. Vote incoming on my "idea" post about Nabe.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
@WK- I read your points on circus. I just find it odd that all of your lynch choices you put except acro are really out there. Can you remind me why you want raziek lynched?

I don't like Raziek because he was one of the first people to talk about an abductor/janitor with Dabuz and Nabe, which puts him on my list for the lynch pool, and he's also doing odd things right now.

Revised lynch pool:
Nabe, and uh... Nabe. He's my top pick and the lynch that will help town the most.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007

We're operating on the principle that there might be an indy pair, right? You yourself, I think, directly said that BECAUSE there were two different types of kills (/abductions), a pair is likely.
But the Abductor is not a killing role. I don't think that a Poisoner and Abductor can't be a pair because they're both killing roles (they're not!); I think that the Poisoner and Abductor don't make sense as a pair because their roles do not complement each other. They might as well just be two separate indies, if they are, in fact, both indie. An indie pair is a pair because they work best together. They have abilities that allow them to help each other survive, not abilities that just try to get rid of as many other players as they can.

I don't like Raziek because he was one of the first people to talk about an abductor/janitor with Dabuz and Nabe, which puts him on my list for the lynch pool, and he's also doing odd things right now.
Define "odd things." Explain why Raz being one of the first people to talk about an Abductor or Janitor is scummy.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'

Now on to Nabe Analysis (or Nabealysis, or better, why I'm going to ****ing vote Nabe and hope he dies):

There is absolutely no way that X1 would create a role such as hider for this game. If he did, then there was a gross oversight, but for the sake of sanity, let's assume that he did not miss this.

Hider is quite literally the one of the most powerful roles that I have ever seen. Let's look at the details of the power, shall we?

I hide behind someone at Night. If they're scum, I die. If they're town, then I can't be targeted by any abilities directly for the Night including kills, i.e. "I target Nabe with X" fails. But I die if my target dies overNight.
There it is, plain and simple. He can't be targeted by any abilities at night directly, and that is the direct problem.

Let's imagine for a second the possibility that he really did start the game with this role. What would have happened if he had claimed right off the bat?

Really, sit and think for a second. I'll wait.


He would have been able to be a pretty much invulnerable cop who's only weaknesses are that he dies if scum gets lucky, and he dies if he gets a guilty.

If he had started the game as the hider and claimed right away, he could have investigated anyone he wanted with only a negligible risk to himself. He had absolutely no risk of being roleblocked or killed unless his target died somehow, so his only options to die by were if his target was scum or if his target died during the night. He could have given us a list of targets, picked one, and hid for the night. This power is nearly completely broken by the fact that if he claimed first, he would have been nearly invincible for the first night and onwards, and I truly hope that X1 would not put a role that in this game. (highlighted for emphasis) This role, all by itself, is a "follow the cop" situation, and it's broken.

Power level by itself is a good reason to doubt him, but now, let's get down to asking the important question...

Why didn't Nabe claim first? He would have been practically invincible, and besides, if he had died during the night because he targeted scum, we would have had no way to know that it wasn't an indy kill or even what power he had unless X1 went waaaaay out of his way to tell us how he died, and even then, we would not have known who he was targeting, making his death an overall loss for town. (highlighted for extra emphasis). By not claiming, he set himself up to be a double loss for town by being an extra kill for that night.

There was almost no townie motivation behind not claiming, unless, of course...

He was setting up for a fake claim by claiming an investigative and "drawing fire" away from other people. (highlighted for extra extra emphasis!) Think about it. No one would want to lynch him because he was keeping the "real cop" safe, and he could claim later as a "hider" and say that his role was the plan from the get go. It was a magnificient play, and I applaud Nabe for doing it.

So, in case you couldn't tell, I now think that Nabe is either lying scum or a lying Indy, and he needs to die.

Vote: Nabe.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
nabe who do you think the motivator is and what alignment is he?
If the motivator were town, they would claim as has been asked. And no one has claimed a character who fits a motivator at all, which suggests a fakeclaimed character. Obvious possibilities are the fairies, Kamaro, the Great Fairy, maybe Tingle, maybe Keaton, maybe Scarecrow.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
But the Abductor is not a killing role. I don't think that a Poisoner and Abductor can't be a pair because they're both killing roles (they're not!); I think that the Poisoner and Abductor don't make sense as a pair because their roles do not complement each other. They might as well just be two separate indies, if they are, in fact, both indie. An indie pair is a pair because they work best together. They have abilities that allow them to help each other survive, not abilities that just try to get rid of as many other players as they can.

Define "odd things." Explain why Raz being one of the first people to talk about an Abductor or Janitor is scummy.
Ok, help me out here, honestly. Does an abductor usually take one person per night, or does he only take one the whole game? I've been thinking that he takes multiples, which essentially makes him a killing role.

An odd thing like him being so dead set on getting lynch counts and getting a lynch ready, which myself and others have pointed out?

Also, he's just in the little group that I set aside in my mind as potentially scummy, not OVERLY scummy.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
And yes, Nabe, I have read your setup speculation numerous times and all you're doing is listing out an arbitrary balance system and then concluding that this could plausibly exist.

No way in hell it does.
If my own system is arbitrary, that's more than simply stating it doesn't fit. I've suggested balance-counterbalance for having the three roles together. They aren't identical, which is what calling them "three protective roles" suggests, and I've stated why that's so.

Also, Naybor, get at my 2834.
It had been three hours since you'd posted. Don't be that guy.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Werekill, that's a pretty convincing argument.

Also, abductor as I've seen it took one person per night, and they all come back if the abductor dies, but in the game I was in, he never died.

I'm comfortable with a Nabe lynch. Gives us the most information, for sure.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Commuter is a protective, and its the strongest one at that (only being nerfed by being an even night). He's basically a BP of the highest order (cant be targeted by a strongman) who invalidates every action used on him.

Imo Nabe had it right that the existence of a Hider directly conflicts with a commuter and I'm still of the opinion that one of them are lying. Since John obviously isn't, Nabe's role just doesn't seem likely.

Btw, Nabe, did you crumb Hider at all?
You don't crumb roles like Hider, you either claim Cop or claim directly and overtly call your targets each Night. I claimed Cop and claimed my target N2 -- standard play. The only time I've seen Hider in practice it was squandered by Laundry (off-site).

Hider does not conflict with Commuter, and I was very wrong in saying so. Even-night commuter self-protects on alternate nights with no fear of dying or abduction, entirely pro-town. Hider self-protects on the right choices, but turns Nights into double deaths if its target is scum or dies, meaning in a smaller game like this the role quickly becomes a liability rather than a gain, and it's entirely anti-town. It's only redeemable in that the common strategy pulls night kills and nets some pseudo-investigations before dying.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
Werekill, that's a pretty convincing argument.

Also, abductor as I've seen it took one person per night, and they all come back if the abductor dies, but in the game I was in, he never died.

I'm comfortable with a Nabe lynch. Gives us the most information, for sure.
Thank you.

That's not what I meant, haha. I meant does he take every night or only one night. Also, was he like an SK in that he won after everyone else dies?

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
I will, however, say this. I am only basing my opinion on you based on role theory, and you have been playing decently town this whole game. If Nabe flips town, then I would no longer have any beef with you whatsoever.
No f***ing kidding. He's my clear so that goes without saying.

I don't like Raziek because he was one of the first people to talk about an abductor/janitor with Dabuz and Nabe, which puts him on my list for the lynch pool, and he's also doing odd things right now.
How is this reasonable cause for suspicion under any frame of reference? What's suspicious about Raziek discussing an indy's existence?

Nabe, and uh... Nabe. He's my top pick and the lynch that will help town the most.
Bulls***. This move on your reads looks absolutely forced. Within the last 48 hours, your posts literally cover all of these progressive steps.

"I don't suspect Nabe at all."
"I don't really suspect Nabe but I can see why others would suspect him."
"I kind of suspect Nabe, because our roles do maybe clash a bit after all."
"I could stand to see Nabe lynched now, but I won't vote for him."
"Nabe is one of my top lynches and I'd be glad to vote for him."
"Nabe is my top lynch and I want him gone toDay."
"Why aren't people voting Nabe?!"


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Thank you.

That's not what I meant, haha. I meant does he take every night or only one night. Also, was he like an SK in that he won after everyone else dies?
He takes one person per night.

And he was Indy, so he had SK wincon of being the last one standing.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
No f***ing kidding. He's my clear so that goes without saying.
Well, no ****. That's why I was fine, at first, with you dying, but I found other reasons.

How is this reasonable cause for suspicion under any frame of reference? What's suspicious about Raziek discussing an indy's existence?
I already said this in a reply to Circus, I believe.

Bulls***. This move on your reads looks absolutely forced. Within the last 48 hours, your posts literally cover all of these progressive steps.

"I don't suspect Nabe at all."
"I don't really suspect Nabe but I can see why others would suspect him."
"I kind of suspect Nabe, because our roles do maybe clash a bit after all."
"I could stand to see Nabe lynched now, but I won't vote for him."
"Nabe is one of my top lynches and I'd be glad to vote for him."
"Nabe is my top lynch and I want him gone toDay."
"Why aren't people voting Nabe?!"
You do realize what you're doing, right? You're taking a completely legitimate process of a changing opinion, adding a desperate tone to the end that I didn't have (I was against the Acrostic wagon, but I wasn't that desperate), and calling it scummy. I don't like that at all.

case and point

Have you read this page yet?

He takes one person per night.

And he was Indy, so he had SK wincon of being the last one standing.
Thanks, Raz.

With this in mind, I don't see why we would have a duo. That would mean a poison kill AND an abduction every night, and we haven't seen that yet. If Nabe flips indy and we still have an extra kill, though, I'll believe that we have a duo.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Hider is quite literally the one of the most powerful roles that I have ever seen. Let's look at the details of the power, shall we?

There it is, plain and simple. He can't be targeted by any abilities at night directly, and that is the direct problem.
I already covered this with my response to Kuz. Hider is a liability in this game, not a pro-town role.

Let's imagine for a second the possibility that he really did start the game with this role. What would have happened if he had claimed right off the bat?

Really, sit and think for a second. I'll wait.


He would have been able to be a pretty much invulnerable cop who's only weaknesses are that he dies if scum gets lucky, and he dies if he gets a guilty.
I did claim right off the bat. I claimed cop, you'll strongly recall, before post 300. The benefit to claiming cop rather than hider is that I draw an NK as a result -- claiming hider means I don't collect on that bonus, because scum knows not to target me.

If he had started the game as the hider and claimed right away, he could have investigated anyone he wanted with only a negligible risk to himself. He had absolutely no risk of being roleblocked or killed unless his target died somehow, so his only options to die by were if his target was scum or if his target died during the night. He could have given us a list of targets, picked one, and hid for the night.
Again: this is exactly what I did.

This power is nearly completely broken by the fact that if he claimed first, he would have been nearly invincible for the first night and onwards, and I truly hope that X1 would not put a role that in this game. (highlighted for emphasis) This role, all by itself, is a "follow the cop" situation, and it's broken.
I've already made it very clear why this isn't the case. This benefit is offset by the deficit that occurs if scum target my target for a kill. Town loses two players at once, or three if I hid behind one of the lovers. The ability to kill two players in a single Night around Night 3 is the difference between a loss and a win for scum, and there are two opportunities in this setup for them to do so -- shooting the lovers and shooting my hide target.

Why didn't Nabe claim first? He would have been practically invincible, and besides, if he had died during the night because he targeted scum, we would have had no way to know that it wasn't an indy kill or even what power he had unless X1 went waaaaay out of his way to tell us how he died, and even then, we would not have known who he was targeting, making his death an overall loss for town. (highlighted for extra emphasis). By not claiming, he set himself up to be a double loss for town by being an extra kill for that night.
On Night 2, I named three players (Kantrip, Ryu, and you). If I'd died overNight by targeting scum, with Kantrip dead the town would have a great shot at lynching scum, and I'd still be hopefully drawing an NK if I didn't N1. And on Night 1, I targeted Circus who was very unlikely to be scum, meaning in my opinion it wasn't a big risk.

There was almost no townie motivation behind not claiming, unless, of course...

He was setting up for a fake claim by claiming an investigative and "drawing fire" away from other people. (highlighted for extra extra emphasis!) Think about it. No one would want to lynch him because he was keeping the "real cop" safe, and he could claim later as a "hider" and say that his role was the plan from the get go. It was a magnificient play, and I applaud Nabe for doing it.
Or, I'm a hider and did all of it to play towards my wincon.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
You do realize what you're doing, right? You're taking a completely legitimate process of a changing opinion, adding a desperate tone to the end that I didn't have (I was against the Acrostic wagon, but I wasn't that desperate), and calling it scummy. I don't like that at all.
Then you agree that you went through every stage of that read in 48 hours. What does Acrostic have to do with anything?

What do you think of a mafia poisoner, and the suggestion I made that the lack of NK on Night 1 was due to mafia poisoning rather than normal-killing?


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
You cannot possibly be this shallow.
I'm not putting my vote on you for that. I already saw John die being the turtle. But as I said, a hider and a cop together doesn't fit well with me. On the other hand, I do not like that WK states that his investigation gets an innocent on indy. Indies are still a threat to the town per say.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I do not consider Werekill's case on Nabe all that compelling. He at once says that Nabe's power is broken in town's favor due to "invulnerability" paired with partial investigative powers, and broken in scum's favor if Nabe hides behind scum or the NK target (due to loss of extra townies). This is called swing; it's not broken. And this is coming from the guy suggesting Mafia Motivator?

Nabe's play is textbook Hider play. That doesn't mean he's telling the truth, but it means he has at least been planning this a while and his play does not incriminate him. Claiming/hinting Cop is exactly the right thing to do as a Hider.

Would still be alright with lynching Nabe though.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Dabuz being so silent does not make me feel great.

Red Ryu, where are you?


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Despite the setup logic we've implemented I won't lynch between Werekill and Circus based on the motivator discrepancy. Both are playing too townie for me to deal with right now.

Lynch pool coming down to Nabe or Acro as of late. Will figure that out once I read this weekend.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Votecount 3.3 - [5/9] - Deadline 4th November

Raziek [0]
th3kuzinator [2] - MOD, MOD
Red Ryu [0]
dabuz [0]
Nabe [1] - Werekill
Circus [0]
Werekill [0]
Acrostic [0]
Inferno3044 [0]

Not Voting [8] - Circus, Raziek, Acrostic, Inferno, RR, Nabe, kuz, dabuz


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Despite the setup logic we've implemented I won't lynch between Werekill and Circus based on the motivator discrepancy. Both are playing too townie for me to deal with right now.

Lynch pool coming down to Nabe or Acro as of late. Will figure that out once I read this weekend.
I agree with this. A Nabe lynch brings us more information. Nabe town = Circus town + RR town (or at least they aren't hostile which would be a good reason to keep them in for a bit). Unfortunately Nabe scum might equal RR scum or Circus scum, but that is WIFOM that would be discussed if that is the case. Acro I think is more likely to be scum imo due to him trying to justify J's poisoner claim and then slipping by saying he's indy, but it doesn't give us much information to go by the next day.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
I'll point out, I'm not targeting anyone toNight or on future Nights who I think is scum, so the only way this situation is going to be resolved, i.e. me dying, is if I'm lynched.

Obviously I frown on that. I think my intent has been clear and my play pro-town. People at this moment are only mentioning information and juxtaposing my role with Werekill's, suggesting that in tandem this justifies my lynch (it doesn't).

Most people aren't broaching the subject of my alignment whatsoever. That needs to be remedied, because if I'm getting lynched it's certainly not going to be by a town who's not forcing accountability for their ****.

Kuz, you said the other day that you were planning a post commenting on your reads that had nothing to do with the setup. I don't think I've seen that post take shape.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Red Ryu#124 said:
Umm, guess I didn't word that vid right with the spoiler, I was lying to get reads. I'll talk more in the morning.
What reads did you gain from your day-cop gambit?

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Circus #123 said:
Waitwaitwait. Ryu wasn't bull****ting the daycop claim? Well that's...not at all what I was expecting. Ryu, nameclaim please. Werekill, get the hell in here. Errbody stop voting for Werekill until we get a votecount. We're not hammering anyone yet, regardless of what anyone claims to "know" right now. In the meantime, catching up. Frio, IGMEOY so hard.
Did you believe RedRyu's day cop claim immediately?
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