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Majoras Mask Mafia! DGames' Longest Game Ends - Who Won?!?!?!?


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
Also, Raziek. Why did you suggest a Nabe information lynch when we should be trying to hit scum since we only have 9 people left and two killing factions?

However, I did just realize that a town or scum Nabe flip would totally clear Circus or condemn him, and I can honestly say that I wouldn't mind a Nabe flip. No offense, Nabe.

However, I'm not going to be pushing him.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
My main concern regarding the motivator role is the rationale behind using it early as N1. If the effect is compulsory i.e. the target MUST use their ability twice, then I suppose it could be yet another variation of a warped investigative role. However, I believe that using it so early is reckless, especially given the possibility of it being used on mafia. In such usage, does this lead to mafia getting two night kills? My personal play would have been to hold off on using the ability until it came down to a mass claim. Then I would have entertained using the ability.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Acrostic: What do you think about the idea that's been expressed by WK and I, the idea that the motivator could be mafia? Also, what do you think of the following?
It's scummy that you're legitimizing J's poisoner claim as a potential actual play, rather than casting it off as a clear and obvious joke. By suggesting that J might have rationally claimed poisoner and had reason to do so, then you're suggesting to everyone that J had reason to think there was poison in the game, and you're also suggesting that our cries of "poisoner, poisoner" have actual merit since you're treating them as such.

This was a fake push, obviously. Reactions cast Acrostic in a poor light and Inferno in a good one, seeing how he didn't grab onto it. He reads shallowly, and as scum, he might've seen this as an opportunity rather than something to toss aside.
My reasoning for why you're scummy.
You didn't give an answer I found believable.

More so you defending the claim rather than passing off a joke like it would have been had you not commented like you did.

Instead you said he claimed Indy, to anyone reading that it didn't look like a claim, you passed it like a claim when no one said he claimed indy poisoner.

That is why I didn't like what you said.
A strong point from Ryu.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Oh, I didn't talk about Kantrip at all after asking that question.

Kantrip died last Night as a combination of two factors, but much more the latter.

1) Kuz treated Kantrip as a role and hinted that he had reason to believe KantripTown, and
2) The following post from Kantrip.
I'm not sure what you mean, kuz.

I'm upset that I missed the hammer, I wanted to do that. :(

If I die before I wake, I want to look at Raz and Nabe.

Inferno on a townflip.

WK seems like bad town play, no offense intended.

My protect will be between Solid/J/kuz

I want Panta and dabuz to post more, I may look at them more too

Red Ryu seems town to me


/notes I made on notepad

Going to bed now, gnight
Only Circus actually commented on this, which is useless to me. Raz semi-commented on it by way of telling me it was WIFOM and saying Kantrip's kill pointed to me and that he wasn't going to speculate about it.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I took note of the suspicious green liquid and in conjunction with the comment stated by J, assumed that the action was result of a poisoner. I assumed that such a role would be indie, because there was a normal death and a "green liquid" death which I assumed was the trademark of another SK party. My explanation with regards to J's action was my attempting to see if J had a greater intent behind the claim that he chose to mask or a joke. That or if it was just a joke. I may have read into it too much. I don't believe I was defending myself. I've just been attempting to explain my thought process.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
However, I did just realize that a town or scum Nabe flip would totally clear Circus or condemn him, and I can honestly say that I wouldn't mind a Nabe flip. No offense, Nabe.
You didn't "just" realize this. You already commented on this prior to now, saying that my clear on Circus implied I was scum because you think Circus is scum.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
This setup really confuses me. Alive according to claim, we have a jailer, weak cop (hider), cop, a race changer, a census taker, and 4 VTs and T-Block is scum and/or a motivator (I really can't see a scum motivator). I really don't like the idea of 4 VTs alive and 2 town investigative roles. My gut says there's a scum member within the 4 VTs.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Having not read the game, I don't know how well that worked out, but, as much as I love Xiivi, my understanding is that Fire Emblem was as unbalanced as Mariah Carey. An Independent Motivator makes no sense. What incentive would an Indie Motivator have to motivate anyone?
A lot of people thin FE was unbalanced, imo the setup favored scum but it was no where near a broken set-up.

It was meant to give an indy a believable safe claim that was provable while being an indy. It causes chaos within the setp-up and is exactly what Xiivi wanted imo.

I took note of the suspicious green liquid and in conjunction with the comment stated by J, assumed that the action was result of a poisoner. I assumed that such a role would be indie, because there was a normal death and a "green liquid" death which I assumed was the trademark of another SK party. My explanation with regards to J's action was my attempting to see if J had a greater intent behind the claim that he chose to mask or a joke. That or if it was just a joke. I may have read into it too much. I don't believe I was defending myself. I've just been attempting to explain my thought process.
I don't think you did clearly, because you attempted once to confirm J tried to claim poisoner seriously. Honestly I have no clue why J posted that, which is the biggest puzzle to me about this ordeal.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
That's all very good.

@MOD: Can you confirm whether or not you're using some form of NAR?
The order of operations in this game is not public information.
@Mod: Can you confirm or deconfirm if a Motivator can motivate players who aren't in the same faction? If not, that's fine.
If there is a Motivator in this game then any details about their role is private information and won't be discussed

Votecount when I get some time later, sorry guys


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Also, Raziek. Why did you suggest a Nabe information lynch when we should be trying to hit scum since we only have 9 people left and two killing factions?

However, I did just realize that a town or scum Nabe flip would totally clear Circus or condemn him, and I can honestly say that I wouldn't mind a Nabe flip. No offense, Nabe.

However, I'm not going to be pushing him.
This was why I was suggesting Nabe over Circus. My computer crashed at a bad time last night, so I couldn't get on to finish with this.

If Circus flips Town it doesn't clear Nabe, only gives us connections.
If Circus were to flip scum, it would confirm Nabe scum, and put Red Ryu back into question.

If Nabe flips Town we confirm Circus and Red Ryu as Town.
If Nabe flips scum, then Circus is very likely Town, Red Ryu back into question.

I don't see both of them being scum, so Nabe's lynch is the better one from my perspective.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Also something I didn't note before, if Werekill is town Nabe is scum and vice versa.
This sounds really likely. Honestly I don't know who to believe between the two. Role wise I like werekill more, but the actions nabe has done sounds more believable. WK remind me who you targeted this night.



Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
You didn't "just" realize this. You already commented on this prior to now, saying that my clear on Circus implied I was scum because you think Circus is scum.
Sorry, worded badly. I meant that I just realized that I'm fine with a Nabe lynch.

The order of operations in this game is not public information.If there is a Motivator in this game then any details about their role is private information and won't be discussed

Votecount when I get some time later, sorry guys
Fair enough. Thanks for the response.

This was why I was suggesting Nabe over Circus. My computer crashed at a bad time last night, so I couldn't get on to finish with this.

If Circus flips Town it doesn't clear Nabe, only gives us connections.
If Circus were to flip scum, it would confirm Nabe scum, and put Red Ryu back into question.

If Nabe flips Town we confirm Circus and Red Ryu as Town.
If Nabe flips scum, then Circus is very likely Town, Red Ryu back into question.

I don't see both of them being scum, so Nabe's lynch is the better one from my perspective.
Just to clarify, are you saying indy as scum?

And yes, I'm starting to think this way. However, if Nabe flips indy, I think that Circus would be scum, not likely town. However, that may just be a simple opinion difference between the two of us, and I'll move on.

This sounds really likely. Honestly I don't know who to believe between the two. Role wise I like werekill more, but the actions nabe has done sounds more believable. WK remind me who you targeted this night.

I targeted Dabuz and got an inno, and the mod confirmed that I only get guilty scum.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I was saying Scum as just mafia. If one of them flips Indy that complicates things, and doesn't necessarily clear or condemn the other.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
There will be no teeth nor nails here.
I see that; thank you, good sir.

The Abductor is not a killing role. T-block should come back to the game if we kill the Abductor. And right now, I don't know what alignment the Abductor and Poisoner are, other than "not town." I suspect one of them is a member of the mafia.

But the poisoning and the abducting would have to happen at the same time in order to get the results we've seen. Poison kills its target the Night after it's used, so the poisoner must have targeted Solid N1, the same Night that T-block was abducted. The only way the Abductor and the Poisoner can be the same person is if that person can use both abilities on the same Night. That's an unlikely enough possibility that I dismiss it.
Maybe the poisoner/abductor can poison AND abduct, and the person who is poisoned on the abduction night dies the next night? And the abductor can only abduct one at a time or every other night?

I just don't think that X1 is weird enough to unbalance the setup by adding two detrimental to town indies, ya know?

I wasn't making an argument that you can't be Cop. I know how roles work, and I know you don't just get excluded from certain ones once you've had them several times.

However, since you have been Cop a couple times, I do know that you'd probably be pretty comfortable faking it if you had to fake a PR. Especially since you got to claim last. It's easy for scum to fake, you knew you wouldn't get CC'd, and you're familiar with how to play as Cop believably, since you've actually had to do it multiple times before (I bring this up because I've personally never been Cop in a mafia game).
Fair enough. I just thought it was bad that you were throwing that out there, and I didn't think it was a valid arguement.


I understand why you're making this argument, because you have to double down on your claim now, but this is still absolutely ridiculous. Motivator's are traditionally town. It doesn't make any sense for a Motivator to be indie (I should think it obvious why), and a scum Motivator would, in almost any set-up, be broken, because they would just motivate their scummates. If T-block is a mafia Motivator, then the mafia team would have to be even more nerfed than we previously thought, and the fact that he targeted me to be motivated still wouldn't make any sense. Obviously I know I'm town. But even from an outside perspective, why would T-scum motivate me, even if I were his buddy? Why wouldn't he motivate the NK?
As previously stated, I did my homework and found that the NK is not influenced by motivation. I've also addressed any other problems with thinking of a scum motivator, so I'll move on.

I will, however, say that I am liking a Nabe lynch more than a Circus lynch right now, and that lynch would decide what I think of you.

I'm glad you concede the points.
Thank you. This is one of the better, more civil arguments that I've had in mafia, and it's a refreshing change of pace.

Yes, I am better than this, as you so helpfully keep reminding me. That's why this isn't the bulk of my argument against you, but icing on the cake instead. I don't expect anyone to be swayed by the flavor. It's there for taste, not for substance.
Fair enough. You just remind me of Iago from Othello, which I will expand on later since the bell's about to ring for lunch to end.

You investigate people and Nabe gets innos on people he survives behind. Nabe essentially has partial Cop abilities.
Fair enough. However, I'm starting to not believe Nabe's claim, so that's why I partially agree with you on how it clashes.

Dabuz is someone that needs to be analyzed depending on how other flips work out, I think. You apparently cleared Dabuz, though that can be called into question if you're actually scum, and Inferno apparently jailed Dabuz, which, itself, could explain the lack of a Night Kill on D1. But unlike Inferno, I would assume that he blocked Dabuz from killing, rather than protecting Dabuz from getting killed, because I can't figure why scum would have wanted Dabuz dead the most. Dabuz is also one of the many VT claims we have, and I gotta believe one of them's faking. I don't think Kuz is, and I don't think Red Ryu is, at this point. That leaves Dabuz and Acrostic.
Fair enough. I also believe that one of the VT's may be lying, but I'm more against you and Nabe's claims for the moment.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
what is going on

Werekill being a cop is not incongruous with me being a hider, and vice versa. This is why I say that people haven't read my analysis. If you say you have, and then go on to say that cop can't exist with hider without countering my own reasoning as to how they can coexist, then that very clearly demonstrates you're full of ****.

Raz, respond to the posts I keep throwing at your face.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
My bad, meant to comment on that last night when my computer froze, forgot about it. Let me find the slip Laundry made it Gurren Lagann which is why I'm taking that as a slip.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
I took note of the suspicious green liquid and in conjunction with the comment stated by J, assumed that the action was result of a poisoner. I assumed that such a role would be indie, because there was a normal death and a "green liquid" death which I assumed was the trademark of another SK party. My explanation with regards to J's action was my attempting to see if J had a greater intent behind the claim that he chose to mask or a joke. That or if it was just a joke. I may have read into it too much. I don't believe I was defending myself. I've just been attempting to explain my thought process.
This isn't at all a response to what I asked you.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Alright back from a nachos break at midnight haha.

Now let's get down onto things that we need to realize because we have come to a point of mathematics. Simply put there are two players who want each other dead more then anything.

The final mafia member and the final indy member. Thing is, neither of them can win without having the other die. It is logically impossible to have as such and therefore they need to eliminate the other. If the indy does not kill the other mafia member, the mafia member will most likely win by dwindling down the players. The final mafia member cannot win unless the other killing faction is dealt with either. So basically they are both at a stand-point unless they kill the other or either one of them cannot fufill their win-con.

Let's just get to the bottom line fellas:

WL has just outed himself as one of either the indy or the mafia member. Therefore to the opposing side, he is the biggest target in the way of fulfilling their wincon. So to him, he needs to find out the other mafia member and by simple PoE, it's JTB. AA has an inno on him and I have proven that I am the one-shot vig. So both WL and JTB want the other dead to achieve their goal of winning the game soley for their faction.

Vote: No Lynch
vote: No Lynch

calling bull**** on confirming i'm the indy though. you don't know how gova reads indies.
I never said you were indy. ;) I said you were scum but thanks for telling us.
bbl weeping over my newbie mistake
That's why I'm not simply dismissing what I believe to be a slip.

As for Kantrip, I can see where you're coming from. I tend to get tunnel visioned during the twilight and didn't even realize he drew the NK.

And Nabe, I'm not pushing to end the day right now. I just wanted a clear idea of where everyone stands so we're not scrambling later.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
And no one has commented on what I've said about Kantrip, either.

The thread has somehow degenerated into a cluster**** overnight, and it's you who's been pushing lynch pools, and deadline over content when deadline's not in sight.
How is this a cluster****? We are getting information and a lynch pool. A lynch pool generally isn't a bad thing.

Raziek can you post a final list and the number of people supporting each person's lynch?



Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
id lynch nabe inferno or acro today
Raziek - Acrostic, Inferno, Nabe, Werekill
Circus - Acrostic, Inferno, Dabuz, Werekill
Red Ryu - Acrostic, Inferno, possibly Werekill
Dabuz - Acrostic, Inferno, Nabe
Inferno - Acrostic, Nabe, Werekill
Nabe - Acrostic, Werekill, Raziek
Acrostic - Nabe
Werekill - Circus, Acrostic, Raziek, Dabuz
Kuz - Acrostic, Inferno, Nabe


Acrostic - 8/9
Inferno - 5/9
Nabe - 5/9
Werekill - 5/9
Dabuz - 2/9
Raziek - 2/9
Circus - 1/9

There we go.

Realistically, we're looking at Acrostic, Inferno, Nabe, or Werekill.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
That's why I'm not simply dismissing what I believe to be a slip.

As for Kantrip, I can see where you're coming from. I tend to get tunnel visioned during the twilight and didn't even realize he drew the NK.

And Nabe, I'm not pushing to end the day right now. I just wanted a clear idea of where everyone stands so we're not scrambling later.
I know you're not pushing to end the day, and I never said as much. But you've placed us in a situation where everyone is shouting about lynches and about ending the day. No one has acknowledged anything I've said toDay, which means I'm having to pull up my old quotes every 24 hours for the sake of getting them responded to. No one is scumhunting, everyone is out for blood.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
That's why I'm not simply dismissing what I believe to be a slip.
This is hilarious. It also has nothing to do with Acrostic, who very reasonably assumed that a poisoner would be indy.

Everybody in the thread who has thus far not responded to me:
You need to explicitly state why you think Acrostic is scummy and why you have him in your lynch pool.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Thank you raziek. Seeing all the choices of who to lynch, werekills strikes me as the most odd. Yeah he has acrostic but circus, raziek and dabuz are on there. Not only that but he said he investigated dabuz and got an inno. I don't like it.

@nabe-mainly the poisoner bit and acro talking about him claiming indy. Raziek's post on WL makes me more comfortable with hit



Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I don't see why the poisoner must be Indy. Why can the posioner not be a mafia one-shot ability? Does that not make sense if Inferno's JK claim is true, which does not protect from poison?

Does Indy Abductor, Mafia poisoner make sense? If not, who has the abduct?


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
People need to take a stance on the possibility of a mafia poisoner.
I find the idea of Mafia Poisoner to be plenty believable. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that we are missing a Motivator, I would have no trouble believing that T-block could be said Mafia Poisoner. That's actually kind of what I was leaning toward until we got to the end of the claims and we ended up with no one taking credit for the N1 motivation.

People need to take a stance on the possibility of an indy pair.
I don't really have a strong stance on this; sorry if it makes you rage. I don't see anything to suggest indy pair, outside of the fact that both Abductor and Poisoner could be indy. But indy pairs mostly only make sense to me as lovers, and we've already seen Town lovers this game. Plus, lovers typically wouldn't have bonus powers like this. If the Abductor and Poisoner are both indy, then I would expect them to be separate indies. But I think they're probably not both indies.

Acrostic is scummy due to the way he fumbled his reaction to J's poisoner post, as well as the way I've seen him tweak the truth to manipulate how certain players/claims look. Here is a good example of what I mean.

As mentioned before, I find Nabe's claim to be awkward. For one, I disagree with Circus that it directly contradicts with Werekill's cop claim. Hider essentially protects itself from the night kill and also verifies the target at the same time. In other words, it strikes me as a make-shift between being both a cop and a jailer, sort of a survivor-cop and the main thing that bothers me is that my personal experience with survivors has been them mostly as third party.
He starts out describing Nabe's claim as being like a cop mixed with a jailer, which is not really accurate, but innocuous enough. Then that immediately becomes "survivor-cop," which would be alright if he were just talking about a "Cop-that-tries-to-survive," but by the end of the post, we know he's trying to imply that Nabe is independent by associating him with the idea of an Independent Survivor. This looks dishonest to me.

This post by Acrostic bothers me too, because he's trying to make the point that Werekill claiming Cop is controversial due to Nabe already claiming Hider, and he doesn't think scum would risk saying something controversial. Even though claiming Cop is almost never controversial, and he already disagreed with me about the Hider and Cop claims being conflicting. If the Hider and Cop claims don't conflict, then there's no controversy, right? Having cake and trying to eat it.

It certainly doesn't help that Acrostic is defending Werekill from all sides here, and I find Werekill scummy now.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Also, the more I think about it, the more I hate the fact that Werekill claims that his guilty results only apply to mafia. It means that he can claim an innocent on an indie and say that's just the way his role works, which means he doesn't have to be able to prove his role by finding us an indie. The mafia knows who all the mafia are, which is why it's easy for them to determine who town is. But if there are indies, then that mucks up a mafioso's ability to fake Cop...unless you fake a Cop that can't distinguish between Town and Independent.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
And we all forgetting that this setup should not have three protective in it, regardless of how many kills there are unless one of them is scum aligned.

I personally see no reason why Inferno couldn't be a mafia jailer whose targets weren't protected correctly from an indy poison (he would be trying to roleblock his targets if he wasn't protecting his fellow mafiat, he could just be a scum RBr). Or I couldn't see why Nabe couldn't be an indy hider who hides from the other faction's kills and abducts and still dies if he hides behind mafia.

There's no way that all three of those protective are town aligned. No way in ****ing hell.

And yes, Nabe, I have read your setup speculation numerous times and all you're doing is listing out an arbitrary balance system and then concluding that this could plausibly exist.

No way in hell it does.

Also, Naybor, get at my 2834.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
And we all forgetting that this setup should not have three protective in it, regardless of how many kills there are unless one of them is scum aligned.
What are you considering the third protective? The Commuter?

Or I couldn't see why Nabe couldn't be an indy hider who hides from the other faction's kills and abducts and still dies if he hides behind mafia.
I would personally find it more likely that Nabe is simply the Abductor and lied about hiding behind me and Red Ryu. Or, if he is a Hider/Abductor, then he abducted T-block N1 and hid behind Red Ryu N2, lying about hiding behind me N1.

I might be able to warm to a Nabe lynch. I'm actually not so interested in lynching Inferno at this point.
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