Charging Limit All Day
Ok, so here's our list.Claims thus far:
Raziek - Link, Deku (at the moment), Town JoaT
th3kuzinator - Lulu, Zora, VT
Red Ryu - Business Scrub, Deku, VT
dabuz - Toto - Zora, VT
Nabe - ???, Unclassified, Town Hider
Circus - Mayor Dotour, Human, Town Census Taker (Or whatever is was called)
Werekill - Goron Elder, Goron, Town Sane Cop
Acrostic - Madame Aroma, Human, VT
Inferno3044 - Sakon, Human, Town Jailkeeper
Circus Census'd 5 humans and 3 unclassifieds Night 1.
Panta - Confirmed
Solid - Confirmed
So nothing sticks out there. One of them might be scum and human, but no immediate race discrepancies.
John - Confirmed
One of our unclassifieds isn't present, which means someone in the other groups is lying.
My Lynch Pool (No particular order):
Kuz - Two Zora VTs and a cleared Dabuz is a problem.
Ryu - Claimed VT, but didn't CC me. Only "cleared" by Nabe.
Nabe - Unverifiable role. Could be one of the Unclassifieds fakeclaiming as the same race.
Inferno - Hella Sketchy role, Unverifiable jails.
Acrostic - J claimed poisoner.
Circus, do you have a census result to narrow things down further?