Since you didn't tell me where the post was, I had to look for it myself, J. Thanks.
Less and less because of the attitude you reacted towards Xastrn's wagon.
The reason why I am bringing up your attitude is like you are acting like you know that he won't have a believable claim to save his butt nor do you even try and give him the benefit of the doubt..
Ok then, here's my question. If a player has been acting EXTREMELY scummy all day and claims something like, say, VT, would you find a reason to not lynch him? Barring a claim like cop or enabler of some sort (like in Ragnarok), there is no real reason to believe most claims.
John is a great example of this: his claim is pretty bad, and his scummy behavior makes him seem worse. Do you find a reason to believe his claim just because he claimed some form of PR? You're smarter than this.
Plus, I kept on asking you to give me answers to how Xastrn had more connections then Circus but you never showed through as far as I recalled. I asked you this twice and so did Kanty
That can be explained with sheer laziness, being busy with other things, and not wanting to reveal who I thought was confirmed town by the flip. If enough people think a person is confirmed town after a flip, wouldn't scum hit that person during the Night?
Of course, the first two reasons are bigger than the last two.
When started up an argument with Kantrip that I didn't like and agreed with more of Kantrip's posts than yours was another reason. I also don't like that you are continuing to push Kanty but nothing yet to back it up (Hypocrite thy name is me till this post) However, you have been dropping suspicion of Kanty since yesterDay so I thought you'd have more prepared, that just may be a false premise on my behalf.
And I've mostly dropped Kanty because most of his posts can honestly be explained by bad play/newness. I've already said this, I believe.
And oh no, I was pressuring him by pushing him on a few points that didn't have much weight behind them? Lynch me now; that's scummy as all hell. [/sarcasm]
One final thing is stuff like this that leaves a bad taste with me.
*blah blah my annoyed at Xasty stuff*
I say that I don't like what you had been doing with this because it seems fake and then you just go "Oh well I was just annoyed." and then you do it again to making an out of game shout-out to Xastrn saying you weren't expecting it.
It's kind of like the reverse of why some people don't like Raz' comment about Xastrn. He said he was proud of his hitting Xastrn on the head for being scum while yours is more you proclaiming your disappointment for Xastrn actually lying.[/QUOTE]
So it seemed fake that I was aggravated that Xasty said that he was town? Considering the fact that he did in fact flip scum, I have a question for you. What does being fake, if it was (and it wasn't) indeed fake, reveal about me? There isn't much information you can glean from that situation other than "it sounded fake," and there's no real reason to push it.
And I can't make shout outs to people outside the game? This is either a playstyle difference that you don't like or you reaching for things to use against me.
As for your last paragraph, yes, I was saying that I was disappointed. If he had flipped town I can see why you would push this, but like I said earlier, I see no reason why me "sounding fake" was scummy in that situation.
I'm liking you a bit less now, J, and if we weren't looking so hard at John right now, I would be tempted to REALLY look into your posts.
Do I really need to repeat what everyone has been saying?
"Sea Turtle" as a name sounds funny, the power itself seems useless now since he didn't just not reveal what days he's invincible when he claimed, a turtle swimming into town isn't that flavorful, bla bla bla. In combination with prior scummy behavior, I see no reason to not lynch him.
Also, I have a question for John, so I'll bold his name and make it bigger since this is the middle of the post.
JOHN! Where did your role pm say that you were commuting to?
Votecount 2.8 [7/13] Deadline 23rd October!
Raziek [1] - Nabe
Overswarm [3] - MOD, MOD, MOD
Solid [2] - OS, John2k4
Panta [0]
Red Ryu [0]
dabuz [0]
Nabe [0]
Circus [0]
Werekill [0]
John2k4 [4] - Solid, J, Inferno, RR,
Kantrip [0]
J [1] - dabuz
Inferno3044 [0]
Not Voting [5] - Werekill, Raziek, Circus, Panta, Kantrip
Although I still find the 3 mod votes to be ridiculously stupid, I'm not going to refer to that here.
What time does the Day end? All we have is a date.