Just putting this on the front page for now so everyone can see it. I'll move it to the outhouse soon.
A number of people need housing!
- Dekar/Redact
- Nova/Apollo
- Atilla bro?
- Sydney people
I'm gonna ramp up planning and stuff soon. Finished work for the year now so uber amounts of free time!

Fraser Island Trip?
A number of people need housing!
- Dekar/Redact
- Atilla bro?
- Sydney people
I'm gonna ramp up planning and stuff soon. Finished work for the year now so uber amounts of free time!
Fraser Island Trip?
would you and tibi like to join SD and i in a road trip the following monday/tuesday to fraser island? i mentioned expressions of interest for this a page back! i can organise some sort of cheap itineary for those interested
yeah i should probably throw up some images to tempt more people into going:
not to mention, there will be dingoes to be found. squeeee!