Legacy Dredge is so lulzy. Play Breakthrough win game. At least Vintage Dredge has the disadvantage of being locked out of mana when it gets Bazaar going. And even good ANT decks still have ~25 0 mana cards - Breaking LED in response to Ill-Gotten Gains, Infernal Tutor, Ad Nauseum, or
Yawgmoth's Will Past in Flames is just too good to pass up. ANT versus Dredge finals are a clear indicator that nobody in your area owns/can afford Tarmogoyfs though.
Ha, yeah, Dredge is funny.
However, I think the lack of Goyfs was just due to the fact that no one there (other than my friend) was running much green. Since most of the top 4 was comprised of dual land owners, I don't think cost was an issue.
Helix Pinnacle? So your friend wasn't playing Glimpse of Nature Elves but rather Old School ElfBall? Okay, I can kinda respect that.
Ha, yeah, he was. He has an infinite p/t combo with Archruid/that other elf with similar mana effect + an untapping equipment that pump, but other than, it's old school elf ball.
What was the WW guy playing? Was it aggressive or more like White Stax? What did he search for with Stoneforge Mystic?
He had been playing for a long time and was mostly on hiatus, so he surprisingly didn't run Stoneforge. He had a pretty complete and aggressive deck, though.
Lotus Petals are kind of cheap, I'm surprised you didn't find any. Ancient Tomb and Mishra's Factory I could understand more though, but you could have replaced Factory with any blue or colorless manland really. You don't need a second Emrakul, you can do fine with Emrakul plus something else that wins the game by being on the board (Blightsteel, Iona, Sphinx of the Steel Wind, Terastodon, Inkwell Leviathan, Akroma, Spirit of the Night, etc.).
Yeah, they are, but they just didn't have any in store. As for the second Emrakul, he just comes in handy when something exiles the other one and/or I simply get unlucky and draw one of them without a brainstorm or see beyond to put it back in.
What is your draw package for your deck? Just the standard Brainstorm/Ponder/Preordain? If so, are you running all 12 (or at least 10)? If yes to all of those, you must've just been getting crap draws that whole day.
I'm running all 12 of those plus 2 see beyonds, so yeah, I had crap draws, haha. It wasn't because of shuffling either; I did my typical 4-5 riffles then two or three pile shuffles.
So you got Emrakul out twice and still lost? The power of Slivers.
Lol, yeah. It was an amazing match. She really just got kinda lucky with getting out the sliver that let's other slivers sac themselves to destroy creatures. I don't run him in my personal Slivers, though. because I'm in Bant colors.
Anyway, I went to the launch for DKA! I did ok for my first limited event (sealed), and I pulled a Mikaeus (lunarch), Vorapede, and a Past in Flames! I also got a box for DKA, but I didn't pull too much good stuff (IE no Sorin). I got plenty of stuff to make me happy, though.