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[M-1,7,15,18] PikMafia - The End! Scum Wins!


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
I'm town jailkeeper which is a Doc/Roleblocker combination

N1 I jailed tandora

N2 I jailed Swiss this means that Swiss could not possibly have investigated me N2

N3 I jailed McCloud

I was using my ability more as a roleblocking ability then a protecting ability, because I didn't want to block power roles.

Vote: Swiss


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
One of me and Riddle is scum.

I was using my ability more as a roleblocking ability then a protecting ability, because I didn't want to block power roles.
Why would you jail people if you WERE afraid of blocking power roles? This makes no sense.

Why would you not protect players you thought were town? Jailing gives you little information, and doesn't always benefit town. After Green died we all knew ONLY scum were NK'ing, so a real player with your role would have protected.

Riddle is scum.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
No I was trying to block scum from killing and using there other power roles. I didn't want to block town PRs from getting more information. Feel free to disagree with who I jailed, but that was my reasoning for it.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
That's pretty ****ed convenient for you.

I mean; I'm scum, you jailed me but it happened to do nothing 'cuz I'm not the right type of scum.

I also like how you used your role poorly - and have no actual information to give to town.

If there is a doc they should protect me tonight - I'll investigate either Zen or Chuckie, probably Zen.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
And though it goes without saying, doc should NOT claim.

That way scum won't know if there is one and I'm protected, or if there isn't - but they'll need to NK me.



Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Annnnnd Swiss pulls the "Thats convenient" card

Textbook scum play.

And I didn't use my role poorly, I caught you in a contradiction and found scum.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
You said you got a night result N2 when I jailed you. Thats a contradiction.

I don't care if youre textbook scum, saying "thats convenient" is a very common thing for scum to do. Look at Cartoon Cartoons mafia, where the exact same thing happened.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
YOU contradicted me? I also contradicted you, then.

I said I investigated you, you said there is no possible way I could have. You did not 'contradict' me (that's more pedantic, though). You implied in you statement you had 'shown I was scum' when all you've done is say I mus be scum 'cos you aren't. This is not scumhunting, or particularly useful.

It is **** convenient, I don't care if a scum said it recently - you 'jailed' me and call me scum, now you call me the scum that didn't send the NK. I'm not saying I HAVE to be town, but there are a lot of 'lucky' coincidences in your story.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Ok, we're still alive, good. *puts on LYLO hat.*

First things first, it's time we all full claimed. Riddle and Zensei, I assume you are both power roles so we want results as well. There is no harm in doing this, we must use all info available to us to win this.

@McCloud, are you going to care about the game? Because that'd be nice since you didn't get lynched.

I want everyone to post your top 2 suspects for scum. And why. Also @Zensei, why are you asking for opinions without posting your own first?

Kat thinks Swiss and Zensei. I still think McCloud could replace Swiss, but I haven't been thinking all that rationally. Overall, from Vanz's perspective, either Swiss or Zensei should be the play toDay.

Sidenote: This music is making me crazy >.< quick let's get to page 19 :p
Everyone doesn't have to play like you. I find it bad to post thoughts before I question someone because they just end up parroting what I say when I want to know their thoughts.

And @ your bus thing. You could have easily bussed Swords early to make yourself look good. Looking back on it, you're starting to look more and more suspicious. It's extremely odd that Swords had little to no defense D2. It's like he didn't even try. And then this:
Vote: Swords

Chuckie is way to good at this.
Why would he just give in like this? It makes no sense, at least from the perspective that Swords wanted to live. However it doesn't seem like that at all. He made no attempts to defend himself and then he even voted himself, as if the goal was for him to die all along. And why would he want to die? To make you look good thus avoiding pressure and suspicion for the rest of the game. "Chukie is wat to good at this." This has phony written all over it. It only makes you look good when scum's intentions should be to make townies look bad.

Another thing that leads me to believe this is the case is the fact that you pressed so hard on Sword's D2 over something so small. You hardly looked into anybody else that day like you were going with Swords no matter what. How were you so sure he was scum? The only way you could have been so sure is that you are scum.

Had you not reacted this way to my lack of scummy vibes from McCloud and his suspicion on you, I most likely would not have caught this. Your vote on McCloud yesterday was "supposed"] to be temporary, I assume to get him more active? Yet you ended up keeping it on him only after he stated that he still found you suspicious, then you go after me simply because I didn't see him as all that scummy. You abandon the "temporary" and continue to push for McClouds lynch and now mine.

McCloud: Chuckie is suspicious.
Zensei: Yeah he is kind of fishy.
Chuckie: Oh my gosh you suck, NO ONE is supposed to be suspicious of me! McCloud & Zensei are scum!

FoS: Chukie

Swiss why did you wait until just now to claim? If you got result of Riddle being scum, why didn't you say so yesterday?? Also why did you investigate Vanz N1?

Riddle why did you jail Tanny N1? Why not Swiss?
and laziness is not an excuse -_-. You didn't answer the questions I asked you.

I agree that one of you is probably scum, and right now I'm leaning more towards Riddle being scum. Riddle, Swiss was right, it is convenient. Swiss states that he investigated you N2 and you say that you happened to jail him on the same day? Why didn't you jail him N1? Was he not suspicious to you then?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Swiss why did you wait until just now to claim? If you got result of Riddle being scum, why didn't you say so yesterday?? Also why did you investigate Vanz N1?
I don't know if we have a doc. I wanted another read without the certainty of death.

WRT to why I investigated Vanz, if you look at D1, you'll see him pushing hard and unreasonably on me. Plus I felt he went too hard on Green (regardless that Green was actually a good lynch). The only other player I could have investigated (imo) was Riddle. Plus it's good I did do it this way round, as now I'd probs have Riddle as confirmed town and some townie on the block as confirmed scum.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I agree that one of you is probably scum,
One of us HAS to be scum. We have now narrowed today's lynch to just Riddle or myself.

Even if there were only one scum remaining so they can't quickhammer Townie Riddle - the contradictions between our two cases and roles mean that one of us if certainly scum.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
McCloud said:
Riddle why did you jail Tanny N1? Why not Swiss?
and laziness is not an excuse -_-. You didn't answer the questions I asked you.

I agree that one of you is probably scum, and right now I'm leaning more towards Riddle being scum. Riddle, Swiss was right, it is convenient. Swiss states that he investigated you N2 and you say that you happened to jail him on the same day? Why didn't you jail him N1? Was he not suspicious to you then?
I saw that Green flipped indy and tandora pushed Green pretty hard.

I found Swiss suspicious before, so it makes sense for me to jail him based on my logic.

And no I cant talk to people with this version of jailkeeper.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I saw that Green flipped indy and tandora pushed Green pretty hard.
But as he was indy, Tan couldn't have been buddied with him, so what about the pressure made you suspicious of him?

Also, Vanz pushed him harder than Tan did.

What you say doesn't make sense. Also, again I see you can't talk to McCloud, the guy you jailed - another convenient (oh noez scum slip) position for you to not have any actual evidence of your claim.

It seems that everytime you could actually prove yourself, you explain why infact, you can't.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Its not 'convenient', its the truth.

Tandora wasn't buddying him obviously >.>. Do you mean bussing?
But do you agree that, if you were scum, these are the answers you would HAVE to give to avoid outing yourself as scum?

I meant Tan clearly wasn't aligned with him as he was indy, and as such could not have been bussing him.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Chukie doesn't exist thankfully. Let's begin with this entrancing video of Chuckie's imagination:


So, after watching that... wouldn't you agree Zensei that Swords' bomb claim was designed to reach endgame? And don't you also agree that it worked, until we brought up the issue of him lying?

It would have been more beneficial for us to maximise the longevity Swords' claim offered because that's exactly what it was designed for. There was simply no necessity for us as scum to bus that hard and actually kill him, especially considering he could have been alive now as a near-confirmed townie, thus greater odds for a scummy victory =D

In addition, wii could have also let Swords live under the guise of a townie considering he would have escaped without our intervention. The recreation of that bus from Chuckie could have been done at a much more convenient time later if he was ever questioned again. The fact he was offered the chance of near-immortality and wii actively destroyed that opportunity for him is almost counter-productive if we were scum, and points to our crusade on Swords' play as being more genuinely townie than scummy IOO.

Also, I didn't push swords on something small at all!!!... Also Vanz will answer points regarding McCloud because it's late for me! We're like a tag-teaming hydra with 24 coverage :chuckle:

@McCloud:- The "how convenient" card is one you're using against adumbrodeus in LOTR right now. Isn't it odd you'd take a completely different stance here? explain explain explain! Why is Swiss' use of "how convenient" any different?

@Riddle:- why didn't you ever protect Chuckie? Also talk us through your targets and why you decided to jail them!

@Swiss:- ^ as above - talk us through your targets if you can. Why didn't you investigate Katatatata N1 considering he pushed for you the hardest that Day? Why didn't you push for a Riddle lynch harder before now?

Also, I think we should all fully name/role-claim now so we can be organised - We've fully claimed already but to repeat:- we're the purple pikmin, the overt town doublevoter.


je suis l'agent du chaos.
Jul 30, 2005
&quot;So foul and f-air a day I have not seen.&quo
@Chuckie I think Swiss is getting at something different. The actions directly go against their rival actions, whereas in lotr mafia (lolmeta) adum's claim of "how convenient" doesn't apply directly to me. I could say how convenient that adum tracked summoner n1 and "saw" him go to OS, and then saw Vrael again "visit" Swiss, but I didn't. Instead I pointed out that it's an unlikely action.

Wait, which game am I playing again?


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Everyone doesn't have to play like you. I find it bad to post thoughts before I question someone because they just end up parroting what I say when I want to know their thoughts.
Uh, over reaction much? I just asked you a question and you instantly put a "everyone doesn't have to play like you" vibe in there. Stop trying so hard to incriminate me with no real reason.

And @ your bus thing. You could have easily bussed Swords early to make yourself look good. Looking back on it, you're starting to look more and more suspicious.
No. On Day 2 we were semi-confirmed purple pikmin. Chaco's flip made us 99.99% confirmed. By the nature of the game, it's almost accepted that all 5 coloured Pikmin are in the game (regardless of alignment).

If we were scum and had known that the blue pikmin were also scum, outing this to town is almost the WORSt possible move, because at that stage everyone was assuming that pikmin = town, and that scum probably just had pikmin for name claims.

Yes it's WIFOM, but the two sides of the spectrum are SO uneven that lynching Swords just downright doesn't make sense from a scum perspective.

1. Getting your scum mate lynched is bad for scum
2. Outing the possibility that pikmin can be scum (when you end up being 99.99% confirmed as a pikmin by a TOWN power role) is bad for scum

And what are the positives? We get town cred for lynching scum?

You're acting like we have some halo above our head that brightly proclaims us to be town, yet both you and McCloud (and Swiss yesterDay) have ALL said you're suspicious of us. Is that not contradictory in itself?

It's extremely odd that Swords had little to no defense D2. It's like he didn't even try. And then this:
Why would he just give in like this? It makes no sense, at least from the perspective that Swords wanted to live. However it doesn't seem like that at all. He made no attempts to defend himself and then he even voted himself, as if the goal was for him to die all along. And why would he want to die? To make you look good thus avoiding pressure and suspicion for the rest of the game. "Chukie is wat to good at this." This has phony written all over it. It only makes you look good when scum's intentions should be to make townies look bad.
More reaching.

Another thing that leads me to believe this is the case is the fact that you pressed so hard on Sword's D2 over something so small. You hardly looked into anybody else that day like you were going with Swords no matter what. How were you so sure he was scum? The only way you could have been so sure is that you are scum.
Kat caught Swords on Day 1. Quote from our masonry (I'd link you to it, but I'm very sure this would be against the rules):

Katatatatatata said:
"Kat, a quick question. If green flips indy, what will be your new read on swiss?"

^I find that to be a very off question.

Something I've noticed... When we pushed for Swiss, Swords has always wanted Green to go first, which is interesting.

Looking at this question, what utility does this serve coming from swords? The assumption I made from my fake post, aka Swiss is town if Green is, is silly. Afterall, how can I make such a strong assumption like that D1...?

This is why I believe Swords' question to have a deeper connotation... He directly interacted with my fake post with a question to elaborate on my assumptions... but why should he take them to be meaningful at this time after I had accused people of making such surefire assumptions earlier on? Should Swiss flip scum, I'd like to pressure Swords, because I feel his question is, instead, probing me from a scum-perspective to see if I will backoff swiss in the future... considering he's been pushing Green much, much more. This also makes me feel nervous about the Night actually because if we are on the right track, then scum will want us gone!

Green flipping town will consolidate a Swiss/Swords pairing to me, whereas Green flipping scum will make me think Swords is slightly more townie.

We'll need to look into swords more imo anyway! Also I'll make that post!
Kat had a very good reason to push Swords on Day 2.

Had you not reacted this way to my lack of scummy vibes from McCloud and his suspicion on you, I most likely would not have caught this. Your vote on McCloud yesterday was "supposed"] to be temporary, I assume to get him more active? Yet you ended up keeping it on him only after he stated that he still found you suspicious, then you go after me simply because I didn't see him as all that scummy. You abandon the "temporary" and continue to push for McClouds lynch and now mine.
I changed my mind temporarily to put pressure on McCloud yes. And I did it with the deeper connotation of seeing how YOU specifically would react. It's what I was doing most of Day 2. I voted Kirby wanting to see how Swiss would react (to see how connections I had theorised played out) and then I voted Swiss to see how others would react. Same thing.

I decided that a McCloud flip was a good way to use town's last mislynch. He was a wild card. He had formed basically NO connections with ANYONE. He wasn't getting suspicion because he'd been V/LA all game. Now while that isn't inherently scummy, I didn't want to have to pick between him and someone else come LYLO/MYLO.

McCloud: Chuckie is suspicious.
Zensei: Yeah he is kind of fishy.
Chuckie: Oh my gosh you suck, NO ONE is supposed to be suspicious of me! McCloud & Zensei are scum!
And McCloud said he was suspicious of us because of the free pass stuff (which was a misunderstanding on HIS part. Not ours).

Also Zen, why have you STILL not claimed. You're the white Pikmin ffs. Was your role ever activated?


With regards to the Swiss/Riddle coin flip, I really can't see Riddle as scum. Swiss turning up with a guilty result, but not sharing it UNTIL LYLO just reeks of scum to me.

And to everyone suggesting that this ISN'T LYLO. No. 9 : 3 : 1 is quite a standard set up for mafia games. So we have to treat this as lylo.

Swiss, as well as the questions you've already been asked, what's your flavour? I'd like to see it, because it bugs me that 3 of the 4 claimed non pikmin are Vanilla.


Finally @McCloud. Look back at the post I pointed out connections between you and Zensei. At the very least, if you're town can you not see how much he is attempting to buddy you? Can you not see WHY we would be suspicious of you? Please, understand the utility of eliminating a player that is just IMPOSSIBLE to read, for being V/LA most of the game. And couple in all the misunderstandings about free passes you had? Just think this over alright?

Vanz said:
If we get another person in the thread I'll switch to Kirby... 33 minutes guys... I'll be here till the end.
Kirby only had 1 vote, where as you had 3. If anything, by ensuring that I was around at the deadline, and keeping a suspect at L-1, I was very anti No Lynch.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Chukie doesn't exist thankfully. Let's begin with this entrancing video of Chuckie's imagination:

I dont...


So, after watching that... wouldn't you agree Zensei that Swords' bomb claim was designed to reach endgame? And don't you also agree that it worked, until we brought up the issue of him lying?

It would have been more beneficial for us to maximise the longevity Swords' claim offered because that's exactly what it was designed for. There was simply no necessity for us as scum to bus that hard and actually kill him, especially considering he could have been alive now as a near-confirmed townie, thus greater odds for a scummy victory =D

In addition, wii could have also let Swords live under the guise of a townie considering he would have escaped without our intervention. The recreation of that bus from Chuckie could have been done at a much more convenient time later if he was ever questioned again. The fact he was offered the chance of near-immortality and wii actively destroyed that opportunity for him is almost counter-productive if we were scum, and points to our crusade on Swords' play as being more genuinely townie than scummy IOO.

Also, I didn't push swords on something small at all!!!... Also Vanz will answer points regarding McCloud because it's late for me! We're like a tag-teaming hydra with 24 coverage :chuckle:
It's possible that it was designed to reach endgame, but it doesn't make sense because it contradicts every single one of Swords' other actions. He self voted not too long after claiming. And he made little defense of himself before or after that. So no, honestly I don't think it was an attempt for him to reach endgame. None of it adds up.

And you pushed Sword's over a single question which I thought was odd. Yes it was scummy, but the fact that you were so certain he would flip scum based off of just that is suspicious. Only scum would for sure know who was scum and who was not. Unless the question Swords asked is just some serious scum tell that I don't k now about, which I don't think it is.

Uh, over reaction much? I just asked you a question and you instantly put a "everyone doesn't have to play like you" vibe in there. Stop trying so hard to incriminate me with no real reason.
How was that incriminating? I just don't see what you were getting at with that question. It came off like you were just insulting my play. My bad if that wasn't the case <_<..

No. On Day 2 we were semi-confirmed purple pikmin. Chaco's flip made us 99.99% confirmed. By the nature of the game, it's almost accepted that all 5 coloured Pikmin are in the game (regardless of alignment).

If we were scum and had known that the blue pikmin were also scum, outing this to town is almost the WORSt possible move, because at that stage everyone was assuming that pikmin = town, and that scum probably just had pikmin for name claims.

Yes it's WIFOM, but the two sides of the spectrum are SO uneven that lynching Swords just downright doesn't make sense from a scum perspective.

1. Getting your scum mate lynched is bad for scum
2. Outing the possibility that pikmin can be scum (when you end up being 99.99% confirmed as a pikmin by a TOWN power role) is bad for scum

And what are the positives? We get town cred for lynching scum?

You're acting like we have some halo above our head that brightly proclaims us to be town, yet both you and McCloud (and Swiss yesterDay) have ALL said you're suspicious of us. Is that not contradictory in itself?
You're right, it is WIFOM. Most of you/kat's defense has been WIFOM. You can say that's a possibility, but it's only a possibility. You can say that it would benefit you more to do X. But that doesn't mean you couldn't have taken the risk of a Y path. The only way for peoples true intentions to come to light is to look at the facts.

-swords made little defense under chuckie pressure
-swords self voted.
-swords states that "chukie is too good".

As I said to Kat Chuckie, these facts lead to the conclusion that Swords had little intention on living. And the only person this would benefit is you.

I have reasons for my accusations, to say I'm trying to incriminate you without much reason is just false. Not to mention you are being hypocritical as you are doing that very thing by trying to connect me to McCloud. I have made no attempts to buddy him in anyway. I've merely have been trying to get him to contribute more. The reason why I felt McCloud wasn't the play for yesterDay was because Kirbyoshi was A LOT more scummy to me and McCloud hadn't done anything that was particularly scummy. After I questioned his activity I went and read through another mafia game he is in (was in) and saw that his excuses were legit. Plus his play wasn't much different than it was here. That's the only reason why I let off of him. KY looked way more suspicious to me and McCloud just wasn't giving me as much scum vibes.

Also this is the second time you have said the blue pikmin instead of the red. I'm pretty sure Swords was red and Riddle is blue. I'm not going to go into this too much, as it could be a mistake, but for you (chukie) to make this mistake twice, I have high suspicion that this is a scum slip.

And McCloud said he was suspicious of us because of the free pass stuff (which was a misunderstanding on HIS part. Not ours).

Also Zen, why have you STILL not claimed. You're the white Pikmin ffs. Was your role ever activated?
This is another thing why I find you suspicious, and in fact why I have been a little suspicious of you since Day 2. I never received any role at all during this game and I never had one to begin with. You said that Non-chukie Vanz switched on an ability, but I have been vanilla the entire game and nothing has changed.

I was thinking that it might not have gone through because you died or perhaps I just didn't get any thing.. but you also may have been lying. This is just a bunch of contemplation so I didn't say anything about it earlier. My only thought for why you would hide this is if you actually switched on the purple pikmin instead, and thus you yourself gained an ability. That's why I was a little fishy D2-3 and also why I was wondering why McCloud had suspicions of you too (since they couldn't have been the same suspicions as mine).


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
I'm going to preface this with a big fat WHY NOW OF ALL TIMES?

Zen. If you thought we seemed "too sure" that Swords was scum, why didn't you mention it at the time?

Swiss. If you had a scum result on Riddle, why wait until LYLO? You know as well as I do that 50/50 flips should be dealt with earlier on. You don't let Town's chances of winning or losing rest on a 50/50 chance.

Next, there is an AMAZING hole in both you and zensei's story. Olimar was a town switch. He controlled 5 switches. Red, Blue, Yellow, White, Purple.

The nature of the role suggests that each of these switches controls a power role, relating to the RBYWP Pikmin. The only Pikmin so far that hasn't been revealed to have a power role (or claimed to) has been scum (Swords).

So for the White Pikmin to not have a power role... It just doesn't add up.

Secondly, the three claimed Vanilla Townies are ALL non pikmin. Swiss is the ONLY non pikmin with a power role, apart from Olimar + Louie + President.


And you pushed Sword's over a single question which I thought was odd. Yes it was scummy, but the fact that you were so certain he would flip scum based off of just that is suspicious. Only scum would for sure know who was scum and who was not. Unless the question Swords asked is just some serious scum tell that I don't k now about, which I don't think it is.
That's youre reason for being scum? Being too sure? Puh-LEASE.

How was that incriminating? I just don't see what you were getting at with that question. It came off like you were just insulting my play. My bad if that wasn't the case <_<..
No hard feelings.

You're right, it is WIFOM. Most of you/kat's defense has been WIFOM. You can say that's a possibility, but it's only a possibility. You can say that it would benefit you more to do X. But that doesn't mean you couldn't have taken the risk of a Y path.
Congratulations. You just answered your own question! Sure, our defense is WIFOM, but that's because your case against us is WIFOM.

You're saying "Swords self voted, yadayada" and arriving at the conclusion that "Chuckie is scum"

How else can we defend ourselves other then pointing out why scum wouldn't do what we did?

The only way for peoples true intentions to come to light is to look at the facts.

-swords made little defense under chuckie pressure
-swords self voted.
-swords states that "chukie is too good".

As I said to Kat Chuckie, these facts lead to the conclusion that Swords had little intention on living. And the only person this would benefit is you.
It's all WIFOM. I've made that much clear.

I have reasons for my accusations, to say I'm trying to incriminate you without much reason is just false. Not to mention you are being hypocritical as you are doing that very thing by trying to connect me to McCloud. I have made no attempts to buddy him in anyway. I've merely have been trying to get him to contribute more. The reason why I felt McCloud wasn't the play for yesterDay was because Kirbyoshi was A LOT more scummy to me and McCloud hadn't done anything that was particularly scummy. After I questioned his activity I went and read through another mafia game he is in (was in) and saw that his excuses were legit. Plus his play wasn't much different than it was here. That's the only reason why I let off of him. KY looked way more suspicious to me and McCloud just wasn't giving me as much scum vibes.
Nah we've decided that McCloud is probably Town. You and Swiss are the scum.

Also this is the second time you have said the blue pikmin instead of the red. I'm pretty sure Swords was red and Riddle is blue. I'm not going to go into this too much, as it could be a mistake, but for you (chukie) to make this mistake twice, I have high suspicion that this is a scum slip.
You're really reaching for ANYTHING to make us sound scummy.

I might as well point out how you called McCloud "McFox" for alot of the game. That looks like a pretty legit scum tell mirite?

This is another thing why I find you suspicious, and in fact why I have been a little suspicious of you since Day 2. I never received any role at all during this game and I never had one to begin with. You said that Non-chukie Vanz switched on an ability, but I have been vanilla the entire game and nothing has changed.

I was thinking that it might not have gone through because you died or perhaps I just didn't get any thing.. but you also may have been lying. This is just a bunch of contemplation so I didn't say anything about it earlier. My only thought for why you would hide this is if you actually switched on the purple pikmin instead, and thus you yourself gained an ability. That's why I was a little fishy D2-3 and also why I was wondering why McCloud had suspicions of you too (since they couldn't have been the same suspicions as mine).
This just doesn't add up.

@ Kat: You are Olimar's son, the Town Cop.

Chuckie, I believe you to be the scum partner. Thus Zen or McCloud is doc.
Um, what doc? Who claimed doc? Did you claim doc Kat? Nope?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Swiss. If you had a scum result on Riddle, why wait until LYLO? You know as well as I do that 50/50 flips should be dealt with earlier on. You don't let Town's chances of winning or losing rest on a 50/50 chance.
Uh, have you been paying attention? I didn't know what doc I was until I investigated Riddle. Claiming earlier than that would have been beyond stupid. I still pushed Riddle hard, I was trying to breadcrumb I knew he was scum - but couldn't make a real case on him. The earliest I could have claimed and had any actual info was yesterday, but I figured one more night of info would have been very useful. Plus I didn't wait until LYLO - I'd hoped we'd lynch scum yesterday and have an auto win for town. I'd also hoped doc would guess right. It is not my fault we mislynched yesterday. I also don't like how we can all now agree that the lynch changed from one townie to another townie at the last second. How can town that bad at scum hunting this late in the game? Chuckie has been very vocal about his lynches, and thus far, they have all been shown wrong.

Secondly, the three claimed Vanilla Townies are ALL non pikmin. Swiss is the ONLY non pikmin with a power role, apart from Olimar + Louie + President.

So other non pikmin players HAVE also had power roles. You just destroyed your own case.

Um, what doc? Who claimed doc? Did you claim doc Kat? Nope?
No-one has claimed, like I said they shouldn't. We DO NOT KNOW if there is a doc - but if there is, they can still be very, very useful. Why are you assuming there isn't a doc?

Why are you deliberately ignoring points I've made?

I'm proud you have now ruled out McCloud as being scum AFTER I did. Everything you and Riddle are doing and saying is happening AFTER I am saying my findings - so why should you, as a townie, be so slow to bring out facts which I as scum shouldn't be able to.


Almost certain Chuckie is the last scum. But we should lynch Riddle today, and I'll investigate Chuckie tonight, if he reads scum, Zen will be the last scum (I'm insane).

I have left it long enough now that scum would have easily quickhammered Riddle if he were town and I were town also. This means one of us HAVE to be scum (assuming a 2 man scum team left, which seems reasonable, if not certain, as according to Chuckie).

The lynch has been decreased from 2 chances in 5 of hitting scum to 1 chance in 2 of hitting scum.

Also if I die tonight, i.e. there is no doc - be careful of a Riddle & Zen scum team. I don't think it's likely, but we will NOT have a 100% win scenario with lynching Chuckie by default.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Next, there is an AMAZING hole in both you and zensei's story. Olimar was a town switch. He controlled 5 switches. Red, Blue, Yellow, White, Purple.

The nature of the role suggests that each of these switches controls a power role, relating to the RBYWP Pikmin. The only Pikmin so far that hasn't been revealed to have a power role (or claimed to) has been scum (Swords).

So for the White Pikmin to not have a power role... It just doesn't add up.

Secondly, the three claimed Vanilla Townies are ALL non pikmin. Swiss is the ONLY non pikmin with a power role, apart from Olimar + Louie + President.

@Zensei:- why would the town switch have control over something that was seemingly uncontrollable? Swords may have been a mafia goon, but he could still Night Kill. We are a town doublevoter, Chaco was a tracker. Riddle is a jailer. It points to each of the colours having something in terms of an ability, otherwise why on earth would they be under control in the first place? What do you offer that is controllable?

Also... wii declared the white one was turned on a long time ago. Why didn't you raise this issue before? - Your claim as vanilla townie, if you had come forward then and said "but I received no ability, I am vanilla", would imply the town switch was lying - and the town switch flipped town. This, to us, is in the same vein as Riddle vs Swiss, except it's half that because we have one flip already.

We should lynch Zensei first, and then have Riddle jail Swiss and observe the results.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss

Vanz died N1 and ONLY activated the WHITE switch.

How come Riddles switch, which wasn't activated still allowed him to use his powers?

You are a double voter but can't double vote as the purple switch wasn't flicked.

How come Riddle, the blue pikmin, the jailer, can still jail?

You just got found out.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
*Riddle just got found out, I mean.

If purple Pikmin can't use his powers, why can Riddle's Pikmin? NEITHER switch was flicked.



Town win!


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Oh really?

In case you skimmed, the RBY switches were all turned on by default. The white switch was turned on manually. The purple was left untouched.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Chuckie you're wrong. And I'm inclined to believe that you and Riddle are scum (As Swiss said). I'm more sure on Riddle however because one of them (Swiss or Riddle) is sure fire scum. Riddle has been playing scummy all game. I agree that Swiss has made some scummy remarks as well, but I think that's more of just how Swiss is, more noobish than scum, no offenese. and I know Riddle is a much better town player than the cruse along type of game he's been playing. The only other possibility fmpov is Riddle-McCloud, but the way you're pushing me and Swiss I think it's unlikely.

And of course you would use flavor- the one thing we will never be sure of until the game is over. That's exactly why I didn't mention I was vanilla before as I knew scum would try and pin that against me. People like Chaco and KY would go right a long with it.

(using wiinet. post more later.)


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
-Non-Chuckie Vanz was the switch.
-Non-Chuckie Vanz died before he could ever say any of his actions.
-Chuckie Vanz/Kat are the only ones who know what Non-Chuckie Vanz did. You are a completely different player than Non-Chuckie Vanz. You can't clear that you are town and your words are truth because Non-Chuckie Vanz flipped town.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Just went through everything, I'm staying solid on my position. And looking at the way things are, this pretty much comes down to Swiss and McCloud. I truly believe that Riddle & Chukie are a scum team here after going back through.

I think the safest choice would be Kat though, because even if I am wrong and there is still two scum, town will still have a chance to win if Riddle is telling the truth. As he could possibly block the NK and in that case say who he blocked and we would know Swiss was lying.

This pretty much comes down to Swiss and McCloud imo.

What is everyone's thought on this?


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Uh, have you been paying attention?

I didn't know what doc I was until I investigated Riddle. Claiming earlier than that would have been beyond stupid.

I still pushed Riddle hard, I was trying to breadcrumb I knew he was scum - but couldn't make a real case on him.
Why not? You know that if this were true, you would of claimed it when you realised that Town weren't going to lynch Riddle yesterDay. I know you're smarter than this Swiss. It's not like this is your first game of mafia. Town cop with half a brain would NOT do this.


Plus I didn't wait until LYLO - I'd hoped we'd lynch scum yesterday and have an auto win for town.
If you actually WERE the town cop, we WOULD of lynched scum yesterDay.

I'd also hoped doc would guess right. It is not my fault we mislynched yesterday.
Again with the doc thing, THEY COULD OF PROTECTED YOU. IT IS ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT. It is EVERYONE's fault. You weren't around at endgame. You played the whole "I've gotta re read card"

All you did was get mad at Riddle and waste your vote.

I also don't like how we can all now agree that the lynch changed from one townie to another townie at the last second. How can town that bad at scum hunting this late in the game?
Did you really just say that? You did basically NO scum hunting. Again, if you think Town were "that bad at scum hunting" why didn't you come forward and help us LYNCH SCUM.

Your whole story is so flawed. It's ridiculous.

Chuckie has been very vocal about his lynches, and thus far, they have all been shown wrong.
Oh, so because you sat back all Day 3 and said "OMG guys I don't know who to lynch?" we should all of a sudden trust you?

Day 1 we lynched an indy
Day 2 we lynched scum
Day 3 we lynched a Town player, based on the fact that we couldn't get enough support to lynch anyone else.

We've only mislynched once, and YOU could of stopped that. If you thought lynching Kirby/McCloud was wrong, and you had a CONFIRMED SCUM, why on earth did you do NOTHING.

Because you're scum.


So other non pikmin players HAVE also had power roles. You just destroyed your own case.
Yeah. IMPORTANT CHARACTERS like Louie and Olimar. Not Olimar's son ffs. That is a terrible fake claim.

No-one has claimed, like I said they shouldn't. We DO NOT KNOW if there is a doc - but if there is, they can still be very, very useful. Why are you assuming there isn't a doc?
I'm not. I'm making fun of you. And you're just twisting it into some accusation.

Why are you deliberately ignoring points I've made?
What points have you made that we've missed? We're not ignoring anything. Tell us what we've ignored.

I'm proud you have now ruled out McCloud as being scum AFTER I did. Everything you and Riddle are doing and saying is happening AFTER I am saying my findings - so why should you, as a townie, be so slow to bring out facts which I as scum shouldn't be able to.

This doesn't make sense. Since when is it a fact that McCloud is Town?

Saying I'm not the best at figuring out who is scum/dumb/town/whatever is not indicative of my alignment in any way.


Zensei, although I'm talking to myself hear, I'm going to make this PERFECTLY CLEAR.

There are likely 3 Town and 2 Scum. 8 : 3 : 1 is a mafia STANDARD. With so many power roles in the game, it's next to impossible that there would only be a 2 man mafia team. It's like Cartoons. Look at any other 12 player game. Nearly ALL of them have 3 man scum teams.

So if town lynches town toDay. We LOSE. There is no night time ****.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Zensei said:
And of course you would use flavor- the one thing we will never be sure of until the game is over. That's exactly why I didn't mention I was vanilla before as I knew scum would try and pin that against me. People like Chaco and KY would go right a long with it.
So you kept your "suspicions" of Chuckie bottled up about Chuckie, and don't decide that you should lynch him UNTIL LYLO. Just like Swiss. How convenient.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science

Zensei, although I'm talking to myself hear, I'm going to make this PERFECTLY CLEAR.

There are likely 3 Town and 2 Scum. 8 : 3 : 1 is a mafia STANDARD. With so many power roles in the game, it's next to impossible that there would only be a 2 man mafia team. It's like Cartoons. Look at any other 12 player game. Nearly ALL of them have 3 man scum teams.

So if town lynches town toDay. We LOSE. There is no night time ****.
I realize this. My theory is that if you did happen to flip town then there's a possible chance that Riddle is town too, thus he would be telling the truth and Swiss would be lying. If this were the case then that would mean that there would be 2 town and 2 scum. If Riddle blocks the NK then there would still be a chance. That's why I feel you would be a safer choice than Riddle. It's a small leap, but that's my reason for why I want people to vote you and not him.

So you kept your "suspicions" of Chuckie bottled up about Chuckie, and don't decide that you should lynch him UNTIL LYLO. Just like Swiss. How convenient.
I've mentioned quite a few times that I was suspicious of you, but it wasn't enough suspicion to really call you out on. I've been leaning towards you being townie most of the game since D2. It wasn't until the end of yesterDay and the start of toDay that my suspicious have increased.
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