@ Omni: Just because you have been making small post from your phone does not mean i could have nor should done so considering my status in this game. Do you honestly think that people would have been content with me posting incomplete, non-thourough stances on people in order to answer their questions
are you saying you're incapable of summarizing your thoughts into a single paragraph? or perhaps segmenting them? you make it seem like you're incapable of posting the same kind of posts you've been making in other games. dont tell me you cant do it; you're just refusing to do so
Hell no they wouldn't. And you probably would have loved for me to do that so you could rip it apart. The point is that based on my standing in the game, posting little posts with little depth wasn't going to show people that im town. In fact it wouldve just made me look even worse. So instead of doing that i actually waited until i had the time and means to put together a quality post before posting instead of distracting people with incomplete thoughts and cases.
you can post small posts and have depth in them. or at least have a point. a purpose. a motive. it's about the content of the post not how much words you type. u know this
I remember your original rebuttal to my analysis of you in early game but YOU seem to have forgotten my counter rebuttal, which in large part still stands and/or remains unanswered.
assuming this was ninja'd
So basically your response to my case on you is "you arent looking at all the protown stuff i've done" and appeal to the masses once again. Didn't expect you to use the same logical fallacy twice in a row so quickly. It really baffles me how people still have town reads on you.
assuming this was ninja'd.
im only holding hands with tom and spirit with marshEE and OS. people probably dont have town reads on me but they don't have "Omni is the play for toDay" reads. they're sensical and logical enough to know that there are bigger fish that are more appropriate for toDay's menu
You continue to fail to realize that i have taken your "protown" actions into account. As ive already said though multiple times, scum can and do do protown things all the time. If they dont they would never win. Its the scummy things that people do that are the most telling of their alignment, not their bread and butter standard townish actions. Just because you've done a phenomenal job of playing up the things youve done that seem pro town, down played your scummy aspects, and convinced a lot of people that you are legit and not just loud scum who seems protown to the non watchful eye, doesnt take away at all from my case on you and anlysis of your scummy behavior.
nah, dude. you omit a lot of statements and things i do. you've entirely ignored my scumhunting game towards the rest of the cast altho that was one of the largest issues you had with me early game. u dont acknowledge that our train of thought is somewhat consistent besides the obvious me vs. you and me vs. overswarm.
there's no such thing as too townie, frozen. i'm not playing anything up. the direct cause and effect of my actions cannot be questioned; only my intentions. if i am getting information out of people, pushing on inactives, asking good questions, pointing out interesting slips, etc. all of that could still me being scum but if they line up with majority of the cast as logical them im straight. i think that's where im at at the moment
how do you downplay scummy aspects? and i dont think i've attempted to convince people i'm not scum. i'm just playing my game and looking for scum. if you're with me you're with me. if you're not you're not. if u want to find me scummy looking you're going to have to make a good case cuz there really arent many holes in my game.
like im hitting you on your actions and how it directly effects the game. there is only small interpretation on my part on you being scummy. outside of that, it's you being active, you calling os' case solid, you almost being the play for 2 days, etc. that have been my driving point. you seem to do a LOT of interpretation of my actions and twist it to being scummy whereas there's not much for my to twist in regards to your play.
dont call my case empty just because i think you're scum. dont call people's thoughts on you not legit because you know you're not scum. you've portrayed this image mostly yourself. i'm not putting a twist to your gameplay. im calling it what it is straight from the surface and saying i dont like it
Any scum can seem protown. Acting protown is the easy part. Its weaving in and hiding the scummy intent thats the hard part and i've found yours.
no, you haven't found squat. hell, you said you found it early Day 1. my "scummy intent" mid-day Day 1? nah. you're latching. even if u think my scummy intent is there you continue to wear blinders and ignore much more problematic players in this game. there IS a problem with you wanting me to be the play and i will keep repeating this until you understand that
And btw making exaggerated statements that suggest everyone wants me to claim which iisnt true, and sayig **** like "oh i just wanna hammer him without a claim anyway" is bullying and appealing to masses, albeit false masses.
i dont exaggerate. im not bullying. im not appealing. im just being honest and saying whats on my mind.
i am, however, liking this exchange. playing smash for the evening but ill be around.