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[m-1, 14, 28] avril lavigne mafia - over


Where's my Jameson?
Mar 30, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Vote Count 12

Kirby-Bot (5) - MacMan, FrozenFlame, MarshEE, Chacotaco, vanderzant
Frozenflame (3) - Kirbyoshi, Overswarm, Omni
Omni (1) - Nicholas1024
Not Voting (4) - ZenSei, Tom, Meta-Kirby

With 12 Alive, It Takes A Vote Of 7 To Lynch!

DeadLine Is ThursDay July 22nd 11:59:59 PM EST.



You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
no @ the songs. steel isn't a new mod. scum has safe claims. i repeat, SCUM HAS SAFE CLAIMS. steel wouldn't allow town to meta mafia like that. just assume the worst that scum has safe everything tho normally they don't have safe role claims.

i'm going to buy kirbyoshi's claim. he'll be an amazing Night target if he's telling the truth now that he's claimed. i hate yaks/recruiters. i've also liked kirbyoshi more and more as kirby bot disappeared.

uh but yea totally cool with frozen being gone. MetaKirby is just a big can of wifom for me. hate the AtE but i gotta commit to the fact that he's new and not use to being pressured.

hey nich, you cool with lynching frozen?
if i recall was it frozen/nich that didn't think much of MK vs. me? maybe overswarm?

hmmm lynching MetaKirby would give some good info me thinks.

idk, what do you guys wanna do? i want frozen dead but i wouldnt mind MK dead, too.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Omni, killing me is definitely not the correct way to go.
In fact, I hope you've seen that I've attempted to become more aggressive like I promised. I'm trying to make up for the way I horrendously started the game.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
i was very precise and there was no sidestepping involved. what were you reading? what OS did was interpret actions of mine as scummy; then piggybanked on those scummy ideas to lead to more scummy actions. i then explained the intentions of my actions moreso repeating why i did what. for example: when i say my questions in the beginning of the game were not scummy but an attempt to the exit the RVS phase it's exactly what i said. so either you AGREE with what i call OS's misinterpretations of my play or you don't.

i am taking on OS's attack head on. i am correcting him and explaining my intentions of my actions. its actually very easy to put a anti-town spin on ANYTHING as well especially when you're doing a PBPA with an end of mine "you are scum" approach.
+1 for Omni. I'd like to hear Frozen's response to this.

Unvote. Vote: Frozen

Vander, thought's on Kirbyoshi and on what he has said upon his return so far?
Kirby is not acting in the same manner as the Kirby I know from another game. He's coming across to me as 'willing to cooperate' when from another experience, he came across incredibly dumb/scum (and flipped Town). Said game is ongoing, so I'm being vague, but I assume it is said ongoing game that catalysed this question, am I right? Are you of the same opinion Zensei?

i dont have any strong reads, nothing is popping out to me, which is probably due to me not putting in enough effort

i don't like FF and dont really know why. it has something to do with his post about kirbybot. After people already noted him as a person of interest is when he decided to make a length post on why kirbyoshi is scum.

vand hasn't done anything and it seems like hes coasting.

I'm not getting much from zensei either which is leading me to believe that he's coasting as well

dunno about nich
Eh, read your first paragraph, then read the sentence about me. The first sums up how I am with this game right now. Tbh I'd say you're coasting more than most players (and defenitely flying under the radar so to speak) but it's the pot calling the kettle black.

So, you're basically suggesting that, in order to prove myself town, I need to...NOT act pro-town?



You're being extremely dumb this game.
Ok Zensei, this is the Kirby I know, but to elaborate on what I said above, Kirby is coming across fairly defensive and quicker to judge (i.e. trying to put a scummy spin on what MK's saying to him)

-Vander is oddly quiet this game. I don't think you answered my question btw.
-Kirby-bot was more scummy than kirbyoshi. I wouldn't mind keeping him today. I wouldn't mind lynching him either though.
-OS would be a good lynch choice. <l>_<l> That's who I want.
-I've changed my mind about Omni. Not looking all that scummy.
-Frozen Flame has been inactive in other games too. He's contributed more here than in the other game I am currently in with him. Although he doesn't have that many posts, but at least they have some substance.
Uh this post bugs me a bit. Kind of wishy washy. Can you elaborate on why OS is a good lynch choice?


Not sure about Kirby's claim. I'll lynch him if we need to, but he's as good a choice as in-actives (i.e. Frozen) at this stage for me.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
well rewording OS's statements and removing the dramatization completely changes the analysis of my play. more importantly, being accurate about how i approached the game =/= my approach being scummy.
No it doesn't. It changes claims that OS was attempting to establish as truth by means of his analysis, but it doesn't change the analysis itself. If he uses correlations and patterns A,B, and C as supporting evidence to reach his conclusion of D, if D is exaggerated (for example it may be a superlative or absolute claim like you "never" did something or you provided NO analysis, or you "always" do something, etc. as opposed to statements that would express trends not absolutes) then I may not agree with the LoA in its entirety because I have an issue with the syllogism as a complete. However, that does not mean that if I understand his original conclusions D as truly being more reasonable at their logical core, I can take that logic and complete the former syllogism with moderated E conclusions which much better fit the logic contain in the analysis of A, B and C.

Basically, it's not the stuff he pointed out that was inaccurate or problematic, but largely his conclusions that were overstretching their logical bounds.

Furthermore, whether or not being accurate about your approach to the game relates directly to accuracy about our "approach to being scum" matters very little. Your "approach to being scum" is something that should be game independent. If we knew your approach to being scum, then none of this discussion would matter; we would simply be comparing your approach in this game to the universal "Omni's approach to scum" understanding and concluding whether or not you were scum. You'd be the most transparent and boring mafia player on the planet if we could do this.

The point is that we analyze your approach to this game and break it down to figure out if it has scummy intent. You can't just dismiss the important of breaking down someone's approach to a game as being void by pitching a line like "just because you know how I'm approaching this game doesn't mean you know how I would approach it as scum!". The fact of the matter is we don't have to. You break down someones approach to a game to figure precisely that out!

very indirect, sidestepping manner? no sir.

i was very precise and there was no sidestepping involved. what were you reading? what OS did was interpret actions of mine as scummy; then piggybanked on those scummy ideas to lead to more scummy actions. i then explained the intentions of my actions moreso repeating why i did what. for example: when i say my questions in the beginning of the game were not scummy but an attempt to the exit the RVS phase it's exactly what i said. so either you AGREE with what i call OS's misinterpretations of my play or you don't.

i am taking on OS's attack head on. i am correcting him and explaining my intentions of my actions. its actually very easy to put a anti-town spin on ANYTHING as well especially when you're doing a PBPA with an end of mine "you are scum" approach.
But there was. I'll show you:

failing to realize that it was an attempt (successful at that) to get out of the RVS.
Here you sidestep his accusation that you asked those questions in a way that was beneficial for you, but not that down. Your response is that "you helped get us out of RVS" with the implication that this is surely universally protown, but that's entirely fallacious. How does a bunch of people answering what I considered (and maybe some others) null-tellish, WIFOM questions a good way to exit RVS? How do I benefit from that, let alone the entire town? You don't explain any of this and just assume your values apply a priori, which is a logical sidestep.

suggesting that a person who's actively trying to get the game starting has contributed nothing. at this point, i've already began getting Zensei to talk and redirected my questioning of Zensei to you (Frozen) which was backed by Tom. actually contributing "little, if anything" = just about half of the cast at this point including OS himself. frozen, do you agree with this statement?
This is your response to OS accusing you of not really scum hunting and then also not contributing anything. You only choose to tackle the accusation of "doing nothing" by calling into question his definition of what "contributing something is". Of course you contributed something, this is a blatant exaggeration of OS's, however, that's a contested claim that is easy to win. You do nothing to address the previous accusation that "by your own admission" you'd be doing little to no effective scum hunting. You may have proven you've contributed something to the game, but you dodged having to prove that you actually had been effectively scumhunting (or that you didn't admit that).

failing to realize that's near impossible to scumhunt when half the game decides not to talk AND the game is extremely early into Day 1. asking questions to exit RVS and stir up ANY kind of discussion, involving you (Frozen) in the mix about my interaction with Zensei, and putting placeholder votes on inactives to encourage them to start playing the game.

but i guess i could come in mid Day 1 and argue that someone hasn't "done anything" purposely ignoring that almost everyone has done nothing. what Overswarm thinks he finds me guilty of can be applied to a multitude of players however because he's only focused on me he attempts to paint it into a bad light and apply it to me.

again, finding it amusing that someone who hasn't done jackdilly is accusing someone else of also doing jackdilly.
Complete and utter sidestepping in the form of deflection and projection. Blaming the lack of effective scumhunting on the rest of the cast which you juxtapose which you building up your contributions toward getting the game to a point where you can allegedly scum hunt by your standards. Then you go on to build your case on OS tunneling (trying to make it seem like a big deal) by saying "plenty of other people have done what I've been doing but OS is only going after me".

Then you go on to simply pitch a "pot calling the kettle black" line with really no analysis to support the accusation.

See the pattern here? That's what I'm talking about. You just haven't taken on the LoA's head on. You just pick away at them from the sides trying to undermine them but you never actually addressed the core issues.

so you think my point on MetaKirby was weak and/or non-existent? it's pretty clear that MetaKirby's reaction was AtE. the exchange was not empty and i believe helped me to get a much better read on what kind of player MetaKirby is.

dont like that you didnt get much from that
No I did not say your point on MK was weak or non-existent. I said anything I'm getting read-wise from it was weak/non-existent. I agree that what MK had said was pretty AtE. The point is, that doesn't develop my read on him at all. Maybe from YOUR perspective, MK being pushed to AtE from what you had said help YOU figure out what his motives are. My point is, that I read that exchange and I can't figure out if you were trying to be provocative, whether it was intentional or unintentional, etc. That's why I don't get much out of it. You can say you "don't like it" all you want but all that sounds like to me is "I'm scum and I'll just say I don't like things without analysis to make it look like someone did something scummy just be virtue of another player having disdain for it".

i actually find scumarshy to be a lot more quiet and allow things to play themselves out while he coasts his way through the beginning of the game. think: indy play @ Final Fantasy Mafia.
I actually do somewhat agree with you here but I really don't feel like old mediocre meta on marshy will be very applicable in this game considering he's in a hydra AND he's having the time of his life squeezing every ounce of pleasure he can from taking rips at OS in a game setting.

I don't think you have the wrong idea (because based on what I know of marshy's past play I don't think your expectation is poor but I just don't think it'll be a strong gauge of marshy's alignment in this particular setting).

ok. which means he would fit your answer for #2, right?
I guess, but I honestly need to go over chaco more. He's been posting but I just feel like his presence in this game is exceptionally fleeting.

It’s just you. The cyan half did no parroting.

Um…care explaining how it’s lazy/scummy?

Oh, my bad. I misconstrued and barnacled SOOOO many cases.
Post 138 you directly parrot Chaco and he calls you out on it.

Post 143 you barnacle Omni using his principal arguements to join in in calling MK out for alleged AtE both offensively and defensively, as well as pointing out some contradiction. Then you go on to say that "all of those posts contain scumtells" (the ones your were refering to) as an ending statement as if it were a fact you had proven via analysis but in reality all you did was regurgitate abridged versions of old points and just slapped on the label of "scumtell" with no reasoning as to why those behaviors were exactly scumtells.

And that's all the Cyan.

I also find it curious that you are trying to make it seem as if what ClownBot said was irrelevant, as if it shouldn't be considered when judging your player slot, considering some of his posts also fall under the criticisms I originally listed.

Funny, I feel the same way about you. I know for a fact from previous experience that you are not dumb. So, why were you so off about your analysis of me? Intentional misleading imo.

Vote: Frozenflame
So let me get this straight. You say I'm not dumb. Then you say you disagree with my analysis of you. You then jump to the conclusion that I must be wrong and therefore being misleading because you disagree with that analysis by virtue of that disagreement. You then implicity posit that because you disagree, which makes me "wrong", I am being "dumb" in this game which means I must be scum.

Am I the only one who sees flaws in this LoA? Even without it seeming like OMGUS to top it all off, your reason for voting me is essentially summed up by "frozen is not dumb, I think its dumb to suspect me in the way he did, therefore, he must be trying to mislead people and is scum".

Steller. /sarcasm

MK, do you think I would suggest a method of perhaps confirming town (whether it worked out or not) if I were scum?
LOL classic scum trying to buy credit for doing something that is easily accomplished by any player in this game regardless of faction. Trying to get town credit by acting like scum would refrain from pointing out an obvious potential way to clear people is just a classic attempt at grasping for townies points by trying to own a purely WIFOM scenario in the first place.

Why are just letting MK off the hook because he claimed Patriot, a superb role to provide as a safe claim (would prevent cults or recruiting town masons from trying to recruit him and thus reveal him being a mafioso, or would simply be unconformable if a game had no recruiting roles)? He hasn't done anything to quell my suspicions of him and the OMGUS nature of his attempts as well as just behaving like desperate wriggling scum hasn't exactly tipped him anywhere closer to town on my scumdar.

Can't wait for OS's explanation of his vote and the singling out of me when asking about song claiming, which I wouldn't be surprised to find to consist of anything more than LOL U TRAPPED or something along those lines.

Regardless both him and Omni are both epitomizing close to deadline wagon inflation. Trying to beat life into a desperate wagon by just shoveling on votes with little to no (in this case no) explanation whatsoever just to make the wagon seem like it has more merit (by virtue of popular approval) than it really does.

Let me tell you how fun it is to defend against wagoners who don't provide reasoning and have cases that amount to "frozen is giving me bad vibes/not liking frozen much". I get it you think I'm suspicious, but for as much as you might want me dead it'd be nice if you told me why so that I could ya know, maybe address some of those issues? Because honestly I don't think anyone has really discussed anything other than my activity.

So hopefully while you guys work on that, I'll get to work on developing my reads on the rest of the cast as per Marshy's request seeing as how my 2nd choice for today's play and beyond seems to be of popular interest (which I find ironic, since I've often been accused of being scummy for presenting TOO many potential candidates and now when I actually have a single, confident read everyone wants me to develop alternatives lol).


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Can't wait for OS's explanation of his vote and the singling out of me when asking about song claiming, which I wouldn't be surprised to find to consist of anything more than LOL U TRAPPED or something along those lines.
You said you'd claim the song via lynch pressure. I then voted. Not rocket science.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
You said you'd claim the song via lynch pressure. I then voted. Not rocket science.
Fair enough but I'm sure even you can agree with me that unadorned votes like that are typically the result of someone reaching a conclusion to a question they did not publicly disclose or would like to publicly explain.

If you were voting because you wanted me to claim, then you could have easily made that clear by quoting that part of my list of motivations for claiming and then voting me.

Then ya know, maybe I'd have some kind of idea whats going on with the wagon on me.

Speaking of which, glad to see Vand sheeping the crap out of it by just the stamp of approval on ONE paragraph of Omni's rebuttal and calling it a day. You agree with one counterpoint of somone who is voting for me, so I become the obvious lynch target? That's slightly troubling.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
i'll respond to your post later. going to work. you still failed to answer the questions i posed directly in my direct response to you/OS.

who is the play, frozen


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
also last post till i get back. gotta jet.

alot of your points are already answered in that exact same post, frozen. why would you purposely omit 90% of my post and only selectively address the rest of it to make your points?

pretty sure i told you in regards to the sidestepping that OS doesn't make any points about my "lack of scumhunting". early in the game unless there is any kind of stupid play scumhunting is minimal since people are trying not to act suspicious. combine that with the fact that half the crew was inactive. that means scumhunting is difficult however i explained that i've attempted to get the ball rolling and started applying pressure where i believe it was deserved that early in the game.

i still completely disagree with the fact that you believe that i'm sidestepping. i'm not the type to do that; take that as you will. especially when i think a case made on me is absolute garbage. taking close to every argument that OS made and directly responding with how his misinterpretation of statements were incorrect/falsified/dramatized is not sidestepping in the least bit.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Speaking of which, glad to see Vand sheeping the crap out of it by just the stamp of approval on ONE paragraph of Omni's rebuttal and calling it a day. You agree with one counterpoint of somone who is voting for me, so I become the obvious lynch target? That's slightly troubling.
There was nothing I could really add to my vote that wasn't parrot. Sure, you've been inactive, picked 1 player to focus on, and analysed the omni/os argument to a depth that wasn't necessary (with no solid stances coming from it), but most of that's already been said (either by myself or others), so it isn't necessary to repeat it.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Fair enough but I'm sure even you can agree with me that unadorned votes like that are typically the result of someone reaching a conclusion to a question they did not publicly disclose or would like to publicly explain.

If you were voting because you wanted me to claim, then you could have easily made that clear by quoting that part of my list of motivations for claiming and then voting me.

Then ya know, maybe I'd have some kind of idea whats going on with the wagon on me.

This is the order of operations here:

YOU said:
catching up in all my games and posting tonight after work.

As per request i do have a song to claim but im obviously not going to unless its to CC, we agree to a massclaim, or im forced to claim as a result of lynch pressure.
ME said:
Vote frozenflame

If KYoshi is telling the truth, we have a recruiter or yakuza.

If we have a recruiter, that sucks and that means we have ONE scum right now.

If we have a yakuza, we have more mafia and would be told later.

I'm thinking the mass song claim might not be a bad idea. Either scum has a safe claim or they don't; if they do, no loss, no gain. If they don't.... easy pickings. Anyone against this idea?
Jul 7, 2010
playing ****ty games
I'm thinking the mass song claim might not be a bad idea. Either scum has a safe claim or they don't; if they do, no loss, no gain. If they don't.... easy pickings. Anyone against this idea?
considering the fact that zv (he designed this game) has NEVER let flavor lead to conclusions and that hes told me flavor hunting is ******** over discussions ive personally had with him rendering this idea a complete waste of time...yeah im against it

lemme guess. im scum and trying to undermine your idea cuz youve broken the game

ill do it if everyone else wants to. not worth arguing

im going out now andll look the frozen wagon/arguments later. were not letting the kirbyo lynch go are we?

in the meantime omni how convinced are you that frozen is consciously trying to skew your arguments in a scummy way? the whole argument seems pretty subjective


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
were not letting the kirbyo lynch go are we?
What are your opinions on his claim? What should we do about it?

It's D1; we have no idea if there is a NKill or not, so we don't know if there is a yakuza or if this is just a recruitment game.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Agreed. Let's not give scum that type of info. There's a chance that major song = PR, do you guys really want to risk that?


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Also agreed here, mainly because scum doesn't deserve the information to be handed to them on a silver platter and the knowledge that any game built by ZV can't be broken down with a mass claim.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
marshEE said:
in the meantime omni how convinced are you that frozen is consciously trying to skew your arguments in a scummy way? the whole argument seems pretty subjective
not sure marshy. I feel like I've made myself clear. No room for confusion or ambiguity. I cant tell what his intentions are. I still wonder if just skimmed my earlier post because he left many questions unanswered. I'm guessing he did. Makes me feel like he's just selectively responding to certain points while omitting facts/points that suggest the opposite.

I'm still cool with him dying.

On iPhone.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I'd be fine with a Flame lynch, but I don't want to drop KirbyYoshi just yet, I'd like to hear other's thoughts on his claim and its implications.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
not sure marshy. I feel like I've made myself clear. No room for confusion or ambiguity. I cant tell what his intentions are. I still wonder if just skimmed my earlier post because he left many questions unanswered. I'm guessing he did. Makes me feel like he's just selectively responding to certain points while omitting facts/points that suggest the opposite.

I'm still cool with him dying.

On iPhone.
What major questions are left in here (http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=10751561&postcount=246) that I didn't answer here? (http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=10768232&postcount=364)

Like I seriously have no idea where you're getting off saying I'm skimming your posts and answering selectively because that's complete BS.

I asked you guys if you wanted a full PBPA and you said NO. Obviously I'm not going to take every line out of every one of your posts addressing me and pose a rebuttal to what you say if you guys TELL ME NOT TO.

You can say you FEEL like I'm omitting stuff all you want but unless you go ahead and show me all these alleged points/facts that suggest the opposite of my claims, you're just trying to passively undermine my credibility without actually doing anything, likely in an attempt to stifle me and keep momentum on your last minute wagon on me. Sounds pretty legit brah.

Don't tell me not to do something and then claim I'm scummy for not doing what I offered to do in the first place. >_<

I'd also really love to see people's cases on me go beyond "I don't like frozen he can die".


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Chill out, Meta Kirby junior.

On my iPhone. I'll point out the specifics later.

@Overswarm: I agree.

Stop assuming people who want you dead have auto-scummy intentions, too, Frozen. While you wait for people to tell you why you're scummy how about you tell us how you're not the play.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Frozenflame isn't the play. This is actually the most active I've ever seen him, and I'm just getting major pro-town from him. I'm uneasy about lynching kirbyoshi, but I guess I wouldn't be too upset if we made him the play today.
Jul 7, 2010
playing ****ty games
its been almost a WEEK and youve managed to stall your way out of giving us your thoughts by latching onto the most petty bull****. its 2 days before deadline. nick can def die this is ****ing ridiculous

uhh maybe its best that frozen just posts his pbpa? this argument is getting kinda convoluted and im wondering how much of it is due to miscommunication. wuddya think omni?

as for kirbyos claim...meh. tells us nothing and we shouldnt back off just cuz of it. i still think we should finish him off

HEY VIG if youre out there you NEED to shoot nick/van/zensei. dont be all "baww what if he flips town". be a man of faith and shoot


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
sigh it's whatever. just got back home from work. i'm tiiirred.

@frozen, there were several questions in that posts that were left unanswered. i didn't ask for a PBPA but answering the questions within that posts shouldn't have been too difficult. it's also not complete BS that you're skimming my posts because i just read over my posts and saw a few questions such as:

"do you agree with this statement, frozen?"
"do you agree or disagree with tom's analysis of me?"
"do you agree with this statement?"


whatevs. i dont think its miscommunication. if you read it thoroughly then i think you'd understand which questions i was referring, too. i think, as i expected, it is difficult to support your statement of "OS's assessment of Omni is solid".

@marshEE; idk, he's me tho. and he's a patriot. i dont wanna lynch me; i wouldnt be scum (meta sarcasm). plus he'd be a huge nightKill target anyway if he's telling the truth. it leaves room for wifom yes but i do think that we can get a better lynch that gives us better information. wouldnt you rather get rid of someone who's more ambigious in nature than possibly lynch what sounds like a believable claim? i kinda like kirbyoshi's play since he's been in as well. also, if i was scum in his situation i don't think it would be beneficial to warn town about possible yak/recruit scenarios. the longer it takes for them to figure that's what kind of game it is the better so i dont see any real benefit in that kind of a false claim.

this game makes a little more sense if it's a yak/recruit setup. im having a hard time finding frozen's scumbuddies.

anyway, i think we should lynch off some of the more quiet folks. if i were yak/recruit i'd probably just chill Day 1 and recruit top pro-town player asap. frozen fits this role a bit. macman, zensei, and chaco do as well. in regards to content (the lack thereof that is):

1.) Macman
2.) Chaco
3.) Zensei
4.) Frozen

would be my top choices


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
oh tom is kinda up there but im holding hands with him so *blinders*


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Marshy, you're exaggerating. Yes, I've been late on the reread. However, I have NOT been just spouting garbage. I have given you solid stances on who I think is scum, and I have been vocal about who I don't think is scum. If you don't believe me, I'll say it again.

Omni = Scum
Frozen = definitely not scum
kirbyoshi = might be scum, but probably not.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
i couldn't care less about u thinking i'm scum since you already showed us how you build cases off weak meta

but huh @ frozen being definitely not scum

can u explain why u think this


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Simple. Frozen lurks a TON regardless of alignment. He's done it a little in this game as well. However, he's also been very helpful and making cases when he does post. I'll take 4-5 super long well thought out posts over 20-some mini posts (which would probably be considered "active") any day. I just don't see him as scum right now.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
so by that simple case alone you find him to be "DEFINITELY NOT SCUM"

i think the only person who could make that solid judgment is scum itself. i cant believe you'd give frozen that much credit over something that's so normal.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
yea thx for the blinders omni... im really not feeling this right now. im holding to an agreeable lynch and then im sure my interest will be re-sparked with the day 2 information. but right now i feel as though i am running on E, need to re-read, losing interest, second(and third) guessing... just about everything that tells me that this day has been too long and i need refreshing information and night time.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
HEY VIG if youre out there you NEED to shoot nick/van/zensei. dont be all "baww what if he flips town". be a man of faith and shoot
you're talking to the vig a lot... i would shoot vanderzant or nicholas or chaco or go for the gold and shoot macman


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
If you guys think I'm scummy, then for crying out loud, push a case on me so I can defend against something. Telling the vig to shoot me (without giving any reason for suspicion) is dodging responsibility for your actions.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Why me Tom? I expect some pro reasoning.

Expect a post in a few minutes, got to reread and catch up I should be readily available for some time now.
Jul 7, 2010
playing ****ty games
nick stfu and read the thread. didnt you just have like 2 pages to go through? youre so reactive. your "omni is scum see look how helpful im being" is just...lol seriously no one cares dude. not if its just meta from like page 2 of the game. not if youre the only one voting him and not pushing and not commenting on stuff thats happened over the course of the game cuz you havent caught up yet. youre staying on the vig list and can deal with it until you do. stop whining

omni ask yourself if youd nkill kyoshi as scum...yeah. maybe if theres a yak theyll do that n2 but i honestly dont care and doubt it. id love it if they killed him in fact. i dont get what you mean by him "warning" town about the yak/recruiting stuff cuz his claim is COMPLETELY unverifiable barring a yakuza (only recruiting role thats announced publicly i think). i agree that therere other good suspects but disagree that kyoshi is a bad lynch. plus deadlines in 2 days and id rather not put up with a deadline lynch like always on swf. you and frozen can keep hashing it out in the meantime. he WILL leave a lot to analyze and scrutinize


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
I don't like it because it has the same effect as asking who I think is town. If you're scum, you have a very good reason to ask me that question, then NK whoever I answer with, to make me confused/uncomfortable in endgame. You would want to kill whoever I know can consistently get a good read on.
Referring back to this post since you said my question reeked of scum. What's wrong with telling who you think is town, Kirb? Omni, Tom, and I believe Marshy have all done it so far this game. Your concerns with my question are essentially paranoia that I will twist it against you. Which, if I did, it would be blaringly obvious. So I see no need for you to stay in this game if you're not going to take concrete stances. The wishy washy bull**** went out with "the other half of my hydra excuse" hopefully.

The for sure Live list:

Nich (is frustrated.)

A bit above middle ground MK

Mac is middle ground.
Van is middle ground.

Zensei can die whenever.
Kirbyo is the optimal play because he is nothing but a VT claim now, because I feel he easily could have just read it somewhere and been like "dat dur be a gud fake claim". Building on that he gives us the most info all around, it confirms the existence of some roles, as well as the ties to Kirbyo. All around most info and strengthens endgame team. It would not be a major loss for town if he were to die since the constant V/La **** and such, as well as an excuse master.

That there's the gameplay guys. End the day.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
@marshy: u have a point. i guess it's more gut instinct then anything that kirbyo is telling the truth. more like i want it to be true that he's telling the truth because it would be nice to have him alive if he's telling the truth.

ughh, me being a patriot sounds so legit, too. a part of me wants to lynch him but i still feel like he's being lynched from a single post made from a very not so good player. i would rather lynch meta kirby based on his AtE and lack of content then kirbyoshi over his hydra partner's scumilly lookin logic.

you are very right in that the vig needs to get to work.

my gut is telling me a lot of things:
1.) kirbyoshi is telling the truth
2.) metakirby is town noob
3.) macman is hiding something
4.) a LOT of people are not to be trusted

if i had my choice i'd just bring end game to being me, marshy, tom, mk, kirbyoshi, and MAYBE Vand. maybe.

but yea imma stop going back and forth and take the stance of not lynching kirbyoshi. having a "bad feeling" is a very scummy way of saying "i'm scum so i can pretend to care that this person is innocent" but w/e's, i'm going to go with him being town. *foot down*

which leaves me with toDay's play:
- dumb, not so caught up nick playing like he did as a townie in marathon mafia.... nah
- just really scummiddity frozen for lots of little reasons. mainly his taking a solid stance on OS's argument. great opportunity to lynch the most active player if the omni train had a bit more support. sure.
- macman being a statue. epitome of inactive.
- zensei coasting ******** hard constantly. most consistent lurker

frozen, mac, zensei. anyone want these guys lynched toDay? how do you feel about me not leaning kirbyoshi?

and not to jinx us but i havent heared a peep from OS in a good while. so serene.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
just looked over OS's recent posts. he has been talking. it's just been good play. niiice.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Would you be down for Kirb at all Omni? He seriously is the most informative lynch, and I feel MK was mega frustrated.
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