wow, scrub post. How the **** are you planning on deciding the matchup by watching vids of two scrubs who are uneven in skill, playing online. Like really? There are three major things wrong with that. Scrubs, uneven skill, and online. Wow. It seriously sounds like you just want to say that it's 60:40, don't really care what it really is, and want to move on to the next character... This is why you can't get an accurate matchup ratio by letting a bunch of scrubs and no good people give their inputs.
There have been 2 instances where people have released videos for this match up. one was steeler and the other was Irsic. On both occasions you could clearly see character weaknesses and stregnths. Didnt matter the skill level of the people playing. Obvious weaknesses and obvious stregths were there.
Its been 4-5 pages of back and forth of "well this could beat this, nuh uh cause if you do this then Ill do this" with little to no result. You knw what this threads problem is... All the Lucas players are so adamant about PT being at a disadvantage that if anyone else comes along and says otherwise they get burned at stake.
The solid set in stone answer that your looking for is pretty much wishful thinking. Basically you wont be satisfied till the BEST Lucas vs the BEST PT play offline, on their best day with frame perfect response. Aint gonna happen.
You want my reasoning for agreeing wiht the 60:40 matchup
50:50 tie
this match could go either way from the get go, squirtle can either dominate with prefect rushdown or lucas could space well using a mix of projectiles and smashes.
K.O potential, its about even in the long run. Lucas can get gimped.. and dnt tell me about he has 3 different ways on getting back on the stage so its impossible because gimps happen.
Lucas on the other hand has strong smashes that if DI'ed incorrectly can lead to a k.o.
55:45 in favour of Lucas
Ivysaur can out range lucas and can effectively space lucas using razorleaf, ftilt and bulletseed. Lucas can use his bat to cancel out the razor leaf and close up the space and punish ivysaur for making mistakes.
K.O otential,
its easy to gimp ivysaur I could argue how there are multiple ways to get back on the stage or to cancel out edge hoggers but thats the simple truth.. the is easily gimpable.
On the other hand Lucas is suseptable to an uair or instant tether gimps.
65:35 in favor of Lucas
Lucas is faster and can easily juggle zard. Not to mention he has a solution to almost al of zards B moves, you can bat through rocksmash and absorb flamethrower.
However keep in mind that zard still has alot of power and K.O potential, his upsmash comes out fast and can kill lighter characters at a lower percent and fair off the stage wil kill, doesnt matter if you can magnet pull or zap jump. when you are off the stage your in zards domain.
go ahead and disect my post to find whatever small mistakeis in there and lets continue the cycle shall we?