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Lucas' Weekly Matchup Discussion Review - Diddy


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2008
I added some summaries to the OP.

And the matchup chart is in the works. I just need to decide on some manner of background.

Anyway, I honestly think Tyr is right on the money here, though I do value DanGR's opinion.

I hope he returns soon.

lil cj

Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Ive noticed that in almost every character discussion
The mains of that character say their character has the advantage over Lucas
Biased opinions...
Lucas only has REAL problems with G&W, Marth, and Meta Knight
Everyone else Lucas has no big disadvantage and can handle them
....In the hands of a skillful player


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2008
Ive noticed that in almost every character discussion
The mains of that character say their character has the advantage over Lucas
Biased opinions...
Lucas only has REAL problems with G&W, Marth, and Meta Knight
Everyone else Lucas has no big disadvantage and can handle them
....In the hands of a skillful player
DK says hi.

and Lucas has plenty of small disadvantages.


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2008
Yeah but that's the point, they're small. I find edgeguarding with Lucas' to be so easy.

Also, DK does say hi. He ***** your ****. You better be ****ing amazing to beat DK, and even then the DK better be crap.

I find Olimar to be really about spacing. Lucas' tilts and jabs **** Olimar, Olimar's Pikmin are rather easy to knock out with Lucas' and if a Lucas' is just simply running into your grabs by dAiring he's doing something terribly terribly wrong because every good Lucas' player knows that getting grabbed is the very last thing that he should be allowing to happen to him.

I personally would make this matchup even but my experience against Olimar isn't all that agile into recovering against Lucas' approach, whether or not you can stop PKF or PKT. In June (last time I played him) I was able to consistently beat Weruop, a very good online Olimar. (Sorry I don't really have much access to offline play :| )


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
if you land behind olimar, you get pivot grabbed
if you SH towards us, you get fsmashed/grabbed
pikmin stop fire and thunder
pivot grabs win.

we outrange you on like everything
tilts won't matter when we just fsmash you, and we don't die as easily as you may think.

if it comes to it we'll camp you, which supposedly can beat MK

my biased 2 cents


Apr 10, 2008
if you land behind olimar, you get pivot grabbed
if you SH towards us, you get fsmashed/grabbed
pikmin stop fire and thunder
pivot grabs win.

we outrange you on like everything
tilts won't matter when we just fsmash you, and we don't die as easily as you may think.

if it comes to it we'll camp you, which supposedly can beat MK

my biased 2 cents
These aren't biased opinions. They're facts.

-Olimar has a superior projectile, so Lucas has to approach.

-Lucas simply can't approach Olimar very well. Pivotgrabs, grabs and fsmashes is all he needs on defense (just like he does against most characters). If Lucas is close enough to hit Olimar with a FHdair (and then fast falled or w/e) and land behing him, then the Olimar player has done a very poor job spacing.

-Lucas does excel offstage against Olimar, just like everyone else does.

I'm wondering what approaching options a good Lucas player would use. The ones I've faced had great difficulty getting near me, and by the time I was at a percentage where edgeguarding would kill me, I already had a two stock lead.

Edit: I think it's an advantage for Oli, but only 60-40. Nothing more.


the moon
Jul 20, 2007
Ann Arbor, MI
if you land behind olimar, you get pivot grabbed
Does your pivot grab come out before our frame 2 jab? I guess we get landing lag, too, and you get shield stun (not much), but lucas is good at doing that in particular without getting grabbed by normal grabs, and olimar has a ranged grab

if you SH towards us, you get fsmashed/grabbed
Because you're never in lag of the other fsmash that you whiffed when you thought we were going to approach. There are always openings, especially if you're doing stuff.

pikmin stop fire and thunder
correction: Pikmin ignite pk fire, so they'd better not be right next to you when it happens, and pikmin that are currently being used in an attack stop the bolt of the thunder, but notably not the tail.

pivot grabs win.
Your pivot grab is superior to ours, I concede this point.

we outrange you on like everything
Extreme range has pk freeze while you have nothing. Retreating pk fires telegraph, making our range longer than that of your pikmin throw if we're at equal height, except maybe white pikmin. The reality of this though is usually either a pk fire and pikmin will clash or they'll both connect depending on the offset in height between the characters during the moves. Of course, if the olimar is dumb enough to just stand there and throw pikmin, he's gonna lose in the trades because SH pk fire > standing pikmin throw, especially if wavebounced

tilts won't matter when we just fsmash you, and we don't die as easily as you may think.
cool. except that our fsmash is faster, kills the pikmin and negates the damage, and when we're inside the pikmin range, our tilts are really a lot faster and you have no chance to survive make your time.

As far as the we don't die as easily as blah blah blah, may I point out that lucas is a MID WEIGHT and not light? he's got mario's weight and a recovery that doesn't ever get gimped. You're light and do get gimped, especially by things like pk thunder as demonstrated by one of Tyr's more recent vids. By bringing up the matter of weight and survivability, you're conceding a crucial point in the matchup that lucas has in his favor.

if it comes to it we'll camp you, which supposedly can beat MK
The fact that olimar camping > MK is bogus and you know it as evidenced by your wording. We can camp too, except that we have better anticamping tools. I think it's hilarious when a side b spamming olimar gets a purple reflected in his face, or gets stuck by his own pikmin. And you're underestimating pk fire. Lucas isn't under as much pressure to approach as you think.

my biased 2 cents
and mine as well.

These aren't biased opinions. They're facts.

-Olimar has a superior projectile, so Lucas has to approach.
which is of course always the case. Look at melee samus vs melee fox. Fox's projectile was alright, but couldn't sufficiently pressure samus to approach on it's own. The real clincher was that fox could just sit in his shine until samus felt like approaching.

Now Olimar vs Lucas: Olimar has a projectile that's on the same level as pk fire. Cool. Now we can factor in lucas reflecting said projectile, and suddenly lucas is doing better at a mid-long range. Who's approaching who?

-Lucas simply can't approach Olimar very well. Pivotgrabs, grabs and fsmashes is all he needs on defense (just like he does against most characters). If Lucas is close enough to hit Olimar with a FHdair (and then fast falled or w/e) and land behing him, then the Olimar player has done a very poor job spacing.
Olimar isn't comfortable at mid-long, and openings do exist. Lucas doesn't approach olimar very well. this is fact. but he can approach olimar, and the best way to do so is sliding nairs off platforms autocancelled into jabs. If it's FD, Lucas had better play well at a range to get olimar to either allow an opening to close range, or ideally force olimar to approach.

I do think that olimar is hard to approach. The point is that he isn't impossible to approach, if lucas needs to.

-Lucas does excel offstage against Olimar, just like everyone else does.
Lucas excells offstage more than everyone else. PK thunder is a critical advantage that makes pikmin chain worse than normal as a recovery. And for lucas recovering against olimar, zap jumps put him above your projectiles, and pkt recoveries from lucas are way longer than any other directional recovery in the game.

I'm wondering what approaching options a good Lucas player would use. The ones I've faced had great difficulty getting near me, and by the time I was at a percentage where edgeguarding would kill me, I already had a two stock lead.
Who've you faced? The biggest problem with debates like this is that it's extremely uncommon for our best players to be geographically near your best players.

Edit: I think it's an advantage for Oli, but only 60-40. Nothing more.
I can't agree with that number unless olimar has another good move or two that nobody's ever bothered to use against me before.


Smash Lord
Mar 10, 2008
Laurel, Md
I main Lucas and Olimar this is how i see it.

Air game on the stage, olimar has lucas beat. Olimar Uair is fantastic and can with hold lucas's dair then punish. Also olimars nair beats lucas's lol.

Air game off stage...obviously lucas wins that but olimar can also gimp lucas with just throwing a pikmin on him and they take the pk thunder hit. Soo it can go either way really but olimar is way more gimpable (word? lol)

On the ground lucas is still out of luck, even though his jab/tils are really quick olimar can punish it with a shield grab and since most of olimars good combos start from a throw **** is no good. Pk Fire is really usless too since all olimar has to do is throw a pikmin to take the hit or a useless grab and hes ok.

Smash wise, lucas wins....too strong no reason to go about this lol.

O yeah lucas's Dair can beat oli's usmash depending on pikmin and timing.

Personaly i think oli wins 60-40.

Spacing kills lucas and he can be hopeless at times depending on how you play.

tyr you played a bad lucas, but still very welled played on your part.


Apr 10, 2008
You guys don't seem to get it. Pivotgrabs>Lucas. That's all there is too it. I swear.


the moon
Jul 20, 2007
Ann Arbor, MI
But for pivot grabs to work, lucas has to be at the spacing that the olimar's doing it wrong at, where the full hopped Dair does stuff. can you provide a more consistent argument, please?

And Noraa, I know the latching pikmin hurts ness's PKT, but does it do so for lucas's? And what's lucas doing down there where he can be latched when he's got a zap jump.

Things are really inconsistent with both what I've experienced and seen and what you guys are saying, and the comments made so far are inconsistent with each other.

edit for the following tag



Smash Master
Jul 27, 2007
wow... when a ton of scrubs post in matchup threads, the good matchup info is watered down by a ton of bad info and the thread fails... like this one... lol... :)

Edit2: Edit: **** you soccer for ruining my double post.


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2007
I don't like the number 666 so I need to post again, lol.


lol at danGR sniping Levitas' spam programming engineering thingy making levitas ask me to close the spam thing... i don't know what it's called... so what... **** you.


Apr 10, 2008

This is how a pivotgrab works: (L=Lucas, O=Olimar, P=pikmin from the grab, >=movement in that direction)

(pivotgrab reach)
(regular grab reach)
You're approaching me. I pivotgrab. It's unpunishable. You either avoid it or get grabbed. If you avoid it, I throw more pikmin and you're forced to approach again- so you approach. I pivotgrab more. It's still unpunishable. You either get grabbed or you avoid it. Etc.

That's how this match goes. Good enough Levitas?

Oh, and pikmin don't gimp Lucas' PK2.


Apr 10, 2008
You're approaching because Olimar outranges Lucas with both projectiles and grabs/smashes.

You can try to approach from the air if you want to. You'll still get pivotgrabbed.


the moon
Jul 20, 2007
Ann Arbor, MI
Do you happen to know what frame olimar's shieldgrab happens on?

Also, my experience against olimar has led me to believe that PK fire and bat rack damage against olimar as fast as olimar's pikmin toss rack damage on lucas.


Apr 10, 2008
Do you happen to know what frame olimar's shieldgrab happens on?
I'm not sure. I know it takes a little longer than most grabs do. If you connect a spaced nair onto the front of Olimar's shield, you might be able to get some jabs out before the grab. Shiek can do this with her nair>jab, but her's has a little bit longer range.

Also, my experience against olimar has led me to believe that PK fire and bat rack damage against olimar as fast as olimar's pikmin toss rack damage on lucas.
Before you end pkfire, a pikmin will have negated the fire and another will be flying at your face. If you decide to bat any pikmin back, you can expect to get punished during the lag of the bat with a grab.

If the Olimar player doesn't respond to the bat in time to go for a grab, he can just toss more pikmin. While you're in the bat lag, you'll have more pikmin flying at you. By the time you pkfire again, you'll have another pikmin flying at you with more coming. If you decide you'll try and fend off the pikmin, the Olimar player should stop throwing and try punish the lag of whichever attack you choose to knock the pikmin off with. All of your ground attacks (except maybe ftilt) can be easily punished with a grab. Assuming nair>jab doesn't work, all of Lucas' aerials can be shieldgrabbed, though it's more difficult if you use a retreating aerial.

The pressure from Olimar trying to punish your pikmin killing forces an approach from Lucas.

When you look at Olimar v Lucas at mid-range- most common when Olimar is going in to punish Lucas for any lag, Olimar outranges Lucas. He does this with grabs and fsmashes. When Olimar uses these to shield-pressure Lucas, he's technically on the offensive, but think of it as DDD is pressuring you with ftilts. He's technically approaching, but you've got to respond to the pressure. You've got to do something.

When you do that "something", that's where Olimar can begin to use pivotgrabs again. He'll sprinkle in pikmin throws in between the pivotgrabs to make sure you approach... and that's where I began this post. It's a circle.

My post may have been a bit confusing, but all-in-all, the pikmin provide too much pressure for Lucas to just stay back and fend off the pikmin. He has to keep a watchful eye on the pikmin that are flying at him while fearing that Olimar might run in to punish any pikmin killings.

It's kind of complicated. :ohwell:


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2004
Miami, Florida
Olimar can't do **** about Lucas's nair to ftilt. I mean really, he takes it. The angle of the bat kills him at stupid low percents. He can't go out there to mess with your up-b so it's really a one-way street on edgeguarding. I'd say it's like 70-30 Lucas, 60-40 if there's some game altering Olimar strat I'm not aware of (meaning it still wouldn't change much).


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
I'm not sure. I know it takes a little longer than most grabs do. If you connect a spaced nair onto the front of Olimar's shield, you might be able to get some jabs out before the grab. Shiek can do this with her nair>jab, but her's has a little bit longer range.

Before you end pkfire, a pikmin will have negated the fire and another will be flying at your face. If you decide to bat any pikmin back, you can expect to get punished during the lag of the bat with a grab.

If the Olimar player doesn't respond to the bat in time to go for a grab, he can just toss more pikmin. While you're in the bat lag, you'll have more pikmin flying at you. By the time you pkfire again, you'll have another pikmin flying at you with more coming. If you decide you'll try and fend off the pikmin, the Olimar player should stop throwing and try punish the lag of whichever attack you choose to knock the pikmin off with. All of your ground attacks (except maybe ftilt) can be easily punished with a grab. Assuming nair>jab doesn't work, all of Lucas' aerials can be shieldgrabbed, though it's more difficult if you use a retreating aerial.

The pressure from Olimar trying to punish your pikmin killing forces an approach from Lucas.

When you look at Olimar v Lucas at mid-range- most common when Olimar is going in to punish Lucas for any lag, Olimar outranges Lucas. He does this with grabs and fsmashes. When Olimar uses these to shield-pressure Lucas, he's technically on the offensive, but think of it as DDD is pressuring you with ftilts. He's technically approaching, but you've got to respond to the pressure. You've got to do something.

When you do that "something", that's where Olimar can begin to use pivotgrabs again. He'll sprinkle in pikmin throws in between the pivotgrabs to make sure you approach... and that's where I began this post. It's a circle.

My post may have been a bit confusing, but all-in-all, the pikmin provide too much pressure for Lucas to just stay back and fend off the pikmin. He has to keep a watchful eye on the pikmin that are flying at him while fearing that Olimar might run in to punish any pikmin killings.

It's kind of complicated. :ohwell:
Well, Lucas can still wavebounce the PK fire to prevent some grab attempts if spaced correctly and will still give a little pressure. For the attacking a shielded Olimar thing, you really just have to rush and do a Nair/ Dair all the way across the shield to prevent you from being grabbed when you land. If the Olimar shield grabs, you can use that window of time to counter attack since you are behind him.


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2008
Before you end pkfire, a pikmin will have negated the fire and another will be flying at your face. If you decide to bat any pikmin back, you can expect to get punished during the lag of the bat with a grab.
Uh, I know you to love to dream, but you're underestimating the "lag" on PK Fire seeing that as a wave bounced PK fire will begin to fly over and through your whiffed Pikmin. PK Fire will vanguish your Pikmin throw, I'm sorry.

Also, you don't just have a line of 6 fire Pikmin. So even those are a minor inconvenience.


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2007
wow, I can't believe some of the stuff I'm reading. It's hilarious. Character matchup threads are so ****ing stupid.


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2007
Irsic are you the guy who I flamed a ton last week and you wanted to play me on wifi but I said no?/do you go to UofM?

edit: nvm on the last part... but still answer the first part... I'm beginning to think I was flaming someone else a while back but w/e.


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2007
nvm, I forgot about the following posts:

Awesome. I should come to michigan and we'll party.

Ever been to one of Pike's parties?
Yeah. My brother was apart of Pike there, I found their parties to be a lot of fun. D:

A frat party is just like a house party.

It's just a lot bigger house. I think the Pike house is actually pretty large. <_< And they have a dance floor. (Not always being used though D: )
I guess frat parties and house parties aren't too different, but generally you know a lot more people at house parties and the girls at frat parties are generally more slutty (which imo is a bad thing).

How old are you? You in college?


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2008
Yeah, I go to NMU. I'm about to be 19.

Irsic are you the guy who I flamed a ton last week and you wanted to play me on wifi but I said no?/do you go to UofM?
Nope. Must be thinking of someone else.


Smash Ace
Mar 9, 2008
To put this in perspective, I've play Xero (ranked #12 in Vegas, has won $) many times in tournament and in friendlies in the past with Lucas and have not beaten him since the early days of Brawl's release. I consider myself a strong Lucas, and Xero a strong Olimar.

Camping isn't the clutch issue in this matchup and is not the best strategy for either character. PK fire can be negated simply by not getting hit by PK fire; it is not a setup or a counter to anything except constantly spamming grab or f-smash or something silly. Olimar point-counters almost every one of Lucas' aerials with his F-air, excluding our own F-air which offers Olimar free grabs from a shield. When we approach with fullhops Olimar can respond simply by rolling away or in some cases up-Bing. If we do anything too interesting in this situation we are vulnerable to up-smashes and up-airs which do a lot of damage and set up for some ugly juggles.

Any stage with covering platforms also gives a significant advantage to Olimar due to his grab traps and our new-found landing lag. Olimar's dowthrow and backthrow also kill at very reasonable percents. This matchup is nearly unwinnable on Battlefield and Lylat and at best awkward on Yoshi's Island. And pretending that Lucas' repeating n-air approach is solid in any way shape or form will always get you into trouble; Olimar can shield, and simply jump away as you land and possibly counterattack depending on your followup.

Additionally to edgeguard, if Olimar can force a PKT, he can edgehog, roll or stand up, grab you and throw you back off and repeat. He can attack your Zap Jump/Magnet recovery with his up-B or u-airs and not really worry about getting punished.

  • Lucas will get grabbed a few times per stock.
  • Lucas will take damage from yellow Pikmin tosses at the least.
  • Olimar will be able to land aerials regularly and up-B's from time to time.
  • If Lucas focuses on avoiding any one aspect of Oli's game, he'll become vulnerable to another element of it.

  • Olimar will sometimes get hit by D-airs and N-airs, but with up DI and jumps he will not get f-smashed, though followups are possible.
  • Olimar will very rarely get hit by a smash, though up-smash can be effective.
  • With good DI, Olimar can live to normal percents and can recover decently, because Lucas' most accessible attacks (F-air and F-tilt, F-throw, B-throw, N-air) to knock him off the stage send the opponent only a short distance relative to damage and upward, while Olimar has good airspeed and a good 2nd jump.

65-35 Olimar. Certainly not unwinnable with Lucas and with a lot of practice and knowledge and mixups you can often pull out a win against a mid level Olimar, however, a talented Olimar will really show you that there is a level of difference between the OK guys and the great ones.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2008
Miami, Florida
Olimar can't do **** about Lucas's nair to ftilt. I mean really, he takes it. The angle of the bat kills him at stupid low percents. He can't go out there to mess with your up-b so it's really a one-way street on edgeguarding. I'd say it's like 70-30 Lucas, 60-40 if there's some game altering Olimar strat I'm not aware of (meaning it still wouldn't change much).
I saw your vid against Oli, And yeah you did that all the time.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2008
Canada, BC
Auto cancelled nair in to ground attacks works for me. There aren't any really good Oli's in this area though.
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