if you land behind olimar, you get pivot grabbed
Does your pivot grab come out before our frame 2 jab? I guess we get landing lag, too, and you get shield stun (not much), but lucas is good at doing that in particular without getting grabbed by normal grabs, and olimar has a ranged grab
if you SH towards us, you get fsmashed/grabbed
Because you're never in lag of the other fsmash that you whiffed when you thought we were going to approach. There are always openings, especially if you're doing stuff.
pikmin stop fire and thunder
correction: Pikmin ignite pk fire, so they'd better not be right next to you when it happens, and pikmin that are currently being used in an attack stop the bolt of the thunder, but notably not the tail.
Your pivot grab is superior to ours, I concede this point.
we outrange you on like everything
Extreme range has pk freeze while you have nothing. Retreating pk fires telegraph, making our range longer than that of your pikmin throw if we're at equal height, except maybe white pikmin. The reality of this though is usually either a pk fire and pikmin will clash or they'll both connect depending on the offset in height between the characters during the moves. Of course, if the olimar is dumb enough to just stand there and throw pikmin, he's gonna lose in the trades because SH pk fire > standing pikmin throw, especially if wavebounced
tilts won't matter when we just fsmash you, and we don't die as easily as you may think.
cool. except that our fsmash is faster, kills the pikmin and negates the damage, and when we're inside the pikmin range, our tilts are really a lot faster and you have no chance to survive make your time.
As far as the we don't die as easily as blah blah blah, may I point out that lucas is a MID WEIGHT and not light? he's got mario's weight and a recovery that doesn't ever get gimped. You're light and do get gimped, especially by things like pk thunder as demonstrated by one of Tyr's more recent vids. By bringing up the matter of weight and survivability, you're conceding a crucial point in the matchup that lucas has in his favor.
if it comes to it we'll camp you, which supposedly can beat MK
The fact that olimar camping > MK is bogus and you know it as evidenced by your wording. We can camp too, except that we have better anticamping tools. I think it's hilarious when a side b spamming olimar gets a purple reflected in his face, or gets stuck by his own pikmin. And you're underestimating pk fire. Lucas isn't under as much pressure to approach as you think.
and mine as well.
These aren't biased opinions. They're facts.
-Olimar has a superior projectile, so Lucas has to approach.
which is of course always the case. Look at melee samus vs melee fox. Fox's projectile was alright, but couldn't sufficiently pressure samus to approach on it's own. The real clincher was that fox could just sit in his shine until samus felt like approaching.
Now Olimar vs Lucas: Olimar has a projectile that's on the same level as pk fire. Cool. Now we can factor in lucas reflecting said projectile, and suddenly lucas is doing better at a mid-long range. Who's approaching who?
-Lucas simply can't approach Olimar very well. Pivotgrabs, grabs and fsmashes is all he needs on defense (just like he does against most characters). If Lucas is close enough to hit Olimar with a FHdair (and then fast falled or w/e) and land behing him, then the Olimar player has done a very poor job spacing.
Olimar isn't comfortable at mid-long, and openings do exist. Lucas doesn't approach olimar very well. this is fact. but he can approach olimar, and the best way to do so is sliding nairs off platforms autocancelled into jabs. If it's FD, Lucas had better play well at a range to get olimar to either allow an opening to close range, or ideally force olimar to approach.
I do think that olimar is hard to approach. The point is that he isn't impossible to approach, if lucas needs to.
-Lucas does excel offstage against Olimar, just like everyone else does.
Lucas excells offstage more than everyone else. PK thunder is a critical advantage that makes pikmin chain worse than normal as a recovery. And for lucas recovering against olimar, zap jumps put him above your projectiles, and pkt recoveries from lucas are way longer than any other directional recovery in the game.
I'm wondering what approaching options a good Lucas player would use. The ones I've faced had great difficulty getting near me, and by the time I was at a percentage where edgeguarding would kill me, I already had a two stock lead.
Who've you faced? The biggest problem with debates like this is that it's extremely uncommon for our best players to be geographically near your best players.
Edit: I think it's an advantage for Oli, but only 60-40. Nothing more.
I can't agree with that number unless olimar has another good move or two that nobody's ever bothered to use against me before.