Frame Savant
I have done that. The first time I successfully zapjump meteor canceled was on an Ike player, and since Ike is... Ike, I was able to bair spike him. Hot s***. That was actually the first time I mentioned that meteor canceling with zapjump was possible (or at least tried to bring it to people's attention). Too bad its super risky and failure = a lost stock nearly every time. Great combo vid fodder would have been much better if you meteor cancelled into a zap jump to a bair spike for a KO.
anyone do this and they = OMGWTFBBQHAXORZ
Its pretty (very... extremely...) rare that you'll get the opportunity to pull it off. Zapjumping with items makes this easier since the lag isn't there. Dair spikes after an item zapjump w/ bomb have worked on occasion.
What happens more often is you can stagespike in some way. Pkf and f-air work.
Alright, clearly I have a mission. Pull this off and get a video of it. (1000 friendlies / local tourneys and maybe some NYC action later

-zapjump meteor cancel (w/wo item)
-into: bair spike, pk-fire stage spike, magnet pull stage spike, wacky flying nonsense.
-bomb to spike on TL
Save space for my weird a** Lucas plz... even though I suck lol.
EDIT: Any meteor cancel involving zapjumping is awesome by default.