Sky Pirate
The best defense is a lot of frigging healing
- You're going to be Uairing as you momentum cancel anyway, so just keep Uairing until you get a purple to the front. Purples are really good for recovering because they give an extra option for getting back on (with toss). Just time the toss to hit them when their invincibility wears off (if they hog early) or before they hog it.
- You can recover low, save your Double Jump, and DJ Uair from under them. I like to use my second jump early and try to recover high, but many think that this is bad.
So basically:
Pikmin Usefulness Rating when Recovering
1. Purple (described above)
2. Yellow (extra range gives more time to delay the Uair)
3. Everything Else
- Fastfalling Airdodge can be really useful, but be careful about where you do it. You don't want to start a fastfall after your second jump and realize that you aren't getting enough horizontal distance to still recover.
- Don't be afraid to be aggressive in the air, but remember that our priority is weird and you can't just divebomb a Dair through like... Falco's Uair or something.
- Remember whistle bouncing, watch what they're trying to do, etc. etc.
- You can recover low, save your Double Jump, and DJ Uair from under them. I like to use my second jump early and try to recover high, but many think that this is bad.
So basically:
Pikmin Usefulness Rating when Recovering
1. Purple (described above)
2. Yellow (extra range gives more time to delay the Uair)
3. Everything Else
- Fastfalling Airdodge can be really useful, but be careful about where you do it. You don't want to start a fastfall after your second jump and realize that you aren't getting enough horizontal distance to still recover.
- Don't be afraid to be aggressive in the air, but remember that our priority is weird and you can't just divebomb a Dair through like... Falco's Uair or something.
- Remember whistle bouncing, watch what they're trying to do, etc. etc.