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Lost Mafia - Who won? - The viewing audience of course


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Okay here is a little blurb of what I thought while I was reading the game.

I'll explain the town reads quickly.

Joey is one of the people I just know as a player really well so I can read his intent solidly. His intent this game is shining town for me with the way he is pushing his reads and being an active part of the discussion. Although, I disagree with his Auspher push, it seems genuine like he is confident in his read and must push it. The only weird thing is the that he continues to say that he is V/LA but keeps popping back up, though that just seems silly to me. =P

Evil Eye is a little bit of a no brainer for me. I'm not getting any vibes of the scummy guy from PF who beat me out in LyLo. *Mean person ;_;* His activity is a lot more than I have thought from him and he is pushing people he thinks are scum based on good reasoning. It's like night and day from the Evil Eye I learned at first. I just like what he's doing and see his train of thought really well with town intent.

KevinM is an odd one for me to have a town-read on. I've only played with KevinM a couple of times but I'm beginning to learn his playstyle. At first, I wasn't liking KevinM simply because he is a coaster, however, I'm become accustomed to that being the normal him as town. So I took another look at his posts and found that he is actually saying things in his posts that make me see him as town. Like him questioning some of the main talkers and making his reads known a bit in the thread. Not seeing any mal-intent nor really anti-town from KevinM so I'm cool with keeping him

^Those more or less came in order of my town reads' strengths.

I dislike both Gheb and RR for different reasons.

Gheb moreso is that he is merely going after weak players and when EE called him out on that, it was right on the money. He has continued to just float about not doing much of anything yet when provoked he bites back insanely hard. *Confrontation with EE* He's gone after KevinM for not giving a stance list (yet KevinM has been giving stance), Kataefi for a ??? reason, Joey for being Joey, and RR which he just keeps saying. They seem like cop-out scum-picks and he hasn't really done much of anything to push any four of them as the main lynch target.

His non-prescence is something I don't like as well but I'm chalking that up to Christmas since he said he had Christmas johns as of late so I'm cutting him some slack. Gheb just doesn't seem that towny this game to me and reminds me of Higurashi.

RR is just moreso a vibe than anything else. His play is really reminding me of how he played in Higurashi and there was just this one quote that looked too similar too me for marking it up as a coincidence.

This post in Higurashi and This post in Lost Mafia

It reminded me because of the utter appalment RR had in that game combined with the fact of that Vote/Unvote line he did just screamed to me similaritiy. It isn't enough for me, however, to want to lynch Ryu but I do have my eye on his simply because his play is coming off as shady to me.

Rajam, I dislike purely because his posts lack anything with getting his hands dirty. he continues to attack (lightly at that) that he dislikes a certain person's posts. Let's bring up his quoting/questioning of EE. He continued to express concern with EE's posts but never made a move to call him scum for it nor did he call him scummy for said post, merely just said that he disliked the posts. Afterwards when he posted a reads list, EE was founded as null.

With current arguments, he is the ultimate person in the middle of everything which makes me even more wary that he is scum just looking for the best opportunity for him to swoop in and do something that seems towny. His play screams, to me, precautious scum looking for a way to make himself a presence in a game just enough to avoid being called an inactive and just inactive enough to lay low away from fire. He continues to express null things while not necessarily delving into why someone is scum. One sentence really cemented that I want to lynch Rajam the most.

He isn't even offering up any scum-reads that show he wants to lynch them but moreso just stating that lynching inactives would be the best course to "send a clear message". That line just seems really fake to me. =x Plus he doesn't even care to mention other inactives like Soupa/FF/Kata but chooses those three in particular. Why?

My notion is that he choose those three because they were the most talked about and seemed to be the headway for discussion. (Glyph/Circus*now me*) Especially.

Two reads to me that are quite interesting are Ryker/EE. EE because he calls him "too comfortable in the game" which makes him wary. I don't know whether he is calling him scum or he is just stating a fact he dislikes. EE being comfortable doesn't seem really indicative of alignment. How is this a scumtell?

Next is Ryker which is a complete hypocrisy and seems cautious. He says he dislikes Ryker's playstyle and says he dislikes him AND he then gives Ryker this huge paragraph discussing what Ryker should do about certain things and how he expresses concern with his reads, but still calls him town.

Rajam seems to be trying to call Ryker town to get him off his back because iirc, Ryker was disliking Rajam earlier and it seems Rajam is trying to satiate Ryker by trying to help him. I dislike this paragraph because it looks like he is calling Ryker's activities scummy but he has him as a town-read. It seems backwards to me. xD

Rajam also does not seem to care who we lynch toDay as long as it is one of the inactives being Glyph or myself. He continues to press this point on being they need to go because they are inactive. I'm sorry but to me, I just don't like it.

Vote: Rajam

Rajam, I would like scum-picks from you that are outside the inactives.
I would also like you to take a side of what Mentos/Gorf is to you since you have them as null iirc.
What is your opinion of Gheb/RR? Would you lynch them or would you save them if you had the choice?
Agreed with Dooms being town

Where did you get that read on KevM??

Regarding EE, I don't know why it is inconsistent that I found some posts of him weird, and then put him in the null list. You are saying that I never called him scum; that's right, I have a null read on EE.

I did mention those three. Soup was 4th place, I wouldn't lynch FF since we get nothing from his lynch, and I have a slight town read on Kataefi so I also wouldn't lynch him.

I dislike Ryker's playstyle in general in every game. That doesn't mean I can't call him town in some games though. I think he is town but I'm telling him some flaws I think he has in his playstyle.

My rebuttal to all your other points is "No, you're wrong. I'm town". If you put your points in the form "I think ... bla bla" it's not like I can do much more than that rebuttal anyways.

Other than the inactives, Gorf while I was catching up (reasons in my latest posts), and lately KevM for that callout on RR for... asking a claim on the player with the more chances of being lynched? what's wrong with that? oh sorry KevM still falls in the inactives category but he's still scum. I still think you're scum from your previous Circus' slot. My other scum reads are weak and include mentos and probably Evil Eye at this point.

I had a town read on Gheb at the beginning of the game which is now a weak town read since I think several Gheb' reads are wrong. RR I had a slight scum read at the beginning, just pure vibes though and now I don't have anything solid on him to still put him in the scum side. Null. I wouldn't save RR if it becomes a choice between picking him or no lynch; I'd implicitly save them both if I can choose someone scummier.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I just don't see Mentos scum over RR scum.

Okay @ Auspher. Still don't like you for it, though(or him).


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Mentos is doctor, yo. Luckily, scum won't nightkill him because they'll be nightkilling me.

I don't know why Acrostic chose not to mention it, but I have a night ability that lets me target a player and prevent them from killing anybody. Usable every night.
I'm also masoned with Ryker and have mod-confirmed information that J is scum.
If you're masoned with Ryker why then he voted you in the past?
Why are you saying just now all this with very low chances of shifting wagons?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Mentos is doctor, yo. Luckily, scum won't nightkill him because they'll be nightkilling me.

I don't know why Acrostic chose not to mention it, but I have a night ability that lets me target a player and prevent them from killing anybody. Usable every night.
I'm also masoned with Ryker and have mod-confirmed information that J is scum.
Something in this post is not a lie.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I explained where I got that KevinM town read in that post.

Also you cannot simply put "You're wrong. I'm town." as rebuttal to my points to just ignore them. ~.~ Nooo way.

So Rajam, you now have 5 scum-reads. You need to show where Evil Eye has no become scum to you and what has changed him from being null to you.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
If you're masoned with Ryker why then he voted you in the past?
Why are you saying just now all this with very low chances of shifting wagons?
I didn't want to out our masonry's ability. He can't hammer and I have a restriction. I'm perfectly alright with his restriction being in the open. Personally, I'd prefer if you didn't pry further. Rolefishing is entirtely unnecessary.

J being mod confirmed scum is not true.



Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Tandora wasn't even in Bingo mafia. xD
You're right, Tandora is better. What is that girl's name though?!?! I swear it starts with an S but I keep thinking of Sang and it's not her.

Ok so mentos isn't doctor, claims not-doctor to prevent a CC, and still refuses to claim. Blatantly town.

Glyph was viewing, I voted him, he left. Blatantly scum.

What are the chances of an extension being used/being helpful?

Vote: deadline extension

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
We would gave to get a majority. Little chance of that happening. Even if it did happen, we would then be using our extension, which is pretty balls.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Vote: Red Ruy

Glyph is still scum though, even without me reading. Thank gog Ryker filled me in on a lot of this.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
So, we're both 3 votes from lynch... And the only people I have seen on lately are on one or the other, so we're going to need some flips to make anything happen(T-2hours 19 minutes)


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
I explained where I got that KevinM town read in that post.

Also you cannot simply put "You're wrong. I'm town." as rebuttal to my points to just ignore them. ~.~ Nooo way.

So Rajam, you now have 5 scum-reads. You need to show where Evil Eye has no become scum to you and what has changed him from being null to you.
I'm using that rebuttal to things like "I think your 'we should send a clear message to inactives' is fake" and the likes. I responded some of your points which could be responded in a deeper way, and I'm using the rebuttal to the others points in which you say "I think bla bla" which is your way of interpreting things and hence I can't go further than saying "no you're wrong". You're making it sound like I used that rebuttal to everything.

I stated Evil Eye is a weak read; are you trying to force me to take a solid stance and make a commitment to it when I just said I don't have one? because that's what I'm reading from that last request... Anyways, I think he has been conducting the game in a bad direction and stalling, and that after a somewhat good start with accuesations on Acrostic and the gambit on mentos, he hasn't been keeping the pace lately. I think some of his posts have void purpose too. If both RR and mentos flip town that'd make me think stronger on EE scum. That's it.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
oh and btw I also think there's a fair chance that EE was trying to rolefish with that daykill gambit

request deadline extension


Smash Rookie
Mar 31, 2010
Lexington, KY
With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch!

Vote Count:
RR: (6) Mentosman, KevinM, Dooms, Gheb, J, Asdioh
Dooms: (1) Soupamario
Mentosman: (6) Red Ryu, Kataefi, Glyph, Evil Eye, Ryker, Rajam
Gorf: (1) Aushper
Kataefi: (1) Gorf

Not voting: (2) frozenflame751, Chaco

Deadline December 26th, 11:59 PM.

About 2 hours to deadline!

Thanks for flying with Oceanic.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
@J: Just searched KevinM's posts in this game. No explanations offered for any read aka "scum-Omni style", not to mention KevM flipped scum playing in the same manner than here in other recent game. Not sure how you got a town read on him... his post with more content is the one where he voted RR for asking a claim, which is also scummy. You sure about your town read on KevM? What's your read on Gorf?


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
@J: Just searched KevinM's posts in this game. No explanations offered for any read aka "scum-Omni style", not to mention KevM flipped scum playing in the same manner than here in other recent game. Not sure how you got a town read on him... his post with more content is the one where he voted RR for asking a claim, which is also scummy. You sure about your town read on KevM? What's your read on Gorf?
Would just like to point out Rajam, Kevin plays this way in *every* game. The meta you're talking about is incomplete since he does the same regardless of town/indie/scum alignment. Your question to J can stand but I feel I should point out that that's just how Kevmo plays and as EE said earlier, you really need to play the long game to get a solid read on him.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Omg at thus rate we're headed for a no Lynch.

Vote: Red ryu

2 more!!

I'll get to peeps when not on phone




Smash Rookie
Mar 31, 2010
Lexington, KY
With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch!

Vote Count:
RR: (7) Mentosman, KevinM, Dooms, Gheb, J, Asdioh, Kataefi
Dooms: (1) Soupamario
Mentosman: (5) Red Ryu, Glyph, Evil Eye, Ryker, Rajam
Gorf: (1) Aushper
Kataefi: (1) Gorf

Not voting: (2) frozenflame751, Chaco

Deadline December 26th, 11:59 PM.

Only 49 minutes to deadline!

Thanks for flying with Oceanic.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I'll be here at deadline. Anyone have anything to take care of before hammerfall?

I don't like Mentos being unwilling to claim until the very end. I don't like people who jumped RR when he asked for a claim. I don't like this wagon, not one bit.

I also don't like RR.

This game is ****ing balls.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch!

Vote Count:
RR: (9) Mentosman, KevinM, Dooms, Gheb, J, Asdioh, Kataefi, Chaco, Rajam
Dooms: (1) Soupamario
Mentosman: (4) Red Ryu, Glyph, Evil Eye, Ryker
Gorf: (1) Aushper
Kataefi: (1) Gorf

Not voting: (1) frozenflame751

Deadline December 26th, 11:59 PM.


We are now in Twilight. All players may post until I post the death scene.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
^ Either that or NL. I'll always lynch a null if it comes to that or NL. Gorf is my strongest scum read atm and everyone who wasn't here for deadline also gains scummy coins.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Woah what the **** did I miss. So I totally haven't read much past the end of pg 21... But having a wagon on Ryu start because of him asking for mentos, the forseen lynch candidate, to claim isn't really justified, especially when forseeing the approaching deadline
(he should have been wagoned for better reasons -.-)
. And in that, I don't see how what Kevin did was really scummy either. I just can't see scum trying to completely go out of the way to derail a lynch... especially not KevM. More stuffs before they close this thread up (hopefully).


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
You do realize that most of us just viewed you as scummy (or more scummy than Mentos) and that asking for claim wasn't the actual reason why we voted you, right?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
WOAH. Ruy was Charlie? WE LYNCHED... CHARLIE?! We obv have no soul.

Ruy said:
Also wtf at voting me for asking for a claim from someone who was up for a lynch is not groddy.
Sure there's barely a sense of correct syntax, but yea.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
It has been sixteen days since Oceanic 815 mysteriously crashed on the Island. Nerves have been frayed. There is no clear source of food, no electricity, no medicine, not a single luxury.

Some managed to pull together and find simple ways to gather food. A few fished while others gathered fruit. A small group sorted through the strewn luggage. A few brave souls gathered the dead, piled them together, and burned the bodies. There was an outrage by some for their cultural beliefs, but the majority agreed it was the most efficient way to remove the dead. And maybe, just maybe if they were lucky, someone would see the funeral pyre and rescue them!

But no one came.

For Charlie, it was harder than most. He was a drug addict and one of the many things the Island did not have was a drug dealer. He had smuggled a small stash on the plane, but it was gone within days.

With his stash gone, Charlie quickly went into withdrawal. His erratic behavior drove people away.

At heart Charlie was a good guy, but he tried too hard to cling to the celebrity status his band Drive Shaft had enjoyed from its one hit wonder "You All Everybody". He mentioned that he was the singer for Drive Shaft every opportunity he got.

The other Survivors wondered if there wasn't something wrong with him. Maybe he wasn't who he said he was. Maybe he was but he was working with The Others.

As dusk fell, the Survivors had a meeting. "We don't trust you," they said. "You have to leave." Charlie turned away, dejected. He had been rejected again, just like with his brother Liam.

The young British man walked into the jungle. A few minutes later, a terrible yowl could be heard across the Island. Charlie was never seen again.

Charlie Pace (Red Ryu) Vanilla Townie has been lynched.

N1 has started. Please turn in any night actions. N1 will end on Wednesday, December 28th 11:59 PM.

Who will the Island claim next?


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
That's not why KevinM voted me.

Most of the reasons were ballz though. Meta, trying to get Auspher to do something, and asking for a claim.

Mine, I must be so scummy huh?


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
Start Day 2

Despite the long summer like days on the Island, the nights were long too. Maybe it was the lack of the "normal" sounds of civilization. There was no drone of a street light, the steady murmur of traffic or the abrupt scream of a siren during the witching hour.

Instead there were only the sounds of nature. The never ending chorus of the cicadas, the low blowing of the wind, or the gentle crash of the waves on the shore.

Small groups of people are strewn along the beach. Some sleep deeply while others toss and turn. A man patrols the groups checking each sleeper.

There had been small attacks by the Others, but thankfully no one had been hurt yet. How long could their luck hold?

Suddenly, there was movement on the horizon. The patroller turned and saw a stranger standing by a tree. The stranger was an older man with silver hair wearing a suit.

"Halt!" the guard yelled. "Who are you?"

The silver haired man ignored the warning and walked away. The guard sprinted after him, leaping over sleeping bodies. Groggily the Survivors started to wake at the noise.

A few more alert Survivors jumped to their feet and followed the guard as he chased the stranger. The only sound was the crashing of the jungle around them as they ran in the darkness after the retreating figure who never seemed to actually run but stayed far ahead of the hunters.

Finally, they saw the man duck into a cave. Aha! He had no escape now! They darted after him and found...nothing. There was only an empty cave with a small waterfall.

And an empty coffin.

Despite the strange circumstances that brought them there, many of the Survivors were excited. Now they had a secure place to stay with a fresh supply of water. Some were concerned to be away from the beach. What if help came?

In the middle of the arguing on what to do next, Hurley shouted, "Guys, someone is missing!" A quick count was taken. Not only was someone missing, but two people were missing.

Mentos is gone!
KevinM is gone!

As the sun rose on the Island, the Survivors were uneasy. Two people were gone. Were they their friends or spies who were reporting back to the Others? Were they dead or kidnapped?

Day 2 has begun!

With 14 alive, it takes 8 to lynch!

Vote count:
No one yet!

Not voting: Joey, DtJ Glyphmoney, frozenflame751, Gordito, Rajam, Auspher, J, Asdioh, Kataefi, Evil Eye, Ryker, Gheb_01, Chaco, Soupamario

Deadline January 11th, 11:59 PM EST.

Prods for inactivity:
Glyph - 2
KevinM - 1
Soupamario - 2
Kataefi - 1
Frozenflame - 1
Auspher - 1
Evil Eye - 1


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
is there any chance you can include colors in the day/night posts so the important parts are easier to see? :c
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