Got no problem with a money match in any Capcom game you want.
Also, you can't Baroque after a Mega Crash unless you follow up with a normal attack first, so in mid air or mid stage it would end a Baroque. I'm telling you it's about useless since your opponent will almost always have 2 meter.
I was Shoryuken for 8 years before I came to KiddyBoards, so please save any and all "knowledge" for if you can actually beat me at a Capcom fighter.
You play TvC your way I'll play it mine. My way of playing games seems to win me hundreds of dollars at a time so say what you want.
EDIT: Also, please chill on the disrespect. I didn't say anything to you so I don't deserve to be talked to like an a$$hole.
Are we even having the same talk with one another? I hit all the points in your post andd you respond with randdom BS.
You say"Also, you can't Baroque after a Mega Crash unless you follow up with a normal attack first, so in mid air or mid stage it would end a Baroque. I'm telling you it's about useless since your opponent will almost always have 2 meter."
I never said anything about mega crush into baroque, I did say activate and then use mega crush/assult to gain more red bar health and combo more.
Look at baroque like frc/rc in GG, it is safe on normals and makes moves safe that are not other wise safe. If I throw out a normal B and you bolck it you can push block and punish it, but if I have any red health (Little is better for this as you do not want to combo but rather not get punished) I can activate and then block and call assist and get out.
If I can get you to waste 2 meters on a 12% activation I think I am winning this exchange since all I am doing is baiting your mega crush and there is no chance for an assult so you lose both levels and I still have baroque(if the mega crush hits i will be able to activate again)
Level building is mad easy in this but if you are wasting all the levels on mega crushing 8-17% baroque then I am going to come out on top for sure.
I mean no harm by what I am saying, just answer the questions so that way we can actually be talking to one another and not me talking to you and you talking around what I am saying.
Give me a better use for red bar health than baroque? You have played other vs games right? How many times does red bar health actually recorver in high level mathes? They are to quick to even think there is a better use for 5-35% red bar health, if for nothing else than to bait a mega crush andd get the 2 levels off your opponet.
You are right, srk account..................... oh no you have got to know more. No one on this board cares about srk and no one on srk cares about neo so that makes no sense to me.
Like I said I was only trying to say some helpful hints and you got all butt hurt because someone else (whom you have no clue who they are) said something that hurt what you said.
2 baroque's in a game? You really do not see Custom Combos that much in games that have them right?
SfA3 anyone?
SF3s anyone?
They break the game and baroque will do just that "Broke" the game.