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Lock this!!!!!!! HOUSTON THREAD(everybody go to new Houston thread)

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Smash Ace
Nov 20, 2006
Pasadena, Tx
I'm not threatened by that kind of tech skill, I know my tech skill is better, even though I don't do circus tricks like that. Not to mention he probably changes his grip or use the joystick to jump or something gay. Plus I do more shines in a row with Falco all the time even though you haven't seen me do it. Fox doesn't even take any timing, it's just as fast as you can go and hope you get lucky. And sometimes they do, like in that video. Plus if I practice that too much (I can do it if I haven't played in a long time), it starts to tear at my muscle and ligaments theyby destroying my tech skill = not worth it. Falco's phantasm stall screws up my hands as well. Human flesh is only so strong, however his is probably stronger than mine, my health isn't too great.
I know what you are saying. I avoid using characters, now, that require a lot of technical work because I have damage in my right thumb (it feels like there is a rod through it). It has limited movement and speed. I will never blame it for a loss though. I need to learn to live with my problem and win.

Lab Rat™

Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2006
Sugar Land, TX
man smashboards is becoming smash BORED

somebody should totally get naked, thatd be awesome

i can wavedash with any character.... TWICE


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2007
Downtown, Houston, Tx
Hey Guys im off This friday and saturday from work so if yall wanna come to my casa (house) it will be cool-smash all night 802 Booth St. 77009 -my cell-832 659 9561-so come if yall want-ppl that i want to come Jeremy,Void,Kage,Nova,Bear,Tgm And more but not enough time to name them all-lol


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2007
Houston, TXXX
ive been naked ever since this hot convo started.

I love how everyone gets mad at forum posts

I still own you all.

Especially Silent wolf. Especially.

No, especially jeremy feifer, gabe, and Velox. Dont forget sethlon

My god look at that dashing stud at number 1 on your list jeremy. He suuure is cuuute


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
I still own you all.
Dont forget sethlon

Also, Lol at Silent Wolf popping in here all of the sudden, especially right after linguini. Maybe if we mention some other random well known smasher they'll pop in too???


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2006
San Marcos, Tx, USA

Also, Lol at Silent Wolf popping in here all of the sudden, especially right after linguini. Maybe if we mention some other random well known smasher they'll pop in too???
"speak of the devil..."


oh and btw, how does a newcomer to the houston scene ingratiate himself into it? I r teh ignored for the most part.


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2006
Houston, Tx
I cant believe there was actualy an arguement about who has the better tech skill? WHO CARES? I have by far the worst tech skill in houston yet i can kick all of yalls *** except for alex, cf and se.

you kids have obviously never learned the truth.

Be as tech-y as you want but a player who can space(seth,ronnie,cf) and be smart when they play will always win. But since i dont space all that well and only think when im playing the top 3.......what does that say about me????? IM THE F-ing CHAMPION!!!!!!!!

PS: the movie called The Mist has the most F-ed up ending ive ever seen. its at the movies right now.

PSS: im getting a lap top sent to me house in 3 days. i can do vids and stuff alot easier now.


Oct 27, 2007
Gravity Falls, OR
oh and btw, how does a newcomer to the houston scene ingratiate himself into it? I r teh ignored for the most part.
I'm trying to integrate myself too, I'm just gonna try talking to some people, I've already talked with jeremy feifer, and when I get time, I'm just going to try to hold my own against some people. Unfortunately, I'm too busy in the next couple weeks to do any smashing =(


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2005
Magnolia, Tx
my post was a joke Ronnie :p

Why is Silent Wolf in the Houston thread again ?

dang.... Allan im forgotten big time now are i not :( I miss a whole 2 monthlies and im a nobody now :(


Smash Ace
Nov 20, 2006
Pasadena, Tx
hey guys,

is there no tourney in dec?
If there was, it would have been mentioned wouldn't it? That means no, at least not one hosted by TGM. There should be one when Linguini comes down, but isn't. Allan, arrange a fest so we can all watch and I can record!


Smash Champion
Jun 6, 2006
Houston (Clear Lake)
my post was a joke Ronnie :p

Why is Silent Wolf in the Houston thread again ?

dang.... Allan im forgotten big time now are i not :( I miss a whole 2 monthlies and im a nobody now :(
It's okay Gabe, everyone knows you're amazing.

I don't even know you, but you're still amazing.


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2007
Texas (UoH)
Silent Wolf, I am 100% positive I know more about this game than you do. A player like Azen would pick you apart in a second, and all of his kills on you would not be because you messed up something or missed some spacing. No, all of his kills on you would come from some sort of higher knowledge of the game, or a trick.

You're higher teck skill is like a curse, I watch your matches and if you have the chance to run off a platform and do an aerial, you go for it. Nobody may punish you for that up there in Washington, but Azen would just stand below you and f-smash towards the end of the platform and hit you all day long. Plus in half your matches you just SHFFL aerials at nothing and get grabed out of them when there was no reason in the first place to do them. Honestly, that kind of thing is way too predictable, and the list doesn't stop there. So yes, I do believe I am entitled to my opinion, and in this case, it's right dude. It isn't my fault (well, actually it is lol), that I see all kinds of faults in your style. I'm sure if you watched me, you could do the same to me. There is no way you could deny these things, because I could sit there right next to you in real life and watch a video of you and point them out to you. Every move should be done for a reason. I'm not going to go in any more depth with you though, because it's all knowledge that I like to keep private unless you're like Sethlon/Gabe, or a Texas player for that matter cause we're the **** <<

You're right, I don't know how you think. I know how you don't think.

I do agree with you though that sometimes it's fun to just play technical and just not care in hopes of having fun. And I hope you keep that mentality, because you're pretty fun to watch.

But in reality, you really don't know much about this game. You just think you do. You don't even know what makes you good. How is this proven? Because you claim you do, yet you haven't actually even hinted as to what makes you so good. I have actually layed out some tangible things for you, I am so confident that I'm right, I know you can't claim I'm wrong. Clearly you're not that confident in how you play. Let's hear it then? I think you're too afraid I will immediately say it's crap.


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2006
Houston, Tx
velox, it doesnt matter who knows the most or the least. Winning and losing is all that matters in the overall smash scene. You and 2 others on this board NEVER go to ANY tournies.........so how can you be right or "know more" when you dont show up/play/exp stuff?All you do is read and watch vids......EXP is the ULTIMATE way of "knowing more" in this game. This silent wolf guy is 8.6 trillion times better than you wether HE knows or DOESNT know ANYTHING about the game. So saying "i know more about smash than you" is pretty dumb when he would decimate you in every way possible with multiple characters. Not to metion he has beaten/exp/placed better than you OR me ever will.

H3ll, sideEffect doesnt even know how to counter pick to his advantage and he still kicks all ***. So the same thing should be applied to him......


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
Something about the cliche "Action speaks louder than words" fits here...

I'll be done with finals by the end of next week and be free pretty much everyday afer that (minus obligatory work time because I need money for gas), so if anyone is having a smashfest or something, it would be greatly appreciated. :)

Also, behemoth, just go to more gatherings and play more people. If not, try to go to someone's house and just train with the other person. You'll only get better if you constantly play and practice techniques.


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2006
3713 Vivian rd 77093
so TGM what is exactly is going to happen on december man!!!!! i need to know.
i really cant say much about this whole SILENT WOLF all i know is that he is good and gots tech skill and he knows how to use it who cares if what he does is not use full , let him try and experiment thats what make people good just like SIDEEFFECT SIG!!!................(Talent is a head start, intelligence/obsession/experimentation are ways to keep improving) thats what i think...

oh and TGM i saw THE MIST with my girl and i hated it has a ****ed up ending ..


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
oh and TGM i saw THE MIST with my girl and i hated it has a ****ed up ending ..he kills the old lady and old man and the girl and his own son then 2 minutes later the army shows up to help thats mest up!!!
Congratulations! You've ruined the ending for everyone else! :urg:

So, it looks like there won't be anything major happening in Dec as of yet. If you read the title, the next tourney will be in Jan.


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2006
3713 Vivian rd 77093
Congratulations! You've ruined the ending for everyone else! :urg:

So, it looks like there won't be anything major happening in Dec as of yet. If you read the title, the next tourney will be in Jan.
oh sorry about that is just that i was really mad i hate endings like that it piss me off alot so sorry but is really good .
i know the next tourny is on jan but what about december any smashfest or anything !!!


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2006
Houston, Tx
dawn and RT. please edit your posts so u dont wreck the ending.

and seth. green greens is the only good stage he picks. cornia is just another common level.

i had a get together on Dec. 15 people showed up. the next thingy is me tournie in january.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2007
Houston, TXXX
While we're at it, who is the most handsome player in Houston?!

Green Greens! And no Allan you are wrong. I always win on Corneria! ;-D

Jeremy Feifer

Jeremy Feifer
Oct 2, 2006
Silent Wolf, I am 100% positive I know more about this game than you do. A player like Azen would pick you apart in a second, and all of his kills on you would not be because you messed up something or missed some spacing. No, all of his kills on you would come from some sort of higher knowledge of the game, or a trick.

You're higher teck skill is like a curse, I watch your matches and if you have the chance to run off a platform and do an aerial, you go for it. Nobody may punish you for that up there in Washington, but Azen would just stand below you and f-smash towards the end of the platform and hit you all day long. Plus in half your matches you just SHFFL aerials at nothing and get grabed out of them when there was no reason in the first place to do them. Honestly, that kind of thing is way too predictable, and the list doesn't stop there. So yes, I do believe I am entitled to my opinion, and in this case, it's right dude. It isn't my fault (well, actually it is lol), that I see all kinds of faults in your style. I'm sure if you watched me, you could do the same to me. There is no way you could deny these things, because I could sit there right next to you in real life and watch a video of you and point them out to you. Every move should be done for a reason. I'm not going to go in any more depth with you though, because it's all knowledge that I like to keep private unless you're like Sethlon/Gabe, or a Texas player for that matter cause we're the **** <<

You're right, I don't know how you think. I know how you don't think.

I do agree with you though that sometimes it's fun to just play technical and just not care in hopes of having fun. And I hope you keep that mentality, because you're pretty fun to watch.

But in reality, you really don't know much about this game. You just think you do. You don't even know what makes you good. How is this proven? Because you claim you do, yet you haven't actually even hinted as to what makes you so good. I have actually layed out some tangible things for you, I am so confident that I'm right, I know you can't claim I'm wrong. Clearly you're not that confident in how you play. Let's hear it then? I think you're too afraid I will immediately say it's crap.

velox, it doesnt matter who knows the most or the least. Winning and losing is all that matters in the overall smash scene. You and 2 others on this board NEVER go to ANY tournies.........so how can you be right or "know more" when you dont show up/play/exp stuff?All you do is read and watch vids......EXP is the ULTIMATE way of "knowing more" in this game. This silent wolf guy is 8.6 trillion times better than you wether HE knows or DOESNT know ANYTHING about the game. So saying "i know more about smash than you" is pretty dumb when he would decimate you in every way possible with multiple characters. Not to metion he has beaten/exp/placed better than you OR me ever will.

H3ll, sideEffect doesnt even know how to counter pick to his advantage and he still kicks all ***. So the same thing should be applied to him......
Also Velox wtf?
Plus in half your matches you just SHFFL aerials at nothing and get grabed out of them when there was no reason in the first place to do them. Every move should be done for a reason.
#1)Who are YOU to tell anyone how a video game should be played... SW already said he plays to have fun... just like the game was intended for. So your telling him not to enjoy this game the way he wants!?

#2)Why even hate on a way somone plays other than, as an excuse on a reason why'd you lose. Who cares if Azen is better, you'd rather ride another smashers **** hopeing "he" could do what "you" say other than you doing it yourself. The fact is YOU cant beat him and you hate on SW cause... I guess you like to hate.

#3)Telling people the reason why you would get beat only plays onto you not being good in the first place. If you can really recognize why your being beat and still not do anything about it... well whos smarter then? I can understand why SW beats me, but if I cant figure out a way around him to the point of me not getting beat all the time, then I guess I wouldn't be thinking...

#4)If you know so much about this game... Do something about it. Its like being a football player and not playing football. Untill you place in anything It be in your best interest to quit talking cause SW would destroy you... or you could just MM$ him.

#5)SW's my friend and a cool guy, you know nothing about him. All you know is it makes you mad cause you cant do what he does and you take that as him being cocky, but I can assure you he's just tryin to have fun, and in TX theres nothing wrong with that.



Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2006
3713 Vivian rd 77093

Also Velox wtf?

#1)Who are YOU to tell anyone how a video game should be played... SW already said he plays to have fun... just like the game was intended for. So your telling him not to enjoy this game the way he wants!?

#2)Why even hate on a way somone plays other than, as an excuse on a reason why'd you lose. Who cares if Azen is better, you'd rather ride another smashers **** hopeing "he" could do what "you" say other than you doing it yourself. The fact is YOU cant beat him and you hate on SW cause... I guess you like to hate.

#3)Telling people the reason why you would get beat only plays onto you not being good in the first place. If you can really recognize why your being beat and still not do anything about it... well whos smarter then? I can understand why SW beats me, but if I cant figure out a way around him to the point of me not getting beat all the time, then I guess I wouldn't be thinking...

#4)If you know so much about this game... Do something about it. Its like being a football player and not playing football. Untill you place in anything It be in your best interest to quit talking cause SW would destroy you... or you could just MM$ him.

#5)SW's my friend and a cool guy, you know nothing about him. All you know is it makes you mad cause you cant do what he does and you take that as him being cocky, but I can assure you he's just tryin to have fun, and in TX theres nothing wrong with that.

nice well said!!!;);)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 24, 2007
its that boy dawn! are you coming back for the next tourney?

and JF looking forward to see you at the next one as well =) i need to play you again.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2007
Houston, TXXX
Hey guys calm down seriously.

Velox is just saying he doesn't think Silent Wolf is that good. Yes, he is very amazing, but when it comes to the top players: m2k, Ken, Chu etc. he would simply get demolished, because flashiness won't save you there. You can have fun losing for all I care.

Velox doesn't have that much tourney experience, but he does know a lot about the game. He just doesn't have the talent to apply it well(no offense). I am sure there are a lot of people that don't go to tournies and they are amazing. They just aren't known like Silent Wolf is. His tech skill gets him more credit than he deserves. And I myself, would MM Silent Wolf anytime, any day. I am pretty confident in my skills and I am pretty confident that I would beat him.

For the record Silent Wolf says he plays the game for fun which is the way the game should be played. but you can't sit there and tell me you like losing, over and over again. That is why you stick to playing the Mediocre players in Washington.(besides eggz)


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2006
3713 Vivian rd 77093
Hey guys calm down seriously.

Velox is just saying he doesn't think Silent Wolf is that good. Yes, he is very amazing, but when it comes to the top players: m2k, Ken, Chu etc. he would simply get demolished, because flashiness won't save you there. You can have fun losing for all I care.

Velox doesn't have that much tourney experience, but he does know a lot about the game. He just doesn't have the talent to apply it well(no offense). I am sure there are a lot of people that don't go to tournies and they are amazing. They just aren't known like Silent Wolf is. His tech skill gets him more credit than he deserves. And I myself, would MM Silent Wolf anytime, any day. I am pretty confident in my skills and I am pretty confident that I would beat him.

For the record Silent Wolf says he plays the game for fun which is the way the game should be played. but you can't sit there and tell me you like losing, over and over again. That is why you stick to playing the Mediocre players in Washington.(besides eggz)
i have faith in you SIDEEFFECTvs SILENT WOLF just dont let us fox in houston down or i will take action...

Jeremy Feifer

Jeremy Feifer
Oct 2, 2006
For the record Silent Wolf says he plays the game for fun which is the way the game should be played. but you can't sit there and tell me you like losing, over and over again. That is why you stick to playing the Mediocre players in Washington.(besides eggz)
#1,My money is on Wolf.

#2,Everyone isn't you. I dont mind loseing, I only despise loseing to cocky people like you. Get it?

#3,You got your priorities all wrong, and when brawl drops im all about having fun. Who cares about who is the best in this game... the chart goes: The better you are in this game, the higher chance I can kick your @$$.

#4, Not to be off subject, but people in houston have a problem with giving others in houston props. We need to stop being stingy.


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2006
3713 Vivian rd 77093
#1,My money is on Wolf.

(#3,You got your priorities all wrong, and when brawl drops im all about having fun. Who cares about who is the best in this game... the chart goes: The better you are in this game, the higher chance I can kick your @$$.)

Who cares about who is the best in the game you are kind of right and wrong if you really thing about it there is more people who play this game competive then just for fun why els would people pay so much all the time to enter tournaments like OC, MLG AND EVO and other tournaments like that.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
Hey guys calm down seriously.

Velox is just saying he doesn't think Silent Wolf is that good. Yes, he is very amazing, but when it comes to the top players: m2k, Ken, Chu etc. he would simply get demolished, because flashiness won't save you there. You can have fun losing for all I care.

Velox doesn't have that much tourney experience, but he does know a lot about the game. He just doesn't have the talent to apply it well(no offense). I am sure there are a lot of people that don't go to tournies and they are amazing. They just aren't known like Silent Wolf is. His tech skill gets him more credit than he deserves. And I myself, would MM Silent Wolf anytime, any day. I am pretty confident in my skills and I am pretty confident that I would beat him.

For the record Silent Wolf says he plays the game for fun which is the way the game should be played. but you can't sit there and tell me you like losing, over and over again. That is why you stick to playing the Mediocre players in Washington.(besides eggz)
I guess people are still dumb. Why is it that players think just because I'm technical, means I don't have mindgames? I'm pretty sure being bad at the game didn't get me 7th at OC3 and 13th at FCD lol. Didn't we also beat your state in crews at FCD without using our last guy? Which happened to be Ka master? lmao I really have no idea why you guys are acting like you know how much I know about the game. =P Whatever, I guess whoever said you guys are dumb was right. I'll ignore you.
EDIT - I was pretty sure I came close to Ken at OC3,a nd I also thought I went even with players like Shiz and PC lol
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