Besides being super comfortable in my hands, the Wii U Pro is giving me some trouble. That damn c-stick is pretty hard to get to when my right thumb is focused on the buttons below it, so I often find myself going back to the Classic Pro dispite its inferiority in terms of keeping a good connection most of the time. However I do think the Classic Pro has the advantage in terms of layout. Having the c-stick below my thumb at all times makes it a lot more accessible and comfortable to utilize imo. Plus dsmash OoS is a hell of a lot faster and easier whenever I decide to leave the c-stick on smash, while on the Wii U Pro, attempting to do this hurts my thumb after few times and just doesn't feel as fast. I also tend to mess up a lot when reaching for it (for example, I reach up for the c-stick to input a dsmash, but my thumb accidentally hits it before my thumb goes over and I end up with usmash instead). I dunno about you guys though. Is it just my lack of adaptability or something?
On a different topic, something I forgot to tell you guys is that I was only borrowing that copy of Sm4sh U from my cousin's friend. I didn't expect to have it for only a few weeks. The worst part is that I couldn't even get to play a single match in FG due to no wifi, and I
still don't have access to it. On top of that, my friend moved to another city, so using his wifi is out of the question now. So sorry @
CostLow . Life's all kinds of boring these days.

On the bright side, I've had plenty of time to improve on my sketching skillz, since that's all I'm able to do on my free time as of late. Definitely uploading some of my newer works later for you guys.