Gates, we need to talk about 'dose modern bans.
I think Rite of Flame is the only ban I agree with. I mean, Dark Ritual was almost always banned in Extended and Rite of Flame is basically the Dark Ritual of Modern. I kind of disagreed with Blazing Shoal at first, but then I remembered the potential turn 1 kill with Raging Goblin+Blazing Shoal*2, AND WE CAN'T HAVE THAT NOW CAN WE? Green Sun's Zenith is very, very good, but at this point it's not overly centralizing. Cloudpost, Ponder, and Preordain did not need to be banned at all though.
I'll talk about Ponder and Preordain soon enough, but basically they should have known that Cloudpost was going to be this good in this format when they printed not only Vesuva but also Glimmerpost and when they made it so that Primeval Titan can search for any land instead of basic lands. They say that there are alternatives for mana ramping in the format. Like what? Urza lands? Heartbeat? Vernal Bloom? I mean yeah they COULD work, but they don't even come close to having the competitive capabilities of Twelvepost.
Everything besides Rite of Flame and Blazing Shoal is total bull**** and I think that they're just trying to take all the fun stuff out of Modern. Maybe it's my bias as a Vintage fan, but I really don't mind having to deal with all of my opponents being able to do broken things with their decks (or at least play Tarmogoyf, which is still kind of broken). There's an argument out there that control isn't very good in this format, and although I agree, I think that just banning things isn't going to solve the overall problem. Instead, you should look at the cards that you already banned, and think about how unbanning them would benefit the format instead of just saying "no, we won't unban it unless it becomes totally harmless, just like Gush in Vintage". All this just seems like knee-jerk reactions to the results of a Pro Tour that happened not even 3 weeks ago.
If I were in charge of the DCI, my banlist in Modern would be this:
- Blazing Shoal
- Chrome Mox
- Dread Return
- Jace, The Mindsculptor
- Rite of Flame
- Sensei's Divining Top OR Ponder+Preordain
- Skullclamp
- Stoneforge Mystic
- Umezawa's Jitte
And that's it. Aside from Disciple of the Vault (which is where Affinity and Ironworks decks have traditionally gotten their biggest damage from), the artifact lands (which could be compensated for by banning Disciple instead), Green Sun's Zenith (which admittedly is a bit silly in the current format but could end up being not nearly as good under other circumstances), and Mental Misstep (which honestly doesn't seem to have too much bearing on the format compared to Vintage or Legacy), I can't think of any other cards besides the ones I've listed that completely break the format in half or enable turn one kills, which are the criteria that Wizards seems to be looking at when writing the banned/restricted lists (or at least the ones they SHOULD look at for a new format).
I have to lean towards their judgement on Blazing Shoal - it has potential for a turn 1 kill using the old Raging Goblin strategy even though it's mostly used for the more consistent turn 2 or 3 kill with Inkmoth Nexus or Blighted Agent. If they really want to reduce the amount of super-fast kills, then banning Blazing Shoal is a much less restrictive idea than banning Inkmoth Nexus.
Chrome Mox and Rite of Flame are the most dangerous accelerants in the format by far. Chrome Mox turns every deck's turn 2 kills into turn 1 kills and Rite of Flame makes red decks way better than they should be.
Dread Return is the core of what makes Dredge decks playable. With no Bazaar of Baghdad, Lion's Eye Diamond, Cabal Therapy, or Ichorid, I doubt Dredge will be remotely as threatening in Modern as it was in Vintage, Legacy, and Extended. Still, people seem to be afraid of it (I guess because graveyard hate is so hard to come by in modern*) so banning arguably the most important card from it should be enough. With the right hand, Dredge can potentially set up a turn 2 or 3 kill using lots of discard and dredge, Dread Return, and a big creature like Sun Titan. I realize that Wizards banned Golgari Grave-Troll along with this initially, but I don't think the troll is enough of a threat on his own to constitute a banning. I mean for god's sake they don't even have Careful Study in Modern!
[collapse="*Except for..."]
Bojuka Bog
Tormod's Crypt
Surgical Extraction
Nihil Spellbomb
Relic of Progenitus
Scavenging Ooze What do you mean it's not legal? That's bull****!
Withered Wretch
Faerie Macabre
Jund Charm
Ravenous Trap
Leyline of the Void
And everything in bold costs 0 colored mana to cast or remove cards from the graveyard, so they can be run in any deck.
Jace is stupid and I hate his stupid ****ing face. If there's any card selection that I can support the banning or restriction of, it's mister auto-Brainstorm here.
I shouldn't have to talk about Skullclamp, Umezawa's Jitte, or Stoneforge Mystic. If you played Standard when they were legal, you know why they're banned. Although I did have a fun deck that I played before Skullclamp was banned that was built around Skullclamp, Genesis Chamber, Auriok Steelshaper, and Disciple of the Vault. Once I was playing a 2v2 game and I killed both of my opponents with it in one turn and then on that same turn I killed my partner just for ****s and giggles. Good times.
I support the banning of either Sensei's Divining Top or Ponder+Preordain, but not all three. Having all three legal means that everyone in their right mind will either play Counterbalance decks to win or Aether Vial decks to try and beat the Counterbalance decks, like in Legacy between 2007-2008. Nobody wants that because
nobody likes Legacy it was an unbalanced format with a lot of issues and just really boring overall. That said, I think banning the only good sources of card selection in this format is preposterous. Wizards has said that with SDT banned, blue decks dominate the card draw department and thus the metagame as a whole (oh wow, the color that specializes at drawing cards is good at drawing cards, big shock). I personally never saw anything wrong with this, but apparently the success of good decks was totally unexpected by Wizards, so whatever. My point is that if you want to be able to balance the power level in a new format, you should first look at what you could give them by unbanning things instead of just banning **** left and right until the format becomes as slow as Standard. I mean they might as well ban Tarmogoyf for making green decks too powerful, or Mountain for making red decks too sexy.
And I guess that's really my biggest criticism of Wizards' approach to Modern - they're treating it like they would treat Standard, Extended, or Block when they should be treating it as an eternal format. As far as I know, Modern isn't going to "rotate" like Extended does every few years, so if they want to let it settle into being a good metagame they need to let it work out its own kinks before making any rash decisions. Right now the DCI is being like a sheltering overprotective mother who doesn't want her pwecious widdwe fowmat to be hurt by the big scary stuff and they think they're justified in this but they end up spoiling their kid, which is almost as bad as neglecting them entirely like they did when they didn't ban Tinker in Extended before Pro Tour New Orleans in 2003,
right after Mirrodin was released (7 Tinker decks in the top 8? Talk about an unbalanced format). What the DCI really needs to do is be a responsible parent and only ban things if they know for certain that it'll be a bad influence, like getting hopped up on red mana with Rite of Flame, pitching the lunch money you gave them that morning on Chrome Mox, cutting off all their hair to attach some sort of clamp to their skull, or hanging out
that white haired girl who dresses kind of like a goth **** because she looks like she's been around.
There's really no reason why Wizards is being so restrictive to their child with what they're allowed to do. I mean I mowed the lawn, I cleaned my room, I did my laundry, I finished all my homework, my Eagle Scout project is done and I've already prepared for the review board, and I put gas in the car (with my own money I might add), so why can't I just go hang out with my friends at this party, dad!? I won't drink, I promise! What about my progress report? I am trying hard! Oh, like knowing about Chaucer is useful in the real world! "All As" isn't a reasonable academic goal, dad, that **** would take way too much work! Of course I'm not lazy, I just told you all the **** I did today! I'm 16 and I'll ****ing swear if I want to! You raise your voice to me all the time, why can't I raise my voice to you!? Yeah, well **** YOU you FAT PIECE OF ****!
...Anyway, the Modern bannings are kind of like that and I disagree with them.
OF COURSE, NONE OF THIS **** MATTER ANYWAY SINCE EVERYONE IS JUST GOING TO PLAY ZOO WHEN PTQ SEASON ROLLS AROUND, LOLOLOLIOOLOL. Shoutouts to Tarmogoyf for being one of the stupidest easy-win creatures ever.
[collapse="tl;dr version"]
Also, Gates (and to about the same extent, ODIN): Why the **** did you give me the hard questions? Lol. It's hard for me to pick favorites! Expect some long-winded answers because of this.
Oh come on, like I was really gonna let you get away with not talking about how much you love Archie vs The Punisher.
Uhhhhhhhh no. Not at all. It's mono blue, for one thing. Also, I've taken out Misstep since it's banned in legacy.
Mono-Blue could work I guess. It's much slower and you lose a lot of good tools, but it could work.
I wrote the list before I saw that Mental Misstep was banned. You could replace it with, idk, Dispel, Disrupt, Spell Pierce, etc.
Why don't you just post that decklist already so I can actually see it?
Is Gush still unrestricted in Vintage? I really thought they'd re-restrict it and just keep it that way. FoF being legal makes a lot more sense than Gush imo. Big broken blue cards that cost a ton of mana aren't nearly as potent as they used to be.
Calvin and Hobbes is my favorite newspaper comic of all time. I have all of the books published before 2000 except the
Essential and
Authoratative collections.
I've heard One Piece is good but only if you've been reading from the beginning. I'd consider getting into it if I ever had 10 years of free time to catch up on everything though.