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Liar Game Mafia | GAME OVER! Who won the 100 gazzillion yen?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Sure, that's fair. I just assumed you would have a few leans or things with the tone of your posts. You keep saiyng "I like X's post." but not referring what about those posts you like in depth or anything about what it makes ya feel for either their post or who they are referring to.

I.E. Let's take your most recent post: You say you like my post on Circus. Yet you don't say what about it you like nor do ya give me anything to work with on your opinion of Circus or myself haha.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Basically what I am trying to say is I want more from what you have already given because I am reading them but not getting much of anything substantial if ya get what I mean?

Sort of confusing so apologies for that one.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I kind of assumed that my opinions were clear enough given that I'm less likely to like a post someone I think is scummy makes, but I'll spell it out for now.

When I say I like your 114, I mean I agree with most of the content. In this case, that includes the primary focus: That Circus is making the contract out to be scummy, and twisting the intent of your defense.

To that respect, I'm pleased my thoughts line up with yours. Town lean on you, scum lean on Circus for the moment.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Christ J a wall. Just because other people are doing it means you have to. :urg:

J your problem with Circus seems to streams from his interactions you and only you, not really July though. I honestly agree with his points about Gheb wrt his contract with July. What do you think about that? Also, how is having July vote three people going to force her to be "open," when one may genuinely have trouble coming up with that by Day's end?

I'll get to Raz stances in a minute.

Raz, I've already shared the details in thread earlier. Basically, OS has to post an entire read list by Day's end (and he's allowed to categorize anyone to any stance he wants) or else he has to post in pink for Day 2.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I don't like this paragraph isolated her. You are baiting me to assume that we are in the same scenario we were in when you were town. The difference with that game is that I was mafia in that game. I know how you operate, true enough. However, that doesn't excuse the fact that I find you suspicious this game because it feels different so far with what I have grown accusmted to. If you don't believe it then what can I say? It is what I felt and I do feel that you were/are looking at mostly negatives moreso than positives.

The major problems I guess would be that you are being a Debbie Downer on everything going on revolving around other players.

Though I did agree to your final sentence.
This paragraph in particular, I believe I mentioned discontent with Circus' bait in one of my other posts.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Raz, I've already shared the details in thread earlier. Basically, OS has to post an entire read list by Day's end (and he's allowed to categorize anyone to any stance he wants) or else he has to post in pink for Day 2.
Right. What exactly do you hope to gain from OS doing this?

Further, do you believe your punishment actually enough to convince him to do this? This seems like something he could willingly ignore.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Christ J a wall. Just because other people are doing it means you have to. :urg:

J your problem with Circus seems to streams from his interactions you and only you, not really July though. I honestly agree with his points about Gheb wrt his contract with July. What do you think about that? Also, how is having July vote three people going to force her to be "open," when one may genuinely have trouble coming up with that by Day's end?

I'll get to Raz stances in a minute.

Raz, I've already shared the details in thread earlier. Basically, OS has to post an entire read list by Day's end (and he's allowed to categorize anyone to any stance he wants) or else he has to post in pink for Day 2.
Sorry haha. Did not mean for the wall but it just happened because I had a lot to say to the people who were posting walls so it became a wall. I kind of am hoping for like a MyLo situation with like Myself/Circus/July/OS since we usually all post walls so it'd just be an epic novel at the end haha.

I dislike Circus for his interactions with the contracts with Myself and Gheb. Not so much July because I do agree to the fact that 3 is a bit much for D1. July being more open is great for me in terms of reading but I guess the voting had to be some sort of stipulation to make her follow through with it if she did accept the contract.

TBH, I don't really have an opinion on the July situation because I feel it's just a copy-pasta situation of mine with a different slot.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Right. What exactly do you hope to gain from OS doing this?

Further, do you believe your punishment actually enough to convince him to do this? This seems like something he could willingly ignore.
Stances, obviously. From my experience with OS his style of scumhunting is pretty gimmicky. He uses relies on strategizing, without much in the way of actual analysisI would like to get that from him.

Also, the punishment is meant to be lame. The punishment isn't really the point of it, it's more so simply an indicator of rather or not he posted a read list. If he agrees to the contract but doesn't follow through, then I (and probably others) will definitely be batting an eye his way. That's where the true punishment lies.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Stances, obviously. From my experience with OS his style of scumhunting is pretty gimmicky. He uses relies on strategizing, without much in the way of actual analysisI would like to get that from him.

Also, the punishment is meant to be lame. The punishment isn't really the point of it, it's more so simply an indicator of rather or not he posted a read list. If he agrees to the contract but doesn't follow through, then I (and probably others) will definitely be batting an eye his way. That's where the true punishment lies.
But all you did was ask him for a read list.

He can just throw a pile of nulls at you if he wants to.

This is a really pointless contract.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
J said:
I would also like to see opinions on players from Raziek. I've seen him say he likes certain posts from certain people but not saying whether he likes the person posting it yet. I want to see stances.
Oh misread this as "I want stances on Raz." Guess I reread him for nothing. =p

OS, mind expending on your problems with it then?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
But all you did was ask him for a read list.

He can just throw a pile of nulls at you if he wants to.

This is a really pointless contract.
If he throws a pile of nulls at me, then I'll get on him for that. It would be essentially the same thing as him not posting a read list at all. Come on now.

If you think it's weak, then suggest an alternative for me.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Ask for a list of reads with NO NULLS, and backed with fully explored reasoning. You need to be ultra-specific in terms of what you want to get out of a contract.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I actually already thought about that, but then doesn't that create the problem of potentially disingenuous reads? How should one limit that? Place an arbitrary number on how many null reads one can have, and if so, how many?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
If he throws a pile of nulls at me, then I'll get on him for that. It would be essentially the same thing as him not posting a read list at all. Come on now.

If you think it's weak, then suggest an alternative for me.
I have absolutely no incentive to accept your contract, or any contract, that doesn't inherently help town or myself. Yours does neither.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Vote: Circus

I'm voting Circus because I dislike his slot the most out of everyone in the game thus far due to his major focus around the contracts surrounding myself/July/Gheb and not really the play thus far. There is also the major fact of him twisting words a bit in his posts with the major fact of him only looking for negatives in things instead of looking at all the sides of what could be happening.

Vote: J

Well I guess it's on.

Haven't read your wall yet, but I already smell bull**** here. You're too familiar with me and my playstyle to be pulling this. I said it before and I'll say it again: I don't believe you sincerely have a problem with the way I've acted this game. I mean, maybe you don't like it, but you can't convince me you actually think I'm scummy. I'm not going to bore you with self-meta, but this is seriously bringing me back to Majora's Mask. Again.

You also said "major" three times in this post, so maybe that's part of it (it's not though).

Sidenote: Why don't people consider the contracts people make to be part of their "play?" I've seen both J and July at least speak as if I they differentiate between the two and it confuses me.


Sure, that's fair. I just assumed you would have a few leans or things with the tone of your posts. You keep saiyng "I like X's post." but not referring what about those posts you like in depth or anything about what it makes ya feel for either their post or who they are referring to.
This is spot on and is worth remembering about the way Raz entered the game. Passively talking about posts he "likes" and "dislikes" is really safe and unhelpful. Raz is not making me believe he's someone who's trying to find scum right now. And in a game this size, that puts him on an increasingly shorter list.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Oh, and hi Asdioh. Welcome. How does it feel to be the force-replacee for a change?

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Voted |
Votes to lynch
1 / 5​
1 / 5​
1 / 5​

Not voting: Overswarm, Asdioh, Raziek, Sworddancer., July


With 8 players alive, it takes 5 to lynch!

Deadline: Saturday March 10, 11:59 CET

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I fail to see how point one correspondence with giving her a harsh punishment. Also, points 1 and 3 semi-contradict each other.

Point 2 is too convenient for my tastes.
@1st paragraph: Because based on how harsh the punishment could potentially be for her [and indeed, all of the town] I would definitely not have been surprised had she refused to accept the contract. I was fairly certain that J would immediately accept but in July's case I really wasn't that sure. I don't know what correspondence there is to miss anyway.

There's no contradiction between point 1 - 3. Just because I wouldn't have held a refusal against her, doesn't mean I can't hold her accepting it in high regards.

So you really think your arbitrary standard of play justifies potentially ****ing town over?
Can you please stop assuming that I'm ********? Since when am I the kind of player to throw the whole game on the line with an uneducated decision? I'm not "potentially ****ing town over". I either use the contract in a benificial manner or I leave it alone completely. No in-betweens.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I am also confused at Gheb's OMGUS vote on OS which is what it feels like to me based on events in the thread thus far.
Not every vote that's not immediately explained is OMGUS. FoS J

I'm definitely worried about OS playing the "teamwork" card when all of his contributions in that regard have included [minor] bullying but none of that directly helped in the scumhunting process. Noteworthy imo, when somebody has been as active as he has been. Teamwork means cooperating and trying to understand your counterpart's points to come to a fruitful conclusion - not "abide to my laws or I'll get you lynched!" For somebody who's been preaching teamwork so constantly, OS has done very little of that himself.

Incidentally, I think the "teamwork"-aspect that this game supposedly should have has already been over-emphasized and been made a bigger deal out of than it should have. It's something I've seen scumbags do plenty of time [OScum did it too] ... taking credit for a null-tell.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Currently reading CircuSK and OS - J mafia team.

I think J's "wall" on Circus has merit enough but I'm also thrown off by the fact that he's only voting him a post later with an imho rather lousy explanation. It's really interesting how thin the line between the attitudes of a "concerned townie" and " the SK vs the rest" in this game is. I can't say Circus is giving me the impression that he is the former - I think he is too much focused on emphasizing the negative on all occasions for that.
I remember making a similar point @ him in Superheroes mafia, where I said that as town he's usually more "considerate" ... his response was "don't you mean gullible?" That attitude really adds up with how he's been playing so far imo.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Voted |
Votes to lynch
1 / 5​
1 / 5​
1 / 5​

Not voting: Overswarm, Asdioh, Raziek, Sworddancer., July


With 8 players alive, it takes 5 to lynch!

Deadline: Saturday March 10, 11:59 CET
I am currently voting, and you might want to change the terminology from "Voted" to "Votee" or something like that XD

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Vote: J

Well I guess it's on.

Haven't read your wall yet, but I already smell bull**** here. You're too familiar with me and my playstyle to be pulling this. I said it before and I'll say it again: I don't believe you sincerely have a problem with the way I've acted this game. I mean, maybe you don't like it, but you can't convince me you actually think I'm scummy. I'm not going to bore you with self-meta, but this is seriously bringing me back to Majora's Mask. Again.
I really don't like this Circus. You keep saying, "You should know better J." or "You are familiar with me to not want to lynch me." instead of actually defending the points. You say that I am taking you back to Majora's Mask mafia, what about MM mafia reminds you of my play because it's a complete polar opposite of me playing because that game was different because I had to replace out due to acting issues. You keep saying that you don't wanna bring up MM mafia but this is the second or third time that you have, so if you really feel that way, why keep bringing it up?

You keep on trying to bring up a game in which I was scum in order to justify your actions which looks really grimy to me. It also does not make a lot of sense either.

Also you say an interesting line in the paragraph which you say, "You may not like it but you can't convince me that you think I'm(circus) scummy.". 1.) I am not trying to convince you that you are scummy. I don't really need your vote to lynch you haha. 2.) I've shown why I've felt you are scummy and I am not the only one to bring this up because both Raz/Gheb agreed to a certain degree to what I have been posting.

I would also like an explanation to why you are voting me. It looks more like you are just voting me because I voted you. You haven't brought anything up as to why you believe I am scum nor anything to well...back it up. So yeah please respond to my "wall" (it's not really that long haha) and gimme an explanation on why you feel I'm scum.

Not every vote that's not immediately explained is OMGUS. FoS J

I'm definitely worried about OS playing the "teamwork" card when all of his contributions in that regard have included [minor] bullying but none of that directly helped in the scumhunting process. Noteworthy imo, when somebody has been as active as he has been. Teamwork means cooperating and trying to understand your counterpart's points to come to a fruitful conclusion - not "abide to my laws or I'll get you lynched!" For somebody who's been preaching teamwork so constantly, OS has done very little of that himself.

Incidentally, I think the "teamwork"-aspect that this game supposedly should have has already been over-emphasized and been made a bigger deal out of than it should have. It's something I've seen scumbags do plenty of time [OScum did it too] ... taking credit for a null-tell.

Well thank you for explaining your vote but I don't get why/how that requires an FoS on me because I just assumed it was OMGUS because you didn't really explain anything on him nor did I expect you to vote OS with how D0 was going. It just looked kind of RVSish considering the way OS voted you.

I really do agree with your points on OS though that he is getting a little on the fluffy side with his "team-work" type attitude. It's entirely null what he is doing but really I don't see the scumOS yet besides just the fact that he is not doing anything to push the game forward.

Currently reading CircuSK and OS - J mafia team.

You already have 3 scum-reads? I'm a bit shocked because the best thing I have is my Circus scum-lean. However, to each his own I guess.

Why me with OS?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I forgot to add it to my post but @Circus: I'm glad you agree with my point on Raz. Though there is a thing where you stretched it a bit too much. I can see where he could be looking for scum through his posts, it's just the fact that he lacks substance behind them which is my problem. Can you show us really the apathy towards scum-hunting from Raz?

TBH, I don't mean to be like this but I feel what you said w.r.t. scum-hunting can be better said to describe yourself because I have yet to see where you have started scum-hunting and stopped revolving around negatives about the contracts or ignoring my points/voting me for some reason that has yet to be determined but seems to focus around me apparantly "Knowing you too well to be voting you." which is just a very odd way of going about this.

J: I don't like this from you Circus
Circus: Really? Come on J, you know me.
J: No Circus, I really don't like this coming from you and it feels scummy for X/Y/Z. Vote: Circus
Circus: Vote: J Really? You should know me better so I don't believe you feel me as scummy.
J: ........

Pretty much sums up our conversation right now haha.

July/Asdioh, I'd like an opinion on Circus from the both of you. Do you feel he is scummier more than townier or vice-versa. A little reasoning behind why would be nice if you have the time.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Sorry another random blurb, but I get Gheb's logic behind CircuSK. He seems more on his own than of a team mindset but it doesn't really rule out the possibility of him being scum because we all have the aptitude to hide our partners if we had them well.

Connections are gonna be a pain in the rear this game hahaha.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Clarify, please.
Raziek said my contract basically allows me to make one sub-par case, but if I fail to make three good cases of my own accord and not just because the contract tells me too I'll be honest about it being a sub-par case. Hypothetical situation though, idk how the Day works out so it might not be an issue.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
You mean "Vote: Gheb_01"? :awesome:

Will be added next votecount if you'd adjust it for me.
If you're going to do this I'm going to temporarily change my name to 839yq352hpherg3po@

I didn't say "vote: gheabberrs!"; I was pretty clear. I understand the need for clarity, but there's only one "Gheb" in this game and I'd really rather not have to type out "Gheb_01" every time I want to vote him because you're nit picking.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
OS I couldn't disagree more. Having you commit to reads by the Days end would help mine (and probably others) reads a lot more, as we won't have to relay on trying to read you through your constant game planning.

@Everyone: I would like your opinion on OS posting a read list by Day's end, and rather or not it would be beneficial for town.


Gheb, you're missing the point. There are two parts to my suspicion, one minor point and one major one. The minor point is that I simply don't like that you have given yourself that much power with this contract.

Admittingly though this point has probably been blown out of the water at this point, and I don't want to run in circles with it, so I'm going to try to drop it now. My main issue with you is in my other point, which I haven't stated yet, and will not state until Asdioh posts with my request from him. Just trust me when I say that it's a much more valid reason than my other point for being suspicious of you.

Actually, I have more that I want to say on Circus and Gheb, but I just want to see what Asdioh can come up with first, so that I don't potentailly corrupt him.

until then

vote: Gheb_01


One last thing, people honestly shouldn't be suspicious of Circus for Ghesb's reasoning. Guys, sk and mafia both have scum to hunt, so it's kinda shallow to say that "Circus is playing for his own team, scum!" when even a scum Circus would have incentive to scumhunt.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
There is something I have been noticing so far with this game so far Circus is that you are just focusing on others contracts on one another and not really about scum-hunting on the slots themselves. Sure, you can say that you are making your way to finding scum-reads through pursuing Gheb on his contracts but you aren't really being fair with your pursuit but moreso just honing in on one fact of what he has done that is "You can't have possibly been trying to limit J/July to be able to read them." or "You have nothing to gain from accepting the contract." If July/Myself thought the contracts didn't help us at all, we would not have accepted them. That's the bottom line.
I don't fully agree with this. Honestly, feel like the game has been pretty slow so far and the contracts were a major focal point, whether we were discussing mechanics of contracts or specific contracts proposed/accepted. And the point of having an open set-up with the contracts is so that there isn't deception going on, and if someone sees issues with contracts that I myself haven't seen where someone could be using it for deceptive purposes then I want them to point them out. I'm okay with there being discussion of contracts if nothing else because at least it's content, but you are ultimately right that discussion about contracts isn't enough and can't remain the focal point for scum-hunting/suspicions for very long.

I do agree with that last line, there is potential town intent behind the contracts, Circus and others who have made points about scummy intent have just made me consider contracts more cautiously now.

The contract between you and Gheb is somewhat similar between the one between myself and him. He has talked to both of us about what he feels are weaknesses in our plays after games. It doesn't really do much of anything with regards to affecting my opinion. Intentions are null at best because there are ways it could go.

Personally, I am more looking at to how Gheb posts in the thread than the contracts that he has made.
Kk that's fair, and very similar to my own sentiments.

I have a very very slight problem with OS so far. I haven't really seen much scum-hunting from him to be honest but moreso, just working around the mechanics of the game and most of his posts are just revolving around speculation. The difference between him and Circus is that he is focusing on more angles that just one angle like Circus in my eyes.
Can you clarify what you mean here?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA

Vote: J

Well I guess it's on.

Haven't read your wall yet, but I already smell bull**** here. You're too familiar with me and my playstyle to be pulling this. I said it before and I'll say it again: I don't believe you sincerely have a problem with the way I've acted this game. I mean, maybe you don't like it, but you can't convince me you actually think I'm scummy. I'm not going to bore you with self-meta, but this is seriously bringing me back to Majora's Mask. Again.

You also said "major" three times in this post, so maybe that's part of it (it's not though).

Sidenote: Why don't people consider the contracts people make to be part of their "play?" I've seen both J and July at least speak as if I they differentiate between the two and it confuses me.
The entire bolded paragraph I don't like. The first line admits that he doesn't actually know what J has said or what he's responding to because he hasn't read J's wall. After that his attack on J's wall and his scum read on him is very much rooted in meta instead of responding to or defending against the points J has made, many of which merit a response. Arguing that J can't see his actions as scummy due to past meta is just a very strange argument inherently rooted in self-meta, which isn't convincing and isn't helpful to someone who didn't play in Majora's Mask or doesn't have much experience playing with Circus.

Overall I felt this was more an attack on J to try and get him to lay off his suspicions, and it feels very isolated for me. Instead of explaining to everyone why J is scummy in this game and giving information everyone could look back on and decide for themselves, he stages the conversation purely between him and J and talks only about meta, which doesn't give us concrete material to look at and judge for ourselves, we are supposed to take his word on it instead.

July/Asdioh, I'd like an opinion on Circus from the both of you. Do you feel he is scummier more than townier or vice-versa. A little reasoning behind why would be nice if you have the time.
I would place Circus as a scum lean right now. I liked his points about the contracts earlier in the game and the fact that he did challenge the intent of the contracts which I felt neither of us did enough. I can see what you said about him not moving past the contracts now, much more than when you first said it; once you presented him with content that veered away from the contracts and that dealt with the way he worded his posts or things that he should either address or defend himself against, he steered the conversation in a completely different direction, did not address the actual content of your wall, and instead responded completely based on meta.

Vote: Circus

I'd like to see him actually address the points in J's wall and definitely less focus of meta, especially this early in the game where it's pure meta, used as a reason itself rather than to support reasons for suspicions.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
OS I couldn't disagree more. Having you commit to reads by the Days end would help mine (and probably others) reads a lot more, as we won't have to relay on trying to read you through your constant game planning.

@Everyone: I would like your opinion on OS posting a read list by Day's end, and rather or not it would be beneficial for town.
I would be fine with him providing simply providing his scum picks at the end of the Day. I can see disadvantages to laying all your cards on the table and labeling all your town/null reads, it's a little bit like handing the sk a playbook for who is good to kill and who to keep alive so they can garner suspicion.

One last thing, people honestly shouldn't be suspicious of Circus for Ghesb's reasoning. Guys, sk and mafia both have scum to hunt, so it's kinda shallow to say that "Circus is playing for his own team, scum!" when even a scum Circus would have incentive to scumhunt.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Sidenote: Why don't people consider the contracts people make to be part of their "play?" I've seen both J and July at least speak as if I they differentiate between the two and it confuses me.
I forgot to address this in my earlier post, and I'd like to see J's reasons for this differentiation as well.

I've already addressed this briefly before, but I don't know how scum would use contracts and I think that makes analyzing contracts harder than analyzing play and sticking to what I know in looking at content and intent behind posts. I think contracts, unless they are blatantly, undeniably scummy with a ridiculous punishment, should be viewed cautiously and as primarily tools of manipulation for both town and scum to try and get what they want from other players, and thus shouldn't form the basis of a scum-read but rather act to reinforce a read/scummy intent suspected from a player slot.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Day 0

1. Gheb_01
2. th3kuzinator Asdioh
3. Ryker Sworddancer.
4. Circus
5. J
6. July
7. Overswarm
8. Raziek

Sworddancer pseudo-cleared for D1

Just don't break the ****ing game. I also broke it about seven times before the game started. You can play it like some Reverse Chainsaw Massacre abomination if night actions are involved. Then there's about 6 other ways you can break it with night actions legal. That was the big one I wanted gone. As long as "set-ups" aren't game breaking, then I'm fine.

That said, I don't like the idea of contracts. I don't think we as town have any business touching them outside of a game breaking scenario which I don't condone on principal.

If they're gonna be used at all, there's no reason not to have them as public information. I don't intend on putting anything behind the curtain. See no advantage.

Clarify what you meant in that post. Looks like should we publicize any contract made or should we be allowed to operate as individual cells.
For toDay's purposes, I'm going to assume Sworddancer is town. He has replaced Ryker and sent me an admittedly stupid contract, one of which there is absolutely no chance I'd accept. Ryker was against the ideas of contracts in general and felt town shouldn't touch them.

As such, I find it unlikely that Ryker's statement here nor Sworddancer's contract sent to me were something discussed by mafia. Each move is important, and I don't believe mafia's stances on contracts would be so nonchalantly thrown about like this. It makes no strategic sense for Ryker to be vocal against contracts immediately and have this followed by his replacement sending a really stupid contract to one of the most aggressive players who was jumping on people for everything (me!).

This does not clear him as town, but it is enough for me to take him off the lynch table on D1 unless something drastically changes. Should I die tonight, please do not assume Sworddancer is town for the rest of the game. Just know that this discrepancy was discovered.

1. Gheb_01
2. th3kuzinator Asdioh
4. Circus
5. J
6. July
8. Raziek

No lynch:
3. Ryker Sworddancer
7. Overswarm

Checking on Gheb's contracts, testing for a lie, and other things

Gheb said:
I already sent in my contract requests ... then again I don't think there's anything dangerous to them right now anyway and I doubt the people I sent them to have any interest in "breaking" the game anyway. There's nothing amazing in those contracts either. Just a couple of conditions that [hopefully] help me obtaining reads on players I struggle with at times.

I assume most contracts will be used for that purpose and it's also how I will likely proceed throughout the game: make some condition that removes things from a player's posting style that you consider a possible "falsification" of his play. It helps me to get reads I might otherwise not be able to get to the same extent so I consider that a beneficial way to use contracts.

Should be fine to talk about contracts and being open about them too. If people want to I can openly state what contracts I've made and whom I've sent them to.
Gheb starts off the game saying "I already sent my contract requests in".

Gheb, please restate what contracts you have sent in and to whom, just in case I miss any below.

Gheb said:
Also, both of my requests have not yet found agreement with the players I proposed them to so there's still a chance that I'm not making use of them if I find a really good reason not to.
We find out immediately that Gheb has sent in two contracts (see: "both")

Gheb sent in contracts after I had posted "no one do any contracts" in very clear terms, followed by Ryker saying "I don't see why town would even mess with contracts at all". If Gheb sent in contract despite this, he's scum or a fool.

But he knows this, which is why he prefaced "I sent in contracts" with "I already sent in my contract requests". The question is whether Gheb sent them in before Ryker and I made our posts or after; if it's after, I'd heavily suggest a Gheb lynch toDay.

As Gheb sent in two contracts, it is impossible for him to have anti-town roles cover for him unless he happened to send a contract to his mafia buddy (no reason to) and SK who was willing to cover for him (unlikely).

It is unlikely that Gheb lied, but I would like to see if this is the case.

@anyone who has received a contract from Gheb:

Please confirm if he sent his contracts in before or after the timestamps of mine and Ryker's posts at the beginning of Day 0. Just in case I missed anything.

Gheb said:
If people want to I can openly state what contracts I've made and whom I've sent them to.
Just to be clear, Gheb has no issue with this.

July said:
[sic]Gheb[/sic] proposed it right after D0 started, I got the pm about it at around 1:30 pm.
Gheb's timestamp was for 1:22 PM, indicating he read the thread prior to sending out his contracts and was, in fact, lying.

July, Gheb, you both need to clarify some things.


To restate something:

Should July lose her vote, one of Gheb or July are scum. If we lynch Gheb and he flips town, we know to lynch July. If we lynch Gheb and he flips scum, we know July is town. It is possible that it could be a scum gambit, but that would rely on taking out 50% of the scum team and mafia "clearing" one of their members as instant town until lylo, thus making it easier to catch the SK. So, the SK would obviously kill July if July was still around.

No one else sends any vote restricting contracts without open and complete approval of town. None. This is very important.

Gheb said:
Pretty sure I did, unless I missed something. You asked if I was willing to not report July breaking the contract if the majority is against it and I said I'm OK with it.
Gheb has agreed to this. He won't report his contract being broken, and thus there will be no punishment.

Gheb said:
Circus, if I were mafia I'd either leave contracts alone for the time being or I wouldn't go any further with them than I did just now. And regarding July's contract with me I again feel that there's not that much harm involved ... after all, what reason do you have to question July' ability to be a bit more active and be more vocal about her suspects? If she loses her votes because she can't find 3 suspicious people on Day 1 in a game with 3 confirmed scumbags then I'd rather have her stay out of the voting process anyway. I'd say the general town mindset would be to look for scum from all sides because there's 2 factions and 3 / 8 players from the anti-town side. I think it should work fine for a townie to point out 3 of these cases.

For one, loads of ****ing WIFOM. Any mafia player worth his salt would want to use contracts if he saw the opportunity; that's why my opening post was "no ****ing contracts" so we wouldn't have to deal with the headaches you managed to give us before D1 started. Regardless, by your own admission your actions could still be mafia actions. This is stpuid.

You also are defending by attacking the accuser; why, oh why, is it important at all whether or not it is likely that July is likely to break her contract or not? You went out of your way to put her in a bad position if she did. It doesn't matter if the contract is "use punctuation at least once a Day phase", you don't add bad punishments. That's the point.

The fact that you'd "rather have her stay out of the voting process anyway" is pretty offensive, to be honest. The fact that you've decided that the scum team is OS/J and the SK is Circus is a negative, not a positive, Gheb.

You know what's pro-town? One good case. What's anti-town is one good case hidden among two ****ty ones that discredit the rest of your reads because you were forced to post arbitrary bull****.

It's true though, that I shouldn't get any pro-town cred for these contracts. I'm doing them for my own, personal benefit, which may or may not help town in the long run ... but I wanna try it out anyway. It's a complete null-tell unless the contract is just completely anti-town right away.
Why should we allow this in any way shape or form? It's not a null-tell at all. You've openly said "yeah, it's not good, but **** it I'll do it anyway".

Gheb said:
I'm not even gonna lie, the punishment in my contract is rather harsh and the fact that she was willing to risk her vote toMorrow to cooperate is a positive sign to me.
You even admit the punishment (voteblocking on July) is harsh, yet you did it anyway. I already touched on how it's not pro-town in any way to accept a contract that voteblocks you.

2. th3kuzinator Asdioh
4. Circus
5. J
6. July
8. Raziek

Emphasized players:
1. Gheb_01 (independent contract usage (two cases, July and J) with anti-town punishments, potential lie, OMGUS and WIFOM usage as defense, admitted independent actions without pro-town intent)

No lynch:
3. Ryker Sworddancer
7. Overswarm

At this point, it should be noted the following players are all for open contracts:

This is a majority of the game, so that's what we should be doing all game. (asdioh, circus, and raz were the only ones missing; Raz confirmed open as well immediately after)

A disagreement with J on contract usage:
J said:
My opinion on trying to manipulate someone's vote with these contracts only have counter-intuitive motives for town to use them since everyone in the playerlist is smart enough and has the best capability to use their vote well. It only seems for scum-motivation to manipulate a player's vote in this game style.
I disagree. As I stated early on D0, contracts give town the ability to hamstring people instead of killing them. Theoretically, we have an infinite amount of time to search for mafia once we find the SK, so they could become very useful then.

But in the meantime, imagine for a moment that Gheb continues to go after me (I personally think it's OMGUS, but more on that later) and I continue to go after Gheb. Let's say that neither of us are wanting to budge. Town wants to lynch Circus, and is waiting to hammer.

What would be a bad aspect at forcing my vote and forcing Gheb's vote? I have already stated I'm taking Sworddancer off the lynch table myself for D1; if that sticks, I should be willing to lend Sworddancer my vote for a Day phase if that's what town wants. If Gheb had someone else, he could lend his vote.

Someone has to pick who gets to control a vote, and that puts some undue pressure on scum as well. Do they avoid it, or do they accept it? How do they use their newfound "double voter" ability?

Or imagine town is split down the middle on lynching Circus and J. We have both as viable candidates. What would be wrong with saying "we're lynching Circus, but J doesn't get to run wild. His vote will go to (player name)", assuming it had limitations? We could then force J to vote for himself the next day if we wanted him to do or potentially just keep dragging him on.

Due to the way contracts work, we can actually have a one day limitation on a contract yet still have that contract be permanent. J doesn't accept? We force him to lynch himself. He'd be forced to accept as long as we wanted.

We can turn any suspected mafia member into a vote slave.

While this should not be the status quo, in times of split decision making contracts allow for Town to have legitimate compromises. The idea that someone will "get away" if we don't lynch them is antiquated when put into this game; they can permanently be under our thumb, and the only thing they can do it scum hunt themselves to convince town... regardless of their alignment.

It gives us some heavy options.

Current Overswarm stances:
-Contracts should be open
-Teamwork should be used; that means town decisions for all major things, such as rules we have to follow with contracts
-Creating a vote slave rather than lynching someone is a viable alternative in certain circumstances; this can be used as a means of compromise

Some thoughts on July

July said:
For example: If everyone has a contract and everyone has a punishment of being voteblocked the next Day for breaking it, and 5 people break their contract, a majority of players wouldn't even be able to vote the next Day. I strongly suggest being careful about contract exchanges and punishments that affect voting for the next Day phase so such an imbalance doesn't occur.
I felt this ring as genuine, especially followed by this:

July said:
I think modifying behavior has much clearer town intent at this point. I am in the process of accepting a contract (amended it and waiting for a response) that is really aimed at me being more active and not posting only walls (I'll elaborate on the details of it if the person who sent it accepts my amendments).
Both felt genuine, but obvious.

July said:
Gheb sent me a contract as well and now that it's official and approved I'll give details: I have to vote 3 different people and make cases on them D1, and I cannot have the lowest number of posts toDay from post #150 onward. As a reward he won't vote or FoS me toDay (but can still voice suspicions of me) and as a punishment for breaking it I would be voteblocked toMorrow.

I accepted the contract knowing that Gheb has had trouble reading me in the past, especially because I write walls. After amending the contract and heading to class, I considered that the difficult part will probably be making 3 cases for the Day, because if I can't do it, I can't do it; I don't want to or feel good about forcing a case on someone. Hence why I started considering punishments, and the possibility of being screwed over by people being voteblocked and simply the possibility of people breaking their contracts in general.

Despite the concerns you raise Circus, I do see town intent by the restrictions Gheb has proposed for J and for myself, and if either of us got ourselves into bad contracts that's our own fault. I'm not suspicious of Gheb for the contracts, especially since he was on of the first to support having contracts out in the open; I'll base my read on Gheb on his play.
This concerns me, because for some reason July accepted a contract she herself warned against. Not only is that suspicious, it's flat out stupid.

I can see no pro-town reason to do this whatsoever. It's incredibly isolated thinking, and has actually put us in a bad position if July is voteblocked tomorrow. If we found that Gheb is lying as stated earlier, we can easily lynch Gheb knowing that this contract was sent.

July later basically said "wasn't thinking, my bad". I'm inclined to believe this is truthful; while it's possible she is scum and just going to double back like that, it is unlikely.

July said:
Raziek said my contract basically allows me to make one sub-par case, but if I fail to make three good cases of my own accord and not just because the contract tells me too I'll be honest about it being a sub-par case. Hypothetical situation though, idk how the Day works out so it might not be an issue.
@July: Please clarify. Do you have a contract with Raziek or Gheb? Both?

From the above with July, I can say that I'm definitely uneasy with her choices and find her to be particularly malleable given her time situation and how off balance she's already become due to her limitations via contracts. That said, I find no scum intent in her actions. They fit the Serial Killer to a T, but I'm not indie hunting yet and it's not enough to peg her on it anyway. For scum though, there's no reason to potentially voteblock yourself in this manner. You don't earn town points, you become a liability. It DOES help save you from a potential SK kill... but I still find it unlikely.

Taking July off the lynch pool for D1 for me, tentatively.

2. th3kuzinator Asdioh
4. Circus
5. J
8. Raziek

Emphasized players:
1. Gheb_01 (independent contract usage, potential lie)

No lynch:
6. July (very tentative)
3. Ryker Sworddancer
7. Overswarm

Thoughts on Circus:


In this post he catches J in accepting a stupid and ****ty contract with Gheb. That's two ****ty contracts for Gheb now, I think.

J said:
It was really bad wording because I meant to say I do NOT find the anti-town thing of what Gheb is doing and which is why I did the exact thing and agreed to sign it. I just really messed up that wording there.
J basically says "I meant the opposite of what I said". Do I believe J?

J said:
I don't really see any pro-town benefit to using contracts in this game by what Gheb said in inhibiting players and helping players acquire reads on your slot/their slot by compromising to things. (Like I tried to do with Ryker for me but he shot me down as soon as he got it).
I don't believe J would say "I don't see any pro-town benefit to (doing something I just did)"; I find it incredibly unlikely. Scratching this from the memory banks.

Circus said:
Your wording also reaffirms what I was suspecting—that the point, ultimately, is to get J to post in black text.
Circus' commentary to Gheb catches something I missed; Gheb was literally wanting J to post in black text.

J said:
I really do not like your reaction to Gheb's contract on me and is extremely just negative towards it. I think you are over-reacting just a tad there Circus with what just happened.
I'm gonna have to come to Circus' defense here; while his response to this was off, the logic behind Circus' statements is sound. Gheb has handed out two stupid, ****ty contracts that do not help town in the slightest and J and July have both accepted them without thinking. That is bad, and is something that should result in a very negative reaction from all of us. Both J and July potentially made themselves liabilities. Should Gheb be scum, J will almost certainly be posting in black and July voteblocked.

Gheb said:
J and I had a lot of conversations about the issue in the past - how the emotional aspect of his play hinders his progress and how it hurts those that try to get a read on them. My intent with his contract between us is so blatantly clear that I never had any doubts that J would accept it or assumed that he'd be surprised by it.
I also find this incredibly odd. I don't know what to make of it, but it stands out to me. The idea of Gheb and J both being totally find with the contract boggles my mind, as neither of them put any thought into it whatsoever from a town perspective.

Gheb said:
@first paragraph

I never outright mentioned skimming to be a problem in this game. In fact, I highly doubt that any of the players except Ryker is really prone to skimming [and Ryker has requested replacement anyway].
Read the contract this way:

"If J is so unwilling to remove the emotional veil from his posts that he'd go as far as to break the contract then he likely feels the need to hide something. In that case his play warrants some more attention, which will be achieved by a restriction that cannot be possibly missed by the others."

@second paragraph

And where is the problem with that? Think about how the restriction triggers and what it means for J to break the contract. By doing so he's openly refusing to give us a better glimpse at his true intents. What "punishment" would be better than to draw more attention to this fact? If you look at it more closely you'll see that the deal of the contract and the punishment serve exactly the same purpose. No matter what J chooses to do in regards to our contract the result is always him being easier to read in some way - whether he breaks the contract or not.

@third paragraph

You're being silly if you think the "ultimate purpose" of the contract is to get J to post in black. Not only is there no reason to doubt J's ability to abide to the contract so far but you also read way too many bad intentions into it still. Even if the "ultimate purpose" of the contract was to get J to post in black there's still not much harm to it. If there's a problem with J posting in black - other than you apparently considering it superfluous - then you should point out how it could possibly be harmful in any way. Otherwise you're not doing anything ... you're accusing me for the sake of accusing me.
And this makes me vomit.

Gheb is simultaneously juggling the idea that "Making J post in black is totally fine, yes it is a punishment but he won't get it, even if he did that's note a bad thing" and then follows it up with an OMGUS attack of "you're accusing me for the sake of accusing me".

The idea that Gheb sent this contract to J with pro-town motives is completely foreign to me. I don't believe it in the slightest. He either made a stupid mistake and wasn't thinking, or made it with anti-town attention. There is absolutely no reason to bring attention to J out of everyone else in this game other than Gheb's arbitrary decision.

Circus' later posts may be touched on later, but this:

circus said:
One last thing: I want everyone to tell me what they think of Raziek in their next post.
Is clearly a planned thought. It wasn't just arbitrary. I'm not willing to take Circus off the list yet, but I give pro town points for that post. Or pro SK. Either or. Just not mafia.

Vote: Gheb_01

Circus said:
Know-nothing townie J receives contract from Gheb (who he has absolutely no reason to trust) proposing that he fundamentally change the way he posts in order to allegedly be easier to read. The agreed upon punishment, should he fail to do this in some way, is that his posts get eaten by black text. His incentive for agreeing to this posting style change and the accompanying consequences for failing to abide to it is...essentially nothing. Why would J agree to this? It doesn't help him. It doesn't help town. And again, this is being submitted by a player that town J wouldn't know anything about. Nothing about that makes sense to me.
This is still driving me nuts too. I can't quite figure it out other than sheer stupidity on both their parts. The only other potential explanation is a D1 hail mary between J and Gheb scummates and that is also mind boggingly stupid.

Circus said:
J's response to me initially bringing this up is also bothersome. Contrast it to the way July responded to me. July says she didn't fully think through the consequences of the contract and recognizes the problems with it now. There's nothing left to do but follow through with the commitment now. This is fair. J, instead, immediately started defending the stipulations of the contract sent to him and expressed dislike for me because I dared to take issue with it. His response wasn't "oh, I didn't really think about it." His response was "I'm sure Gheb means well. Why are you questioning it?" He doesn't question his decision to trust Gheb for a second, but he "really [does] not like [my] reaction to Gheb's contract" because of how negative it is. Why does he have such a strong allegiance to Gheb already?

It also bothers me that when I expressed distaste for Gheb's choice of punishment, he didn't just defend it, he actually tried to spin it into a positive. Overcompensating much?

Thinking out loud: I'm also confused about how text color changes even qualify as punishments since the mod can't enforce them. A modkill or mod vote would at least be distributed by the mod. And if someone's voteblocked, then the mod can account for that in the votecounts even if the voteblocked player tries to vote. What happens if J breaks contract and just doesn't start posting in black text? Is there a punishment for not following the punishment?
Not following the punishment results in a modvote or modkill, iirc.

I'd have to agree with Circus here. I'm willing to move J into the bad zone with Gheb.

2. th3kuzinator Asdioh
4. Circus
8. Raziek

Emphasized players:
1. Gheb_01 (independent contract usage (two cases, July and J) with anti-town punishments, potential lie, OMGUS and WIFOM usage as defense, admitted independent actions without pro-town intent)
5. J (independent and anti-town contract usage (one use, Gheb), vapid and aggressive protection of Gheb's contracts, OMGUS)

No lynch:
6. July (very tentative)
3. Ryker Sworddancer
7. Overswarm

Misc. Gheb

Gheb said:
There's a difference between what one is saying and what one is posting. You can never trust what July is posting because she'll never quite let you know what she's actually saying. You think she's "open and communicative" but that exactly how she wins game as scum - by letting you think she's "open and communicative".

Really, this just confirms that July needs to post more and be open about her reads. You've already fallen for the same fallacy that like 5 towns did and let her get away with it. That's exactly what I'm trying to prevent.
I dislike this. The idea that Gheb and only Gheb will be able to read through July and that his contract will prevent her from mesmerizing town and fooling us all is, to be honest, idiotic.

Gheb said:
Being concerned is one thing - what you[Circus] doing though, is starting to look like PF endgame where you're confusing "scum" with "the guy who doesn't do what I like".
There is little difference in this game.

Basic thoughts on Raziek:

Posts #93 up until D1 starts are pretty late to the party and not really helpful in any way other than fleshing out Raziek's own thoughts. He's done nothing on D0. Null. Needs to post more and make some unique thoughts.

End of Day 0.

2. th3kuzinator Asdioh
4. Circus
8. Raziek

Emphasized players:
1. Gheb_01 (independent contract usage (two cases, July and J) with anti-town punishments, potential lie, OMGUS and WIFOM usage as defense, admitted independent actions without pro-town intent)
5. J (independent and anti-town contract usage (one use, Gheb), vapid and aggressive protection of Gheb's contracts, OMGUS)

No lynch:
6. July (very tentative)
3. Ryker Sworddancer
7. Overswarm


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Rules for Contracts

Contract rules:

1) All contracts must be in plain speak.

2) All contracts must avoid paragraphs at all cost and make simple one or two line statements where applicable.

3) All contracts must use simple English.

4. All contract punishments should add "to be given/activated and taken away at the (name of person who did the contract)'s bidding with no limitation during the timeframe of the punishment".

5. "This contract will be valid only until the Serial Killer dies OR the start of a three or four player day phase OR(other ending)"

Ryker said:
I would go farther and if there is no other guaranteed termination use "the start of a three man day phase" to guarantee votes aren't taken at LyLo.
6. No one gives or accepts a contract with a voting restriction of any sort without publicly announcing it beforehand and getting everyone's input. [Gheb has currently one potential voteblocking contract out]

7. All contracts are open contracts. It is advisable and preferable that no contract remains hidden.

Can you imagine the ****storm town would be in if on D2 July lost her vote and said it was from a Gheb contract and Gheb said "I never sent that"? We'd be put into a 50/50 situation. That could be real bad for something like lylo. Can you imagine if he said "Yes, I did, but I think July is scum" and Gheb was town? We'd almost certainly have lynched Gheb in that scenario. Bad mojo from secret contracts. People like Gheb think they know what's best and when it's in the light it turns out everyone else thinks it's stupid; the fact that it is out in the open lessens its potential negative impact if people don't like it.

For copy pasta:

"This contract will be valid only until the Serial Killer dies OR the start of a three or four player day phase OR(other ending) to be given/activated and taken away at the (name of person who did the contract)'s bidding with no limitation during the timeframe of the punishment".


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
@anyone who has received a contract from Gheb:

Please confirm if he sent his contracts in before or after the timestamps of mine and Ryker's posts at the beginning of Day 0. Just in case I missed anything.

Just to be clear, Gheb has no issue with this.

Gheb's timestamp was for 1:22 PM, indicating he read the thread prior to sending out his contracts and was, in fact, lying.

July, Gheb, you both need to clarify some things.
Kk I can be more exact with times. I received the contract request through Xonar at 1:26 pm, while the contract itself was created (as in the timestamp of Gheb's first post which established the contract before it was sent to Xonar and then to me) as taking place at 1:06 pm. So the contract was created and sent after your post but before Ryker's post.

Is there anything else specifically you want me to clarify?

@July: Please clarify. Do you have a contract with Raziek or Gheb? Both?

From the above with July, I can say that I'm definitely uneasy with her choices and find her to be particularly malleable given her time situation and how off balance she's already become due to her limitations via contracts. That said, I find no scum intent in her actions. They fit the Serial Killer to a T, but I'm not indie hunting yet and it's not enough to peg her on it anyway. For scum though, there's no reason to potentially voteblock yourself in this manner. You don't earn town points, you become a liability. It DOES help save you from a potential SK kill... but I still find it unlikely.
I have a contract with Gheb, what I was saying about Raziek was in response to his #88:

This post by Circus gives me a very good feeling about him. Noting that J signed a contract that J himself agreed is anti-Town is an important distinction to make.

However, my thoughts on behavioral contracts are different from most, it seems. It's partially because it's a private, but I feel like being restricted in how often or the quality/size of your posts can be a really good thing to help us develop as players.

On that note, it's for that reason that I see pro-Town motives in Gheb contracting July to post less walls, and more often, but I think 3 cases was a bit much. That essentially gives her an out to make at least one sub-par case on someone just to avoid the punishment of the contract. That bothers me a bit.

While Circus is right that one could simply "cut down" of their own accord, seeing the contracts go virtually unused would be rather boring.

Continuing on.
My #100 started out addressing this post in the beginning (about behavioral contracts) and then I finished addressing his point about my case restriction, but I did get sidetracked asking J a question in the middle of that.

@Overswarm: I feel like I got a very good idea of everyone you addressed specifically (myself, Ryker/Swords, J, Gheb) except for Circus, whose specific paragraph I felt diverted a little into a further discussion of Gheb and J. Can you give your thoughts on Circus' most recent interactions with J?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Day one


Asdioh hasn't posted much; he has 3 posts and they're all in reference to me saying "go post a list of the rules we've discussed", which I just did above. Currently waiting on his case on Gheb as of the request from Sworddancer in #113.

I don't think I missed much about the "rules" anyway. The key points I remember are be open about your contracts, try to go with what the majority wants, and be extra careful about voting restrictions since it's only an 8 player game. I don't think I missed anything important there.
He missed a lot of important stuff. I dislike this. But hey, maybe he's just not careful.


J again AND A QUESTION FOR TOWN (that means read), and a potential lie:

J said:
You keep acting like this is the biggest problem in the world that I accepted Gheb's contract on me but I have yet to see much "negative" aspects about it besides that it will cause people to have to highlight my posts when they read them.
In a game with 8 players, diverting attention towards or away anyone arbitrarily is probably the single biggest boon scum can have. Just saying.

I have an honest question for you Circus, do you think a posting color change to black will honestly keep me quiet/not a presence in the game? Plus so far, I'm good with this restrction so far with emotion so who's to say I'm going to fail?
You just did the same thing Gheb did. You proclaimed that it wasn't a big deal, but then followed it up with "it wouldn't happen anyway". That's called "stacked reasoning". Kind of the opposite of dichotomous reasoning. Instead of "one or the other", it's both with you. Anyone with siblings has gone through this dozens of times, if not hundreds.

"Hey, go get us cookies from the cabinet"

"But mom said we're grounded!"

"Yeah, but she's gone so she can't see you. Plus if we got caught we'd both take the blame and we wouldn't be grounded for very long"

No one trusts their brothers implicitly during childhood after they realize what's going on in those conversations, and both you and Gheb have done this. It's inherently dishonest because it deliberately plays to both sides and hides information. You pretend you can see the future and say it won't be that bad if it happens, but at the same time can lambast people for saying the opposite of you, even though neither party knows for sure what the outcome would be.

But you know what? I'm going to say you're going to fail, because you're going to fail on purpose.


I'd like for J to immediately break the contract. Gheb will not report the contract being broken in any way, shape, or form.

I'd like to put an end to the bull**** here in regards to pointless contracts.

Does anyone disagree?

There is something I have been noticing so far with this game so far Circus is that you are just focusing on others contracts on one another and not really about scum-hunting on the slots themselves. Sure, you can say that you are making your way to finding scum-reads through pursuing Gheb on his contracts but you aren't really being fair with your pursuit but moreso just honing in on one fact of what he has done that is "You can't have possibly been trying to limit J/July to be able to read them." or "You have nothing to gain from accepting the contract." If July/Myself thought the contracts didn't help us at all, we would not have accepted them. That's the bottom line.
The "bottom line" is that town doesn't like them and you were stupid to accept them. If you're town, you've jeopardized both your own ability to contribute to this game in addition to Gheb's survival. He is very clearly one of the prominent lynch choices today and it is in some part due to his contract with you. Accepting it was stupid.

J said:
You are not correct, in the slightest sense of the word. Yes, I accepted the contract but that doesn't mean I am just going to assume he naturally had the best interests at heart. It's incredibly naive to think as such. At the current time, I seemed to see the pros much moreso than the negatives. Gheb could be scum giving himself a reason to limit myself and July, sure. However, there is no evidence to suggest as such. There is no evidence to suggest the positive either so I went with what do I gain out of this agreement and I liked what I got so I agreed.

You asked a question on Raz, from the beginning he was coming off care-free and now he is begginning to stick his neck out more against certain things. Still null and TBH, I probably am going to be leaning null on a lot of people during this first day phase with purely going off of vibes since this is just going to be a challenge to acquire a read on anyone that is super strong.
If I had a daykill, I'd kill you right now. This post brings you into the "danger" category on its own.

You "see the pros"? The contract does absolutely nothing good for anyone, least of all you, in any way that requires the contract to be agreed upon. You could have easily said "Oh, good idea. I refuse the contract, but will do it anyway". There was no reason to accept.

Gheb could be scum giving himself a reason to limit you and July, but there is no "evidence"? Are you blind? The contracts themselves are evidence, topped off by a heaping slice of Occam's Razor cake. Careful, it's sharp.

What pro-town reason would Gheb have for sending those contracts? There is absolutely no reason whatsoever. It was independently concocted with GHEB's best interests in mind. Not town's. There is absolutely no reason to believe Gheb's motives this game have been pro town at all as he has been actively working against a cohesive town and has instead opted for the rambo approach.

Raz beginning to "stick his neck out"? He's done absolutely nothing of the sort. You're just saying words and not committing to anything. Read Raz's posts and tell me what he stuck his neck out on. Quote it for me.

And the last sentence? Not even worth my breath. If you're a few posts into Day 1 and you try to announce to town that you're probably going to be sticking to null reads in a 3 Day game, you might as well put your head on the chopping block now.

J said:
The bolded bottom portion is really bad for me. Where have I expressed an allegiance to Gheb? Where I have I been buddying him? You are exaggerating the agreeing of his PoV to why he gave me the contract and why I accepted it. You also are twisting what I said when I "immediately defended" Gheb's contract which, in itself, is a bit of an extreme wording because then you say that I started in on you because you "dared" to take issue with stuff. That is not the reason I started in on you, I started in on you because you are purely focusing on the negative of facts and not looking at anything else.

I do not like the way you are trying to word what I said w.r.t. Gheb/Yourself by saying I never questioned Gheb but I began to question you. It's an inflation of what actually happened and actually not true with how you are trying to tell this story.
Where have you been expressing allegiance to Gheb?


A) supported his contract usage with both yourself and July, despite July's having a voteblock and your primary defense of your own contract being "black text isn't that bad" (this is incongruous in comparison)
C) Tell us to "see it from his point of view", but refuse to see it from everyone but yours and Gheb's perspective
D) Share the same OMGUS traits as Gheb. Circus goes after you, you attack Circus. I attack Gheb, Gheb attacks me.
E) You literally support his posts without being asked for assistance

You didn't question Gheb and still haven't. Gheb stated that you two had talked about it privately in other situations and felt it was obvious you would accept, yet when Circus reiterates what Gheb said in the very post I'm quoting and says "am I correct in you not being suspicious of his motives" your answer was "absolutely not, in any sense of the word".

Where is your questioning of Gheb?

Where is your case on Gheb?

What contracts have you sent Gheb?

What advantage or reward do you get from Gheb?

Why is your position on Gheb not completely crystal clear to absolutely everyone at this moment?

Why are you more concerned with Circus being vocal about your relationship with Gheb?

Why are you attacking Circus' process as a means of defense?

Why is there absolutely NO cross posting between you and Gheb despite both of you having separate conversations about the same thing and both of you obviously connected and invested in these discussions?

J said:
Gheb said:
There's a difference between what one is saying and what one is posting. You can never trust what July is posting because she'll never quite let you know what she's actually saying. You think she's "open and communicative" but that exactly how she wins game as scum - by letting you think she's "open and communicative".

Really, this just confirms that July needs to post more and be open about her reads. You've already fallen for the same fallacy that like 5 towns did and let her get away with it. That's exactly what I'm trying to prevent.
This is really true about July, @Circus. July really has blinded me in the past because I thought she was being "open and communicative" but in the end she was being a treacherous witch of manipulation behind her walls. I think you are underestimating her ability to trick people.
Why are you literally backing up Gheb's posts?

You're playing defense J, and you're not doing very well at it.

J said:
I was going to use the contract I already accepted to try and use it to gain me moreso to make a contract with Ryker because he dislikes my emoticon usage. So since I thought if I gave up my emoticons, we could trade off and he could give up his use of the emotion anger/agression.

There is a triangle here, and we can determine truth.


We can't discuss specifics of time, but can you determine the relation between J's contract with Gheb and the contract he sent Ryker? We have already determined that Gheb's contracts were sent around approximately 1:30 p.m., as stated earlier by both July and Gheb, semi-confirmed by timestamps in the thread. This is a gross approximation. You should be able to retrieve this information from the moderator as he is copied on all requests. If J in actuality sent his contract request to Ryker far prior to his one with Gheb was received (remember, J can't know it is coming), you are the only person who knows this.

If J is claiming that he accepted his contract with Gheb merely to gain leverage with Ryker, he is lying if he sent it in prior to accepting it.

Please do note quote things directly.

Ryker first referred to the PM at 2:37, so I am inclined to believe J is telling the truth here.

Regardless of the above, J...

Why did you actually think that would work?

J said:
The contract between you and Gheb is somewhat similar between the one between myself and him. He has talked to both of us about what he feels are weaknesses in our plays after games. It doesn't really do much of anything with regards to affecting my opinion. Intentions are null at best because there are ways it could go.

Personally, I am more looking at to how Gheb posts in the thread than the contracts that he has made.
And what, exactly, are your thoughts on his posts? Where are they?

J said:
I'm voting Circus because I dislike his slot the most out of everyone in the game thus far due to his major focus around the contracts surrounding myself/July/Gheb and not really the play thus far. There is also the major fact of him twisting words a bit in his posts with the major fact of him only looking for negatives in things instead of looking at all the sides of what could be happening.
The contracts surrounding you/July/Gheb ARE play this game.

J said:
I have a very very slight problem with OS so far. I haven't really seen much scum-hunting from him to be honest but moreso, just working around the mechanics of the game and most of his posts are just revolving around speculation. The difference between him and Circus is that he is focusing on more angles that just one angle like Circus in my eyes.

I would also like to see opinions on players from Raziek. I've seen him say he likes certain posts from certain people but not saying whether he likes the person posting it yet. I want to see stances.

I am also confused at Gheb's OMGUS vote on OS which is what it feels like to me based on events in the thread thus far.

I like how Swords is challenging people without being afraid to get his hands dirty which makes me comfortable with him thus far.

The rest I don't really have thoughts on yet.
I like all of the above, including the points on myself.

J, did you ever stop to think that your lack of emotion would result in you posting emotionally yet it not being as apparent? If you're frustrated town sending OMGUS at Circus, you don't look like it. You look like flailing scum.

J said:
Sure, that's fair. I just assumed you would have a few leans or things with the tone of your posts. You keep saiyng "I like X's post." but not referring what about those posts you like in depth or anything about what it makes ya feel for either their post or who they are referring to.

I.E. Let's take your most recent post: You say you like my post on Circus. Yet you don't say what about it you like nor do ya give me anything to work with on your opinion of Circus or myself haha
Like this too. More liking it because J isn't burying his head in the sand and focusing on Circus. Even if this is a scum-based distraction, it's better than the alternative for town.
J said:
An interesting note:

J said:
---Originally Posted by July
@J: Did you propose your contract to Ryker before or after receiving/accepting your contract from Gheb?---

Afterwards, because Gheb gave me the idea after he set up the contract with me.
July is looking into lies on this as well. I am inclined to believe her intentions are genuine and that J is telling the truth.

Answer to J's question:

J said:
Hey OS, why Gheb>Circus?
Cuz I don't have a single negative thing on Circus right now...... until possibly finding one in the next section:

Circus attack on J

Circus said:
Haven't read your wall yet, but I already smell bull**** here.
Okay, first off, no. You read the case first in its entirety, then you comment. Statements like this is how you make stalemates that people can't back down from.

You're too familiar with me and my playstyle to be pulling this. I said it before and I'll say it again: I don't believe you sincerely have a problem with the way I've acted this game. I mean, maybe you don't like it, but you can't convince me you actually think I'm scummy. I'm not going to bore you with self-meta, but this is seriously bringing me back to Majora's Mask. Again.
Also no. Nich frequently refers to Fire Emblem because I gave him a freaking complex. I know Nich's playstyle like the back of my hand and hand picked him to allow us to win the game pretty convincingly. When playing with Nich in other games, he unduly focused on for that performance because he was paranoid about the possibility of me being scum and using him again.

Not a single person in that game could support or deny Nich's attack, and there was absolutely no way to defend it as town without killing Nich. The only thing I could do was ignore it.

If you're going to use meta, don't use it as a defense. It's not a shield, it's an arrow pointing back to yourself. Use meta to get clues. If J reeks to you because you know him well, then by all means investigate. But don't expect town to fall in behind you and certainly don't get on the bullhorn just because of meta.

Follow the posts, make the case.

Gheb again:

Gheb said:
There's no contradiction between point 1 - 3. Just because I wouldn't have held a refusal against her, doesn't mean I can't hold her accepting it in high regards.
That's exactly what it means, Gheb. It's yomi. If I'm scum and I get a bull**** contract like that, I'm accepting it in a heartbeat because I gain free town points and get to do it before any rules are set in place. To top it all off, if I'm even half of a suspect on D1 and survive, on D2 I get to say "Oh no I've been vote blocked by Gheb" and you're immediately lynched, the SK sure as hell won't kill me in that scenario because I'm confirmed mafia and a guaranteed lynch the next day, and town loses TWO, count 'em, TWO Day phases.

In a three day phase game.

Accepting it is more scummy than refusing it. If you can't see that, you need to rethink it. Look at the reaction town has had to you, and look at the reaction to July; she got away scott free with the trade if she's mafia, yet you're taking a whole lot of heat. If she was scum and both you and her survive until tomorrow, she gets to be voteblocked and claim you did it, then town has a choice. Who do you think we'll choose? Occam's razor points straight to Gheb.

Gheb said:
Can you please stop assuming that I'm ********? Since when am I the kind of player to throw the whole game on the line with an uneducated decision? I'm not "potentially ****ing town over". I either use the contract in a benificial manner or I leave it alone completely. No in-betweens.
People aren't assuming you're ********. They're watching you lick a light bulb and complaining about how your tongue burns and commenting accurately.

There's a whole lot of ways your contracts could go, and honestly they've put town in a losing position immediately. Not only do we have to trust you or kill you, but July basically has to fulfill her contract toDay or she can kill town herself with one little lie.

Gheb said:
Not every vote that's not immediately explained is OMGUS. FoS J
Oh gee, that sure seems harsh. This is about as convincing as a high school theater club's play.

Your vote is pretty much the definition of OMGUS. "The one guy that pressured me voted for me?! I'll vote him back and proclaim that HE is scum!"

I'm definitely worried about OS playing the "teamwork" card when all of his contributions in that regard have included [minor] bullying but none of that directly helped in the scumhunting process.
All? That seems like an oversimplification given I've been the one primarily creating town's rules for contracts and emphasizing a collective town agreement on all major decisions. Comparatively speaking, I don't think anyone really holds a bright candle here. You can't lambast me for not being a "team player" any more than you could do the same to J or Raziek.

Noteworthy imo, when somebody has been as active as he has been. Teamwork means cooperating and trying to understand your counterpart's points to come to a fruitful conclusion - not "abide to my laws or I'll get you lynched!" For somebody who's been preaching teamwork so constantly, OS has done very little of that himself.
No, teamwork really does mean "abide to TOWN'S laws, or we'll get you lynched". I'm not joking about that. The moment people decide its a free for all, town loses. In a game where 3/8 are against you, this isn't about coming to a fruitful conclusion by understanding your counterparts. It means following the rules and everyone doing their share of the work.

Incidentally, I think the "teamwork"-aspect that this game supposedly should have has already been over-emphasized and been made a bigger deal out of than it should have. It's something I've seen scumbags do plenty of time [OScum did it too] ... taking credit for a null-tell.
Do you believe this game shouldn't involve a lot of teamwork?

Fair game:
2. th3kuzinator Asdioh
4. Circus
8. Raziek

Emphasized players:
1. Gheb_01 (independent contract usage (two cases, July and J) with anti-town punishments, potential lie, OMGUS and WIFOM usage as defense, admitted independent actions without pro-town intent)
5. J (independent and anti-town contract usage (one use, Gheb), vapid and aggressive protection of Gheb's contracts, OMGUS)

No lynch:
6. July (very tentative, moreso than before)
3. Ryker Sworddancer
7. Overswarm

Same as at the end of Day 0. July is a bit more tentatively on the no lynch for D1 list.

Can't wait to filter through all these responses. Need to hear more from asdioh and Raziek and need to see Circus' actual reasoning. Circus' actions are completely logical in every way at the moment, but I disagree with the path to get there as we can't actively attack that path.

Would be fine with a Gheb or J lynch. Gheb moreso than J, but I feel dirty saying that because they're fairly close.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
A potential fallback plan can be created

So, something that's been bothering me is the numbers.

1 SK
2 Mafia
5 Townies

Mislynch today, Sk is prolly gonna hit a townie. That's bad.

1 SK
2 Mafia
3 Townies

For a lynch to occur, mafia HAS to be on the lynch... or the SK does. That's bad. Assuming we kill town and a townie is Nkilled:

1 SK
2 Mafia
1 Townies

This is bad, and it's a pretty likely scenario for us, honestly. It becomes more likely the more influence scum has.

However, after talking with the mod, I've found we can have punishments that we normally couldn't give ourselves! This makes contracts inherently useful for us.

Should we desire, we can have contracts that will result in MOD votes on ourselves.

In other words, we can set it up via contracts that in any case scum roles outnumber town to a point where town can't possibly win (like the above scenario), we can have it pre-set that everyone will be L-1 at the start of those phases... in addition to any other stipulations.

This in itself isn't something I'm particularly interested in, but I'd like to hear ideas on what opportunities this gives us. Instead of just turning someone into a voteslave, we could literally force them to become L-1 via MOD votes if certain number of townies flip.

As an example, J could be assured that Circus is scum but not get his lynch. If town agreed it was a possibility but there was a more pressing lynch, Circus could easily be attacked via contracts and forced to sign lest he become the days lynch, bringing him to L-1 or L-2 or something of the sort. The details aren't important at this juncture, but it gives town the ability to pre-emptively decide who dies.

If we wanted, we could literally decide on D1 who dies when and set up the contracts so that no one gets the ability to vote for who tehy wanted and certain people were L-1 on certain days.

This gives us a myriad of options I haven't fully looked at yet... but I suggest others think about it as well.

Again, contract rules apply. Don't give out a contract without town approval.
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