Meh. Guess I might as well post this. I don't post enough here in the first place. XD (or at least I don't think so.)
First of all, let me remind you I'm trans, which is a lot harder to accept than homosexuality/bisexuality...
So... I've never come out to anybody outside of my mom (and the internet. XD), and it's really bothering me a lot. Especially once I came out here, I don't know why, but it makes me hurt even more that I can't be myself in real life...
So anyways, there's this girl I know, and we're pretty close (under my definition anyways..) I have told her a lot about myself (even told her I want to be a girl, and I want a dress. :o) and really I'm thinking if there's any hope in the world for me to come to anybody and be accepted it, it is her.
The only problem is I don't know her view on transgendered people. I know that she's accepting of the different sexualities and she supports Gay Marriage, but I don't know otherwise...
And... yeah. I don't know why I'm asking you guys. This is my own personal decision, and none of you know her... but I just needed something to say. XD
Seriously, though, I feel she is my only hope... There's just so much that could go wrong and it scares me. >_<