Remo Knows
That is by far not only the most incoherent garbage I've ever read, but such pointless, inappropriate, prejudice trash I've seen in a while. I don't mind people not accepting homosexualty, but jeez, you just sound like an idiot. If you're going to come in this thread and fling **** around, at least speak like you're older than seven. I would go on, but DarknessOfHeart covered all the bases. You 'da man, DoH.Oh my holy god...I am sorry, but I can't control myself, I just have to ask this, I am sorry, it's just you know I can't control it........are you a homo b/c you lived in Texas? OMG I am so sorry, it's like a talent, I just can't control it.
On top of that, during your prom night...was it special? Umm good call that you weren't wearing white, and oh yea, the classic: can you sit up straight?
My mean, you are really helping yourself to be taken serious anyhow, come on man. That's way too much Peach to tell us that you are gay. We got it, you are gay, so tone down the pink and all that...and dude, at least try to hook up with a girl. Grow up faster.
For god's sake, how could you not like girls? COME ON! What's there not to like about girls? Your body are made for sex, at least use the right equipments. Ok, ok, ok, I am done. Be a giver.
Sexual identity isn't so black and white. That's the beauty of it. Live life and discover who you are. Maybe you're bi, gay, straight or whatever. A lot of people don't like using those labels. Basically, do whatever you do or love whomever you love that makes you happy.So, what i have been thinking lately. Is that I may be bi. I personally believe that it is more about the person you are than what it is on the outside. Would you guys agree with this?
I'm twenty. Whoo.As a question, what's everyone's age? I'm 18, for reference. Just to find out the irony of Mr. "Grow up faster"
And "aww" @ you and your friend. bffs are fun~