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Left 4 Dead Series (New DLC planned!)


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
I also noticed that during the finale one of the Commentary things mentions having the Chopper Pilot becoming infected as a part of the tied in plot of the four movies, but they decided to remove it. But during the No Mercy Finale the chopper pilot mentions having an "incident" which is obviously him being bit, and thus infected even though they said they removed it.
I am willing to bet that to remove it, the Pilot was immune. Either the Pilot died due to infection (face it, not all diseases have the same effect on all people. The graffiti said that the infection took effect from 4 days to 5 minutes, with the "churchguy" [sound familiar TF2 fans? the guy who voices the scout is the same guy who voices the crazy son of a ***** who tries to get you killed] saying that he was bitten an hour before [and inferred turned]) or was turned into an infected (which the audio clips support. Of course, with 4 gun wielding individuals, including one 'Nam veteran and one biker, didn't last long) before, so that the copter crashed(I guess copter piloting wasn't one of Bill's 'nam skills). You just had to tweak details (like claiming that the Pilot was immune)


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2008
Man, I haven't played this game in a few weeks. -_- I still need to get the Expert achievements and others. I've been playing Zelda: TP since GameFly sent it to me. Such an awesome game though. Anyone hear any more news on the upcoming DLC for PC/360? I'm sure Microsoft is going to charge 360 users. :/


Nov 11, 2007
Plymouth, Massachusetts
Man, I haven't played this game in a few weeks. -_- I still need to get the Expert achievements and others. I've been playing Zelda: TP since GameFly sent it to me. Such an awesome game though. Anyone hear any more news on the upcoming DLC for PC/360? I'm sure Microsoft is going to charge 360 users. :/
Valve is holding off on releasing the DLC until it passes Microsoft's 360 inspection. And, yeah, 360 users are getting charged for the extra content. Microsoft has to make money off everything.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2008
Valve is holding off on releasing the DLC until it passes Microsoft's 360 inspection. And, yeah, 360 users are getting charged for the extra content. Microsoft has to make money off everything.
Ah, I didn't realize it was already in the inspection phase. Good to know. I'll be buying it for sure provided it's not unreasonably priced. I doubt it will be though, I know Valve would do it for free but Microsoft is just greedy.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
Ah man...the Nothing Special achievement (take no damage from special) includes Tanks and Witches...thanks Valve, thanks a lot. Witches? No problem, give em a face full of lead. Tanks? That is were the problem lies, chances are that some time throughout your entire campaign that not every Tank situation will be ideal for Molotov+Full Health= Dead Tank.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
Heh, I'm pretty sure everyone that would join that group already posts here frequently. Not to mention the whole 360/PC thing, not everyone here has the same version.

@Mic: I hate challenges, keeping the other special from doing just one damage is hard enough as it is >_> At least it's not "Untouchables" difficult.

epic of DE

Smash Journeyman
Feb 27, 2008
Newark, DE (only a mile from University of Delawar
Yeah unfortunately for myself I don't have a computer strong enough to play this and the times that I normally get a chance to jump on steam are fridays when I meet up with my smash partner at his dorms.

My own preference is versus normally on Blood Harvest so if you play on a friday night send a message on steam to srules and just say...left 4 smashboards so I know that your from this thread.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2008
Kawaii Hawaii
there is a room where if you kill off the initial swarm, you can sit in the back of the room, and the zombies wont find you.

epic of DE

Smash Journeyman
Feb 27, 2008
Newark, DE (only a mile from University of Delawar
You mean the one room where the infected have to break down and then once you go in the "closet" not even a tank messes with you if you go into the corner right?

I thought that was fixed and besides I really meant getting the acheivement through actual skill and teamwork instead of taking advantage of exploits.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
I thought that was fixed and besides I really meant getting the acheivement through actual skill and teamwork instead of taking advantage of exploits.
Funny story time!

No Mercy stage 2, in which the survivors go through the subway. If you are unlucky enough to spawn a tank at the very beginning, the survivors can run and hide in the vent; it's impossible for the tank to get in there or hit you at all. If the tank DOES manage to get in there, he can't swing and he has a lot of trouble moving.

This happened the other day and I said something along the lines of "Oh, great. This is going to be a game comprised of who knows the most exploits" and someone on the other team said something like "This isn't an exploit."

I asked him what he meant and he said it was simply using the environment to the best of their ability, which is true I suppose. But I don't think the designers meant it to be used in this way or at least not so effectively.

He then went on to equating it with using a pipe bomb after the boomer vomits on you.

I laughed and just trolled the hell out of him.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.
^You did the right thing.

I sincerely hope they fix the breakable door in NM3 and remove the freaking vent at the Safe Room in NM1. You take 60 damage, but you skip the ENTIRE apartment descent.

I also hope they remove the objects from the NM4 Elevator Path.

And now my BIGGEST and most CONTROVERSIAL idea:

When you reload, you CANNOT spam Melee WHILE reloading- this instead cancels the reload (Unless you have a shotgun.). This removes one of the most annoying and broken exploits in the game.

Another one- Survivor Melee attacks no longer STUN Special Infected, save Boomer's and Horde's, but it still deals damage.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
When you reload, you CANNOT spam Melee WHILE reloading- this instead cancels the reload (Unless you have a shotgun.). This removes one of the most annoying and broken exploits in the game.

Another one- Survivor Melee attacks no longer STUN Special Infected, save Boomer's and Horde's, but it still deals damage.
I'm completely with you on the first one. And the thing is, it wouldn't really be a sweeping change...just something that's sensible.

Although, I'd take the other side than you on the last suggestion (and I feel Valve would too): melee can stun all it wants, just don't make it do any damage. This way, if you're a hunter and you botched your pounce, at least you're going to get some damage in as the survivors will likely hit one another with friendly fire.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
Another complaint I have is Hunter Pouncing Incapped survivors, can I tell you how many times I've been aiming for the poor, lonely, Team-less sap trying to revive his LAST LIVING Incapped teammate and pounced the Incapped survivor without meaning to AT ALL? I can understand that you would want to pounce Incapped Survivors that are alone, but when it's down to two teammates and you Incap the one that CAN'T kill you it just gets annoying.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.
LOLOL I've gotta share this with you guys!
So I'm a Smoker in NM4, on the floor with the elevator. Two players got left behind and are just coming out the door leading to the counter. I try to grab one with my tongue but the other guy bashes him, he goes free, and now I gotta wait 20 seconds for my tongue to recharge. I try getting away so I move to the left, into the room that looks like it used to have an elevator but doesn't anymore -- you know, the one you can use to scale the different floors. The guy turns the corner, and now my only escape is to go back and fall down to the first floor. I do it, and then the guy playing Bill tries coming to the edge to shoot me.. AND HE SLIPS AND GRABS ON TO THE LEDGE. The guy playing Zoey turns around the corner, notices Bill there, and then, LOL TRYING TO SAVE HIM, HE JUMPS OFF AND GETS INCAPPED LOLOL
Hooooly, it was funny to see.
Wow, that IS funny.

Could you get it on fraps?

EDIT: Since NOBODY checks the L4SB anymore, I'm putting up ideas for L4D DLC:

I thought of another Mega-Infected, like the Tank.

It's called: the Lurker.

You see, it looks like this:

It's smaller than a Tank (It's actually almost as small as a standing Hunter) and has 1500 health, is faster than healthy Survivors, and has claw attacks that deal 20 damage.

So what's its deal? Well, for one thing:

IT CAN TURN INVISIBLE. Yes, it can cloak with the environment and the Survivors would be none the wiser. They make loud slurping sounds and leave slimy footprints wherever they go. They can even hover up onto walls and ceilings, although their bodies drip heavily with disgusting slime.

For their main attack, they can shoot globs of webbing that traps Survivors to the ground in a downed state. The recharge for this attack is about 40 seconds, so a good tactic is to glob on single survivors, claw at them, then turn invisible and sneak away for the time being.

However, the main advantage of being a Lurker- you don't have a Rage Meter. You can be him for as long as you want. Better yet, due to the Lurker's arrival, the nearest exit points are blocked off by webbing to keep survivors inside and looking for the Lurker so they can kill it.

Lurkers can claw at Survivors even WHILE cloaked, though they can be shot at. However, if they turn invisible and shoot a glob, they'll return to solid form. Furthermore, a single glob can only cover up one Survivor at a time and it takes a single melee attack to free them. Worse yet, the glob on its own does NO damage, but DOES attract a large amount of Horde.

And more ideas for Special Infected:

The ones I'm talking about are smaller and missing their middle legs.

These ugly S.O.B's are called Vamps- not because they can fly or suck blood, but because they can hang from ceilings and wait for incoming Survivors, then land on them, causing small to large damage, depending on distance, and stay on Survivors for until another Survivor can knock them off.

Vamps have 300 health and move slower than Yellow Survivors. Their main attack isn't an attack- rather, it causes the Vamp to jump directly upwards and hang from the place they jumped to. You're able to move around on the ceiling too, although your movement will be severely hampered. You then press primary attack again to then drop from the ceiling to the ground. If you hit a Survivor, then he's downed and you do continuous damage to him, about 15 pts per 5 seconds. You can be interrupted by gunfire and melee attacks.

Secondary attack is a leg slash that deals 10 pts. They also make croaking sounds when nearby or on the ceiling.

Another idea:

Don't be fooled- the Tumbler can be a deadly foe in the right hands.

With a whopping 800 HP, you'd think the Tumbler should be a Mega Infected. But no, as he has many disadvantages that will get him unpopularity.

First, his normal form is SLOW, only catching up with Survivors with 1 HP left. His claw attack deals 5 pts of damage and HE. CAN'T. JUMP.

So, what is he good for? Simple- he rolls faster than a pouncing Hunter. When you hold down primary attack, perspective switches to 3rd person as he rolls into a ball. You can still move in this ball form around the map, but you move considerably faster, as fast as a standing Hunter. However, when you press secondary attack WHILE in ball form, you shoot in whichever direction you were facing. This goes about eight feet or so, and you can tackle survivors to the ground, dealing at maximum 40 pts of damage, depending on height, length, and speed of roll.

However, Survivors can STILL shoot you while in ball form and will even slow you down. Best thing to do here is to shoot yourself away- recharge is 20 seconds and even though you're fast, you can't outrun bullets. And though they seem different, you can always tell a Tumbler from a Boomer because Tumblers wear trench coats and seem to CONSTANTLY carry around tequila bottles.


Name: Andre

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Former Occupation: Drug Cartel & Wanted Criminal

Bio: Andre, a Navajo prisoner, was sentenced to death for indirectly killing thousands of innocents. However, he was saved by Hell when the Infection broke out. Most people ran out of the country. Being the arrogant and cocky one, Andre stayed with his trademark Flamethrower and blew his way out of the prison, now seeking to escape Eurasia with his three fellow teammates. For Andre, this is only fighting to stay alive- business as usual.

Name: Carlson

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Former Occupation: Technological Specialist

Bio: All he wanted was some peace and quiet from the busy world of America. So the overweight computer geek Carlson took the first plane out and flew into Eurasia, where he stayed at a nice hotel, up all night on whatever sites he visits. However, being the lazy (and superstitious) type, he stayed there, not wanting to return and have more responsibilities. When Carlson heard about the breakout in America, he was thrown into panic and ran away, knowing that he would soon face this threat. On the bright side, all those House of the Dead sessions finally paid off, and uses his Machine Pistol with lethal force.

Name: Soniah

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Former Occupation: Assistant Archaeologist

Bio: Little Soniah was well on her way to being one of the greatest explorers the world has ever known. Thankfully for her, the mountain she camped out on turned out to be the one place devoid of humanity- when the Infection struck, her and her fellow explorers were safe. However, Soniah knew better than to stay around and wait for help, but was forced to stay by her rude teacher. She snuck away one night with her trusty Bolt-Action Rifle. She remembered the next day popping a zombie who looked a lot like that teacher...

Name: Jonah

Gender: Male

Age: 43

Former Occupation: Former Israeli coastal sniper

Bio: Jonah wanted change. After the Gulf War, Jonah moved to America to escape the fighting. He decided to open a televisions warehouse- it proved unsuccessful. However, when Jonah realized he had to close up, the Infection hit- being one of the few that was immune, he grabbed his Magnum and sped out of the city. Now this immigrant from Israel, though slow on English, commonly let his weapons do the talking. He is highly religious, often turning to God in times of need, and believes above anything that humanity brought out the Infection on their own.


WHAT FPS is complete without an incendiary behemoth of destruction? With the Hunting Rifle getting a new 1st stage, the standalone weapon now switches to the beauty of the flame.

IT can reach up to five character distances away, and sets any nearby zombie on fire. It does not reload, BUT it can overheat. If you overheat it three times, it automatically breaks, meaning you must find more ammo and use pistols for the time being. However, it can fire for up to 400 total seconds, making this a powerful weapon indeed. You can continue to stream foes on fire even if they're burning for extra damage. YES YOU CAN MELEE WITH IT.

Straying from the current Pistol, this new sidearm gives a whole new meaning to stopping power.

The Magnum, like the pistol, has infinite ammo. Now that's where similarities end- the Magnum has six bullets capable of one-shotting a Boomer from ANY distance (at least when aimed correctly.), and CAN be dual wielded with another Magnum. You can only wield two pistols of the same type, so you must switch out during gameplay. However, the Magnum has faults- it has the longest reload time of the pistols (3 and a half seconds.) and has the same firing rate as the Pump Shotgun. However, a headshot with this thing spells death for almost ANY Horde or special infected- great for dealing with Witches at a fair distance, but useless against the faster Infected.

Along with the Magnum and Pistol comes the Machine Pistol, or the MP for short!

This has less range, less power, and more unwieldy firing rate than the other sidearms. However, this weapon fires VERY VERY FAST and can rip apart doors in seconds. Best used for up close, it has a ammo capacity of 5- bullets- it takes 4 and a half seconds to empty the entire clip and takes 2 and a half seconds to reload it. However, its killing power is good ONLY for Horde- it takes a baffling three seconds to kill a Boomer with it. Combined with a fellow MP, however- this gun is monstrous, downing an entire Horde in less than half a minute!

The Hunting Rifle has a child now- the Bolt-Action Rifle! (BA Rifle from now on.)

This thing is like a Tier 1 Hunting Rifle, with the same amount of power and reload time. However, a weakness- this weapon is BOLT ACTION and has eight bullets at a time, so its firing rate is the SLOWEST in the game. It's range is also SLIGHTLY less than the scope, as instead of scoping, you use its iron sights, which are still VERY accurate. Best used against Infected at long range.

Though completely non-lethal, the Flash Grenade can help you in a pinch!

Got a Boomer around the corner waiting to splooge on you? TOSS A FLASH.

Got a Smoker on a rooftop and need him disabled? TOSS A FLASH.

A Tank beating your group down? TOSS A FLASH.

Though less common then its angrier brethren, when tossed, the Flash detonates upon the count of three after thrown. AnyTHING (Yes, even Survivors.) that sees the flash is temporarily blinded for about 10 seconds, during which time regular Horde stumbled about in panic and Special Infected unable to see, as well as causing any Vamp who sees the blast fall from the ceiling. They can still move about normally, however. Witches, however, are immune to Flash Bangs and WILL go after the one who threw it if the blast was in her range, so be careful!

epic of DE

Smash Journeyman
Feb 27, 2008
Newark, DE (only a mile from University of Delawar
For some reason that link doesn't work Microscopic but I like those ideas smashbot but they seem too close on the line of broken and unfair.

I actually thought of special infected that for the most part don't excell at kill survivors but moreover slowing them down or limiting their abilities...

Like...the "sweeper" (my names suck)
I dunno what it should look like but this infected actually moves faster while crouching (four legged) and it doesn't have the generic swipe but instead has two timer abilities. its first is a simple sweep that knocks a survivor off their feet and it takes them 3 seconds to get back up and in FPS view (on a 5 second timer so the survivor isn't trapped) This doesn't inflict damage and also doesn't count as downing them even if they were in dangerous health. Its second ability actually temporarily hamstrings a survivor and for about 30 seconds move at the rate as if they were wounded (ex: green moves like a yellow, yellow moves as though they are in the red...and red is red). It also inflicts 10 damage and is on a 30 second timer so a single sweeper couldn't wreck the entire group on their own.

The second one I was thinking of is meant to punish melee spammers and I called it "De-Armer"

Perhaps a pickpocket in pre-infection these infected still have the urge to take anything that another has and have it for their own. It still has the standard claw (4 damage-ish) Its special is unique in the fact that they can steal from survivors. Should it reach a survivor it can grapple with the survivor and given enough time steal either supplies such as med-kits, pills, or even their two-handed weapon if their lucky and the survivor has to track down and kill it before they can pick it up. Even if they don't get to grapple they are capable of the weapon of a survivor if they are melee'd (sticky hands) and while a De-armer can only hold one item that is one less thing the rest of the horde has to worry about.

I though of these a while ago since technically only the boomer is a true support infected while all the others are only capable of killing and I thought these would be perfect to punish campers and melee spammers. After three seconds of getting knocked down is all it takes for a De-armer to reach you and steal something...


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
I think I posted it a while back, but I like the idea of an infected that can throw his hand and latch onto someone's face doing damage. The hand would regrow after a while. Other one is like the torso zombie from HL2, but move a lot faster and grab onto people's legs. Does small damage and makes them move at 1hp speed. add in the fact that you can see your own legs now makes me like this idea.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
@ Microscopic_128: You can only see your legs if you turn the detail up enough. I think.

@ epic of DE: The reason that that link isn't working is because Smashboards has editted out one of the words. If you open it up in a new tab and look at the address, you'll see the there are a whole bunch of ****s where there should be the word 'd'a'm'n'.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
So Survival Mode will include two new campaigns, and Death Toll and Dead Air will be included in Versus mode? Or is Survival Mode just some mode with the same old campaigns?


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
I'm gonna take 1 wild guess, the new Vs Campaigns are going to be Death toll and Dead Air.

Anyway, My Birthday is in 1 month, so I should get that soon.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
Yes, Outside the Bolt rifle I didn't give a ****. A tier 1 Rifle however, might be OK.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
Yes, Outside the Bolt rifle I didn't give a ****. A tier 1 Rifle however, might be OK.
I don't think a Bolt Action Rifle would be my "weapon of choice" during the Zombie apocalypse...Video Game or not these Zombies aren't just lining up and taking turns firing at each other, Automatic is the only way to do it!!

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
I don't think a Bolt Action Rifle would be my "weapon of choice" during the Zombie apocalypse...Video Game or not these Zombies aren't just lining up and taking turns firing at each other, Automatic is the only way to do it!!
Agreed. Unless you're dealing with Plagas...I hate those **** things.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
Yeah, then again technically the Pistol can be considered the tier 1 Rifle in Theory.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2006
SUNY Binghamton / Suffolk County, New York
I read part of it. I kind of stopped when i came to the invisible wall climbing faster-than-healthy-survivor that does 20 damage a hit. Oh and 1500 health. And it can throw up on people. Better hope your *** has surround sound, else your ****ed.

Anyway, I do think a 1tier rifle would be good. Pretty much a sniper rifle without the damage/fire rate/zoom option. Or maybe a crappier zoom option.

EDIT: Pistols is kind of first-tier rifle, but it lacks the firepower a primary weapon would/should have. (Not saying that pistols are bad, I think double pistols > everything but rifle/autoshotty.)


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.
I read part of it. I kind of stopped when i came to the invisible wall climbing faster-than-healthy-survivor that does 20 damage a hit. Oh and 1500 health. And it can throw up on people. Better hope your *** has surround sound, else your ****ed.

It constantly makes slurping noises and they get louder when you get nearer to it. Also, it leaves behind slimy footprints that are easily distinguishable. And the puke does NO damage, it just incaps them- even then it STILL does no damage.

Anyway, I do think a 1tier rifle would be good. Pretty much a sniper rifle without the damage/fire rate/zoom option. Or maybe a crappier zoom option.

EDIT: Pistols is kind of first-tier rifle, but it lacks the firepower a primary weapon would/should have. (Not saying that pistols are bad, I think double pistols > everything but rifle/autoshotty.)
Well, pistols are pistols- they aren't Tier 1 Rifles for sure- I mean, they LACK a zoom option, can't pierce through zombies/thicker walls/etc, and have sh*t firepower ANYWAY.

Anyway, I thought of another Infected idea:



The Creeper- easily the most difficult class to play as. WHY?


1. It has no attacks, other than Claw, which still deals 5 damage.

2. It has the lowest health in the game (30)

Now, you may be wondering why you'd USE this class. I'll tell you-

It can actually TRANSFORM into one of the survivors, even adapting to current health, weapon selected, and even gaining the same USER NAME as the copied player by pressing Primary Attack. It even has the same human sounding voice commands and the ONLY way to find out if your "teammate" is a Creeper is by shooting it repeatedly until it dies. Even better- Survivors can even USE their medical kits on Creepers, healing the Creeper and wasting the kit itself!

Of course, the disguise you get is ALWAYS random, so you may spawn as Louis in front of the real Louis.

Another plus- you CAN shoot with your current gun at zombies to keep your ruse up- however, they are "blank" rounds and deal absolutely NO damage. It still looks good though. Even better, Hunters, Smokers, and Boomers can still even TRAP you or BILE on you and it deals absolutely NO damage- your teammates know what you REALLY are and pretend to strike at you. Even the Horde, when biled on, will only attract you to the Survivor's position.

However, you cannot use anything outside the blank weapon you have, and you come out of your disguise when you claw at someone or get shot.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
. It even has the same human sounding voice commands and the ONLY way to find out if your "teammate" is a Creeper is by shooting it repeatedly until it dies.

and you come out of your disguise when you get shot.
I think you just broke your own logic.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
True Puddin, he broke his own logic. (that and that you pretty much made a L4D zombie version of the spy from Team Fortress 2 in essence [yes, I know that there are differences between that two, but still])

epic of DE

Smash Journeyman
Feb 27, 2008
Newark, DE (only a mile from University of Delawar
Sorry didn't mean to ignore you smashbot

but those infected are a tad bit...unbalanced, either being overpowered in corridors or useless in other situations.

The survivor ideas are pretty good but I REALLY WOULDN'T want to be the fat kid in this game.

Fatties are zombie bait in horror movies.
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